Top Real Estate Inspectors in Lexington, KY 40502

Brook has a great reputation around central ky.His home inspections are more complete than most other home inspectors.Read More…
Since founding the business, owner and operator Jon Christner has used his professional experience in the construction industry to become one of the most thorough and easy to understand home inspec...Read More…
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1-877-INSPECT - "Your Neighborhood Home Inspector"/SWAT Termite & Pest Control


By SAWilliams

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1-877-INSPECT - "Your Neighborhood Home Inspector"/SWAT Termite & Pest Control


By JDBrown

My kitchen was being overrun by ants, I really believe my house was built on a ant hill!!! I had tried everything but they just kept coming back. I called Michael Green at SWAT and he came out and went right to work...I saw immediate improvement and now 3 months later I haven't seen an ant in weeks! Mr. Green was always great to come back if I called which he did at no additional charge! more

1-877-INSPECT - "Your Neighborhood Home Inspector"/SWAT Termite & Pest Control


By JDBrown

Some how we ended up with bed bugs, we called around and most of the companies wanted more than we could afford to take care of the problem. We called SWAT and Mr. Green came out and took care of the problem without breaking the bank! more

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the bed bug scare of 2010

I have had enough of all these companies trying to scare the public into buying there bed bug products or services.So first lets go over just what all the fuss is about.bed bugs are insects and as such they can be gotten out of your house or apt.In most cases if the infestation isn't to bad 2 treatments will get rid of them.Yes you can diy but in most cases this is one bug thats better of letting a trained pest professional handle because if you dont know what your doing you could make the problem worse,and never ever use foggers on a bed bug infeatation.Bed bugs will take a blood meal several time in one feeding cycle so it appears that there are more insects than are really there.the will travel to the host but unless they are many in numbers they will stay close to the host(around the bed or couch).they do not spread diseases that we know of.I dont care what you have heard the only way to get rid of them in one treatment is to heat the house and all contents to the kill temp and that cost quite a lot of money.Dont fall for the ad that claim to kill bed bugs with little or no effort thats simply not true.As a pest control guy i know that chemicals alone will not get rid of heavy infestations,we have to have the customer do prep list and this has to be done exactly like we say.If you dont clean out a closet or forget to run some bed linens in the dryer the you could leave open areas for a new infestation.bed bug females lay from 3 to eight eggs ay a time in clusters in dark hidden areas and once the egg hatches the go through 5 nymphal stages and reach maturity in 32-45 days.The adult has been known to live over 8 months without feeding and i have treated home over a year vacant with active infestations.yhe most important part of getting rid of bed bugs is to do a thorough inspection,have the home properly preped and do a complete treatment more

By Standard Pest Control February 09, 2011

I am finding bed bugs to be quite interesting

This little bug is getting quite infamous.It seems like the over blown media scare about  bed bugs is getting normally reasonable people freaked out.Yesterday two guys asked me some questions about bed bugs that made me see how much wrong information there is out there so let me explain away some of the more crazy misconseptions floating around out there. First off bed bugs have  not been found to transmit any diseases in humans.They can cause rashes in some people due to scratching the" bites".One bed bug will feed several time in one feeding cycle so the bites will be in clusters or in kind of a line,so just a few bed bugs will give the apperance of a larger infestation.They do not bite you they have piercing sucking mouth parts.First stage bed bug nymphs are beige or colorless and small they turn reddish after a blod meal then they molt.The adult female can lay 300-500 egges the eggs hatch out in 10 to 12 day cycles.The life span of bed bugs vary if they have a steady food source(human blood)they dont live quite as long around 10 months.If they dont have a food soure they can live over a year.There are five stages or bed bugs to reach adulthood this take around 35-45 days. I have treated houses that have been empty over a year with active bed bug infestations.Most of us that have dealt wiyh bed bug infestations an tell aprox how long the place has had them and if its a rental if they were brought in by the tenant or if they were there before hand. If you have or think you have bed bugs please call a pest control professional to look over your home (but be carefull to get a company that specialises in bed bugs they can be hard to treat for)and ask them what the treatment includes like heat treatments,steaming,vacum and chemical treatment.will they use mattress and box spring encasements and the glue board cups under the legs of the furniture.How many treatments are going to be done and what kind of guarantee the offer.Be aware you will need to the your home ready for treatment.If you choose to have the house treated by heat(very effective but pretty expensive)or by chemical  treatment the treating company should provide a prep sheet for you to get the house ready. more

By Standard Pest Control January 26, 2011

The best wy to rid your home or business of pesky insects.

Hello everyone my name is Chris and since 1997 I have helped thousands of people with pest and termite problems. Many people have asked me many questions about how to keep bug out of their homes.So I boiled down some of the most common questions and answers for all you out there in cyber land. do I keep termites for eating my house?The best way to keep for getting termites is to keep the area around the foundation dry and free of wood debris.This can be done by fixing downspouts and correcting the grade around the foundation. 2.What can i do to keep ants and other pest out of my house?If you have landscaping and mulch then you will need to use a granular bait or insecticide around the foundation in spring and again in summer this will cut down on the colony size while it may not totally get rid of them it will help. 3.What can I do to keep from getting bed bugs in my home?The answer to this question is simply take care what you bring home (watch out for yard sell stuff,rent by the month furniture and and T.V.s )and where you stay.if you stay in motels or have stuff in storage or moving truck then you need to have someone check you stuff before you put it in the can buy some sprays to put in and aroud luggage to keep from picking them up when you stay in hotels.They are very hard to get rid of once the get into your home. 4.We have roaches can I get rid of them myself?If you use boric acid dust do not pile it up,you want to put it down so litely that its almost hard to see.if you use the baits the remember they wont eat bait if there are other food sources close to the nest and raid is a contact kill only same as foggers.Foggers in fact can make the problem worse. 5.What about mice/rats?The best way to keep mice and ground rats out of the house is to plug any openings around the foundation with steel wool and expand foam.the most common areas are around dryer vents and air line openings and foundation vents along with gaps in doors and the garage doors.Keep all bird seed and pet foods sealed up in plastic cans.this will help keep them out. Because it is easier to do this in summer than to try to catch them once they enter in late fall. There are many easy do it yourself ways to keep you home from getting bug problems so feel free to call me if you have any questions about any of the above or any other insects. more

By Standard Pest Control January 21, 2011