Top Law Firms in Cary, NC

Chair Caning & Wicker Repair Mooresville, NC. 704-235-8171 (By Appointment Only) – is honored have to you join our network. We wish your business to have continued growth and succ...Read More…
Attorneys David Mahlum and Holly King provide Criminal Law and Family Law services in the Raleigh/Wake County area.Read More…
All of the Raleigh lawyers at Hopper, Hopper & Mulligan, PLLC are committed to using their experience to provide compassionate and attentive legal guidance. They offer assistance in the fields ...Read More…
Thank you for connecting with Chair Caning & Wicker Repair 704-235-8171, it is a pleasure having you in our network. We wish your business to have continued growth and ...Read More…
First of all I would like to say that I have never been to the clinic in Cary NC. My review is based on what I know of Dr. Chris Rayala who is a physician there now. Dr. Rayala is beyond an amazing...Read More…
Business, Employment, Unemployment, Personal Injury & Workers' Compensation AttorneyRead More…
Sole practicing attorney in Raleigh, NCRead More…
At Montgomery Family Law, we are dedicated to protecting our clients' interests in the most effective and efficient manner possible. We tailor our approach to best meet each client's needs, with th...Read More…

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Alexander & Doyle PA


By anon

Very poor practice. I suppose if you are looking for someone to cause distress in your family (especially for the children) and deceive the court, the other party, and even you, then this is a perfect place for you to take your money. If however, you believe in integrity, honesty, and are looking for someone to help you to fairly and honestly resolve your family issues, you might want to run far in the other direction. more

Ingram Law Office


By Andrew F at Customer Lob

I selected attorney Ingram to represent me for a DWI case, based on a strong recommendation from a very close friend. This friend described him as ultra prepared, caring, and compassionate to his clients' matters.\t\nThe process of being charged with DUI until final verdict in court is a long and grueling one. The process includes everything from being pulled over, to performing sobriety tests, to being arrested and processed downtown. You should also expect to deal with less than pleasant state employees at times, endless continuances in court, which all leads up to one big day in court. When I say big day in court, I mean your chance to play David versus Goliath, Mohamed Ali versus George Foreman or Boise State versus Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. You should expect to play the role of the underdog at your day in court, in that convictions are more likely than dismissals. \t\nBased on my above description it is obvious I have a love for sport and competition. I received my DUI the day after I graduated college. I spent three years trying to put myself in position to coach football, teach in the public school system, and make a difference in today's youth. Unfortunately this charge carried a sentence of 30 days-2 years in jail, so everything I had worked for now hung in the balance of the justice system. I needed a really good lawyer as I had wasted money in previous DWI charges with some of Raleigh's so called top dogs. My experience was that some of the most noteworthy attorneys in Raleigh seemed less "crouch"ing tiger, and more hidden dragon. Whenever I needed to know where my case stood, my representation could not take the time or effort to return a phone call or give honest assessments of my odds in the big game. I had paid top dollar and my attorney was nowhere to be found, hidden behind the courtroom doors that the common never sees behind. Rubbing elbows with very same people that wanted to see me convicted. The justice system is a very hard thing to comprehend, as it doesn't seem to treat everyone the same. Some people walk free, while others spend time in a Wake County jail...I speak from experience. Again, this time I needed an attorney that had my best interest at heart.