Top articles for Religion & Spirituality

How to Give Passover Gifts

How to Give Passover Gifts

Passover is an eight day Jewish ceremony focused around a meal called Seder.  During Seder, a broken piece of matzah called an afikomen is hidden for children to find and bring back in exchange for gifts.  There are many Passover gift ideas, whether you need one for the hostess of the Seder meal or the children searching for the afikomen. more

Preparing For a Psychic Reading

Preparing For a Psychic Reading

Whether you are seeing a psychic in person or having a reading over the telephone, it is important to be properly prepared in order to have the most accurate reading possible. Although this may seem unnecessary, there are a number of factors, such as tension, doubt and nervousness, that can stand in the way of your results. Preparing for a psychic reading is simple and well worth the effort. more

How to Explore Spirituality 101

How to Explore Spirituality 101

If you are interested in learning about spirituality and would like to take a course or seminar on spirituality 101, there are various places to start. Many people who are spiritual have seen a remarkable change in their lives. It is just a matter of using the lessons taught on your journey to becoming spiritual to build a foundation. more

Youth Activities for Spiritual Growth

Youth Activities for Spiritual Growth

The teenage years are a turning point for many kids. It is a difficult time as they are trying to “discover” who they really are inside. Some will make good choices on who to spend time with, others will not. The most positive results during these years are with kids who spend time with other's values that reflect positivity and spirituality. more

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Millbrooke Christian Church


By Dereck Keeling

To whomever owns this listing: Please add the churches website to your listing. Thank you, Dereck more

Henderson Memorial Baptist Church


By Anonymous

a great place to worship the lord more

Ark of Salvation


By Oilda Gonzalez

Come and join us on Sunday's at 10:00 a.m. we are a bi-lingual ministry English and Spanish. You will either learn to speak in English or in Spanish give us a try. more

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State of the Church Address

One of the highlights of the year at Greater Cumberland Baptist Church is the annual State of the Church Address. During this time, we talk about all the blessings the Lord has poured out on us in 2009. The people we have seen saved, the new families that have joined our church family, and the decisions that we have seen made for eternity, are all areas where we have seen God at work. Additionally, there were a great number of people who accepted the challenge regarding reading their Bible. We have so much to celebrate; God has certainly been so good to us this past year. I am grateful that we as a church can take time to reflect on His goodness. Not only do we take time to reflect on God's blessings from the previous year, but during our State of the Church Address, we also talk about what God has in store for this year. We understand that this is the only opportunity to do the will of God in 2010. From the calendar of events, to the goals and challenges, we look forward to what God is going to do through us and in us this upcoming year. Join us this Sunday and rejoice with us in the service of the Lord. Ken Shaver more

By Greater Cumberland Baptist Church September 08, 2009

Bob Marley

I know when you think of the many people who have given us inspiring quotes, thoughts, and mental food to chew we usually don't think of this man, Bob Marley. Having a reputation for smoking alot of drugs and stuff, but he said something that I think we, as Christians, can take in and use. He was quoted in the movie, "I am Legend". Two days before Bob Marley was suppose to perform at a concert a man walked in to his room and shot him. Two days later he walked on stage and performed. They asked him in an interview later that week and he was asked, "Why didn't you rest after being shot?" Bob Marley replied, "The people that are trying to make the world worse never take a day off, why should I. Light up the darkness" Now some of you may wonder what this has to do with being a Christian. Well in Matthew 5:14 says, "14 "You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden." He goes on to say in verse 15, "No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house." What Marley said was the things that go against the good in this world don't rest why should I? Satan doesn't rest, he doesn't decide one day to just take a break from going against God. What is the point to it all? This that we as Christian DO NOT NEED TO REST. We must keep going, not stop. Receiving our strength from God. And telling others about the fire that is in us. Because the second we stop satan gets a leg up. The last thing Marley said was LIGHT UP THE DARKNESS. We are the light of the world Jesus said. Let's get out there and tell others about the Living Savior that loves them and wants them. Give satan some competition. Always remember depend on God not yourself. more

By Kelly Baptist Church April 19, 2008


Hey how is everybody it has been a while. So I get to house sit and dog sit this week. I am so far really enjoying it. A house to myself, a little independance, I like it. I also get to take care of a dog which I like that too. But I thought of something last night Our christian life is alot like house sitting. First off it is not your house you are just taking care of it for a week taking care of it and all that is within it. Well it is the same way as a christian first off this is not our body. This is God̢۪s. We were created by God and for God. NO OTHER REASON. So we should take care of this body that God has LET us use. We should also take care of everything in it. Our body is a temple to bring honor and glory to God and no other. Think about that this week. Shalom, Robert more

By Kelly Baptist Church April 09, 2008

Where do you need Churches ?