Top Arts and Crafts Stores in Minneapolis, MN 55413
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T C Vocal Arts
By Dan Sola February 03, 2014
I started workibng with TCVA in my 40's -- never having sung or knowing anything about my voice. Angela's patient and persistent work helped me discover I am a tenor and was able to audition and sing for 5 season's with Vocalessence as well as take on other singing opportunties. Most of all it helped me get in touch with both my body and my creativity in a whole new way. My speaking and ability to relax in public settings greatly improved. I learned my voice is connected to my entire physical being. Sadly I am moving out of Minnesota after ten years of studying with Angela but the work we did together will continue to make a difference for the rest of my life. Give it a shot for yourself -- dream big.. more
By ChloeBeadLady at Citysearch September 01, 2011
I couldn't even believe the amazing prices when I first went to this bead store. It really is a hidden gem; the best in the city. They have VERY unique items that you cannot find anywhere else. They are small with a small staff and sometimes they do not have a couple essentials in stock. But they make up for that with their extreme helpful, friendly staff and great prices. \t\nPersonally, I really like to help out the little locally owned stores rather than the big rude giant stores. Hope you do too. GO HERE! more
SR Harris Fabric
By me77777 at Citysearch May 28, 2010
Have you tried this store? If not, I recommend that you do more
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Calcium is not Just for Bones.
We’ve all heard that we need to get enough calcium to have healthy bones, but did you know that calcium can help with high blood pressure, premenstrual symptoms, kidney stones, and weight management? Dr. Robert P. Heaney, M.D. a calcium researcher and member of the Osteoporosis Research Center at Creighton University in Omaha, Neb has found that when we are deficient in calcium our body releases parathyroid hormones which stimulate our bones to release calcium into the blood. These calcium-regulating hormones cause the smooth muscle walls of our arteries to constrict raising our blood pressure, and they stimulate the production of fat as well as inhibit its breakdown. As a result, the body stores fat and holds on to it stubbornly, even on a low-calorie diet. The calcium-regulating hormones also stimulate the kidneys to secrete less calcium which can cause a buildup of calcium in the kidneys which may contribute to kidney stones. A study led by Susan Thys-Jacobs, M.D., of St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital in New York City has found that women who suffer from PMS appear to have elevated levels of these hormones during their menstrual cycle. She explains that it’s no accident that the symptoms of PMS and calcium deficiency are similar. Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in our bodies and the majority of this calcium can be found in our bones with the remaining being found in our blood and soft tissues. The calcium in our blood helps support many body functions, including: muscle contraction, proper functioning of the nervous system, blood clotting, blood vessel expansion/contraction and secretion of hormones and enzymes. Because of this the symptoms of calcium deficiency can be quite varied. Early Signs and Symptoms: Brittle nails, Dry skin, Yellowing of the teeth, Depression, Irritability, Insomnia, Palpitations, Muscle aches and weakness, Muscle cramps, Eye twitching, Leg tension, Arm tension Now you might be thinking I drink my milk, get plenty of dairy products and I take a good calcium supplement but you still have many of the early signs and symptoms of calcium deficiency. New research is finding that consuming animal proteins can cause acidosis in our body. Acidosis is a condition where the body has become too acidic. This acidic state stimulates the body to release acid buffers into the blood and one of these ways is to pull calcium from our bones. There’s a reason why they put calcium in your favorite antacid. The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) has lead new studies that show eating more fruits and vegetables can neutralize the acid-producing foods in our diet which appears to be an important key to reducing calcium loss from our bones. The acidity or alkalinity of any solution is indicated on the pH scale. Generally, the normal acidic level (pH) of our blood is 7.4. When the pH level falls below 7.35, we then say that acidosis has occurred. So getting enough dairy products and taking a good calcium supplement may not be enough to ensure proper calcium levels in the body. Evaluating our food choices and increasing our consumption of live fruits and vegetables will help insure that the calcium we take is put to good use. Paula Frost CMT more
By The Circle of Healing Arts February 21, 2012