Top Finance And Taxation Services in Springfield, MO 65804

Thank you for your needed service! I hope you continue having success in your area of expertise! Also I want to thank you for networking with us! If there is anything we can do to be of service to ...Read More…
The trusted "go to" resource for everyone 50 and beyond in the community for products, services, healthcare options, entertainment, agency resources, information and encouragement. Serving the comm...Read More…

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Thank you for your needed service! I hope you continue having success in your area of expertise! Also I want to thank you for networking with us! If there is anything we can do to be of service to your company, please, don't hesitate to contact us at Ray more

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Some Drugs Worsen The Reason For Use

In case you missed this news analysis from the The New York Times, I'd like to share it with you. It is an good, informative read, one I believe you will find of interest when concidering perscription choices. On a similar note, my personal experience with family and friends has show a gradual addiciton to Dr.'s visits, testing, perscriptions and then even more drugs to allay side effects of those medications. This can continue in a vicious cycle until a person becomes totaly dependant on the medical industry their life's entire acitvity is centered and focused on 'the illness'. I know very few people who are NOT taking some form of pharmaceutical medication, whether over the counter or perscribed. It would seem this has become a way of day to day living. It is one I do not share nor believe in. This is one such personal experience I hope you enjoy reading.  With Health Care front and center in a concern of today, it makes sense to look at all options. What is it we really want in terms of personal health, how we can go about getting the needed care and what we can do to obtain truely substancial support medically. more

By xango November 05, 2010

Looking For Ways Of Giving Back?

Many of us in business, despite the economic down turn still know and are grateful for that business. For most of us that business is a passion and we work it with all the diligence we muster on a daily basis. Often comes the time for which we feel compelled to share the goodness we have been given. Xango offers a way to express that thankfulness through their Goodness Meal Packs. If you or your business would like information on how to donate please contact me Watch this video and see what your tax ductable donation will do. Warm Regards, Rita more

By xango October 27, 2010

Call Me Crazy

Hello, Merchant Circle! Well, I never thought I'd have to admit to being 'crazy' but I guess I have to. But for years, I believed if I worked for a company, went to that job 5 days for 40 hrs or so a week, I could retire in relative comfort. Again, I believed the company would 'watch my back' with insurance, 401K's and be forever grateful for my performance, loyalty and willingness to treat their business as passionately as my own. I fell for that 3 times! Always picking myself up, dusting myself off and trying again believing the next employer would be different. (sounds like a bad relationship, doesn't it?) In various ways it always ended up the of the payscale, hard working loyal employee loving her job, making good wages, bonuses and BAM the economy hit the skids and all of a sudden I'm looking for employment...and making less income. Some might say I'm a slow learner, some would say I have a bad picker for companies, and some would say, 'That's just how it works', when you work for someone else. Still others would say, 'Do you know the definition of insanity?' Lastly, a few would scream, 'ARE YOU CRAZY?' to what I subsequently decided to do with my life.... Maybe age had something to do with it, I don't know, but finally...FINALLY, after 20 some odd years, it dawned on me that there were literally THOUSANDS of folks who were way richer than I. What did they do, or know, that I was not doing. Well for starters, I observed, they worked for themselves. They took risks, got into niche areas of demand, lived their creativity. THEY were the company, the free agent, the entreprenuer. I asked myself, 'Why not you?' Okay, so ask and you shall recieve. I asked and I recieved. An angel appeared in my life that led me to a new way of believing. She taught me to live my passion (helping others), start my own business, reflexology. Since then other guiding angels have come into my life as I embraced my new belief of becoming what I had observed, admired and desired in living my passion. I have included a video that helped me see more clearly what it was I wanted, where to go and how to get there. I'd like to share that video now...   Robert Kiyosaki   This so helpful that I have even branched out, adding demension to my new found beliefs. I invite you to visit the sites listed below. If you are seeing yourself in any of my experiences here and are tinking about adding demension to you own life, let's connect.    smartcorner   and work for yourself Thanks for spending some time with me today, I appreciate your attention. Regards, Rita more

By xango September 18, 2010

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How to Avoid Paying Taxes

Many people have made the argument that income tax is a voluntary or even illegal tax – from a jail cell.  Tax evasion is a serious... read more

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