Top Mental Health Facilities in Shreveport, LA

Campbell Creek Wellness is located in Shreveport, LA. This business specializes in Mental Health and Health & Medicine.Read More…
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Professional Health Care Leaders in Acute and Post-Acute Health Services ALLEGIANCE HEALTH MANAGEMENT OF SHREVEPORT, LA Allegiance Health Management is an acute and post-acute health care managemen...Read More…
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Trinity Mediation Associates LLC


By JohnnyJenkins

Gives unfair and biased reports based on their personal beliefs rather than reporting objectively as they are required. My honest opinion is this place should not be in business. more

Williams Counseling Service


By JpDuncan

This guy Anthony Williams is a "INCOMPETENT BUFFOON" he gets your child so upset and enraged its beyond belief.Never in my life have I witnessed such a idiot at work.Stay clear of this guy. more

Line Avenue Counseling




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THE BLESSINGS&CURSES OF HAVING ADHD: ARTICLE BELOWADHD of creates problems in marriage, career, school, socially & emotionally. The sooner you get help the sooner you can use the tips and tools offered in the ADHD Meeting and start succeeding in ways you never thought possible. ADHD OFTEN CREATES PROBLEMS IN MARRIAGE, GET TIPS & TOOLS @ THE ADHD MEETING  The ADHD MEETING þWant tospeed upthe counseling process? þGet Faster Results! Get overone monthof counseling inone day! þCost Effective! SAVE 50% (when compared to individual counseling)!  ¦   There are no “QUICK FIXES,”but this isthe next best thing! This meeting is designed for adults with ADHD, SPOUSES OF ADULTS WITH ADHD, TEENS WITH ADHD AND PARENTS OF YOUTH WITH ADHD. TOPICS will include:  Understanding the symptoms and problems associated with ADHD, including inattention, distractibility and impulsivity.     Skills, tips & tools for dealing with the symptoms of ADD / ADHD.  119 quick & effective tips for GETTING RESULTS at home and in the Workplace  How to get and stay organized  How to manage your time, prioritize, and use a planner MORE EFFECTIVELY  ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIES  Whatnot to dowhen coping with symptoms of ADHD.  Assessment of ADHD; how is it done and what are the criteria?  What causes ADHD?  Can you “grow out of it?”  What about medication?  How safe is it and what are the side effects?  Parenting children & teens with ADHD: TOP FIVE strategies  You are not alone: Where & how to find support  Why is positive reinforcement so helpful?  Blessing or curse: what are the benefits of having ADD / ADHD? There are many!!  Taking charge of your life & more! Learn time tested & practical ways to cope symptoms of ADD / ADHD. This will beMULTI-MEDIAmeeting, including video clips & slides on a large screen, hand-outs and my presentation. Both entertaining and educational! THIS WILL NOT BE BORING!! ¦   Video clips illustrating important points ¦   Slides with clear, specific steps ¦   44 page hand-out with tips, tools & insights ¦   My presentation based on 20 years of research & experience with ADHD ¦   YOU WILL COME AWAY WITH IDEAS AND METHODS TO USE IMMEDIATELY! CALL TODAY: 318-222-6800 or go to  For infomation or to register. Discount for early registration.   SIGNS , SYMPTOMS, PROBLEMS & BLESSINGS WITH ADHD Inattention ·  Do you find that you frequently "wander off" mentally? ·  Are you frequently distracted by irrelevant sights or sounds? ·  Do you find yourself missing details or making careless mistakes? ·  Do you have difficulty following instructions? ·  Do you find yourself losing or forgetting things often? Hyperactivity ·  Can you sit still, or are you always moving your hands or feet while in your chair? ·  Do you tap your pencil or your feet? ·  Do you regularly play with your hair or clothing? ·  Do you consciously resist fidgeting or squirming? Impulsivity ·  Do you often take action before you consider the possible consequences? ·  In conversation, do you interrupt others? ·  Do you blurt out inappropriate comments? ·  Do you experience difficulty waiting in line or for your turn? It's alsohaving a brain that sometimes blinks. So you miss important instructionslike exactly when that report is dueor when you're supposed to pick up the kids. It'snot noticing the social cuessaying, "Stop talking now." or "That's not appropriate." It's living to excess andmaking choices that you know you'll regret later. It's not being able to see the right order of the day. Andnot being able to set prioritiesthat will help you through it. It'sknowing that you're being judged for the messiest officeor because you just can't do small talk. Or worse, it's knowing that people just don't want to depend on you. The ADHD Disciple and Apostle: Peter How powerfully can God use someone who has ADHD? Let’s look at the life of Peter, (originally named Simon), and theSYMPTOMSANDBLESSINGSOF ADHD. Symptoms of ADHD: 1.  