Top Advertising Agencies in Mankato, MN 56001

This past year, we realized that our website needed a LOT of work to get to the point where we felt it needed to be. Our previous site was very confusing and hard to follow. Our patients need a sit...Read More…
Advertise with Alpha Media North Mankato. Does your business need a fresh marketing campaign? We can help plan create and execute an affordable campaign geared just for you! Give me a call to set u...Read More…
YAMAHA RHINO RECALL You need the trust and integrity of a law firm who can deliver you the compensation you're looking for. The McEwen Law Firm is here to help if you or someone you love has been i...Read More…

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By Dennis Athey, Owner, Audibel Hearing Center

This past year, we realized that our website needed a LOT of work to get to the point where we felt it needed to be. Our previous site was very confusing and hard to follow. Our patients need a site that is user friendly and easy to read. We feel very fortunate that we chose PresenceMaker to help us completely re-do our website. more



By Matt Midthun, Owner, Deep Creek Media

Working with Theresa at PresenceMaker is something I would recommend to anyone looking to work with an honest and experienced group of people. They have deep knowledge of how to optimize your website for online rankings and ultimately sales. Theresa will also help you utilize the social space to market your brand and earn a positive return on your marketing dollars. I can't say enough about the quality of work and great relationships you will get in return when decide to work with PresenceMaker. more


I have been very impressed with the work that PresenceMaker has done for our firm. They have helped us with optimization of our site explaining the issues involving optimization and how we can make the site friendlier to search engines. more

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E-Commerce and Business App Development Company in India - Yapps

Yapps is a division of Udeels Technologies has a mobile application platform provides cloud based ecommerce, business app solutions, customer/sales centric and web solutions. The company is emerging as a top-notch in ecommerce and Business App solutions space by offering comprehensive and easy to use solutions in developing branding, taking the business to online, promoting and day to day and minute to minute transactions to customers. Mission Our mission is to provide scalable and rich eCommerce and business solutions platform that help entrepreneurs, whether small, medium enterprise or startup to building brand, daily business activities, reaching and engage customers with easy and improving loyal customers all under in one umbrella. The platform has very good useful features for both online and as well instore businesses and also helps business categories to move from doing business from unorganized way to organized. Some of the Yapps Top-notch Features 1. Cloud based data management platform 2. eCommerce App and Business App solutions 3. Payment Gateway with multiple payment options 4. EPOS 5. Integrated promotional tools(SMS, Email, Notifications, Social Media Marketing, Customer data building) 6. Google maps  7. Highly rated sales management and sales check out features 8. Oder management(Admin, Business owner and sales) a. From Admin b. App 9. Invoice and billing management  a. Mail copy  b. Printing the invoice with various sizes(A4, 80mm etc) 10. Service request management 11. Reporting 12. Improving loyal customers 13. Provides Smart way to collect customer data Business Branded App Yapp lets businesses reach its customers on one platform, whether it is through online, in-store, or even through social media. You can sync orders, products, and customers across all your sales channels, and your business app makes the experience even easier. In one simple app, you can capture payment, fill orders, adjust product inventory, track sales, assign orders, manage order status, do discounts on customary need and create new and do update/customization on products, stores and business and send promotional activities whenever business needs . How many number of different categories Business Apps Delivered? Yapps successfully delivered 20+ eCommerce and Business App solutions to different category businesses includes Grocery, Real-Estate, Jewelry, Auto-Garage, Clinic (hospital), wholesaler and distributor, Retail, Rental, Mobile and Electronics, Apparel, Restaurant, Beauty and Personal care and Ecommerce Pharmacy. Types of Business Categories, Yapps provides Business and Ecommerce solutions I. Service Apps 1. Garage services 2. Salon and Spa 3. Clinics 4. Restaurants 5. Any other home services Businesses II. Ecommerce Apps 6. Groceries 7. Apparel 8. Meat 9. Mobile and Electronics 10. Apparels and accessories 11. Jewelry 12. Furniture 13. Retail 14. Pharmacy 15. Food delivery III. Sales Apps 16. Whole sales and Retail 17. Any door to door Business IV. Real Estate V. Rental Apps VI. B2B Aggregated Apps more

