Blogs from Home and Garden Services in Louisville, KY

DownLight - Ask for It, If Your Utility Bills Are High

As aesthetical and smart it can get, a down light is made available to you in its most convenient form by its quality of being mounted on any surface. And, in case you were worrying too much about your utility bills, a down light is one which takes total care of your utility bills. A down light is much more than what you could think, for it’s one of the most modern and efficientLED lightsthat can fit into dual environments such as -- commercial and residential and giving you the best option for your indoor lighting needs. A down light highlights the desired areas while ensuring that your businesses keep going up and anxiety to the zero.      A down light or a recessed light is a light fixture that can be easily installed into hollow space in the ceiling while providing light in the downward direction from a hole in the ceiling. Truly looks wonderful, when you take a gaze at it and when you can always call it a -- narrow spotlight. If you love to experiment with new lights, then down light falls in a category that is truly a product of innovation when the down light creates a unique lighting effect. Most of thedownlightsthat you would find in the market will be cast in aluminium to provide the much needed durability and brightness in such a way that they do not draw any extra power for that brightness.            Talk about its applications and a down light is one which is an ideal light fixture for low-ceiling areas in home and office, hotels and motels, convenience stores and liquor outlets, and hospitals and schools. You may come across a down light that can be either directional or diffuse. When it’s directional, it provides light in directions controlled via deflectors and when it’s diffuse, it will provide light that can get distributed to be called as omnidirectional. A down light can provide a warm white glow, a natural glow, cool white glow and cold white glow since the light fixture uses varying color temperatures of 3000K, 4000K and 5000K. It has a CRI of 90+ and so you imagine how good the color rendering it provides. Further, it has a base of E26 which means the screw in the down light will have a base of 26 mm diameter and can work in the fixtures that used to hold such screw bases. You may come across situations, where a down light is available in E27 base but that’s a sure shot sign of a down light being manufactured outside of United States and so will not work for the U.S. market. Additionally, this also says that the down light is lacking some certifications such as UL, DL, ETL and Energy Star. The down light which is available as a natural daylight and cool daylight consume less power and hence you can be assured that it’s not just a bright light but is also economical. One of the biggest advantages that a down light offers is it’s dimmable. So, you can dim it and save further on the energy, provided you have the right dimming controls in your fixtures, else install the dimmer. Last but not the least, a down light has a baffle trim design that can attract anyone to personal or professional indoor spaces. Conclusion :Need say more? Guess, that would be too much. The down light is a guarantee to offering a long service life and hence once installed, your worries will be gone for long. more

