Blogs from Designers in Saint Louis, MO

Seanad gaps

It's that time of the year we're our heat is turned on and up to keep us warm . So if you have hardwood floors don't freak out and think something is wrong if you start seeing little gaps between the boards . Heat is dry which means it pulls moisture out so the wood dries up and will shrink a little , these are called seasonal gaps if you have seasonal gaps they will close up in the spring and you will have saved money on any repairs ,]. WandW Flooring tip of the week more

By WandW Flooring November 19, 2017

U think u work hard !

Hard work we all hear it but what is it really . To some it's physical or mental . Well to make it to the top and stay there u got to out work hard work I'm sick of the crying if u want something that bad you get tunnel vision no one exists the world stops spinning bc u are so obsessed with the end results! Now those people that relate,no that's hard work more

By WandW Flooring November 07, 2017

Bounce Rate vs Exit Rate - Google Analytics

Understanding tracking data can be confusing. One of the popular questions we get asked when looking at Google Analytics reports is "What is the difference between bounce rate vs exit rate?" Although they sound similar, they have very different meanings. Here is a simple and effective guide to understanding bounce rate and exit rates in your Analytics reports. Understanding Bounce Rate Simply put, bounce rate is the percentage of people who landed on a particular page of your site, and immediately left. When looking at the Bounce Rate vs Exit Rate percentage, it's important to look at all the data before coming to any conclusions. Full article available here: more

By Web Design and Company November 12, 2014

Hiring a St Louis SEO Firm

Hiring a St Louis SEO FirmPosted by David Kley, on July 2, 2014Hiring a St Louis SEO firm can be a difficult task. As a company owner, you have to decide what is the best fit for your advertising, optimization and marketing needs. With so many companies claiming to be a local SEO expert, how do you know who to hire for your search marketing? First, SEO is not a cut and paste type of service, and finding the right SEO company to handle your website optimization can be the difference between being on page one, and not being relevant in consumer searches. Web Design and Company constantly gets asked "What makes your SEO company better than the competition?" Well, sometimes we are, sometimes were not. If your company is looking for quick fixes to rise to the top of search results, we may not be the best fit for that type of SEO management. Our strategies are both short and long term, focused on providing sustainable rankings for your St Louis business. We have put together a brief list of what you should look for when hiring a St Louis SEO firm, and how to judge if the company you are hiring is a good fit.Read the full article here: more

By Web Design and Company July 14, 2014

Guide to Online Marketing and SEO for 2014 - St Louis SEO

Guide to Online Marketing and SEO for 2014 Even though 2014 isn't yet officially upon us, it's a good time to start thinking about your online SEO marketing strategy for 2014, and the coming year. The internet is a constantly changing landscape, and Google has changed the way that their search works with the latest Hummingbird algorithm update. As we have seen before with Panda, and Penguin, there will be updated versions of this algorithm, and those updates will impact search query results. No one can say for sure how Google will change search for 2014, but we can look at 2013 as a guide of where they are looking to improve the quality and relevancy of search results. The best time to look at your marketing strategy, is before the changes officially take place, saving you the fast paced rush to get your content and quality fixed after you have seen a ranking drop. You can identify the strategies that worked, and those that didn't. I want to share what we believe to be the deciding factors for ranking high in 2014 for your keywords, based upon the data we have gathered. Predictive Search Gets Even Bigger Over the past year, you may have heard a lot about the importance of your context, and content of your marketing strategy. This should be a dominant item in every part of your online marketing, from your website, to your choice of CMS or platform, to the timing and voice behind your message. Now that Google's Hummingbird algorithm update is in place and being refined over the next year, you can expect the search engine to be more conversational in the way it communicates with your content and listings. One of the largest focuses of Hummingbird, was to decrease the focus on exact match keyword optimization, while still returning a relevant result. Partial-match keywords, selecting the right topics, and making sure you are targeting the right segment of your market will be more prominent in 2014 then ever before. As it gathers more information and data, Google gets smarter at understanding content - See more at: more

