Blogs from Online Services in Meridian, ID

REALTOR WEBSITES: Real Estate Map Search

Tour Real Estate Inc, your provider of the best REALTOR® websites and marketing has just launched our new real estate map search! Widely available for our  S W Idaho REALTOR® website customers – with a later expanded launch for clients in other areas already in the works – TourRE clients will now have 3 main ways to search within their main property search area:Quick Search, Map Search, and our Standard Search. Quicksearchallows visitors to enter an address or mls number as well as search by city, school, or subdivision. Standard Searchprovides a basic set of standard search criteria like beds, baths, property type, and price – as well as an optional “advanced search” if they  are interested in finding property with specific features. Map Searchis version 1 of our latest development, an integrated Google basedreal estate map searchby beds, baths, property type, and price range with results displayed right on the map in order to allow your visitors to see the area around the properties they are interested in. This is just the latest in a wide variety of excellent tools and functions that your dedicated team here at Tour Real Estate are developing in order to help you drive more traffic to your site and move more real estate! Not a TourRE client? Is your website outdated, hard to use, or invisible in search engines?WE CAN HELP!Contact Tour Real Estate today to find out what we can do to help you develop your digital presence and put your website to work for you! Get Connected to the Leader in Online Realtor Solutions : Realtor Websites| Lead Capture Websites|Our Portfolio Order Photos / Virtual Tour|Our Blog|Follow Us on Twitter|Join Us on Facebook more

By Tour Real Estate August 08, 2011

Read The Latest Newsletter from Tour Real Estate

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Tour Real Estate. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Tour Real Estate April 21, 2011

REALTOR WEBSITES: The Best Isn't For Everyone...

We here at Tour Real Estate realize that our REALTOR websites may not be for everyone. We’ve spent over the last 10 years developing powerful real estate websites driven by a dynamic toolbox that allows users to control nearly every aspect of their real estate website. During that time we’ve had countless hours to research and develop the various aspects that go into a successful digital presence including how to leverage those things to sell real estate online…but effective online REALTOR marketing for listings and services may not be your cup of tea… Sometimes having the best tools in the business can be a little overwhelming;some agents may want to pay more for a less functional website in order to keep from overloading their senses.We want to let you know that’s OK, we understand;Tour Real Estate is here for you should you decide to get serious about marketing yourself online. You see, we’ve designed our sites to be used as the powerful online marketing tools they were meant to be without a lot of coding knowledge required on your part. Butfor best results you still have to use the tools our system provides. If you are looking for a website that you can simply set and forget, expecting it to magically take care of leads and your online exposure then we may have to direct you to the gilded tree of magic where the happy web gnomes live in a fantastical world of make believe… However, if you arelooking for powerful and effective REALTOR websitesthat put you in control of your content and search engine visibility – all backed by some of the best customer service online – thenget in touch with TourRE today. Already a TourRE website customer? Got a site but not sure what to do with it?We can help! Contact us today to talk about learning how to better use your website, how to incorporate social networks and blogs into your site as well as in depth tips and info forREALTOR search engine optimization. Get Connected to the Leader in Online Realtor Solutions : Realtor Websites| Lead Capture Websites|Our Portfolio Order Photos / Virtual Tour|Our Blog|Follow Us on Twitter|Join Us on Facebook more

By Tour Real Estate April 20, 2011

Read The Latest Newsletter from Tour Real Estate

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Tour Real Estate. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Tour Real Estate August 26, 2010

Read The Latest Newsletter from Tour Real Estate

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Tour Real Estate. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Tour Real Estate July 31, 2010

