Top Bail Bonds in Crawfordsville, IN 47933

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Hello Potential Customers,             I am Kate Robbins and the perverbial "NEW GIRL" in the Crawfordsville Bailbond directory, but not NEW to the Bailbond business. My Parent company based out of Lafayette Indiana, is my Father-in-Laws business which has been serving people like yourself for over 30yrs. Married 14yrs, with 3 children, I have been at home with my family, but always closely tied to the "FAMILY BUSINESS". I grew up in this lovely small town and am proud to claim a 6th generation residing here in Crawfordsville.  To my dismay business has been much slower than expected partially because I dont have the means to advertise extensively, but due more over to the current politics at MANY of the Jails where I am qualified to write bonds, Parke, Putnam, Hendricks, Boone, and of course Montgomery. Unfortunately, with smaller towns sometimes comes the GOOD OL' BOY system, which some Jailers are very familiar with, as well as the other Bail Agents  who play this game. This is HIGHLY ILLEGAL, but hard to prove! Until my appearance NO ONE ELSE has been around to notice these games and the culprits have made money hand over foot, entirely UNCHECKED or challenged! Since I dont have much else to do waiting on a business call to come once every month, I have plenty of time to "INVESTIGATE" certain other parties and compile very damaging evidence to the fact. Rest assured changes are going to come with what I have thus far compiled and please know that I would rather see ALL bailbonds done away with entirely, in this county and others before dropping the matter! The fact I would like to make plain for you is, I AM NOT A "GOOD OL' BOY" and I am tired of seeing more than a few "questionable things" going on in these Jails. I am a mother and a law biding citizen and I imagine all small towns are SICK of the GOOD OL' BOY corrutption system! EXAMPLE: By the Indiana State laws that govern bailbond agents, there is NO such thing as personal "PAPERWORK FEES" to the BAIL AGENT, only SOME counties require a filing fee which goes to the Co. Clerks office. It was brought to my attention by CLIENTS I have assisted, that certain other bail agents claim this fee. These so called fees are NOT legally acknowleged or REQUIRED by Indiana as a valid fee. It is a PERSONAL  fee, the business owner has "CHOOSEN" to apply, at any price he wishes. Our Family is struggling to get by and I know I'm not alone, everyone is trying to conserve now days. I collect only the  standard 10% cash fee of the total Surety Bond amount, EXAMPLE: $1,500 Surety bond, translates to $150 cash to the bail agent, plus a $5 money order is required by Montgomery Co. for a filing fee, which has nothing to do with Bail agents. Out of that $150, my Underwriters immediately claim HALF of that $150, making my net pay $75.00, minus taxes of course.  I hope you can understand WHY I am struggling when I only get called once or twice in a month! There is SUPPOSE to be a ROTATING LIST of Bail Agents available to YOU at ANY jail  and they are SUPPOSE to name more than ONE particular agent for you should you inquire (especially if that agent CAN'T be reached), and the Jail is NOT SUPPOSED to "personally page" or contact ANY AGENTS for you. You have choices, NEVER LET THE JAILERS DICTATE TO YOU, because you can bet they are in on an "ILLEGAL DEAL" with the Bondsman they are trying to recommend! Just so you know how much your business is appreciated there will NEVER be a "PAPERWORK FEE" with Robbins Bailbonds. Maybe this is "more" than you wanted to know, but civic responsibility and integrity dictate that I inform you of these potentially dishonest practices. Some might say I am trying to slander my competitors and other parties... to this I respond, I havent slandered them, their OWN "ILLEGAL ACTIONS" have done that for them and I am merely trying to put a PERMENANT END to that kind of corruption! Sincere Thanks for your time and consideration... Remeber you are always free to chose... so exercise that freedom!                               Surety / Recovery Agent, ~Katherine A. Robbins~ more

By Robbins Bailbonds, Crawfordsville November 14, 2006