By Web Design and Company January 24, 2014

Top 5 Social Media Marketing Tips from the Pros - St Louis SEO

Top 5 Social Media Marketing Tips from the Pros So the holiday season is over, and if you are like me, you are probably wondering how to get your web presence noticed a lot more for the new year. Social media can be one of the easiest ways to do this. I know, you have probably heard that a million times, but what does it actually mean? If you are looking to improve your social media marketing and gain social trust factors within your business niche, it does not have to be a time consuming ordeal. In this post, you'll discover social media strategies the pros use(and some that are used here) to boost their social media marketing. Enjoy! #1 Research Popular Content From Your Competition One of the simplest ways to save yourself time when trying to gain an audience, is to see what a particular audience is already becoming engaged in. If a type of content is already popular with your competitors and colleagues, it is logical and reasonable that it will be popular with your audience. Keep in mind, this is not about copying or stealing content, but rather about creating content around a similar subject matter, with a different viewpoint. The great news is, there are many different free tools that can help you see what is popular with a particular audience. SEMRush allows you to see what keywords bring your competition the most traffic, so you know what keywords you need to target. Wordstream is another great tool, that allows you to dynamically analyze and manage keywords and queries in real time based on traffic and conversions......... - See more at: more

By Web Design and Company January 24, 2014

The Google Hummingbird Article You Should Have Read

The Google Hummingbird Article You Should Have Read Google's Hummingbird engine update was released on September 27, 2013, and has caused quite a stir in the world of SEO. Ironically released on the "birthday" (15th anniversary) of Google, Hummingbird was a long awaited change to the way that search queries were processed, and SERPs were presented to users. In this post, we will explain what you need to know about the Hummingbird update, and how this will affect your SEO and results for 2014. 1. Hummingbird is NOT an Algorithm Update Hummingbird is not an algorithm "update", it is an integrated update to Google's search engine at its core. Whereas Panda and Penguin affected up to 15% of search queries after all the updates for them were rolled out, Hummingbird affects more than 90% of all search queries. Let me say that again, Hummingbird affects more than 90% of all search queries done on Google. That's huge, considering that over 5,922,000,000 searches are done on Google EACH DAY. (source link) What does that mean, and why did they do it? When Hummingbird was introduced, it allowed the Google search engine to do it's job better by providing an improvement in semantic search. The trend for internet users today, is for users to use a process called "conversational search". Conversational search is when a user types in a query that is closely related to they way that we naturally speak, rather than searching based a structured set of keywords and location. With Hummingbird enabled, Google can now provide better answers to long-tailed queries, even if the page or website is not specifically optimized for them. - See more at: more

By Web Design and Company January 24, 2014

St Louis SEO and SEM Services

St Louis SEO Company | Web Design in St Louis Web Design and Company is a St Louis SEO company, that provides Web Design and St Louis (Search Engine Optimization) Services. With over a decade of optimizing websites for the web, and top search engine rankings, our expertise provide real world results, that are visible through track-able data and reports. If you are looking to get your St Louis business on the front page of Google or Bing, call Web Design and Company for a free website analysis today of onpage performance, and your inbound marketing results. We can tell you how your website ranking can be improved, and begin helping you to generate internet leads and begin ranking at the top of search engine results today. Web Design and Company has helped hundreds of businesses in St Louis achieve their online goals through proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and internet marketingsuccess. If you are new to the SEO world, you can learn more about what it is, and how it works with our SEO Guide. Not wanting to here all the jargon you have heard before, just want us to prove our knowledge? Take a look at our blog, where you can gain valuable insight into the world of SEO, and how it is changing the way you interact with the internet. View ourSt Louis SEO blog. Here you can learn about Google'sHummingbird Algorithm Updates, catch up on the latestSEO tips, and seewhat SEO really isand how it works. We look forward to helping you with all yourSt Louis SEOneeds, and are happy to offer all potential clients a free website review and SEO consultation. You can also learn about our company on these fine website directories: St Louis Business DirectorySites Web DirectoryAngies List more