By Udeels Technologies November 28, 2018

how to do social media marketing

Social media is a vital marketing channel for businesses of all sizes. The common question a few years ago, “why should our business use social media?”, is now being replaced with, “how can our business grow with social media marketing?”. how to do social media marketing As a social media marketer, this makes me very excited. What doesn’t make me excited is how many businesses are still trying to market on social media without a documented strategy In this post, you will learn effective social media marketing strategy Audit YourCurrent Social Presence  Before you strategize about where you are headed, take a quick look at where you are. A few areas to consider when auditing your business’s social media presence are: Which networks are you currently active on Are your networks optimized (photo and cover images, bio, URL, etc.) Which networks are currently bringing you the most value How do your profiles compare to your competitors’ profiles Create ASocial Media Mission Statement Your social media mission statement will drive your future actions, so make sure you put some thought info it. This statement will make it clear exactly what you plan to use your social media presence for and should reflect your brand identity. Keep in mind your ideal customer when trying to create this statement. If it doesn’t align with your mission statement, forget about it. Businesses that post randomly without a guiding mission will fail. People follow experts, not generalists. Identify KeySuccess Metrics How will you determine if your social media marketing efforts are successful? I am not just talking about gaining more followers, I am talking about making money. After all, it is hard to rationalize spending time and money on something that isn’t improving the bottom line. A few metrics to consider measuring are: Conversion Rate Time Spent on Website Reach Brand Mentions Sentiment Total Shares Create andCurate Engaging Content  Sadly, many businesses jump straight to this step. Hopefully, this post has made it clear that there are several vital steps that you must take before you start creating and curating engaging content to share on your social media channels. Let’s now discuss the fun part, posting to social media. You know who your ideal customer is and you used that information to create your social media mission statement. Armed with this information it should be easy for you to begin creating and curating content. So, what exactly is considered content? Here are a few examples of content you could create: Images Videos Blog Posts Company News Infographics eBooks Interviews I strongly recommend that you create a content calendar that outlines how often you will post to each network, which topics you will share and when you will share them. Track,Analyze, Optimize This may be the most important step when it comes to succeeding on social media. Even the best social media marketers rely on trial and error. It might seem basic, but tracking your results, analyzing the data and then making tweaks to optimize them is crucial. Each previous step should be re-evaluated after you have had time to analyze the results of your marketing efforts. Let the data drive you. If it is telling you Facebook or Twitter is your most effective channel, consider doubling down. A great social media strategy is never set in stone. It is a constant work in progress that changes when necessary. So get out there, create a strategy and start optimizing it as you continue to grow and learn more about your business and your audience. more

