
Blogs from Pest Exterminators in New Lenox, IL

Wasp Control

Can we control 100% of wasps gaining access to our property? Completely eliminating all wasp activity from our property is an impractical expectation. However, there are a few proven strategies which can be done to minimize the activity. When these actions are performed consistently, wasp activity will be minimal. Wasp Control Strategies Rid property of grass clippings, leaves, and branches. Trim trees and bushes Make sure garbage can lids are completely closed Rinse out garbage receptacles monthly during warm seasons Remove any standing water found on toys, bird baths, and patio furniture Inspect gutters & remove stagnant debris Knock down reachable wasp nests immediately as they appear Key areas to check on exterior of home: Lighting fixtures, laundry vent covers, under eaves, along roof lines, trees, tree stumps, brick and siding of home. Pay attention to the ground surrounding your property. Particularly to areas which go undisturbed for several days. The goal is to make your property the worst option for wandering wasps looking to nest. These tips should be consistently carried out during the warm seasons. Most of these above actions can be done when doing weekly yard work. Taking action on these recommendations will also minimize many other potential pest problems (especially mosquitoes). Remember this: Wasps will exude either solitary or social behaviors. Solitary wasps will generally keep to them selves and proceed with their instinctual behavior. They will generally build a small nest for themselves and their family. Social wasps will usually have a larger nest and communicate with many of their counterparts. Social wasps are usually more dangerous to deal with. Due to the fact they can call upon their friends during removal or extermination. Be extremely cautious when knocking down or removing nests. Be sure to wear clothing which covers the whole body. The best time to eradicate a wasp nest will be during the morning or evening hours. During these times, the nests should be close to full capacity. The best option at this time would be to spray the nest and eliminate the wasps. If you choose to use a pest control company for wasp control be sure they are licensed and insured. All the best, A.N.T. Pest Control ...read more

By A.N.T. Pest Control New Lenox September 15, 2017

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