By Web Design and Company January 24, 2014

Local St Louis SEO Services

St Louis SEO Company | Internet Marketing Services Web Design and Company is a St Louis SEO company, that provides St Louis Internet Marketing and St Louis SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Services. With over a decade of optimizing websites for the web, and top search engine rankings, our expertise provide real world results, that are visible through track-able data and reports. If you are looking to get your St Louis business on the front page of Google or Bing, call Web Design and Company for a free website analysis today. We can tell you how your website ranking can be improved, and begin helping you to generate internet leads and begin ranking at the top of search engine results today. Web Design and Company has helped hundreds of businesses in St Louis achieve their online goals through proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and internet marketing success. When you are looking for a localSt Louis SEO companyto take care of your online marketing and SEO for your business, contact the SEO experts at Web Design and Company. more

By Web Design and Company June 06, 2013

Choosing the Best Local Business Listing Directories to Submit To

Choosing the Best Local Business Listing Directories If you are reading this page, you are probably aware of just how many local business listing directories there are. There are literally hundreds of places where you can list your business online. Many different factors determine what are the best places to list your company online, in the pursuit of more business and leads. So the big question is: what are the best local business directories to list your company on? Knowing Who Feeds Who The first step in knowing what are the most effective local business directories, is to know some super secret information. (Be prepared). Not all directories actively feed Google, Bing and Yahoo directly. Some directory sites supply information is what is known as a "passive feed". Passive feed sites allow data to be collected when their database is crawled by a search engine, and looks for changes or new information (i.e. your new business listing). These are the least desirable of local business listing directories, as they don't supply the information when it's created. The time between when your listing is created to when it actually displays in a search engine result could be months, if ever. This can still provide value however, as the listing is yet another way of verifying your business exists once the listing is crawled. Pushing vs. Pulling - The Powerhouse Directories Now we move on to the big players. The larger directories are usually the most desirable listings, but also have the highest competition when displaying your listing. For example, when you create your free listing on Yelp, your business could have other company's listing show up next to yours, giving the user a lot of choices on which company to select. Making sure your listing is as complete as possible can help your company show up higher, as many directory site award more time spent on the details, and "completeness" of your listing. The largest benefit to selecting to list on the larger directories is that the do what is called an "active feed" to Google, Bing and Yahoo. This means your listing is pushed to the Search Engines, rather on waiting for them to crawl the database directory. It may sound absurd that the SERP's would accept this information, but you have remember that the Search Engines always look for fresh, new information to display in results, and give weight to large directory sites with high pagerank. Ok, Tell Me More! When making a decision on what directories to spend the time on, knowing who will have the greatest impact on getting your business to show up is key. Setting up a separate account for each listing, on each site can be very tedious, and time consuming, but ultimately have a positive impact on your search engine placement. To learn how Web Design and Company can help you increase your company's visibility in search engine results, please contact us here. Contact Web Design and Company. more

