Blogs from Talent Agencies in Ada, MI

Company Holiday Party Entertainment

It’s almost that time of year again; time to plan for your company holiday party. Food and venue aside, the entertainment is usually the component that makes or breaks the event. Some of you will choose to go with the same stale, old standby and choose to hire a band, a DJ or a casino night for your holiday party, practically guaranteeing an easily forgettable event.  Others of you will try something new like a clean corporate comedian, mentalist, magician, hypnotist or other variety act and reap the rewards of your decision in the form of laughter, applause and thanks There’s a fear out there that hiring a comedian will mean immediate termination of your employment. After all, you’re responsible for hiring the entertainment and it is a big responsibility. But it doesn’t have to be that way. I’ll put to rest the misperception right now- not all comedians are dirty. In fact, most of them aren’t and there’s a whole market of clean comedians out there, aptly called corporate comedians that actually make their living performing at corporate events, and in most cases, that means not only be clean, but being sensitive to the norms and mores of corporate culture as well. Hiring a comedian on your own can be difficult for a number of reasons, not the least of which is knowing which comedians are as clean and reputable as they say they are. That’s why it’s best to enlist the help of a reputable entertainment agency. A good agency will know what comedians are clean, appropriate and within your budget range. In addition to comedians, many agencies also work with variety acts ranging from mentalists and hypnotists to magicians, jugglers, game shows and more in case you want to mix things up.Check more

By Funny Business Agency April 20, 2009

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