By LEDMyplace August 02, 2018

Lake & Natural Pond Maintenance & Fountains more

By Pond and Fountain World March 05, 2016

Low Maintenance Koi Ponds

Successful Garden & Koi Pond Management. Water Feature Pros (502) 245-8575   #1.Don’t have too many fish and don’t feed more than your filter can handle. Approximately 1” of fish for every 20 gallons, but this answer varies. A)    Fish require more space as they get larger. So a 10” fish is not really equal to a (2) 5” fish. Koi represent 3-4x the “fish-load” as they double in size.  So (10) 12” fish are definitely more than double the load on a pond than (20) 6” fish.   B)    Feeding has a big impact. Every day feeding compared to every other day will certainly equal more waste and filtration needs. Also, (1) cup of food is obviously ½ the filter demand of (2) cups per day.  Cheap food has more fillers leaving more undigested waste for the filter to deal with. High quality food is more digestible and leaves less waste.   C)    Spring or Winter food is low protein and more digestible for when the fish are slow moving. It can be fed anytime of the year and be fine for your fish. Summer food primarily has more protein for improved growth when the fish are in 68-70 degree plus water. This is the only food that you should try not to feed when the water is below 68 degrees.    D)   Don’t feed below 50-48 degrees. Zero, the fish are fine. If they eat it’s only because their brain is smaller than a birds and they don’t know any better. They’re conditioned. From 48 – 60 degrees only feed 2-3 times a day.  60-70 degrees every other day. No daily or multiple times per day feeding until 70 degree water temps. is a basic guideline.   E)    Fish are weakest in the spring after months of dormancy. Their overall body process including immune systems are slow to come back and the fluctuating temperatures can have them in a very compromised “middle ground”. They would rather be consistently dormant in 35 degree water then up and down in the 50s in the Spring. Bacteria and parasites have one of their best opportunities of the year to afflict an immune compromised fish at this time.    F)     Salting the water up to 3-4% is a simple way to treat for parasites in the Spring and help your fish produce mucus/slime coat part of their immune system, and extract oxygen out of the water more easily thru their gills.  We typically do this when the water starts rising in the upper 40s, roughly mid-March to early April in Louisville Ky.  A simple thermometer in your pond will tell you. We increase it at 1% every 24 hrs. 1 lb. of salt will change 100 gallons to 1% salinity. So 10lbs will change 1000 gallons to 1%.  30lbs will change 1000 gallons to 3%. So we would add 10 lbs. every day to a 1000 gal pond in late March early April, for 3-4 days, shoot for 3.5-4%.  Keep the water at this level for 10-14 days. Do water changes to get the water down to 1.5% range. Let it be after that or maintain it at 1.5% during the season. The fish will like it. (Pure sodium chloride salt, no anti-caking agents from water many water softener salts. Non-Iodized, food grade salt).  Enthusiasts may insist on sea salt. It’s great if you have it and want to spend a little more, but either way salt is a good thing in the spring for fish. It’s also good in the fall before you put them “to bed”.      #2. Strong circulation & good aeration.100-500 gallon ponds should probably be circulated at least 2x every hr. and with larger fish loads even3-4x per hr. is good. Remember that a pump that is called a 500 gal. per. hr. pump does not typically produce 500 gal. per. hr. After it pumps a distance and lifts water a distance it produces less flow than its “rating”, often quite a bit. Sometimes the owner’s manual will show how it performs as the distance & lift increase. 500-2500 gallon ponds should still be circulated 2-3x per hr. 2500-5000 gallons, 1-2x per hr.  5000-7500 gallons  .75-1x per hr. Low aeration is stressful to fish and does not allow “beneficial bacteria” to live very well.Average aeration is better, and excellent aeration allows fish to thrive. Health & growth will be optimal in highly aerated water. Beneficial bacteria will also perform much better in a highly aerated environment. Waterfalls are definitely good at aerating water, but don’t assume your water is highly aerated just because you have a waterfall. Test the oxygen level of your water especially when the water is above 68 degrees. It’s harder for air to saturate warm water than cold water. We recommend using air pumps to make sure ponds have strong aeration.They are also an excellent back-up if your water pump fails, and good for keeping an opening in your water surface in the winter. They consume very little energy. #3.Many ponds with fish have less filtration than they should for low maintenance and consistently good results.Ponds with big filters almost always perform very well and are comparatively low maintenance. A lot could be said about this subject and there are many different ways to create effective