By Web Design and Company May 13, 2013

St Louis SEO Company

A St Louis SEO Firm Dedicated to Your Success Web Design and Companyis aSEO companybased out of St Louis, MO. Our group was formed from a large group of SEO developers passionate about making websites perform well, both visually and for content flow, while getting consistent high rankings in SEO results. Our passion is getting you the highest organic and paid listing possible, as quickly as possible. By using the latest SEO algorithm techniques, we ensure a higher ranking, that's more consistent through each Search Engine algorithm update. How Our Process Delivers Results Our goal is to improve your web traffic, but also increase your business. Please read below for a brief outline of our process. Free Consultation Session: We will discuss your business in depth. We want to understand your services, products, and goals for your company. It's important for our Search Engine Optimization strategy to be aligned with your business needs. We guide your business through the whole process and discuss objectives, your ROI needs, and our SEO process to deliver the desired results. Website Analysis: The first step is to check your current website for Search Engine quality and compliance guidelines. Our SEO team will address any issues which affect your SEO ranking adversely, and create a plan to improve the results you see from your website. We want to make sure your site drives conversions, not just increased web traffic. Keyword Research and Analysis: One of the most important steps in modifying or creating a new website is keyword research. having the correct keywords, that are actually being searched for by users, is critical to the success of your site. Based upon our research, we will see what are the strongest keywords to target, which fall in line with your business needs and goals. Our final selection of keywords ensure that once higher rankings are achieved, we also drive conversions and a return on investment. Content Creation and On-Page Optimization: Once the keyword terms have been agreed upon, we will then begin to address the on-page content of your website. This area directly reflects the keywords choices used, and making sure that the site content is viewed as "authoritative" on the subject matter is important. Our copywriter's will create new or additional content, new meta data, press releases, and videos. We can also write articles that release on a timed release, to make sure your site content stays up to date. Creating Sitemaps: Think of a sitemap as the map to your whole website. By properly creating and submitting a sitemap to search engines, we ensure that your whole site is visible, and not just any one page. By creating priorities for certain pages, we can tell Search Engines every time new content has been created, and give immediate updates to your site structure. Sitemaps can have a very positive effect on both your site's visibility, and SEO campaign. Search Engine Submission: Your site URL will be submitted to all major search engines, after all SEO items have been addressed. This allows the search engines to become aware that you have made changes, and also that your site exists at all. Monthly Keyword Tracking: After all items have been submitted, we monitor your keyword progress twice each month. This allows us to see at any given point where we rank in all major search engine for any given keyword, service, or phrase we target on your website. One of the benefits of our proprietary software, is that it allows us to see where your competitors are at for the same given keywords. A report can also be generated for a certain date range, to see how site traffic has improved over the past 3, 6 or 12 month period. Website Analytics: Our dedicated website analysts monitor the performance of your site completely, from the number of site visitors, keyword placement, time spent on your site, and overall success of your SEO campaign. We are always looking for ways to improve you traffic and conversion rate, and discuss opportunities for improvements based on or analytics data. Your website succeeding is at the forefront of our business model, as your success is our success. more

By Web Design and Company April 23, 2013

Internet Lead Generation

High Performance Lead Generation Generating leads for your St Louis, MO business can be a difficult task if you are not familiar with Internet lead generation techniques. Knowing what marketing advice to trust, what marketing techniques to use, and what media outlets actually provide results can be a time-consuming mountain of information to process. Web Design and Company - a St Louis Based SEO business, has leading-edge software, and years of marketing experience directed solely around one purpose; to generate additional leads for your company. By putting in place our structured lead generation program, and optimizing your current website and business listings, we put your services and business in front of consumers when they are actively searching for them, not with expensive advertisements that do not provide a desirable ROI. The first step in beginning a successful lead generation program is knowing what your goals are. Many of our current clients that have come to us for help, often have various methods in place trying to gain additional leads, but have no way of tracking the results, In some cases, media outlets they had based a ton of time and effort in were not doing anything at all for conversions, or bringing in additional web traffic. Everyone has heard the expression "Jack of all trades, master at none." Using ineffective media outlets to gain additional leads not only wastes time, but resources that could be better directed in a different area. By not having a structured outline, it becomes harder to focus on each specific area, and also harder to track each campaign. Okay, So How Can You Help? You are a person that likes to get to the point, and we like that. The first thing that Web Design and Company will do to effectively generate leads for your St Louis company, is to look at what items currently in place actually work, and disable the ones that don't. For example: While it may work in some instances, spending hours a week blogging because an Internet SEO "expert" told you it was a good idea doesn't necessarily bring in additional Internet business, or help your potential client base decide to contact you once they get there. We will analyze all aspects of what your business currently has in place while looking at factors such as: Time Spent on Page Referring Links (incoming and outgoing) Current Social media campaigns Current on page and off page SEO Active Back-linking campaigns Keyword placement in Search engine results related to your services Existing blog or news feed ....and much more! And all this costs...? All the services and monitoring of your website's various campaigns are included in our flexible monthly hosting and SEO packages. By offering our services this way, we can help your business with gaining additional web traffic and additional leads, no matter what the size of your company, products or services that you offer, or what your monthly Internet market budget is. Please contact Web Design and Company at 314-499-8253 more