Facebook Tips for Idaho Realtors

By now most Realtors are using Facebook, either personally or for business, and while it can be a little overwhelming at first this social network really does offer alot in the way of marketing your services and brand — but it's not in Farmville, so close that now! That being said one of the biggest flaws (if you can call it that) is that once you're part of it, it's easy to forget you can (and should) beusing it for strengthening your digital presence.Therefore it's important to budget out your daily FB time for maximum effectiveness.Make your digital presence management part of your morning ritual.It only takes about 15 minutes to get the ball rolling – the key is sticking to it and using those 15 minutes wisely, and hey, if you add in an extra 5 minutes to see who needs to be whacked on Mafia Wars, it'll be our little secret. Update your status– this is the daily mantra. It's the easiest thing to do and takes the least time. Tell everyone what you are going to be doing today, share an inspirational or witty quote, or pose a question. Status updates are especially key to your Fan Page as that indexable text can count towards your search engine placement. (consequently, Fan Page text is indexed by search engines, groups and other types of pages are not) Do NOT constantly bombard people with real estate this, real estate that, overhyping is one of the surest ways to lose friends and make enemies. Check the Birthdays– Facebook lists your friends who have birthdays coming up right on your landing page. Wouldn't it be nice to drop them a pleasant birthday wish? It might not count for much, but it will keep your name circulating around (and on their wall), which in turn leads to more clicks to your profile. Want to get personal? Check Facebook Phonebook to see if they have their phone number listed, you can even go that extra mile and wish them happy birthday by voice to really stand out. Comment on Status Updates– read through the latest updates from your friends and connections, engage them in conversation, state your sympathy, speak your opposing view, or even just make a witty reply. Social networking is ALL about interacting and interconnectivity, if you aren't using it to communicate and stay in touch so that your name it out there, you may as well not be using it at all. Use Twitter– Yes, technically thats not a "facebook tip", but well, it kind of is. You can link Twitter to Facebook in a number of ways so that you can tweet from your phone and update your Facebook status at the same time.You can also use different Facebook applications to show your Twitter feed on your profile sidebar. Take Care of Your W's—Where, Why, and What.You should fill out as much information as possible under your Info tab. In addition to that it likely wouldn't hurt to write a note or two describing a bit about yourself. YES, let people know WHERE you are in your state, let them know WHY you got into real estate, and tell them WHAT you do and what services you offer — a Fan Page is a GREAT extension of this idea; works in conjunction with your existing profile. If they know, they won't have to guess; this combined with keeping your name highly visible can in turn lead to more returns. Ask Questions– ENGAGE your friends and followers. Ask questions that stimulate conversation. Be current, be provocative, don't be afraid! Try not to step on any toes religiously or politically, but a little controversy CAN drive alot of traffic if used correctly. Post a question about music for instance, "Do you know where the lyrics from Don McCleans song ‘American Pie' came from?", or "Can you name the 50 states only using the titles from songs?" etc… Keep an Eye on Events– Facebook allows others to send you invites for upcoming events in your community. It never hurts to check in on these and keep up with whats going on. Facebook even allows you to RSVP so that if you can't make it to the event, or simply aren't interested you can reply with a "NO" to the invite with an added message like "Sorry I couldn't make it to your event, I have an open house this weekend". Better yet, use the Events function to announce your own open houses and events to help encourage others to connect! Facebook isn't the last word in social networking, but it is a great site that offers alot of ways for you to interact, make new leads, and generate business. Fact is most social sites these days have followed Facebooks lead and offer status updates and many of the same features – so these tips apply for those social sites as well, it's up to you to use them! Still a little confused? Just not getting this ‘social networking' mumbo jumbo?Tour Real Estate can help demystify the net! We have guides to help you optimize your website for search engines, help you setup social network accounts, and drive traffic to your website or blog. Our tech experts have the skills and knowledge that can help you get the most out of your online real estate presence. Contact TourRE today to find out more aboutthe best Realtor websitesandRealtor marketingavailable today! more