filtration. Here’s a few basics. For more advice ask one of our specialists to consult on your particular situation and lifestyle. A)    A skimmer is typically a very helpful filter componentbecause it gets your pump out of the pond and puts a lot of “pre-filter” in front of it so you don’t have to clean it so often. This also typically helps a pond live longer. B)    Many filters are rated “optimistically”, especially for ponds with medium to heavy fish loads and feeding habits.For many of basic “consumer-grade” filters we adjust their rating to half and feel that is more realistic. C)    Waterfall filters are prone to having water pumped through them too fast to perform properly. The type of filter material used in these filters can make a big difference.Consider asking us about options to improve your water fall filter if you have one. D)   When you clean filter material use pond water, not hose water.The chlorine in the hose water will kill a lot of the good bacteria on the filter material. Also try to clean the material gently. Vigorously spraying with a lot of water pressure and smacking the material on the ground of against something will really disrupt the microscopic bacteria as well. First or last cleaning of the season, maybe you can use hose water and be more vigorous, but once you’re in the season you want to go easy on the biological filter media. Skimmer pads can be sprayed out with a hose and “banged” to get the crud out. They are not really biological filters. Unless you have 2 or 3 layers. If you do, clean the second and third more gently and with pond water. E)    Plants are very helpful, but some plants are better than others at filtering water.Hyacinth, water lettuce, water chestnut, water celery, cattails, pickerel rush, louisiana iris, anacharis/elodea, arrowhead, lizards tail, sweet flag, sagittaria, are more aggressive at removing nutrients. Water Lilies are beautiful and provide shade which is helpful, but they don’t remove a lot of nutrients. Also, if you fertilize your water plants be sure to get the fertilizer tab all the way in the dirt and close the hole created when you put it in the plant. If you leave the fertilizer open to direct water exposure it will trigger algae blooms. F)     Use beneficial bacteria to balance your water quality and degrade organic waste.This stuff works. Basically liquid types are geared more to clearing water and powder types help with clearing water but have enzymes that actually breakdown waste. Another product that we have found to be very effective is Algae Off. It is crystalized hydrogen peroxide and it oxidizes waste and mossy algae on contact. Liquid bacteria has a limited shelf life and does not keep well in hot temperatures. It should be kept inside, not outside. Also we prefer brands that are mixed fresh. Many brands that are mixed at the factory are many months old by the time they reach the end-user. G)   Water changes are very helpful to maintain good water quality.Ponds are “closed-systems”. There is not much consistent “new water” being introduced in many instances. Evaporation does not remove many of the other hormones and nutrients that build up in the water. The same water gets “spent”. This is why ponds with leaks actually often perform well because they are consistently getting new water. Consider pumping 10-15% of your water out every 7-10 days and replace it with fresh water, and a little dechlorinator. H)   UV lights/sterilizers are great for clearing green water, but they don’t actually help your water quality. They sterilize “planktonic” algae cells, (green water algae), so it cannot reproduce. UV lights do not control string or hair algae, (filamentous algae). It’s important that water not pass through your UV light too fast. If the water is not exposed to the light long enough it won’t sterilize it. Often you need to “by-pass” some of the pumped water so this doesn’t happen. Also envision how water enters and exits your UV light housing. If the inlets and outlets are “aimed-down” the water does not have to fill the housing of the light as much as if they are “aimed-up”. If your UV light is vertically you would want to pump the water from the bottom to the top, not top to bottom.   #4. Watch for run-off water that may be going into your pond.  This can definitely put things in the pond that contributes to poor water quality, particularly fertilizers from your yard or planting beds. Also, mulch can stain your water. Often times when you experience cloudy water and clarity issues it’s from a rain that either stirred up the sediment in you pond, or it ran in from a drainage area that goes to the pond.     All this being said ponds are really not that hard to get set-up right so they perform well. If you break a lot of these fundamental rules you may be experiencing results you don’t like. If you do these things you will most likely have a pretty low maintenance pond by comparison. Mine’s a piece of cake. We enjoy it day-in-and-day-out and really don’t do much other than follow a few routine things. more

