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Outlook For Social Media & B2B Telemarketing

I think it is safe to say that Social Media Marketing is now considered to be one of the major parts of a business-to-business marketing program. Yet, it is more surprising to find that a lot of companies still underestimate its sheer power in the B2B world. Is Social still “the next big thing” to be taken advantage of or are we past that? Is it just something to play around with, with no real practical ROI advantages or better still does it have some complicated learning curve in order to make it really work? If you think that social media marketing is just simply adding a business Linkin page, a Twitter or Facebook Business Fan page into your marketing mix think again.   There are really only four rules to using Social Media Marketing: Keep it relevant, Keep it interesting, Keep it timely and Think twice before you post.   Do that and Social Media Marketing is a very powerful add on tool to one that involves any kind of telemarketing or teleprosecting. In telemarketing you need to have a specific pointed message you want to get out to your targeted market. The more pointed the better your results will be.   In Social we are looking to create a company’s message and awareness in the marketing place, so Social Media becomes s a very powerful tool which can push out and take in a very narrow targeted message designed for a telemarketing program. The more focused the message the stronger your reach will be. Then make sure that your companies profile’s is totally in sync with your company and the product or service you are offering. Making and taking advantage of every chance you have to push your content, state your message and increase your visibility. Social media networks are just new ways to get your message out. Not quite the same old but in a way. Yet Social Media Marketing makes you easier and more accessible for new customers and prospects to become interface with and become familiar and gain name recognition. This is especially true for a launch of a new product or service, where any kind of market recognition is vital between the combination of lead generation strategy with social and telemarketing.   Turing to Search Engine Optimization;  SEO is the best way to capture relevant traffic from the search engines, not pay for clicks as some would want you to believe, but the success of SEO is always moving around. Thank you Google, not! It’s no longer enough to regularly update your blog, or make sure and have optimized your title tags or Meta descriptions and key words and to check out all those links pointing back to your site. Google Yahoo and Bing and other search engines ARE calculating some of your rankings off of social media presence. Now even Twitter is getting rated by Google so go figure. And that is a fact not a guess! Strong brands are using social media not because they want to but because they have to. This makes being active on social media act as a lighthouse to search engines that your brand is legitimate, credible, trustworthy and active. What does that mean for you? If you want to rank for a given set of keywords, having a strong social media presence is almost mandatory. How important? Well, if you need to develop your online presence and push your message you really don’t have a choice.   Lastly I almost always advise clients to either to use a micro site or a landing page to draw in all their targeted social media hits. Again adding the element of telemarketing in this really important. A potential prospect needs a place to go and look information that is directly related to the targeted message you are talking about and pushing out through social. You need to set up a spot where you can have your 3F’s (Friends Fans and Followers) hit your site to get your press releases, company news, product information, blogs and any YouTube videos you might just have. If using a micro site, landing page or pLURS you can also use this as an entry to your websites real homepage and target it deeper in with a telemarketing program’s and call to action.       Larson Notes & Satire: Keep in mind that joining a social media marking with telemarketing is a lot more than just adding another business-to-business marketing program. This is a 1-2 punch of social and phone which puts you right in the middle of everything that your customer or prospect is including customer service, marketing research and product development.   It is important to know the audience and think of how you can extend the conversations from online to offline. And this is where b2b telemarketing and social media can make such an impact and take the “cold” out of cold calling.   For the answer to your sales and lead generation problems call Larson & Associates at 847-991-1294 or email me  One call is all it takes.   Howard Larson Larson & Associates Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition Making good businesses great and great businesses even better 847-991-1294   P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you should add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out. more

