Top articles for Law Firms

How to File a Medical Malpractice Suit

How to File a Medical Malpractice Suit

A medical malpractice suit can be filed anytime a person feels they have been injured or harmed during the course of a medical procedure. It can be hard to prove malpractice, and there are time limits you have to follow in order to file. You’ll need certain documentation, so the sooner you can start the process the better off you’ll be. more

How to Do an Uncontested Divorce on Your Own

How to Do an Uncontested Divorce on Your Own

Getting a divorce is never a pleasant experience. The cost of attorneys and court fees adds to the stress of the divorce. If both parties are in agreement with no party contesting any part of the divorce, you can file for a DYI uncontested divorce. more

About International Divorce Law

About International Divorce Law

International divorce law can be complicated because national divorce laws vary from one another. If the couple is from different countries, one country's divorce laws may have jurisdiction over the couple in regards to the division of property and custody of children. more

How to Form a Bankruptcy Law Firm

How to Form a Bankruptcy Law Firm

While attorneys often start their legal careers working as associates in existing law firms, some attorneys decide they would rather work for themselves in the area of law they practice. If you have determined that you want to practice bankruptcy law and be your own boss, you may want to form a bankruptcy law firm. more

High School Research Ideas for Business Law

High School Research Ideas for Business Law

Business law classes are offered in high school. The course teaches students about the laws that need to be applied when a business is in operation. Students also learn the different laws as they pertain to the different business practices. High school professors come up with various methods of teaching their students about researching business laws. The goal of the teacher is to teach the student how to retain the information that they have learned. more

How to File for an Uncontested Divorce

How to File for an Uncontested Divorce

If you are married and you and your spouse both agree the marriage is over, an uncontested divorce allows you to divorce in a dignified way, quietly, and inexpensively. Most couples choose this route to divorce because it cost less. In addition, it avoids the nastiness that often happens with a contested divorce. more

Recent Reviews View all

Kim Grannan


By bopeep

Having her represent me for my son was the worst mistake I have ever made. She did absoultly nothing to help my case, if anything she hurt me more by not doing her job. Is all she cares about is MONEY she has absolutly no compassion or patience. It takes her weeks to call you back. One would think being a mother of triplets that she would be more understanding and have some compassion more

Kim Grannan


By James Geissmann

Kim Grannan did a great and professional job for my sister who was in a 22 year abusive marriage. Not only did she help Gina get out of that marriage Kim helped Gina get custody or her youngest daughter. I have found Kim to be of the best character and brings excellent professional job qualities. As a small business owner in Arizona I find it sad that people give 2 sentence responses about Kim's job performance, when as we all know there are two sides too every story. more

Kim Grannan


By Caryn S

Awful lawyer. She is a danger to children's rights. more

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