By Pond and Fountain World March 05, 2016

Selecting the Right Outdoor Fountain more

By Pond and Fountain World March 05, 2016

Stucco Louisville KY - Inject-It Foam

Whether you are at home or in the office, insulation surrounds you with protection from pests, energy loss, disruptive sound, and more. Call us today to schedule an appointment to improve your space. more

By Inject-It Foam February 24, 2015

The Microfiber Outlet

Contact us at (877) 938-5029 in Fern Creek, KY, to learn how to order our revolutionary cleaning supplies. more

By The Microfiber Outlet February 16, 2015

corporate events Louisville Kentucky-Masters Of Music

Satisfaction Guarantee in your contract. All-inclusive wedding package, Corporate events. more

By Masters Of Music September 18, 2014

We appreciate you all!!

We appreciate you all!! Herb,  I can't emphasize enough how pleased Kathy and I over the new sun room that Ace built for us. It is beautiful! Come on over and take some photos. Your story must be told! It really sets off the house. We haven't quite finished decorating the inside yet. We have hung curtain rods but my wife is still in the planning stage for the curtains. We saw the area rug we liked but it was too big. They offer a smaller size via the internet. After all, we don't want to cover the beautiful tile job that your company put in. I cannot stress enough how friendly, competent and efficient Joe's crews are. Just like you, they want to make their customers happy! The white vinyl pup wall, windows and doors really pop visually. That is not the half of it! Not only is your product gorgeous, but is strong verses high winds. The E Glass windows function as advertised! Even with the Air Conditioner off, the E Glass keeps the room much cooler than the outside. The functionality of the windows is so very easy. Each window is a half slider that when opened exposes a screen for those occasional cool breezes. Yet, when the windows are closed, they present a strong barrier against high winds, blazing sun and driving rain. I am very proud of this room. It was well worth the extremely competitive price you charged me to build it. You have my permission to use this email for any promotional activities you chose. I want others to experience the quality product and service your company provides. I would be remiss if I did not plug your company in this email: Ace Pro Roofing 502-776-7663 more

By Ace Pro Roofing August 14, 2014

Ace Pro Roofing Louisville

ace roofing Louisville new roof shingle roof metal roof flat roof repair roof roofing contractor reroof louisville roofer master elite roofing contractor Louisville roofing roof roofs roofer roofing free estimate free in home consulting Louisville roofing 5027767663 pro roof pro roofing ace roofing roof pro roofer 502 776 7663 best roofing company in Louisville Kentucky goggle roofing contractors Louisville ace ace roofing ace pro roof shingle roof louisville home improvement ace roofing Louisville new roof shingle roof metal roof flat roof repair roof roofing contractor reroof louisville roofer master elite roofing contractor Louisville roofing roof roofs roofer roofing free estimate free in home consulting Louisville roofing 5027767663 pro roof pro roofing ace roofing roof pro roofer 502 776 7663 best roofing company in Louisville Kentucky goggle roofing contractors Louisville ace ace roofing ace pro roof shingle roof louisville home improvement  ace roofing Louisville new roof shingle roof metal roof flat roof repair roof roofing contractor reroof louisville roofer master elite roofing contractor Louisville roofing roof roofs roofer roofing free estimate free in home consulting Louisville roofing 5027767663 pro roof pro roofing ace roofing roof pro roofer 502 776 7663 best roofing company in Louisville Kentucky goggle roofing contractors Louisville ace ace roofing ace pro roof shingle roof louisville home improvement more

By Ace Pro Roofing August 14, 2014

custom auto, hot rods, antique autos

Call Juanita today to take care of your custom auto needs. American National nows supports these vehicles more than ever. We already had Chrome, now we have bought Sneed and American Modern, so we got you covered, from tires to your new top! Call today, Juanita 502-495-9450 more