By Larson & Associates February 19, 2015

Save Money By Outsourcing

As an entrepreneur it is a very normal and natural want to do everything yourself. I mean it’s your baby. You started it, you’re building it, you must know what is best. But if you do all the work yourself you are saving money? Are you getting the best effort and talent in targeted areas of your business? The question is, could someone be doing a better job for you?   If you’re like a lot of entrepreneurs or small business people when we first start out, you might be forced to do everything yourself because of “sweat equity”. Money is not there to do what needs to be done so, you do it. But there comes a time when you need to either delegate or outsource.   Once you get to this point in your businesses life you have to have a reality check and realize that to do everything yourself is not practical and there are some things you are really not qualified to do.   Lucky for you that almost anything you need can not only be outsourced but there are able, willing experts out there to do the work. So you have lots of choices of not just want to outsource but who to outsource to.   According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), the average small business owner spends up to 40% of his or her time on routine administrative tasks. Constantly working on non revenue-producing tasks that could be more productively and cost-effectively performed by a highly skilled, knowledgeable assistant is losing your business significant income.   Steps in determining what to outsource   Step 1:Decide what tasks are taking up your time or that you are not qualified to do, such as web promotion, social media marketing, bookkeeping, janitorial, etc.   Step 2:Find out how much time you are putting into each task.   Step 3:Determine what you would do with the time that you would save by outsourcing.   Step 4:Determine the tasks which should or cannot be outsourced or the things that you are most qualified to do. Not everything can be outsourced.   Step 5:Prioritize every task. When you outsource, don’t give too much responsibility the first time you unless you know them or they come very highly recommended from a trusted friend.   Step 6:Now assuming you certain tasks you are going to have someone do for you, write a task list of what you expect to have accomplished either on a daily or weekly basis.   When you get to that point in your businesses growth when you need to outsource and you will find your business able to grow even faster. Call Me, Howard Larson, now, at 847-991-1294, for a free consultation.   If results are what you need and expect contact us today. We do what others only promise.Larson&Associates / We Make Good Businesses Great & Great Businesses Even Better. 847-991-1294 All associates located in the United States But remember, you can ONLY get the Larson advantage at Larson & Associates more

By Larson & Associates April 09, 2013

Time To Add Services That Work

Yes it is time to add services that work! It use to be that all a good printing company had to do was continually invest in their people and their equipment. That was about all it took to stay competitive and increase productivity and quality. Even now companies should be making sure that they are continually investing in these important skill sets of: Technical skills Sales skills Customer management skills Purchasing skills Negotiation skills Social media skills Yet as good as having all these skills sets are they are no good without the right services in place. Skills without the services are worthless. You will not be able to push the envelope, to make things work and have a trained staff in place to hit the ground running and get superior results if you can’t put everything in place and ready to roll in perfection. Customers are not going to let you learn things on their dime. Customers are not going to let you train yourself and staff with the very lifeblood of their companies marketing at stake.  The world does not have time to stop while you learn the new communication and marketing techniques.  To change for the future printing companies need, yes I said need, not think about, adding services. Now that might not sound like something you want to be doing but to achieve sales growth and market share it is not an option. It is no longer enough to just put ink on paper. To roll off the perfect printed piece and smile. To have the perfect press check as you sip a cup of coffee with your client in the customer lounge. Print companies have to sell a complete value added services. You cannot sit back and do one part of the marketing/advertising package. More now than prerecession it is do it all or die a slow painful death. As a Printing company you had better be considering what your customers need. They understand the challenges that they face and you had better start. If you can’t, don’t or won’t produce solutions to overcome their marketing challenges they will go shopping for a supplier that will. Larson Notes&Satire:  So what’s a printing company to do?  1st you can begin by looking at some new services and try to decide what areas you can move into (with the least amount of pain). If you can’t do it alone you need to find a synergistic partner who will not steal your customers. 2nd, review your key accounts, you know the 2 or 3 that make up 60% of your companies business. The ones that if you lose your company goes out of business. As ask them what other services they would want you to be offering them in a more holistic marketing attack. 3rd review your sales message. You need to be more inclusive of the all areas of the communication process to get your customers the kind or results they need in a way they expect.  If it were my shop, I’d be looking at picking a synergistic partner with a history of blood and ink running though my veins that matches my values.   So where does that leave us? I have been around the block a few times. Been full time with my own company since 1975 as well as having grown up in the business working for my father’s company starting in 1966. Walking in to the smell of ink, the sound of the feeder grabbing each sheet of paper, the pounding of our Gordon as it die cut card stock. Yes I have a history, and what I hope is a more glorious future.  If you want your business to be more call us for an appointment. Howard Larson Larson & Associates Target Marketing & Telesales Professionals for new account acquisition Making good businesses great and great businesses even better 847-991-0488 P.S. We make telesales for small business affordable by offering programs down to only 15 hours a week. Maybe you could add telesales into your marketing mix call today and find out. more

By Larson & Associates January 30, 2013

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