\t\nAt my initial consultation with Mr. Ingram, I felt right at home. He took plenty of time to hear not only about the facts of my case but to develop an understanding of who I was as a person. The charge date was December the 13th, about two weeks before Christmas. Mr. Ingram not only listened to my story intensly, he was also able to help me find some peace in my heart through a very tough holiday with my family, and I greatly thank him for that. Most importantly I truely felt that Mr. Ingram took me and my story into his heart, and was ready to put up one heck of a fight come game day. Throughout the 11 months of continuances, i always felt I could call and ask questions about the status of my case. I found Barbara, his secretery, to be wonderfully courteous and helpful. Again, this isn't something you should expect from the "crouch"ing tiger. At best, you might get a secretary to fill in a few details of your case. \t\nAs gameday approached for me and Mr. Ingram, he was willing to set up appointments to hash out ever single detail of my case, ensuring we would be prepared to pull off an ultimate upset of the state. He was so ultra prepared and ready to articulate on gameday I just felt a inner peace with whatever the outcome, in that, win or lose, I knew we would play a tough game and would be hard to beat.\t\nToday, November 9th, was gameday. Mr. Ingram orchestrated a most miraculous perfromance that I will never forget. He was Perry Mason at his finest, he was "the greatest" taking all the best shots of our stronger opponent and when the time was right, he started firing debilitating blows. I do not exaggerate when I say he had 2 Raleigh police officers in circles like elementary schools kids trying to explain what happened on the night in question. "Objection" he would say at least 20 times during the three hour trial, coming out successful at least 15 times. Each minute of the trial was another round that Ali had outlasted Foreman, and it was weakening the legs of the champ. Floating through the facts like a butterfly and stinging the state like a bee, he was doing it...he was pulling off the ultimate upset right in front of my eyes and those of the in the courtroom. Other attorneys were in awe, the crowd was on the edge of their seats. For three hours not an eyelid blinked as he carried the fight.\t\nMr. Ingram had a sound and perfectly prepared game plan, and put us in position to take the win. He wrapped up his closing agrument like with absolute eloquence. It's one thing to get the champ on the ropes, but a whole other to actually put him on the mat. You cannot really write a closing argument, you have to roll with the punches. Mr. Ingram's closing was 15 minutes of brutal punching power, a melancholy masterpiece that proved enough to move not only the masses but the only person in the room that truly mattered, the judge. As the NOT GUILTY verdict was read, I felt like I had been born again. My dreams could again be reality, we had shaken up the world.\t\nI would absolutely recommend Randy Ingram as an attorney that will show you respect, compassion, and will fight with relentless ferocity. He also has kind and respectful staff willing to meet all the needs of his clients. Most importantly he took me into his heart and allowed me to live again.\t\nThank you Mr. Ingram for a wonderful and memorable performance that hollywood could not have scripted. I'd like to say we did it, but really you did it!\t\nFor those who even think about having a few drinks then firing up the car.....cabs are cheaper than lawyers! more