By Securus June 29, 2010

Commercial Pressure Washing & Gum Removal Services in Louisville, KY

Property Managers Can Gain From a Regular Pressure Washing Service

By: John Greene · March 18, 2009Sometimes property management is like a complicated juggling routine.  The very nature of property management dictates that the needs of their tenants are being met properly and in a timely fashion.  One way for property managers to eliminate some of their headaches is to employ the services of aprofessional pressure washing company.There are several benefits to having a regular cleaning schedule and often it is beneficial for the property manager to propose a schedule to their tenants instead of waiting for the tenants to approach them.  Usually by the time the tenants approach the property management company for cleaning, the property is in poor shape and the tenants are frustrated by the lack of maintenance.  Alternatively, if the initiative is taken to please the tenants, they will generally be impressed with their eagerness to be a part of the solution.Cleaning multi-unit properties like townhomes can dramatically increase the desirability of any HOA simply by increasing curb appeal.  Multi-unit housing is already a transient environment.  Property managers can not only increase their retention rate of current residents, but lure new residents to their location simply by maintaining a regular cleaning schedule with a professional pressure washing company.  Townhomes that have mold on the siding, or gum all over the concrete are unsightly.Properties that are not well maintained can also lead to lawsuits and injuries.  Concrete covered in gum and mold can get very slippery when wet.  Decks that are covered in green mildew are also extremely hazardous when wet.  Mold that collects on siding can be a potential hazard for the elderly, the young, and people that are already afflicted with respiratory ailments like asthma.  Regular cleaning can not only eliminate the hazards associated with property that has been neglected, but can make them look fantastic in the process.Property Managers can reduce their load by hiring professionals that can be found in organizations such as thePWNCorUAMCC.  Contractors that are part of organizations such as these generally have proper insurance and take the time to make sure they are in compliance with local, state, and federal laws.Louisville, KY Pressure Washing services more

By Veteran Power Wash LLC March 12, 2010

Truth About Roof Cleaning

The Truth About Roof Cleaning by webfirstpro There is certainly a lot of misconception involved with the topic of roof cleaning. Can you clean an asphalt shingle roof? Can you clean a roof without harming the shingles? What are the black streaks on my roof? What will happen if I don't get the roof cleaned? These are just a few of the questions this article will answer. Knowing this information can save you costly future roof replacements and added heating and cooling costs. In many regions across the country roof algae (Gloeocapsa Magma) is a growing problem. The algae thrives in warm humid climates, usually first appearing on the north facing slopes of your roof where the right amount of shade and moisture are common. With the proper atmosphere the algae only needs one more element to survive and that 's food. Roof algae feeds on the crushed limestone that is used in the manufacturing of asphalt shingles. When shingles were first produced manufacturers quickly realized they were to light and would not provide adequate protection, so they added crushed limestone to the asphalt to add weight and durability to the shingles. Gloeocapsa Magma is an airborne algae so it can land on any roof with no rhyme or reason, though it does seem to be more prominent in areas holding a lot of trees. Once the roof algae lands on the roof it will have to be killed and removed properly or it will continue to spread, it will never get better or just go away on its own. The algae begins feeding on the nutrients in the shingles, as it rains it is spread down the roof causing black streaks. If not taken care of it will take over the entire roof in a few short years turning the whole roof black. Besides looking very unsightly and diminishing any home 's curb appeal and value, what other damage can roof algae do? When roof algae are not taken care of they stop the shingles from reflecting heat from the sun 's UV rays. When this happens it can affect your home 's heating and cooling costs without you even realizing it. Also because the shingles cannot reflect heat they start to diminish prematurely. Signs of wear are curled corners, wavy or humped shingles, broke or loose shingles, and an excess of shingle granules appearing in your gutters just to name a few. Most home owners become concerned when the first unsightly black streaks begin to appear long before permanent damage is done. It 's at this point that most home owners will call a roofing contractor and in my opinion it 's the point where home owners are steered in the wrong direction.  It has been my experience from talking with many troubled home owners that most and I express the word "most" roofing contractors are not going to tell the home owner that their roof only needs to be cleaned. Think about that for a moment, why would they? I have had many customers tell me that a roofing contractor told them that the black streaks were water marks or a sign of wear in either case a roof replacement was recommended. Another scenario is that some roofing contractors have no idea themselves what roof algae is and that it can be cleaned. Some will also combat losing a potential roof replacement job by telling the home owner that you can't clean shingles without damaging them, which is completely untrue. None the less many home owners are suckered into a costly, premature roof replacement of a roof that only needed cleaned. If you think about it, it is no different than replacing your vinyl siding because it has mold or mildew on it, no one would think of doing that. The good news is that shingles can be cleaned properly without harming the shingles, and the major shingle manufacturers say so themselves. They even have suggestions and guidelines for cleaning roof algaee off of asphalt shingles without harming them. The proper methods include a low pressure chemical application. NOTE: never use or allow a pressure washer to be used on your roof. Inexperienced home owners and unethical contractors have damaged shingles by attempting to blast the algae off the shingles using high water pressure. Doing this blows the shingle granules off which are there to protect the shingles, thus lessening the longevity of the roof. In the past some have tried zinc strips on the peak of the roof which are suppose to release chemicals down the roof when it rains to help combat roof algaee. Most have reported poor results with the strips. Recently shingle manufacturers have produced algae resistant shingles but there have been plenty of cases of roof algae still invading such shingles. This is why they can only call them "algae resistant" and not algae proof. If you are battling with roof algae or know of someone else whom is don't lose hope and don't replace that roof prematurely. First call a professional roof cleaning companyin Kentucky  like Veteran Power Wash so they can access the situation for you. Veteran Power Wash, LLC uses the chemicals and the low pressure methods that are recommended by the major shingle manufacturers. A proper roof cleaning can definitely save you money. Louisville, KY Kentucky roof cleaning and exterior cleaning by Veteran Power Wash, LLC (502) 649-1930 About the author: contact WebFirstCreations to get your own <a href="">construction website</a> .</p> <br /><h3><a href="" title="The Truth About Roof Cleaning">Article Source:</a> <a href="" title="Free high quality articles">Content for Reprint</a></h3> more