Impulsivity, Rashness, Strong Emotions 2.  Inattention 3.  Easily Distracted 1.  Peter’s Impulsivity: All four gospels picture Peter as impulsive, rash, and the first to act and speak his mind. a. When Jesus began to speak of his sufferings, Peter rebuked him. But our Lord in return rebuked Peter, speaking to him in sterner words than he ever used to any other of his disciples (Matt. 16:21–23; Mark 8:31–33). b.Peter said to Jesus “You shall never wash my feet.” John 13:6-11 c. Peter cut off the ear of Malchus the night Jesus was arrested. Matthew 26:51 d.Peters’ denial of even knowing Jesus after Jesus was arrested. Matt. 26:69–75 2.  Peter’s Inattention & Distractibility: a. When Jesus was transfigured and Moses and Elijah appeared, Peter missed the point and began to offer to build three booths, one for each Jesus, Moses and Elijah.  …While he was going on like this, babbling, a light-radiant cloud enveloped them, and sounding from deep in the cloud a voice: “This is my Son, marked by my love, focus of my delight. Listen to him.”  Peter was missing the point, and God interrupted and said “Listen.”  Matt 17:1-5 Blessings of ADHD: 1.  Courage, willing to action 2.  Quick Thinker, Insightful, Creative (can think outside of the box) 3.  Inquisitive Mind 4.  Zeal & Devotion (often the first) 5.  Big Heart, Giving, Willing to Sacrifice for Others 6.  Leadership potential 1.  Peter’s Courageous Actions: a. He followed Jesus to the high priest’s palace the night Jesus was arrested, while the other disciples scattered. b.These passages suggest that Peter’s leadership among the disciples in the post-Easter church was based on his having been the first disciple to see the risen Lord (e.g., Luke 24:34; Mark 16:7) c. Death: We know that Peter died as a martyr in (1 Pet. 5:1, 13; John 21:18-19; 1 Clem. 5:1-6:1). 2.  Peter’s Quick Thinking & Insight: a. He (Jesus) then asked, “And you—what are you saying about me? Who am I?”  Peter gave the answer: “You are the Christ, the Messiah.” 3.  Inquisitive Mind a. Peter is also the one who asks about the identity of Jesus’ betrayer (John 13:24-25). 4.  Peter’s Zeal & Devotion: a. Peter and his companions left everything in order to follow Jesus (vv. 9-11). Peter’s possessions were always at Jesus’ disposal. Jesus stayed at Peter’s house at, where he is said to have healed Peter’s mother-in-law (Mark 1:29-31; Matt. 8:14-15; Luke 4:38-39). b.When Jesus appeared at the to his disciples, Peter leaps into the sea, and comes to land when Jesus is recognized. John 21:1-23 5.  Big Heart, Giving, Willing to Sacrifice for Others a. The overall picture of Peter as one of the chief leaders responsible for an expanding Christian mission, first to Jews, then to interested Gentiles, is confirmed by the picture of Peter in Acts 1-15. Peter may, indeed, as Acts 10-11 suggests, have been responsible for some form of compromise by which Gentiles were considered ‘clean’ and acceptable members of the Christian community. 6.  Peter’s Leadership: a. Peter is credited with being a leader among the disciples during Jesus’ ministry. Frequently, he was their spokesman. His name always occurs first in lists of the disciples (Mark 3:16; Luke 16:14; Matt. 10:2; in Matthew ‘first’ is added to Peter’s name). Other Accomplishments: Raised Dorcas from the dead, Acts 9:36–43. Peter wrote two epistles, 1 Pet. 1:1; 2 Pet. 1:1. Things Jesus Said to Peter: ²   Jesus at once recognized Simon, and declared that hereafter he would be called Cephas, an Aramaic name corresponding to the Greek Petros, which means “a mass of rock detached from the living rock.” ²   In John 21:15-17 the risen Jesus elicits a threefold protestation of love, corresponding to the threefold denial, from Peter before commissioning him to feed Jesus’ sheep. ²   Jesus’ prays for Peter that ‘your faith may not fail; and when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.’ Luke 22:31-32 more

