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Marketing during an Economic Downturn – Does It Pay to Advertise?

Should business advertise or increase their advertising during an economic downturn? The answer is: absolutely. Historical data suggests that companies who advertise aggressively during a recession not only increase sales but profits as well. In a study conducted by McGraw Hill Research on advertising during the recession of 1980 to 1985 (600 companies included in the study), it was found that those who increased their advertising during the 1981 to 1982 period, realized an increase in sales and profits, (sales by 256% after that 5 year period). Those that did not advertise or cut back on advertising did not fare as well. In an article by  Robert Wilson, ( the period of 2001, he offers arguments based on false assumptions that generate a downturn in advertising.“Perhaps the best reason to keep advertising during a recession is that it may actually provide an opportunity for companies to dominate their market. Many businesses make the mistake of assuming that because money is tight everywhere, customers will be spending less and therefore money spent on advertising will be wasted.Another false assumption is that it’s safe to reduce the advertising budget if the competition is reducing theirs. However, research has revealed that companies maintaining or increasing advertising during periods of economic slow-down will boost market share. Some companies will even see an increase in sales over their competitors who decrease advertising.Suffice it to say, that during the present economic downturn, those companies that continue or increase their advertising will, as history proves, not only survive their competition but increase profits and sales in the long run. more

By AccessToMedia March 09, 2009


I opened my business in 1989. It had been a long-term goal to open my own business and after many years of planning I was able to find the right location. The location is great for my business - it's close to Memorial Drive and has plenty of convenient parking. The best part about my business is working with customers. I strive to help make complicated tax and financial planning stategies easy to understand and work for my clients. more

By C T F S Financial December 06, 2007