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Antioxidant Super Fruit: Maqui Berries

Maqui berries are one of the newest power berries now on the market. Discovered in Central America, these berries have a variety of amazing health benefits. They also have a refreshing and smooth taste that makes drinking Maqui juice enjoyable. A maqui berry is small and oval shaped, it looks like a purple coffee bean. They were discovered in Chili and were used by the natives medicinally. The berries were used to reduce fevers and swelling. The leaves from the same plant were crushed and used as an astringent for sore throats. France began exporting the berries for adding color and flavor to wines. The potential of these berries as a health food has only recently been discovered.  One of the greatest things about maqui berries is their high antioxidant levels. They contain far more antioxidants than acai or blueberries. Antioxidants are vital for overall health and wellbeing. They help rid the body of toxins that have entered our body through processed foods, pollutants, and even personal care products. Many people find that they feel sluggish or sore and have no idea why. When these toxins build up in the body, it stresses and strains the entire system. Antioxidants also fight free radicals, which have been linked to premature aging and to cancer. People who are looking to use maqui berries as a cleanse or a supplement have two options. It can be consumed in juice form, or it can be taken in capsules. Many people find that they enjoy the taste of the juice, though it tastes differently than they expect it to. A serving size is usually just one tablespoon, and each bottle will typically contain thirty-two servings. Look for juice that is made with one hundred percent organic fruit juice. Other juices like blueberry or raspberry may also be blended. Be aware of the sugar content and avoid products that have more than three grams of sugar. Capsules are another option. These contain freeze dried maqui berry extracts. The dosage and amount of capsules will vary by different products. Again, check to be sure that the capsules contain one hundred percent maqui berry extract. This new super berry has many health benefits. People looking for a way to improve their overall health should consider adding maqui berries to the diet. Try the juice or capsules today! Information like this will help you discover total body health using maqui berries and also how to get free bottles of maqui berries. more

By Maqui Berries Information April 12, 2011

Maqui Berries And Why They Are Good For You

Maqui Berries have recently jumped into the mainstream market for being known to help people lose weight quickly and naturally. Mainly because people see the popular stars using them to lose weight or people popular talk show hosts are endorsing them. But why are so many people losing weight with the Maqui Berry supplements? Why are a lot of people not talking about the specific reasons why these berries are so extremely good you? Well, I have been researching them for quite some time now and I want to give you the ins-and-outs of why they are important for you to get into your daily diet. If you know about Maqui Berries and their high antioxidant rating, that's good, but why are high antioxidants important to us? OK, antioxidants in our bodies break down the free radicals, which cause the tissues in our bodies to breakdown. When these tissues are broken down, this causes everything from wrinkled skin to organ failure. Think about all the junk we put into our bodies on a daily basis, prescription drugs, vegetables, meats, etc. All these things have chemicals in or on them. Chemicals are toxins. Drugs are toxins. They are poisonous to our bodies system. But you say prescription drugs help you heal. The reality is that they don't actually fight what is attacking our bodies, it just suppresses the virus so that our immune system can become strong enough to fight the virus. When you introduce toxins into our bodies it causes other parts of our system to fail. Antioxidants reverses the toxins we put into our systems on a daily basis and the fact is, Maqui Berries are found to have the highest levels of antioxidants. More than four time higher than strawberries and raspberries, more than three times higher than cranberries, blueberries and pomegranate fruit, more than twice as high as mangos and more than three times higher than the ever popular Acai berry. Why are Maqui Berries so high? It's from the high concentrations of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are produced by plants to help protect itself from sun, radiation, disease and biological enemies. Studies have been shown that this has a positive influence on a variety of health conditions. It can reduce inflammation which affect collagen and the nervous system. They protect small and large blood vessels from damage that is effected from high sugar levels that can cause diabetes. They suppress allergic reactions and have been responsible for greatly reducing heart disease and inhibit the formation of blood clots. And finally, Maqui Berries have been found to detox the body to effectively help lose weight, support and raise your immune system, increase your energy level and improve your cardiovascular system. Information like this will help you discover total body health using maqui berries and also how to get free bottles of maqui berries. more

By Maqui Berries Information April 12, 2011

The Super Powerful Maqui Berries

The benefits of a healthy diet can never be understated. Humans need adequate nutrition not just to survive, but thrive, and fight off preventable diseases. For optimal health, a weekly food intake includes a generous portion of fibrous vegetables and antioxidant-rich fruits, including maqui berries. Native to the rainforests of Chile and Argentina, the super fruit is bursting with flavonoids and other detoxifying agents, even more powerful than the Acai berry. Flavonoids, a group of antioxidant compounds, have long been documented to fight against certain cancers and help individuals with diabetes. Diabetic patients often suffer from secondary complications, including blindness and kidney failure. Flavonoids, such as those found in maqui berries, help to keep small blood vessels intact, so both eyes and organs are well supplied. Studies conducted on patients who consume flavonoids on a daily basis show a correlation between better heart health and lower cancer risk. Additional research is being conducted to pinpoint exact amounts minimally needed. Although the actual process is complex, in general the compound promotes stamina and concentration, the ability to get through the day with vigor, mental focus and energy. Thus, maqui berries also act as weight loss stimulants, because those who regularly have more energy and focus are also burning off more calories and making smarter decisions. In addition, the desire to snack indiscriminately during the day is diminished. Consumers have also reported feeling less stress once incorporating the super fruit into their meals. It is never too late to change unhealthy eating habits, but the earlier you start, the better off you will be. Young men, for example, who regularly ingest carotenoids found in vegetables, stave off prostate cancer at a greater rate than men who do not eat tomatoes, broccoli or carrots. Since all men are susceptible to prostate cancer, adding a variety of vegetables to the weekly menu seems a small adjustment to make. One does not have to travel to Chile or Argentina to bring home a few of the famous evergreens. Freeze-dried whole maqui berries are sold online. In addition, a variety of supplemental products is available, featuring the antioxidant-rich fruit in powder, liquid or pill form. Sizes vary, depending on the manufacturer. Information like this will help you discover total body health using maqui berries and also how to get free bottles of maqui berries. more

By Maqui Berries Information April 12, 2011

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