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Is Your Website Selling for You?

Is your website generating referrals for you? Are you showing up on the first page of a Google search for keywords your prospects are searching? Are you getting phone calls, or leads from your website? Are you happy about the time and money you spent on your website? If so, no need to read further. If none of these apply to you and you are frustrated with your web designer, or your lack of investment in this important element of your business and the lack of results- then read on about what to do next because you are not alone. The reason this is the case is because most business owners do not understand that in order to see results from their website and rank on the first page of a search consistently they need to follow this short list of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies: 1. You need toregularly use social mediato drive traffic to the website  2. You need toadd keywords to the meta tagson the website 3. You need to adduser-friendly, relevant contentto the website 4. You need toadd analyticson the site 5. You need toregularly review analyticsandmake adjustmentsto your campaign 6. You need toregister on internet directoriesand major search engines 7. You need tohave a site mapon the site 8. You need tomakeuse of anchor text 9. You need tobuild linksin to the site 10.You need toregularly use a blog and enewsletter In summary, your website should be ameans to an end, not the end product. It should bepart of amarketing planthat includesstrategies to grow many digital assets.  Effective websites are ones that are not static butconstantly adding new, relevant and interesting content that causes visitors to return to the site, share on social networks, and create links. more

By Kessler Marketing April 13, 2011

Why You Need a Blog

I am going to make this article short and sweet-the way people like to read blog posts. Are you frustrated that you are not showing up in a Google search? Do you want more web traffic? Then you need a blog. Recent research shows that websites with an active blog receive up to 55% more web traffic. More traffic means more business for you. It's that simple. Here are some tips for creating a blog: Create a 12 month blogging plan Decide whether someone in your company is responsible or hire an expert Create a list of categories of interest to your customers Choose a platform such as Wordpress or Blogger Decide if it will reside on your website(self hosted) or on an external site A blog will drive more traffic to your website so decide if it makes sense to update your website first Make sure your blog has Search Engine Optimization (SEO) built in to it These are the basic decisions that need to be made but don't get caught up in the details-just get it done! more

By Kessler Marketing January 18, 2011

Welcome to my new business blog!

Welcome to my new business blog! Hi, my name is George Novoson, I am the owner of MarketStream. We offer elder care providers selected high quality customer acquisition services for the elder cargiveing audience. MarketStream can provide an elder care company with both targeted direct lead generation services as well as elder care specific social media programs that will help grow an elder care business. MarketStream has a special focus on Senior Housing Placement Counselors and Senior Referral Agencies.Join us on the journey as we get started with some heavy duty social media marketing!George more

By MarketStream June 03, 2009

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