Top Organization Services in Lexington, KY 40503

This company help me reverse mortgage. They save me lot of time and money More…
Pocket Aces Racing, LLC is a racing syndicate formed to provide affordable opportunities for individuals to enjoy the “sport of kings” through fractional ownership. Partnerships forming now for rac...Read More…
Weve Got You Covered! A 1 Roofing & Home Improvement Provides A 10 Year Guarantee On All Workmanship In Addition To Product Warranty. For Over 25 Years, We Have Been Serving The People Of Lexin...Read More…
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Weve Got You Covered! A 1 Roofing & Home Improvement Provides A 10 Year Guarantee On All Workmanship In Addition To Product Warranty. For Over 25 Years, We Have Been Serving The People Of Lexin...Read More…
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Weve Got You Covered! A 1 Roofing & Home Improvement Provides A 10 Year Guarantee On All Workmanship In Addition To Product Warranty. For Over 25 Years, We Have Been Serving The People Of Lexin...Read More…
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Weve Got You Covered! A 1 Roofing & Home Improvement Provides A 10 Year Guarantee On All Workmanship In Addition To Product Warranty. For Over 25 Years, We Have Been Serving The People Of Lexin...Read More…
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Weve Got You Covered! A 1 Roofing & Home Improvement Provides A 10 Year Guarantee On All Workmanship In Addition To Product Warranty. For Over 25 Years, We Have Been Serving The People Of Lexin...Read More…
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Blue & Co., LLC is an independent accounting and advisory firm with more than 450 people in 13 offices across Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Texas. With over 45 years of experience, Blue & Co....Read More…
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Kash Mortgage


By Laura321

This company help me reverse mortgage. They save me lot of time and money more

Kash Mortgage


By jacov

I found them online and spent quite a bit of time browsing their site - which was pretty good - and then called them. They explained to me that a reverse mortgage really wouldn't benefit my mom -- I was impressed at their honesty. more

Records Removal Services


By Anonymous

A friend used this company in the past and received excellent customer service from their online system as well as their employees. more

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Pocket Aces Racing

Pocket Aces Racing, LLC is a racing syndicate formed to provide affordable opportunities for individuals to enjoy the “sport of kings” through fractional ownership. Partnerships forming now for racing in Kentucky, Louisiana, Indiana, Ohio, Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and New York. Lexington, KY 40514 (859) 312-6272 Our Website Who Are We Contact Us Our Stable more

By Pocket Aces Racing August 22, 2019

Encrypt your email addresses to avoid and fight against SPAM!