By Veteran Power Wash LLC March 04, 2010

Roof Cleaning Info for a Louisville, KY Homeowner

What you should know about cleaning your roof... Your house is most likely your biggest investment and your roof is one of the most expensive parts of your house. It is extremely important to have the utmost in confidence in your decision before hiring a qualified roof cleaning contractor.  Veteran Power Wash&Roof; Cleaning only uses chemicals approved by the ARMA* Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association and does not use pressure on your shingles. We also provide our customers with a technical bulletin directly from to prove that our procedures and chemicals are properly formulated for roof cleaning. Our chemicals provide enough cleaning power to remove all mold, mildew, and streaks...without pressure washing or heavy rinsing. We guarantee your roof will look brand new. Pressure washing is never recommended because it will remove a large amount of the ceramic coated granules from your shingles, which will void the warranty. Even low pressure will cause granule loss and shorten the life of your shingles. If you have ever cleaned out the inside of your gutters you will notice granules in them just from the rain taking them off. Think what any additional pressure would do to your roof. For instance, you see someone cleaning a roof with pressure and it appears as if they have done a good job just because the streaks and discoloration are gone, but guess what? So is a large amount of the protective ceramic coated granules which insure your shingle's warranty. Nobody wants to replace a prematurely failed roof due to an incompetent roof cleaning contractor, and you shouldn't have to. We offer a 3 year warranty against any streaks reappearing on your shingles. Always use a 'chemical only' cleaning process for your roof. Roof cleaning is a completely different trade from pressure washing requiring different pumps, plumbing, hoses, nozzles, valves, chemicals, caution, knowledge, experience, skill, and insurance. Veteran Power Wash, LLC has all of the necessary tools, and have learned from the best. Make sure you know what kind of chemicals are being applied on your property. Do not accept "it's biodegradable" for an answer. Even uranium is biodegradable over 50,000 years or so. Our chemicals do all of the work to remove streaks and discoloration from your roof and require no pressure or heavy rinsing. Because we do not have to rinse, your roof will stay cleaner longer than our competitors. Leaving the chemicals on the roof creates a roof treatment or a hostile environment for future algae growth. Each time it rains, a small amount of chemical is washed off to help re-clean your roof over and over again. Concerned about your plants, pets, and landscaping? We only spray the roof, not your plants. We always bag the ends of your downspouts and collect all the chemical run-off from the roof and dispose of them away from your landscaping. After the chemical biodegrades and evaporates from the roof, the dried crystals and surfactant act as a roof treatment and keep the roof cleaner longer as it rains. Call us today for a free estimate. (502) 649-1930 - We serve residential and commercial clients in Louisville, Kentucky KY and surrounding areas. more