By Web Design and Company March 23, 2013

Saint Louis SEO Consultants

SEO Consultation Services At Web Design and Company based in St Louis, we want your company to understand all the aspects of your SEO campaign. In your initial consultation, we help you understand all the details of what go into targeting valuable local search terms. Our services are transparent to your users, and focus on results, and user experience. Our business strategy is based upon what our proven results show are the most important factors in presenting your business not only to search engines, but to your potential clients as well. When we are hired to provide SEO consultation services for your business, our goal is to form a long lasting partnership with your company. The days of paying for a website, and then letting it sit and gain rank are over. Due to the ever-changing requirements and quality guidelines from major search engines, WDAC does not promote any SEO services that would be considered "black hat" SEO. This certain form of optimization can damage your websites ranking permanently, and cause your website to be blacklisted, therefore resulting in decreased visitors / decreased operating revenue. We Offer: Compelling Designs, that promote site exploration, and increase visitor interest. Search Engine Friendly copywriting, with an easy to read layout Effective On-Page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Effective Off-Page SEO - Meta Data, Backlinking, Social Media, Article Submissions, and Promotions Copy that presents you as a expert in your field, and the strengths of your products or services vs a competitor more

By Web Design and Company March 23, 2013

SEO Friendly Internet Marketing

SEO Friendly Internet Marketing Strategies Having a proper marketing strategy in place is one of the most important aspects of your business. Our St. Louis SEO experts know what it takes to get your business found. Making sure that your business can be found online when a potential client searches for your products or services means expanded growth, and larger amounts of incoming revenue. Over 60 percent of all users go to the internet to find the products or services that they need. The main question is, are they finding you, or your competition? Don't worry, we can help. Making your business got found online is our speciality. Take us up on our offer, and get a free consultation to find out what Web Design and Company can do for your business. Call us at 314-499-8253, or fill out the form to the right to have a representative contact you within 24 hours. more

By Web Design and Company March 23, 2013

Why Hire a Local SEO Company?

If you currently have an online presence, you have probably at this point had at least 50 people spam your email forms about how they will magically enhance your online presence, and get you on page on of Google within a few weeks. If it was that simple, everyone would be one page one, and there wouldn't be such an emphasis on finding a quality firm to rework your company's website, and provide Search Engine Optimization for your St Louis business. For over 10 years, Web Design and Company has been providing companies in the St Louis Area with Search Engine Optimization, that provides business with a top ranking and placement within search engine results. Our real world approach to optimizing websites for Google and Bing has brought in additional leads totaling in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. How? Simple. By using the latest keyword tracking technology, and SEO techniques that are current to latest Google and Bing standards and guidelines. If you own a business and want more leads, you owe it to yourself to give Web Design and Company in St Louis, MO a call, or to fill out our online request form. We will give you a free website analysis, and no false promises of "front page of Google within a week." After all, isn't it more valuable to provide your company with real-world sustainable results, than to hire a "get rich quick" SEO contractor? We are located local in St Louis, and offer flexible appointments. more

By Web Design and Company March 23, 2013

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TechDux LLC


By Anonymous

Prompt, professional, great communication and overall experience! I really felt that he took everything i wanted and put it together and even after i asked for a million small revisions it was done without it feeling like a hassle. Thanks TechDux!! more

Web Design and Company


By Complete Lawn Care Inc

I hired David of Web Design and Company after talking to a few different companies and already having a company in place working on SEO. I decided to make the change and am glad I did. We started with a rebuild of my website and have since been working on my SEO. I have been receiving a steady stream of calls and online estimate requests for my services, much more than previous years and more than when the other SEO company was handling things. In just a few short weeks we already have the number 1 listing for my service in my city. I also left this review on their Google+ page more

Web Design and Company


By Custom Glass Etching

Web Design and Company is always on top of projects, with great communication and feedback. Excellent content development and SEM/SEO results. Always eager to respond quickly, and help whenever possible. Highly recommend. more

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