Spam (unsolicited commercial emails) is a real scourge. Today in 2008, more than 95% of all emails on the Internet are spam! If you want to protect yourself, encode your email addresses on your websites with the script below, so that the spammers can not recover them to spammer you. You will find here an encoder and email encryptor to protect you against this spam.  HOW SPAMERS RECOVER OUR ADDRESSES EMAILS The first technique used by spammers to build lists of emails to spam is that of "email vacuums".These are software or scripts that scan the Internet, websites and pages of these sites, looking for signs like "mailto" or "@" (used in the source code of web pages to make an email a clickable link). When they detect these signs, they are programmed to retrieve the email address that goes with it and store it in a file. Tonight, I decided to see how it works, concretely, and especially to see if it's a difficult thing to do, or if it's within the reach of any spammer apprentice. And here I am fixed! Unfortunately, it is child's play to find the software that does this and use it. And I can not, after this little experience, invite you even more insistently to go to our Cryptemail page to learn how to encode your emails on your websites , and especially to do it really!  Softwares It took me about 2 minutes in a search engine, and 2 minutes to download! There are all kinds.Sophisticated, simple, sometimes even some, after having a nice harvest of email, propose a party "emailing", which allows you directly to start your spamming!  I will not give any specific information in this article. But these programs exist, and I think it's important for spam victims to be aware of the methods used by spammers, to see how easy it is to make email lists from our websites, to better to defend oneself.  Scanner - Harvest - Spammer Here is a screenshot of one of the software I used (I obviously masked the name of this software, illegal in France, I recall, and that could be worth a nice trial to its creator, but also to its users, and then this article is not intended to learn to spam).  As you can see, me who knows nothing about it, I managed to collect 119 email addresses in 5 minutes! Imagine if I had let it run for a whole night !! In the space of 5 minutes, the "robot" scanned more than 1022 web pages! It was enough for me to open the program, to enter a web address (URL) of departure (I took one of my sites) and to press "Start"! Then, the software starts to scan the pages of the starting site, and when it finishes, it continues with all the websites that are linked in this starting site. And so on, to infinity if we let it. And this software is also able to perform the same task on news servers! We can even, after collecting the emails, For info, with another robot, we managed to suck even more emails: 1573 addresses in 10 minutes.   Conclusions I was really amazed at the simplicity and lack of knowledge needed to scan the web and build email lists. We understand better, after that, why spam is such a plague! And the first conclusion of this brief demonstration is:  Encode your email addresses on your websites !  Know that there are software and scripts much more advanced than this one. For example, software that can scan (but in a different way) all emails of the same domain name! For example, we enter, and the robot will attempt to connect to the SMTP server (domain mail server) by sending queries (like " Cuckoo? Y'a someone?") . He will test, according to what he has been asked, randomly, all combinations of letters and / or figures before (aaa, aab, aba etc ...). For a request, if the answer is yes, hop, the email is stored in a file! Some servers are protected from this type of requests, but many are not (and not least, reliable source ...).  Another more sluggish method is to use software generating email address, with the same principle as that described above, but then the spammer sends an almost empty email to each of these addresses. If it does not receive in return a message of "non delivery" (you know these emails that we receive when we were wrong email address for example), it means that the address is valid. Other methods There are many other ways for spammers to acquire email lists:  The illegal purchase of more or less legal client files from companies that are not very ethical (open an account at Hotmail, do not use your email, do not disclose it, revisit your mailbox in 15 days and you will be surprised)  The purchase of CD-ROMs of millions of emails collected with various techniques (I receive regular spams offering me the possibility of buying such lists)  The delegation of this spam to specialized companies (and yes, it exists, and they are well established, and one of them, French, even has for motto "to you the benefits, to us the risks "... but what is justice doing ...!) Finally, they sometimes use random methods, called "dictionary attacks", with software that can create hundreds of thousands of random addresses on a particular domain. They test each email and those that do not come back to them (bounce), they know it's a valid address. There is even some software able to check the validity of emails, and keep only the good, before sending. more

By Hotmailloginaccountemail October 14, 2018

Words Create Worlds: One Woman’s Reflections

Two days ago, I read a Facebook post about a series of misogynist comments made by several American elected officials on the heels of last week’s post-inauguration Women’s Marches. One in particular disturbed me greatly. A City Council person from Carlsbad, NM “joked” about women having the “right to get slapped” if they disturb or fail to care for their partners during the National Football League playoff games. I googled the town’s newspaper to see how it was being covered. I hoped it might be “fake news;” and if it was not, I planned to write a letter to the editor encouraging voters to be more thoughtful in their choice of elected officials. There, I found an article describing the councilman’s public “apology” to his constituents. “Citing the behavior of President #DonaldTrump, [the councilman] said some might be offended by jokes about domestic violence and others might not think ‘it’s a big deal.’” Wow. I have frequently taken deep breaths, as I’ve ridden the rapids of America’s recent national election. This was one more moment of dismay and disbelief over the state of our national dialogue. #AppreciativeInquiry practitioners (and their philosophical partners, social constructionists) frequently say that words create worlds. Never has this felt truer to me than today. Our words describe out thoughts – but they also form them. True: now-President Trump’s habit of describing women, people of color and people with disabilities in disrespectful and derogatory ways has alienated – even repulsed – a large segment of the American population. But it has also normalized or empowered a way of speaking (might I go so far as to say a way of thinking?) that I find regressive and harmful. Much as I wish I could control others’ words, I can’t. I can, however, do my best to respect and connect with those whose words offend me. I can try to discover what in their histories or life experiences might have caused them to feel and speak as they do. And I can continue to “hold fast” to my belief that positive words nurture positive relationships and positive outcomes. Finally, I can remind myself to practice what I preach, and what’ve I’ve learned from #MartinSeligman, #BarbaraFredrickson and other leading #positivepsychologists. It takes at least three positive words, comments or emotions to counterbalance a single negative one. In short, a 3-to-1 positive imbalance in our inner, local or national dialogue might actually restore our social and political health and wellbeing. What worlds do we wish to create? What words must we use, to help bring those worlds to life? What commitments will we make, to “be the change we want to see?” If not now, then when? If not us, then who? Amanda Trosten-Bloom is Co-Principal of Corporation for Positive Change and Principal of Rocky Mountain Center for Positive Change in Golden, CO. more

By Corporation for Positive Change May 11, 2017

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