By Healing Heart Counseling Center, Inc. June 03, 2011

Read The Latest Newsletter from Healing Heart Counseling Center Inc

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Healing Heart Counseling Center Inc. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Healing Heart Counseling Center, Inc. May 25, 2010


SEVEN REASONSNOTTO SEEA CHRISTIAN COUNSELOROR MARRIAGE COUNSELOR IN SHREVEPORT, LA   1.   "I can figure this out for myself, I don't need someone else's help."   HOWEVER: Even the world's greatest athlete's and successful business leaders have coaches, counselors and advisors. Proverbs 24:6 "… in the abundance of counselors there is victory." Pride comes before a fall, don't let pride keep you from being your best. Getting help is not a sign of weakness, it is actually an act of courage.   2.   "It costs too much."   HOWEVER: What price can you place on your mental and emotional wellbeing, or on the value of your marriage or family? Divorce attorney's charge much more than counselors, and they require a retainer fee up front! You can buy a big screen TV, or improve your life and learn skills that will benefit you for the rest of your life.   3.   "Only crazy people with a ‘mental illness' see counselors."   HOWEVER: The vast majority of people I see in my practice are normal people with normal problems. You'd be surprised if you knew how many people you know who have gotten counseling.   4.   "I feel ashamed that I'm even struggling, other people have it much worse than me, what right do I have to complain?"   HOWEVER: There will always be people with problems more severe than yours, and people with problems that are less severe. If you are suffering, getting help is legitimate and wise. It helps you to be feel better and be healthier, which also has a positive impact on others around you.   5.   "I don't knowwhatthe problem is, and I don't know what I need. The healthcare system is confusing and difficult to navigate."   HOWEVER: We are trained to help you evaluate your situation and develop a plan to overcome. We are here to walk with you through this difficult time and to clearly understand your options.   6.   "God is punishing me. I don't deserve to get better."   HOWEVER: I often hear this from people who are depressed. Usually as the depression is treated and lifts, they realize that this was a deception designed to keep them from getting help and to stay stuck. We serve a God whowantsto show us His mercy and compassion.   7.   "Things should get better if I just pray and read my bible more."   HOWEVER: Moses asked for human guidance to help navigate the wilderness (Numbers 10:31-32), even though he also had God's divine guidance. We as a church are a body, made up of many parts and we all need each other. Reading the Bible and praying is essential. However, if you are doing the same thing over and over and not getting results, it may be that Godwantsyou to reach out to others for additional help. Martin P. Miller, M.A., Executive DirectorLicensed Professional CounselorLicensed Marriage and Family CounselorNational Certified CounselorProfessional Christian Life Coach   Marty Miller is the Executive Director of the Healing Heart Counseling Center. He is also a speaker and writer and has been featured on Down Home Religion on the Channel 3 News in Shreveport, LA and has co-hosted numerous cable television and radio talk shows and written and consulted for magazines and the Shreveport Times newspaper. Office: (318) 222-6800Fax: (318) 222-6801martinLPC@bellsouth.nethttp://www.HealingHeartCounseling.OrgWeb cam, phone&email; counselingDistinctively Christian Professional Counseling more

By Healing Heart Counseling Center, Inc. January 28, 2010

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