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How to Find a Music Talent Agencies

About Music Talent Agencies

Music talent agencies find clients in a variety of ways. With so many venues for a person to get noticed, a talent agent must be very vigilant and competitive about finding clients; otherwise the upcoming talent could be discovered by someone else.

Finding Talent

Many music talent agents will find their clients on YouTube, at local talent shows or even at the bar on karaoke night. There is no limit to the places that musical talent can be found. There are several people that are big names now that started their career singing in the streets as performers.

Formal Training

Once a booking agent has found someone that they like, often times the agent will get the performer started in formal training to help further her career. Once some kind of formal training has started, a booking agent may have a person start performing at benefits and charities to gain her a following as well as help promote themselves and the singer/performer.

Duties and Compensation

A music talent agency will act as a broker for the singer or performer to help them negotiate a contract with record labels and other performers. They act as a manager that helps get the new performer paying work that will get them noticed. From these paying gigs, the agency will get a percentage of whatever the performer makes. Most of the time, a music talent agency will have a performer sign a contract that legally binds the agency to the performer for a given time.