By Tour Real Estate July 30, 2010

Modern Real Estate Marketing

The real estate agent of today has a much different market to work in that Realtors of the past have ever been confronted with.In the past throwing out buzzwords into classified or print magazine ads, a picture or two, or holding an open house were about your only real options inaffordable Realtor marketingthat didn't involve shelling out an arm and a leg for radio time or plastering your face on a giant billboard.It's a different world of Realtor marketing; if you aren't riding the very cusp of the wave you are likely to get washed out to sea in this tumultuous real estate market.Here's an example of the OLD way of marketing your listings, taken from the 70′s:A Northend Boise Realtor listed a home on Harrison Boulevard, her brokerage firm paid for a one and a half line classified ad in the Idaho Statesman that offered the location, a hint of the price and a limited description that read: "Great sun filled home, excel maint, desired locale". She placed the ad, held a small open house, and while that was enough at the time to drum up a buyer we can look at the cost of that one time print ad, the time spent at the open house, and realize even though it was the only game in town at the time, it definitely may have not been the most cost effective means to move real estate; even if ALL their subscribers saw her ad that would only be about30,000 possible contacts…maybe in reality 5% of which even saw the ad and of that 5% perhaps 2% were even in the market for a home.If they were in the know, the same Realtor would market that listing much differently today.FREE social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook would very likely replace the one time print classified ad. She would pay a professionalreal estate photographyorreal estate virtual tourcompany to photograph her listing so it could be posted on her blog,Posterous,, and showcased on herRealtor website. By marketing her real estate online she has not only likely saved money but she has also increased the exposure of the listing by a hundred fold.The internet is world wide, open 24 hours a day 7 days a week!This may not seem like much, just the cost of a print ad, but fact is for the cost of a one page ad in a magazine or a newspaper your Realtor Website could be up and running, showcasing your listings and your Realtor brand 365 days a year!A good listing agent is a marketeer first, a salesperson second.Traditional marketing methods have not disappeared, and are still effective, Just Listed cards, Farming Cards, and open houses all still get results but are likely to not be nearly as cost effective as social networking and technology have made marketing online.The internet is not a new invention but many real estate professionals are just now beginning to grasp it's importance in marketing their listings and getting the word out about their services. It is also a powerful tool for Selling Agents as well, as consumer expectations regarding how a home should be marketed have changed as well.ARealtor Website, no matter how advanced it may be, is not automatic, and should by no means simply be created and forgotten about except for when the bill comes.If you do not have a Realtor Website system that puts you in control of your content and search engine visibility, GET ONE.Pre-canned Realtor Websites, and freebie Realtor websites almost do more harm than good to your digital presence. You don't need to be serving out the same content as a thousand other area agents – it benefits the website company, not YOU!If you yourself are not actively working your Realtor website and putting fresh content and information into it then by all means: PAY SOMEONE to do it for you!Just blogging once a month can provide a noticeable increase in website traffic.The days of just being online, just having a website, and that being enough are OVER.Your website needs to be fresh and alive to compete with the growing tide of online Realtors vying for a narrowing client base. Don't risk losing your valuable share of this difficult market because your website was not able to keep up with your real estate business needs.Contact Tour Real Estate Inc today to find out how you can boost sales and move more real estate by getting an affordable, powerful Realtor Website from us.Already have a TourRE website?We can help you make it even better – drop us a line to find out more about ourBoise Search Engine Optimizationservices, social networking tips, and more to help make your Realtor Website even more effective. more

By Tour Real Estate July 08, 2010

Read The Latest Newsletter from Tour Real Estate

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Tour Real Estate. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Tour Real Estate May 30, 2010

Real Estate Market Got You Down?

Drive sales and move real estate COST EFFECTIVELY with a Realtor Website from Tour Real Estate! NO other Realtor Website system provides the power, functionality, and control of a TourRE Realtor Website — all for about the cost of a one time print advertisement. Target Your Market Showcase Your Listings Increase Search Engine Visibility Capture Leads Realtor Websites as Low as $100 !Get Connected to the Leader in Online Realtor Solutions :Realtor Websites|Email Marketing|Lead Capture Websites|Our PortfolioOrder Photos / Virtual Tour|Our Blog|Follow Us on Twitter|Join Us on Facebook more

By Tour Real Estate May 13, 2010

Is Your Realtor Website Behind the Times?

The 90′s Called: They Want Their Website Back… Is your website outdated, or just not functional? You could be losing your valuable share of this difficult real estate market! If your website is unattractive or hard to use it could be costing you business. Realtor websites from TourRE are created to be attractive and highly functional. More than websites in a can our templated Realtor websites put YOU in control of your site appearance, content, and search engine visibility. Don't suffer with a website you are embarrassed to send clients to: get a Realtor website from TourRE today to start making the most of your digital presence! LEARN MORE > > > more

By Tour Real Estate April 26, 2010

Realtor Websites - Lead Capture...then what!?

