Top Business Services in Dundalk, MD 21222

you guys have really touched my heart with your ministry. The youth can really relate to this! I loved hearing your story it covered a lot and was really fun too! Thank you so much. KO T-shirts is ...Read Moreā€¦

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KO T-shirts: Knockin Out Temptation


By Joanna

you guys have really touched my heart with your ministry. The youth can really relate to this! I loved hearing your story it covered a lot and was really fun too! Thank you so much. KO T-shirts is a great testimony of the power and love Jesus Christ has for his people. more

KO T-shirts: Knockin Out Temptation


By Anonymous

All I got to say is cool shirts, I love your main staple shirt with the K.O.T. logo. really cool more

KO T-shirts: Knockin Out Temptation


By Anonymous

I order shirts from you guys all the time, they are so much fun and the message has been so inspirational to my entire family. thank you so much! more

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How To Start a Home Based Business and Make Money Online Pt. 15

Well I am slaving away at the computer. Exactly what I did NOT want to do. I have spent another $600.00 on programs and what amounts to an endless link to other programs that I just 'have' to have in order to make my networking successful. I am beginning to smell a con job. I have been posting til I am sick of looking at computer ads and code. It seems to gain nothing. Yet my so called 'mentors' add people multiple times a day. What am I doing wrong? Am I posting the same amount as they? No. I will be the first to admit that. Afterall I have a J-O-B ! And my boss expects me to show up now and then to make HIM money. So far the only people making any money are those people who convince me that I need to buy what they have to really make it in Network Marketing!! And do not misunderstand. I am willingly sending my money to them. No one is forcing me to do so. But every one of these programs is supposed to get me my own 'people' that will also send me their money for the same information I bought. I am having serious doubts about this. Which aspect you may ask? All of it. I see endless people posting how much money they are making. I see people making comments that this program or that program is great. Do I believe that they are all 'great'? No. Of course not. Do I believe that there could be several that do in fact make people money? Yes. It might appear that I just keep choosing the wrong ones. Oh well. I need to evaluate my position in all of these programs. Some may have to be idled while I concentrate on one to see if it will work for me. Most require to post endlessly to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and so many other social media places. They have even dreamed up massive posting programs to do just that. All available for a 'nominal' fee. Every month of course. I see the same posts from thousands of people and I can not help but wonder if any of it works. The 'elders' claim it does. They constantly add people to the groups. But I never get so much as a nibble. I have complained and I am met with derision and quips like; "If you are not serious then perhaps you should quit." Serious? Strange. You didn't ask if I was serious when you took my money? But when a newbie questions your learned advice the best you can come up with is a callous remark? Yes, oh-great-marketing-'a'hole, I can see that it 'works'.  For you. So be a sweetheart and kindly inform me what I am doing wrong. Perhaps when the market was new and fresh and ads were new and fresh, it may have worked better and faster. But now the areas are flooded with thousands posting the same repetitive ad, hour after hour, and I feel that people have become immune to them and they no longer do the job they were designed to do. I asked several posts ago...where are the new, virgin eyes? My post, however clever, is not going to convince another marketer to drop everything and follow me. Why? Because THEY are posting the exact same ad trying to get me to follow them! We are all in the same boat. Where are the new, fresh eyes? Becoming frustrated with NM/MLM. Not giving up...just frustrated. . more

