Top Government And Law Agencies in Wichita, KS 67219

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Kaufman David Judge


By Maspence74

Your Honor: My son was due to be released on January 19th at 1pm to go to a 30 day inpatient rehab center in Newton. Why has he not been released yet? The SAC contact, Steve Langwell, who did the assessment for my son told me yesterday afternoon it was because you were out of town and unavailable to sign paperwork and they were working on trying to find another Judge to sign off. Still have heard nothing today. Does this mean my son's chances of losing his bed, scheduled for the 19th, might be lost? And if so, what happens to him then? more

Social Security Administration


By Mark Roberts at Citysearch

Kenneth Tennant applied for social security disability in 1991 after being honorably discharged from military service & after a civilian doctor diagnosed him with a disabling condition. ALJ Donald R. Holloway was unfair in his denial and inconsistent in his reasoning. He asserted that the record lacked OBJECTIVE evidence, but then ordered a highly controversial SUBJECTIVE exam. He refused to hear Tennant who cited two published (J of Rheum) experts who reported that the exam (MMPI) was "inappropriate for non-exertional impairments." Since then, the Dept of Veterans Affairs has rated Kenneth Tennant at 100% "Service-Connected" disabled. The M.O. of ALJ's being overly adversarial & unfair & even abusive is well documented. Google: Kenneth Tennant. See world respected investigative researcher Gary Null's documentary: Gulf War Syndrome. He features a disabled Colonel that faces an abusive claims process. This misconduct was also exposed by A CURRENT AFFAIR, June 18, 1993 in A SOLDIER'S STORY (Evans). It is highly unlikely that ALJ's get caught or ever have to go back to correct the clear and unmistakable errors. Kenneth Tennant needs a fair and impartial Decision Review Officer at the SSA office of Adjudication & Review, Chief ALJ. Please pass this along to someone who cares. May God Bless your honorable efforts. Ken Tennant's mother is a widow and he has a wife and two children that depend on him. more

Sedgwick County Commissioner 1st District


By D G. at Judy'sBook

It has come to the city. Finally the pocket liners have showed there true colors. These people wish to close Cowtown to build a casino. You did not know that? It seems to me that the Wild West amusement park has some kind of influence, all ... more

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Sony Playstation Network Hacked Now Facing Lawsuit!

We are living in the "Information Age" and whether we like it or not our information is "out there" stored in databases, on computers, in networks and on the web where it can be shared with others and subject to an array of constantly changing threats putting you, your family, your employees and your business at risk! We like to believe that we're doing everything that can be done to prevent it and it won't ever happen to us! Eventhough you may be doing all the right things, can you count on others that you have shared your information with to do the same thing? Truth is, it's no longer "If" it will happen but "When" it will happen and ignoring it won't make it go away! Good news is there is a little-known, almost secret, solution for this that when put in place can give you peace of mind! If you're not absolutely sure that your information or Identity is protected or the data on your computer information system isn't secure, please contact us for help! The article below is about an event that electronics-giant, Sony has recently experienced where their Playstation Network was hacked and now their Members are filing a lawsuit against Sony. Sony recently issued an official apology for not having the appropriate protections in place! So, maybe we should think so much about what it's going to cost us to protect that data or information and consider what it's going to cost us not to protect it! click here: more

By Small Biz Solutions Pro April 28, 2011

Some Social Media Marketing Insights!

We are living in the "Information Age" and whether we like it or not our information is "Out There"! Your information, whether it's a public record such as a driver's license number or personal information like a social security number, credit card number, or other type of private information that you prefer not to share is a highly valued commodity in today's high-tech society. It's probably collected and stored on computers, networks, websites, information systems and smartphones. So, it's important to understand the benefits and risks of handling information and information technologies. Social media websites like Facebook, which was originally developed to be an open platform for Internet communications have grown in popularity among users. In fact, Facebook is the most visited website on the web today! Many Businesses have recognized the tremendous potential for finding new customers and growing their business on Social Media websites like Facebook. So, if your not already marketing your business on Facebook, you should consider the benefits of doing it, however you should also be aware of the risks too! I have recently written an article entitled, "What Not To Post On Facebook" that was part of a presentation on Data Breach and Identity Theft Prevention. I would gladly share it with business owners who are thinking about or currently marketing on Facebook because not knowing may lead to a reputation damaging situation that is no laughing matter! Please contact me by email or at 316.734.6543 to request your copy or to view the presentation. more

By Small Biz Solutions Pro April 14, 2011

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