By Telco Communications August 30, 2018

Digital Marketing Benefits

Benefits of Digital Marketing and Why Digital Marketing is a Must for Every Small Business It may come as no surprise that the marketplace has become increasingly more digital as technology continues to evolve. The benefits of digital marketing are becoming more prevalent every day. More and more consumers are researching and buying products online. According to Forbes, 82% of consumers conduct research online. And, Tech Crunch reports that 79% of people shop online. So how do you reach these consumers? Here’s the answer: digital marketing. More and more small businesses are implementing digital marketing tactics to effectively reach and engage their target consumers online. Digital marketing tactics has proven to be the most cost-effective way to reach potential customers. Benefits of digital marketing : 1. Using digital marketing tactics is the mostcost-effective way to market your business. One of the most important benefits of digital marketing is that it is the most cost-effective ways to market your business. When it comes to traditional marketing, it’s very difficult for small businesses with limited budgets to compete with larger businesses for ad space. However, with affordable digital marketing tactics, small businesses can get more for their marketing spend. benefits of digital marketingConsider this – a small business can expose over 1,000 people to its products and services for less than $3 using social media. While that same exposure through direct mail costs about $57 and through television ads costs about $28. While traditional marketing tactics also often come with various hidden costs, the only cost to digital marketing is time. SEO, content marketing, and social media engagement take time to work their magic. However, there are still digital marketing tactics such as pay-per-click, display, and social media advertising that can produce quicker results. 2. Digital marketing is the most measurable form of marketing. How do you know if your marketing is working? The only way to know for sure is to measure your success over time. While it can be difficult to track the success of a traditional marketing campaign like a radio advertisement or mailer, every digital marketing tactic that you use is measurable. This benefit is every reason why you need to invest into digital marketing. Digital marketing analytics takes the guess work out of determining whether your marketing is actually working. By measuring your digital marketing campaigns in real-time, you can see which tactics are working and which are not. Then, you can adjust your campaigns for greater success. You can also take the insights that you’ve gained from the process to improve future campaigns. benefits of digital marketingFor instance, let’s say that you want to create a social media marketing campaign for a new product. You’ve decided to publish a series of social media posts over a two-week period. With social media analytics, you can see which posts were the most popular with your target audience and which drove the most conversions. You can then use this insight to try to reproduce this success with future campaigns. Digital marketing analytics allows you to more effectively use your resources and allocate your marketing budget. Since you are no longer guessing about what’s working and what isn’t, you can reduce unnecessary expenses and focus your efforts on the strategies that are most likely to improve your ROI. 3. One of the greatest benefits of digital marketing is thatit allows you to target your ideal buyers. When you purchase billboard space or place an ad in a magazine, you’re taking a shot in the dark that this messaging will reach its intended audience. Though there are certainly ways to increase your chances of success with traditional marketing tactics, it just doesn’t offer the same targeting capabilities as digital marketing. With digital marketing, you can ensure that the right consumers are viewing your content. SEO allows you to reach those consumers who are searching the web for content and topics that are relevant to your business. While pay-per-click, display, and social media advertising enables you to target those who are most likely to be interested in your products or services based on demographic information and general characteristics. benefits of digital marketing By improving targeting, you can work to get more for your marketing budget and resources. With digital marketing, you no longer have to worry that you are spending money on ads that won’t reach those who are likely to be interested in your products. With sophisticated targeting abilities, digital marketing tactics allow you to take comfort in knowing that you are focusing your marketing efforts on strategies that actually work. 4. Most people are starting their buyer’s journey online. Think about how often you turn to Google or another search engine to find the information you need. Your customers are no different when they start to research the products or services that can help them solve their biggest problems. In fact, according to Vimeo, 93% of online experiences start with a search engine. Before consumers even know what product or service they need, they are going to the search engines to look for answers to their questions and to learn more about their challenges. This presents a great opportunity for small businesses to connect with potential customers and educate them during the beginning stages of the buyer’s journey. By creating relevant and engaging content that’s optimized for the search engines, you can improve your visibility online and reach customers when it matters most. 5. Your customers are on social media, and digital marketinghelps you reach them. Perhaps the most important on our list of benefits of digital marketing is this. No matter what industry your business is in, there’s a good chance that your buyers are spending their time on social media channels like Facebook or Twitter. According to eMarketer, 2.34 billion people, or about one-third of the earth’s population, uses social media platforms regularly. Digital marketing helps you reach these engaged consumers. Not only are you able to publish and promote unique content on these social sites, but you’re also able to reach consumers through advertising. Social media platforms like Facebook offer sophisticated targeting options that help you reach the consumers who are most likely to be interested in your products or services. What’s more is that social media also provides an effective platform for communicating with and engaging your target audience. Rather than just posting content and never hearing from your consumers, you can have one-on-one conversations in real-time that allow you to gain valuable insight into your brand. That’s something that traditional marketing tactics just don’t allow for. 6. SEO and local SEO helps you reach more qualified buyersonline. SEO is another powerful digital marketing tactic that offers a variety of benefits. By optimizing your site content for the search engines, you can work to reach more buyers online. Using relevant keywords that help describe your product or service offering can help you bring more targeted traffic to your site, which increases conversions over time. SEO isn’t just for national businesses. Many consumers are searching for local companies online, and these searches eventually lead to a purchase. In fact, according to Google, 28% of searches for something nearby result in a purchase. Local SEO, or optimizing your website for local search results, can also be a valuable digital marketing tactic for businesses that operate in specific geographic locations, such as brick-and-mortar stores, restaurants, and other service-based business. more

By Telco Communications August 30, 2018

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