Top Organization Services in Wichita, KS 67206

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iTackIt Reviews


By GaryBenoit

iTackIt Reviews is an awesome system! It's always been a challenge to get customers to leave a review or testimonial, yet with iTackIt Reviews, I can easily send them a link, and have their feedback shared with the world! more

Hoa Management Services


By Rita Stram

HOA Management has turned our community around! Thank you for caring about our community as if was your own! more

Disabled American Veterans


By bluescrew at Citysearch

Today I shopped at 2 different DAV stores. The first one was a complete pleasure (located off of 235) the one on Central was horrible. \t\nBoth women working in the store were very rude. I wanted to try something on and she acted put out that she had to let me in the dressing room.\t\nI wanted to buy a small side table and carried it to the front. She told me I had to carry it back to where I got it and bring up only the tag. \t\nI am the customer. I am the one that pays your salary. If you don't like your job...then don't work there. \t\nThe owners of the store, or at least the store manager need to check your employees attitudes.\t\nThey should at least say, "thank you" when a customer decides to spend their hard earned cash in your store, not give you attitutude. more

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Academic Research Transcription

Internet accessibilities have made learning easier and understandable. Students do not pay hundred percent attention to whatever the teacher teaches. Some tend to forget the important points that was mentioned in the class. To put into use the gadgets in our daily life, many of us use it for various purposes based on our needs. Never mind if students missed the class, now with the innovations we can record the lectures and listen and learn it whenever comfortable. For few of the students listening to the lectures in a recorded version may not be comfortable and so they might go to a transcriber to get it done. The transcriber would listen to the audio and convert it to a written text format. This method can also help the people with hearing disparities in a way that they can learn the notes. Even the foreign language lectures can be easily recorded in the mobile phones, transcribed or translated as per our requirement. When it comes to the field of academic research, it becomes easier for them also, as they can access information and research as many articles from languages apart from their own. . On the other face, when it is to academic research one has to implement the traditional method of research in order to get a qualitative output. Academic research needs a lot of ground work and requires a systematic approach. A research involves two main types as primary research and secondary research which involves conducting of interviews and collecting information from the existing questionnaires. Basically when a research requires a hap hazardous collection of information we may tend to miss out points and also frame it in a different way and that may lead to a misunderstanding of the sentences and texts. This is where the transcriptionists and transcribers play their role in spotting the errors and framing it into beautiful sentences and sometimes translating sentences to a specified language if necessary. A professional transcriber will also edit out the superfluous words or phrases from the interview audio, depending upon the way you want the information to be presented. This will make things a lot easier for you while analyzing the information that was gained over course of the interview. more

By Mr.transcript July 21, 2017

How to establish Client’s requirement as a Professional Transcriber?

A Professional Transcriber: A professional transcriptionist is generally the one who is professional in terms of the company and the strategies and standards that they maintain in their work. The professionalism in the work is also judged by incorporating he latest technology updates in their work which conveys that the company is being updated. The first best way for any transcriber is to use the word-processing package, of course. We use Microsoft Word. Some software’s to manage the recordings is very much important. We use NCH ExpressScribe. It is also one of the best idea to sign up to services like Drop box and YouSendIt to support the audio files that our customers will want to send us which might as well be a huge – too large to send by email attachment. A professional transcriber must also know about how to market themselves effectively by highlighting their strengths and maintaining the highest level of their professionalism. How to establish client requirements? It is important to understand and know what our client wants from our side right from the start. It is responsible to always send our clients a list of questions that includes: Do you want time stamping every 5 or 10 minutes, or at all? Do you want me to record every single word, pause, um and er / smooth out the worst bits / rewrite the text in clear English? Do you want American or English spellings? Do you need your questions written out in full or just in note form (for journalists and researchers) Do you have any other requirements – questions in Italics, speakers’ names in a particular format (for conferences) etc. Do you have a list of conference attendees and session / paper titles (for conferences) On the whole, the investment of extra time from our side will benefit the highest quality output and accurate transcription work. more

By Mr.transcript July 21, 2017

Human translation better than Machine translation.

Computers are useful for speeding up many tasks, but certain jobs like translations, transcription should be done manually without a computer system. For example, machine translations might get the jobs done for non-commercial purposes, but it can be fully unreliable, which is not a case with professional translation services. Here are 5 reasons why humans instead of computers should be used for translations ! Even if the search engine like google and its elements such as google translate can give us immediate results. We many a times end up losing time when we have to correct the errors and modify its contents. This is why machine translation is looked down upon when professional human translation services becomes more effective. Computers trigger so much of inaccurate text which finally needs proof reading. There is even a lack of variety which requires human to add variety to the content so that it doesn’t change the context and seem to be robotic. There’s a lack of intelligence in the technology where computers only understand programmed instructions where as humans can apply flexible thinking and still learning power still belongs to the human category. Volume at the expense of accuracy occurs when quantity is more important than quality which will eventually lead us with a poor quality document. Google and Microsoft may offer free tools but their resilient translation platform also holds the similar limitations and end up being more expensive. As technologies is being improvised and computers have become advanced, it still cannot determine the context of spoken words the way humans do. There are more domains where we can help you to serve in Movie translation, Audio translation, Education translation and Video Translation. Mr.Transcript provides quick translation services in a days’ time. While deciding to hire a professional or a friend, keep in mind we’re here for you. more

By Mr.transcript July 21, 2017

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