Top articles for Criminal Lawyers

About Criminal Justice Class Activities

About Criminal Justice Class Activities

Criminal justice classes are beneficial to a wide range of careers. Lawyers, police officers, officers of the court system and private detectives are careers that benefit from knowledge gained in these classes. Criminal justice programs focus on the best way to deal with criminals in society while protecting the public at large. more

How to Get Charges Dismissed in Criminal Cases

How to Get Charges Dismissed in Criminal Cases

There are a variety of reasons criminal cases are dismissed, and these can include insufficient evidence or the prosecution's failure to present a strong case. If you are being charged with a crime, the best step to take is to get the charges dropped. There are some guidelines to help you improve your chances of having criminal charges dismissed. more

How to Find Criminal Cases

How to Find Criminal Cases

The United States puts all trials and dispositions in public record. Case information is found in a variety of different places within the state and county offices. Much case information can be found online through state-supported databases and legal search engines. Courthouses and libraries may also have archived information about older cases. more

Criminal Defense Lawyer Information

Criminal Defense Lawyer Information

A criminal defense lawyer represents the defendant in a trial. Someone who has been accused of a criminal act will be appointed or hire their own criminal defense lawyer. There are even public defenders that are paid by the government to represent people who can’t afford to hire an attorney. more

Qualifications of a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Qualifications of a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Criminal defense lawyers specialize in defending individuals and companies charged with committing criminal acts. They deal with an arrest, ensuing criminal investigation and criminal charges. Lawyers may be appointed by local, state or federal courts as a public defender, work for criminal law firms or be retained by private clients. The field of criminal law is highly challenging, and requires outstanding qualifications to succeed. Basic critical thinking, writing and people skills top the list. more

How to Lay Criminal Charges for Abuse

How to Lay Criminal Charges for Abuse

There are a variety of situations in which charges may be laid against an individual for allegations of abuse. The victim, as well relatives of minor children or incapacitated adults, are able to file a charge against an individual for an incident of abuse. more

How to Expunge a Felony from Your Record

How to Expunge a Felony from Your Record

When you become a convicted felon, it causes you to lose many rights such as the eligibility to vote, find decent housing or even employment. When this happens, you have one option that is to have the felony record expunge from your record. more

How To Explain Felony Convictions to an Employer

How To Explain Felony Convictions to an Employer

Having a felony conviction creates many problems even after you have completed your sentence. Most employers are not willing to employer a convict. If you are able to receive an interview, it is extremely difficult trying to explain the felony conviction to an employer. With that said, there are ways to handle this situation. more

How to Become a Civil Rights Attorney

How to Become a Civil Rights Attorney

A civil rights attorney specializes in representing people whose rights and civil liberties have been violated.  Those rights include unequal, discriminatory treatment such as housing, education and hiring practices, sexual harassment and other human rights violations. To become a civil rights attorney, you need to obtain a bachelor’s degree, a law degree known as a juris doctor (J.D.) and gain admission to your state bar association. more

How to Conduct Legal Research

How to Conduct Legal Research

Whether you are an attorney, a judge or simply someone who is interested in the law, conducting effective legal research is a must. If your research is not effective, you will waste time and resources. Knowing where to look makes all of the difference. more

Succession Planning for Law Firms

Succession Planning for Law Firms

Succession planning is an essential process for all businesses, and law firms are no exception. The process entails identifying the employees that are good candidates for promotion, developing them further for their future roles, and planning how and when they will be promoted. more

How to Debate Strict Drunk Driving Laws

How to Debate Strict Drunk Driving Laws

Drunk driving, or driving under the influence (DUI), has become an issue of great public interest over the past decades. This is mostly due to the number of accidents that involve alcohol and the strict laws that have been imposed in an attempt to reduce their frequency. more

How to Get Legal Aid Jobs

How to Get Legal Aid Jobs

Legal aids are more commonly referred to as legal assistants or paralegals. These types of professionals are responsible for a great deal of work that lawyers delegate to them. Many of these professionals assume an increasing amount of responsibility that is the same as the actual lawyers. In order to get a legal aid job, there are certain steps that must be taken. more

How to Defend Your DUI Arrest

How to Defend Your DUI Arrest

Being arrested for a DUI is very serious. However, being arrested and charged with a DUI is not the same as being convicted of one. In order to have the best chance of not being convicted of a DUI charge and having to face fees, classes and sometimes even jail time, you must defend your DUI case successfully. more

What Does a Criminal Attorney do?

What Does a Criminal Attorney do?

A person accused of a crime will hire a criminal defense attorney to defend them. The attorney has studied law at university and practiced in a court of law for years. They understand the intricate working of the trial process, know the facts of the case and how to use each one to find a favorable solution for their client's defense. more

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Hinch Shane K PLC


By unknown

Looking for someone who cares and is passionate about his work ? This is Mr. Hinch. He is honest, professional, young and aggressive. I would recommend him to anybody needing legal representation. more

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