Law Office of Dennis Jay Sargent Jr, PLLC


By Chair Caning & Wicker Repair

Chair Caning & Wicker Repair Mooresville, NC. 704-235-8171 (By Appointment Only) – is honored have to you join our network. We wish your business to have continued growth and success. To help with your success here is five stars for your great company. We would also like to extend a special discount to our connections & their clients, just mention Merchant Circle for discount. Let us help on any Chair Caning or Wicker Repair needs. Services Include: Rush - Fiber or Natural, Pressed Cane, Hand/Strand Cane, Splint, Blind Cane, Danish Cord, and Wicker Repair. Visit our website for photos of recent repairs. more

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We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Law Office of Dennis Jay Sargent Jr.. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Law Office of Dennis Jay Sargent Jr, PLLC November 29, 2011

Civility on Both Sides is Best for All Parties Involved

Recently there was an article in The New York Times about debt collectors and their desire to be paid a little respect (June 12, 2011 issue). This brings up an interesting subject, not just in debt collection but also generally on how we communicate. In today’s world of cellphone, email, instant messaging and social media the need to be aware of the context in which your message comes across is even more important than in the past. Because of the lack of face-to-face social interaction and the void that is being spanned with new electronic communications, individuals need to step back and think before they hit that send button. The cellphone can make bullies out of each of us. Too many times people say things that they would not say if the person they were talking to was standing in front of them. The electronic wall makes everyone a little bit more daring and bold. When it comes to debt collectors the key is to remember that they are people also and they are tasked with doing a job. Common courtesy and manners go a long way in getting what you want and generally that includes stopping the harassing calls. There is an old axiom that stays “it’s not what you say, but how you say it.” This is never truer than today when it comes to electronic communications.  That being said, you, as a consumer, should never have to be harassed, belittled, yelled at or talked down to. As they are trying to do their jobs, debt collectors need to be understanding and professional as well. Many people do not know that consumers are protected from debt collectors by the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act.  The Federal Trade Commission has prepared a pdf file of the complete Act that is available for download at  The Fair Debt Collections Practice Act, FDCPA for short, sets out the federal standards by which debt collectors must conform. Many states have supplemented the FDCPA and enacted their own set of rules and regulations concerning the collection of debts. In North Carolina it is contained in Article 2 of Chapter 75 of the North Carolina General Statutes, referred to as “Prohibited Acts by Debt Collectors.” Consumers should consult their local communities to see if their particular state has enacted additional legislation. The FDCPA is in place to protect consumers from harassment, abuse, false and misleading information and unfair practices by debt collectors. The act also provides for civil liability for violating the provisions of the FDCPA. North Carolina also has similar protections and liability which runs concurrently with the federal protections of the FDCPA. Consumers are protected from calls by a debt collector during unusual hours, generally referred to as after 8:00 pm and before 9:00 am debtor local time. If a consumer is represented by an attorney and the debt collector has knowledge of that representation, than they are not permitted to contact the consumer, with a couple of small exceptions. Finally, the debt collector cannot contact the consumer at his place of business if they know or should have reason to know that the consumer is not permitted to receive such communication at their place of work. These are just a few of the limitations placed on debt collectors, there are many more prohibitions and restrictions on what can be said and how it can be said. When dealing with debt collectors a consumer should take the offensive and not feel afraid or threatened.  You the consumer have just as much right to ask questions and quiz the collector on their practices and your debt as they have to question you. Remember, the number one thing is to remain calm, cool and professional. If you have received collection calls in the past or expect to receive calls take time to write out a list of questions that you want to find out. For example, the debt collector should know exactly what you owe and whom you owe. A half dozen prepared questions can provide you and your attorney with great information should you need to work out a negotiated settlement or need to file bankruptcy. In addition, this information is very helpful should you have to pursue a complaint for a violation of the FDCPA or your state statute. Some examples of questions would be: 1. What is the legal name of the debt collection company? 2. What is the name of the company you are attempting to collect for? 3. What is your account number and what is the account number for the company that you are trying to collect for? 4. How much is the current debt and how was that calculated? 5. How much do I need to provide to pay off or bring the debt current? How long is this number good for? 6. What is the address to make a payment too? What is the address for sending correspondence? Don’t forget to ask for the name of the person that you spoke to. In some cases debt collectors are afraid to give out their real names because of fear of threats or reprisals for their collection efforts, so make sure to ask if that is their real name and if they have an ID number so you can reference the conversation in the future. Make sure that you keep good notes of the time and date of the call and the questions you asked and the responses they gave. In some states it is permissible to record the conversation. Check your local laws to see if it is legal and then get the debt collectors consent to record the call, they do it so you should to. There are a lot of stories of the tactics that debt collectors use to try and get consumers to pay. These go from threatening arrest, judgments, civil and criminal prosecution to bodily harm. There are also cases where foul language, intimidation or racial slurs have been used. In most cases this is not the norm, but they do happen and when they do it is important that you have documented the calls so that you can use it to pursue a violation against the debt collector. However, if you are not professional or if you get into threats or use unpleasant language yourself, your chances of recovery and having the collection efforts curtailed becomes more of problem for you or your attorney. Remember, that debt collectors are not to be feared. They cannot threaten, harass or mislead you into paying the debt. If they violate their standards of conduct, you have rights and protections under the FDCPA and possible local laws. Be calm, listen to what they are saying, document the call and then contact an attorney that can help you stop the abuse. For more information about bankruptcy, Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, contact Dennis Jay Sargent Jr, at 919-654-4545 or visit us on the web at Dennis Jay Sargent Jr is a North Carolina attorney that focuses his practice in consumer bankruptcy. The Law Office of Dennis Jay Sargent Jr, PLLC is a debt relief agency, helping people file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy relief under the United States Bankruptcy Code. We are also a proud member of the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys and the American Bankruptcy Institute. more

By Law Office of Dennis Jay Sargent Jr, PLLC July 05, 2011

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