Tour Real Estate Inc continues to provide you with the bestRealtor Websitesonline today – part of that great service includes keeping you up on the latestRealtor marketingtrends and news to help you make the most of your digital presence and Realtor Website from TourRE:Creating and converting leads is one of the key factors to the success not only of your digital presence but also your business itself. Many Fortune 500 speakers, trainers, and executives will tell you alot of their time is focused on generating leads – shortly after which they will lay down the sales pitch for you to buy their"proven steps to !! 1,000's !! of guaranteed leads generated". If you've been in the internet rodeo for a while you've likely heard a hundred get rich quick super sales turn around pitches like these, hopefully you haven't fallen for any of them, but chances are if you did it was a costly lesson learned.Fact is: Creating leads is EASY – converting them into returns is NOT!The real challenge you see isn't merely creating, or even capturing leads. There are literally thousands of ways for agents to generate leads:farming/ card camapaignscold callingdirect maildrip emailsnewsletter campaignsFSBOscalling your sphereyour Realtor websitecalling past clients craigslistrelocation referralssocial networkingand the dread…open houses!The list is really endless with unlimited sources from which to create leads.  Each with its own ratio of success attached to it.The true difficulty is turning those leads into something once you've got them – and honestly, it's where alot of agents drop the ball.There are agents who generate most if not all of their business from only one of these sources, not all or a combination.Heard the phrase: Do one thing and do it well? Sometimes it's true.But then sometimes more IS more. You have to find what works best for your particular skills and talents.It's almost a dirty word but it brings results: Open Houses.There are agents who are generating a LOAD of referrals and new business from these face to face meetings. Getting out there on their Saturdays and Sundays. It's almost a paradox: more and more people are finding Realtors online – but at the same time more and more consumers are going back to relying on that face-to-face time, especially when it's something as potentially frightening as buying a home! But those are just one method to get the leads rolling in…Need the hard numbers to prove getting the leads alone isn't the problem?I get the same snake oil emails that you do every day –GUARANTEED lead generation! #1 on Google!The latest internet guru was touting his latest client gained 60 transactions a year and generated over 1,200 leads a month…but let's do some math people: even at over 14,000 leads a year he only reallyhad a conversion rate of those leads of about .00416 ! Less than 1/2 of 1% of all the thousands of leads that came in, had to be viewed, processed, replied to or referred, for WHAT !?This leads us to conclude that either the quality of the leads is very poor, or that the agent himself has no idea of how to properly handle and convert the mad flow of leads raining down on him. Truth is, it very likely could be a combination of the two, but in any case the result is a large quantity of  time, energy, and money spent on something providing little return.Fact is: quality leads costs money and time to create AND convert.Don't for a second think that managing your leads is going to be a free lunch scenario. You are either going to have to invest your own time to nuture these contacts, or very likely pay someone to do it for you. So what works? Well, all of the above ideas can certain help butit's a strange contradiction in this technology driven industry that getting face-to-face with the client can really be key.Creatings leads is the lifeblood of your business; but managing, and converting them to face-to-face meetings is the heart of your business the keeps the flow going.You can create and capture leads until the cows come home, but until the master the art of the follow-up the true rewards from these hard won contacts will be beyond you.It can be as simple as a phone call, or setting up a time to meet over coffee. Get in touch and get face-to-face – thats where the buyer confidence lives.And of course it also never hurts to have a quality Realtor Website from Tour Real Estate Inc providing a showcase for your listings and services 24hrs a day 7 days a week for about what a one-time print advertisement might cost you.  Not a TourRE customer? Don't delay, get the best Realtor technology today! more

By Tour Real Estate April 15, 2010

The Best Realtor Websites - 8 Reasons

Don't fall for the first smoke blower that rolls in spouting hype words and catch phrases – we know what those words mean, and helped make most of them industry standards! Realtor Websites from TourRE have been the best for nearly a decade and here's 8 reasons why we're STILL the best:Design– We have dozens of templates with varying color themes to choose from.Change your look with the click of a button.Want to stand out? Our designers are the best around and can create a custom look just for you!Content– We give youREALcontent control. Not prefab modules that all share the same content with hundreds of other users. TourRERealtor websiteslet you customize almost every section of text on your site, create unlimited custom pages and more!Capture– Capture leads from a number of points on your site. Set the login to be pass thru or required. Create custom forms on your own for added functionality. Stand alone lead capture sites are also available to put those empty or uselessly forwarded domains to WORK!Conversion– Our Client Center keeps track of the leads that come in from your site allowing you to review information sent, add clients to our Dreamhome program, and stay in touch with drip email marketing!Traffic– TourRE provides comprehensive website, listing, and TourRE Virtual Tour stats that you can see in real time and email to the client to show them your marketing stratgey for their listing is getting results!Optimization– More than Realtor websites in a can TourRE Realtor websites roll out ready for search engine traffic. Beyond that every website can be easily optimized for maximum search engine placement results.Syndication– Your listings appear automatically on nation wide sites like, Zillow and more! Feed your listings to other portals automatically via your RSS listing feed.Branding–TourRE Realtor websites brand YOU as the contact agentno matter what listings your visitors find. Unlike most Realtor Websites who show the listing agents info, or no info at all for contact, TourRE Realtor websites brand your contact info, photo, and logoon every search result so YOU get the leads!These are just a few of the features you will find included as standard in Realtor websites from TourRE. Follow this link to learn more aboutthe TourRE Advantageand see a full list of our available web functions to help you move real estate! more

