Top Baby Accessories and Services in Salisbury, MD 21802

Barefoot Baby Boutique has a wonderful array of "Green", and unique gifts for babies and mothers to be. From the personal, and personalized service to their baby registry, this is a five star busin...Read More…

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Barefoot Baby Boutique


By Enza's

Barefoot Baby Boutique has a wonderful array of "Green", and unique gifts for babies and mothers to be. From the personal, and personalized service to their baby registry, this is a five star business. more

Barefoot Baby Boutique


By Blake Macon

I have found many great items for my baby niece! Perfect! more

Barefoot Baby Boutique


By Lynn

I was really impressed when I walked into the store and saw so many wonderful handmade and vintage/retro type items! They also carry all of the top brands like Caden Lane and Pediped. There are clothing items, specialty gift items for christenings and birthdays, bedding, nursery decor and more. The owner has really selected a wide variety of beautiful items and you can tell she loves what she does! more

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Don't Be A Cry Baby

  Parents who anticipated a smiling, happy baby while pregnant are often plunged into a different reality once they get their bundle of joy home from the hospital. Hours of screaming and inconsolable crying can unnerve the most patient mother or father. Is there a solution when walking, rocking and turning on the vacuum cleaner doesn’t work? How does one soothe the obviously distressed little one in your care? And, can you really spoil a baby by picking him up when he’s crying? First off, let’s get one thing straight: babies can’t be spoiled. Sure, you can apply behavioral modification techniques and extinguish any behavior after a period of time but a baby isn’t one of Pavlov’s dogs. And, listening to well-meaning family and friends whose mantra is based on myth rather than research is probably not the most productive approach to any problem.  More importantly, understanding that crying is a baby’s only mode of communication and that picking him up and trying to console is a normal and natural response. Researchers validate the ‘rescue’ instinct and tell us that if one responds immediately to a child’s cries in the first 6 months of life, babies are less likely to use crying as a mode of communication in the next 6 months. The wonderful thing to note is that these babiesdid notbecome spoiled. In fact, babies who were loved and cuddled turned out to be more confident and resilient children. Interestingly, colic is virtually non-existent in certain cultures around the world. What’s more, in some of these cultures, babies don’t cry at all! What do these parents know that we don’t? Actually, it’s a very simple answer and involves 5 basic techniques that work wonders: the ancient art of swaddling, white noise which mimics the sound of blood flow gushing through the arteries of the uterus, swinging movements, side/stomach positioning and sucking. If these calming techniques are used correctly and in unison, an inconsolable baby can be transformed into the happy, contented baby dreamed of while pregnant. more

By Barefoot Baby Boutique May 07, 2009

Brainy Baby Hype or Do infant toys and videos really increase IQ?

Recent research on early brain development and school readiness, reveals that the hype about              making children smarter by sitting them in front of certain TV programs or DVD’s is just that –hype. Dr. Dimitri Christakis, apediatrician, says that infant-aimed Einstein and Brainy Baby videos are marketed to conscientious parents as a way to promote cognitive development but there’s absolutely no scientific research to support their claims. Even though purveyors of these products both explicitly and implicitly claim that they can make children smarter, more musical or more mathematical, their claims are entirely unsubstantiated. In fact,Christakis says that the best evidence to date suggests the opposite – that TV viewing before the age of two years is actually harmful - harmful in terms of school readiness and in attentional abilities later in life. A German study reinforces these findings, concluding that television viewing has no positive impact upon children's brain development at all and Professor Manfred Spitzer of Ulm states that babies who watch television can’t even process all the changing images and sounds they see and hear. more

By Barefoot Baby Boutique October 02, 2008

Barefoot Baby Buzz

Toxic Baby Bottles Still Being Sold     Popular clear, plastic baby bottles are not safe to give to your baby. They leach a toxic hormone-disrupting chemical called bisphenol A into the liquid in the bottle, according to a report released by the Environment California Research and Policy Center.  Even very small doses of bisphenol A have been linked to cancers, impaired immune function, early onset of puberty, obesity, diabetes, and hyperactivity, among other problems.     Manufacturers are now starting to replace their toxic bottles with safe alternatives, but check to make sure the toxic ones are not still on the shelves. Five of the most popular brands of baby bottles on the market (Avent, Dr. Brown*s, Evenflo, Gerber, and Playtex), were found to leach bisphenol A at levels that caused harm in animal studies.     Currently, it is against the law to use bisphenol A in toys and other products intended for use by children under age 3. However, this chemical is widely used across the country (and is found in the urine of over 95 percent of the population).   To protect your baby from this dangerous toxin:   *Choose glass baby bottles *instead of plastic, or at least use bottles with opaque plastic.    *Avoid heating food or beverages in plastic containers or bottles (this speeds up the leaching process).   *Don*t wash plastic bottles/containers with harsh soaps or hot  water as this also accelerates leaching.  Mother Knows Breast Seminar Attend a special  seminar  for expectant and new mothers on Saturday May 17th at 10:00 AM hosted by Barefoot Baby Boutique . A Certified Lactation Consultant  will discuss the difference between human milk and artificial formulas. Bring your questions and learn successful breastfeeding tips. Thirty dollar registration fee includes a Bebe Au Lait nursing cover. Call 410-621-5398 to register. more

By Barefoot Baby Boutique March 26, 2008

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