Top Tour Operators in Asheville, NC 28803

Experience Asheville, North Carolina's thriving beer scene like never before as AVL Beer Bus takes you around the city's diverse local breweries. With well-thought routes, we make sure you won't mi...Read More…
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By Sarah chatham

I am an experienced traveller, returning from a trip to Viet Nam. After having used the services of Fugazy Travel in organizing our trip, I recommend other travellers using this travel agent. they are very dishonest,  in addition to being a very poor travel agents. Our trip was a logistical diaster thanks to poor planning on our travel agents part. Further more, Fugazy lied to us on numerous occasions about the services we were receiving and the quality of our trip. Essentially, we paid him for a 4-star trip, and he provided to us a 1 or 2 star Overall, a terrible experience. Avoid Fugazy travel services at all costs!!!!!! more



By craig hoffman

I have never been more disgusted in a business in my entire life. Fugazy Travel is a company that has screwed over many people in the past and when they mess up the always have one thing to say. "oohhhh thats to bad, did you purchase travel insurance?" Well no I didn't I thought I travel agent that I just wrote a check for $6,000 would have remembered to put my tickets for the PLANE IN MY TRAVEL DOCUMENTS!!!!. God forbid me me and my new wife just married got to sleep in the same bed on our honeymoon! and make sure you get us seats on the plane where we cant even see each other. ohh, and don't forget the private car that picks us up when we get to a foreign country that didn't arrive! And all you can say was "did you purchase travel insurance"? I don't know if Travel Insurance would have covered your incompetence!!! IF YOU ARE READING THIS DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND PLAN YOUR OWN VACATION, IF YOU BOOK THROUGH FUGAZY YOU WILL REGRET IT!! more



By charles dawson

It' would take a full webpage to explain how bad of a company Fugazy Travel is, lets just save you some time and me. do not do business with this company. they never deliver what they promise and will take you for all you are worth! The worst experience of my entire life! more

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