By Tour Real Estate April 12, 2010

Tour Real Estate and IMLS the best Realtor Websites

Tour Real Estate Inc has partnered with IMLS to provide you with the very best Realtor Websites at amazing prices! For about the cost of what you might pay for a one time print advertisement you could have a TourRE Realtor website running 24hrs a day 7 days a week for an entire year - showcasing your listings, your Realtor services and bringing in prospective leads from home buyers! Join Us at the IMLS on Thursday April 1st to learn about the best Realtor websites online today! Tour Real Estate Inc has been providing the best Realtor websites and Realtor marketing for nearly a decade - we know real estate and we've helped create the technologies that have revolutionized how it is found online today. Don't risk losing your valuable share of this difficult real estate market - get a Realtor Website from Tour Real Estate today! Find Out More About Our Services: Realtor Websites | Email Marketing | Lead Capture Websites | Our Portfolio Order Photos / Virtual Tour | Our Blog | Follow Us on Twitter | Join Us on Facebook more

By Tour Real Estate April 01, 2010

Lost on the Information Superhighway?

Lost on the Information Superhighway?If your website is hard to use, unattractive, or just plain can't be found in search engine results you could be losing your valuable share of this difficult market!Target Your MarketRealtor Websites from TourRE are designed to be search engine friendly from the get-go and are able to be easily optimized to gain maximum placement in searches.Realtor Sites that Put YOU in Control!In the world of Search Engine Optimization content is KING and Realtor Websites from TourRE allow you to easily create UNLIMITED custom pages, full of content you control that the search engines can see!No time to Optimize?Have us optimize your TourRE Realtor Website for the low cost of $75! In this one time session we will give every page unique title, keywords, and meta-data as well as add keyword focused tags to your module and custom page images for optimal search engine visibility!Click Here to Get Optimized!Find Out More About Our Services:Email Marketing|Lead Capture Websites|Realtor Websites|Our PortfolioOrder Photos / Virtual Tour| Follow Us on Twitter|Join Us on Facebook more

By Tour Real Estate March 09, 2010

Tips for a Effective Realtor Website

We here at TourRE strive to provide the very bestRealtor WebsitesandRealtor Marketingonline today. We have been creating the best Realtor Websites for nearly a decade and in that time we've found out what works in real estate web design and what doesn't – and it's made our Realtor Websites some of the best in the business. Here are some great tips that will help you make the most of your Realtor Website with us:1. Your website is a KEY business tool. Treat it like one! No other adverising medium can reach as wide of an audience for as little of a price as your website. Include your website in your overall business plan with a full strategy for the short- and long-term. Support it like any other business strategy or marketing plan – with continuous evaluation, effort, and its own promotional plan.2. Websites are increasingly complex – this is good and bad. Thankfully Realtor Websites from TourRE are already setup to be easy to use, navigate and customize to suit your niche or the needs of your target market. Websites are complex marketing and business tools that require specialized knowledge, and we offer that know-how to you our customers for the asking. TourRE understands the latest marketing and online strategies – we also stay up to date on the latest search engine optimization trends and pass that knowledge on to you through our superior customer service.3. Give the consumers what they want! By far, the most important piece to consider in a website is ensuring you address consumer needs and wants. Consumers will choose sites that offer powerful features and easy navigation options. Try not to clutter your site with too many unnecessary bells and whistles. Realtor Websites from TourRE can be as intricate or as simple as you choose – and often in the world of web design: less is more. Give your visitors the ability to get to the areas they are interested in quickly and easily.4. Measure the actionable, meaningful metrics. Identify key performance metrics that are tied to your business goals during the website planning stages. To understand what's working and what's not, consider monitoring more than just the basics. We offer comprehensive web site, listing, and TourRE virtual tour statistics that let you know exactly where visitors are going and what's working and what's not.5. Don't set it and forget it. You get OUT of your website what you put IN to your website. You can't expect a website to just sit and make you money with no time involved in marketing or updating it – it just does not happen. Search engines are focused on the newest content and information, by having a site you can update easily and efficiently from TourRE is KEY to being able to make the most of your Realtor Marketing strategy — all for about the same cost as a one time print advertisement.Tour Real Estate Inc knowsreal estate web design. We have been the leader in Realtor Websites for nearly a decade and have been providing the Realtor Marketing and internet solutions that have revolutionized the industry. Get in the game – get a Realtor Website from TourRE! more

By Tour Real Estate February 11, 2010

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