By CyberIncomeBuilder October 28, 2012

How To Start a Home Based Business and Make Money Online Pt. 12

So I promised I would get back to everyone about my evaluation of Ready Built Downline. Just so you know there are 2 Ready Built Downline companies on the net. I evaluated Now the idea here was seemingly simple. People join a 'Group' The 'Group' joins a MLM business and people coming into the 'Group' are placed in the downline as needed. After each person gets 4 people to start their 'Pay Centers'...then 'spill-over' or new people above and beyond the 4 needed to get paid, would be placed in the next open slot. As the line expands the Buy Volume would flow up and the older people in the Group would begin to get more money. And so on. And so on. Well...what can I say? I was only in for just under 4 months and in that time I saw some less than honest dealings going on. Big surprise right? A internet based company being less that honest...who would have thought. And while the admins came clean and admitted fault it didn't change the outcome. One thing you have to keep in mind when dealing with these online marketers and gurus is reputation. And more importantly is the validation of reputation. Now Doug Safriet claims to have built 3 multi-million dollar empires andRBDwas to be his last hoorah. Now any fool can Google a name and get info on that person. Just for fun, Google yourself. Find anything interesting? Well I found NOTHING on Doug Safriet other than RBD related. Where was all the info on these huge companies he supposedly built? Issue? Maybe. Supposedly RBD was started by Doug Safriet in November 2011. Well I can verify that the name  was not reserved on the net until March 2012. Issue? Maybe. Also I found out that another person claims to have actually come up with the name and program and was booted from the Admin position against their will and without their knowledge. I know. Hearsay evidence at best. I can not prove it but if it is true I bet this person feels very betrayed. Issue? Maybe. So lets fast forward a bit. About a month or so in, as word is beginning to spread, I find out that the time frame for the 'Team Build" has gone from 2-4 months up to 3-6 months. This means that the time to wait for a filled Pay Center is getting longer. Issue? Maybe. I find very knowledgeable people getting in and trying to 'help'. There is info all over the place. There are six separate websites with all kinds of good info...but for a 'noobe' this amounts to information overload and total confusion. To their credit I was greeted warmly and made several good contacts. But I was also asked, by several people, to fill out a contact form that I had already filled out. Huh? Did you lose my info already? Confusing. Ok, I'm in theirFacebookgroup and chatting up what? What is the next step? That seemed to be a common question. No one knew where to go or what to do next. As a noobe I am told to go to the Files Tab on Facebook and begin reading. Ok. But there is info in document formats that Windows does not recognize. This is stupid. If you are going to create a document that is important for 'any common joe' to read then make it in a format that any common pc can open. This is later corrected so no big deal. Any way. Moving on. So the geniuses in Admin are setting up a Linear Single downline and trying to transform that into a business Binary format. No small feat. Well these learned people of mega-million dollar empires should have known that not every one is a patient person. So as people left the group, they were filling the 'holes' with new people. WARNING!!! WARNING! WHAT?!?!?! New people were coming in taking up positions in front of older recruits and walking in making money! Not Good! So when this was found out, the Admins fessed up and promised to fly right from here out. But there was no way to right the old wrongs. Some people felt compelled to leave. No harm, no foul. New web pages are coming online and the confusion escalates. This is eventually tamed and I will leave it at that. But as you begin to see the group grow, you start to recognize names and faces on the Facebook wall. Some stop posting. Some transfers from other groups infiltrate and begin posting negative comments. Nothing new in NM/MLM right? Just have to deal with it. Then I see comments from people who were rather early in and high up the chain posting bad comments. Issue? Maybe. Definitely maybe. As more people come in I get wind that the 'Team Build' is now up to 12-24 months!!!! Seems people heard of a 'free ride'...joined and then sat back waiting for the spill-over of new inductees to reach the do-nothings. But as you start to research the business that the 'Group' joined as their first program, you begin to suspect something is just not quite right. There appears to be another person with the rights to the Ready Built Downline name and that person is a high ranking member of the company that the 'Group' just joined. Issue? Conflict of interest? Perhaps. As you look over the company stats for each month you start to see names in the stats that are of people in the Group. Why would a person who is an Admin of the Group be listed personally in the company business stats alongside of the Group name? Issue? Yup. Then I get wind of rumblings that new people are coming into the Group and getting placed in subordinate positions of people who will be called 'heavy-hitters' instead of just going to the 'Team Build' as should have happened. Looks like the big boys are getting rewarded for showing up instead of joining the flow like every one else. Issue? Yup. So after I see that people who used to post regularly on Facebook are no longer posting I begin to feel uneasy. I message one or two and the whole thing begins to unravel. I am NOT a happy camper. While any 'natural', 'nutritional' product is dubious at least build your organization with integrity and respect. If RBD will get its act in gear going forward is any ones guess. But it will do so without me. So there you have it. My take on Ready Built Downline. As always: do your homework! This evaluation cost me $500.00 so you do not get ripped off. I do this for a reason. It's my mission to try to keep as many people out of internet scammers pockets as possible. And again I have to state that in no way am I insinuating that RBD is a scam, will be a scam or was ever designed as a scam. I feel that is was not my 'cup of tea' so to speak. I will find a good company someday and I will tell you all about it. The search continues... more

By CyberIncomeBuilder October 26, 2012

How To Start a Home Based Business and Make Money Online Pt. 11

Well this comes as no surprise to me but I bet it blasted millions out of the water: NOTE: Take the above info with a grain of salt as they say, because it is written by a representative of a competing internet marketing company. That is a 'Orange Flag' at the least.Here is some more info:'t know who this person is but he is giving information in a style like he is watching a news line ticker old school from the days ofWalter Cronkite. Give me a break. You know full well that the FEDs pulled the plug and will not release any info but to the principles. Perhaps this guy is a principle owner of Zeek, don't know.Anyway...Zeek Rewards has been shut down by the SEC for violation of SEC rules.They claim that ZEEK was/is/or could be aPONZIscheme and took action accordingly.The net is abuzz with info, rumor and come-ons from competing programs offering Zeek people a safe haven.I never liked the Zeek program...seemed too fuzzy on details and the fact that soooooo many people were flooding the net with offers to join their Zeek downline really turned me off.There didn't really seem to be a lot of money there either.I saw references to $600 MILLION  being taken in and only $162 MILLION being given out as commissions. Perhaps I have my facts wrong but it really doesn't matter now does it.Zeek is toast until the FEDs let them open back up, if ever.But there is no shortage of support for the Zeekers.I see many trying to get their money back and many trying to find other programs to get into.That will be a boon for wherever the big guns of Zeek go to.Can you imagine a program getting a call or email from a Zeek big fish saying, 'I have 500 people ready to join your downline. Can you help us?'Who wouldn't want that kind of attention in MLM?So stay tuned as I keep an eye on Zeek Rewards for updates. more

By CyberIncomeBuilder October 26, 2012

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