By Veteran Power Wash LLC March 04, 2010

Soft Washing is the new Pressure Washing in Louisville KY Kentucky

Veteran Power Wash offers quality soft washing / pressure washing / power washing services for Louisville KY Kentucky. Exterior Cleaning services by Veteran Power Wash can be found following links Pressure Wash / Power Wash Homepage Residential Pressure Washing Services Commercial Pressure Wash Services Recent Pressure Wash / Exterior Cleaning Projects Free exterior cleaning estimate cotact form No Pressure / Non Pressure Roof Cleaning Homepage Roof Cleaning&Stain Removal Links Roof Cleaning & Stain Removal FAQs Roof Cleaning & Stain Removal Information I hope you find the information on the following links to be helpfull.  Veteran Power Wash stays current with the fast-changing exterior cleaning industry.  We have adopted many soft wash practices that used to use pressure washing.  Here are a few example... Ten years ago contractors were cleaning roofs with a pressure washer. Today, some contractors still do, but are doing Louisville, KY Kentucky homeowners a grave injustice.  Veteran Power Wash uses a non pressure method to clean a louisville roof that will maintain your shingle manufacturer's warranty. Deck cleaning was always done with high pressure.  The results were wand scars and discoloration in areas. Veteran Power Wash uses a non presure method for deck cleaning that looks even better than a pressure wash. Fence cleaning is now done with the same results as a deck cleaning. House washing with a pressure washer can force water into brick, behind siding, or damage wood.  The results could be efflorescence in brick, mold behing siding, and missing siding on wood. The point is to add beauty to your Louisville, KY Kentucky home, so why risk damaging a property with high pressure?  Veteran Power Wash uses a safe no pressure method that eliminates any possibility of damage. Gutter cleaning is now done with a safe non pressure method.  Our environmentally friendly gutter cleaning chemicals are applied then brushed in.  All Louisville, KY gutters are rinsed with the pressure similar to a garden hose. I hope that this article illustrates that Veteran Power Wash cares about quality of work and your Louisville KY Kentucky home.  A homeowner can feel rest assured in hiring Veteran Power Wash for any of their exterior cleaning needs.  We do carry liability insurance and back the quality of our work with a gaurantee. more

By Veteran Power Wash LLC February 09, 2010

Recent Reviews View all

TruGreen Lawn Care


By Gail Kuhn

The technician took time to walk my yard with me, answer all my questions, identify weeds &; dicuss his application plan for my yard. He didn't rush me, was very personable &; knowledgeable. After we spoke, I feel 100% confident that TruGreen will get my lawn in tip top shape! more

TruGreen Lawn Care


By Brad Lipe

Kenneth greeted us with a smile, even had to go refill his tank halfway thru the treatment, told us he’d be back soon, and he certainly was and gave us a great rundown of what to expect based on the weeds in our lawn. Already seeing minor results after one treatment, couldnt be more pleased, money well spent!! more

TruGreen Lawn Care


By Judith Henry

I had used another yard company for about 6 or 7 years. They sprayed and said because I had a lot of trees, the shade kept the grass from growing and looking good. They eliminated weeds, but my grass was thin and all different colors. I've been a TruGreen customer for a year now, May, 2017. My yard is beautiful, green thick grass, no weeds --- and I still have those same shade trees! TruGreen certain;ly made a fantastic improvement! The company person that takes care of my yard, comes early in the morning. He leaves a small sturdy sign stuck in the yard, to let me know he's been there. He leaves a form telling me exactly what he did, it is very detailed. I do not have to be home. I have my payments automatically deducted from my Bank account. I love TruGreen! So EASY! more

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