Top Airports in Boise, ID 83715

These guys are a breath of fresh air. The cars are clean and smell good, and the drivers speak english so I could actually talk with them. Great job guys keep it up.Read Moreā€¦

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By Anonymous

These guys are a breath of fresh air. The cars are clean and smell good, and the drivers speak english so I could actually talk with them. Great job guys keep it up. more

A Country Cab


By Tim Bower

Honest Driver. Once I left 40 dollars in the seat by mistake and called the driver the next day to ask for it. He was honest and returned my money. Thank you Tim Bower more

A Country Cab


By Ann

Kind, courteous, smiling and pleasant. The whole ride is filled with joy. You'll be glad you took this Country Cab more

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Honor Flags World Travel

There arenumeroushorror storiesinvolvingthingsgoing wrongonholidays.Theissuescouldhave beenavoidedthroughproperplanning.Right hereis somefantasticrecommendationsandideasyou canutilizefromHonorFlagstopreventany horror story.Bringthecertificationyou get thatsaysyou've gotten the treatments if you areneededto havecertainvaccinations in thecountryyou aretaking a tripto.Without thatpaperwork, thereisn't reallya methodtounderstandif you've beenimmunized,and thatcantriggerhold-upsor perhapsa quarantine.When you aretaking a tripina weirdcity, becautiousofindividualspretendingto beofficials.Do notprovideanyonehave yourrealkey. Doneveracceptgosomewherewithunfamiliar people.Do somestudyon whichcarriersuseit if youwillbetaking a tripthrougha smallerairport.Whentravelingin othernations,make use ofcautionwhen taking a taxi. Youneed tobeparticularthat the taxi service.If youtake a triptoan amusement parkor otherspecificattraction, likeamusement parksor a play,look formethodsto have them ahead of time.Thesmallcostper ticket for such a service is well worth it tostay clear oflong lines.You canavoidadmission lines too if yourdestinationofferstimed entry.Whentravelingby air,put onlightweight,comfortableshoes that can begotten rid ofquickly. You are going tohave totake them for security checks. Theutmostshoes for flyingmaywell beshoesor flip flops.Youcannotpredicttheweatherwillbe like. A raincoat canlikewiseserve asa windbreaker when theweather conditionis cold, any rain thatemergesas well aspossiblyas a bathrobe!If youdesireto have fresh water in your morning coffee, melt hotel ice.Faucet wateris notconstantlythe very besttastingoption, soplaceice in thebucketforovernightmelting. You can brewtastycoffee in the morning with fresh filtered water.Joinonline forumsandsocial media networks.A greatwaytoget ready fora journeyis totalk toothers whotake pleasure intaking a trip. This lets you makepalsand sharecomparableexperiences.Preventdriving inrush hoursof any city when setting out on your trip.If youcan notpreventa heavy trafficin a city,usethis time totake a break. This isfantasticfortaking timetoconsumeor lettingkidsrun out and around for a bite.In summary,most peoplewho have badvacationexperiences didn'tprepare fortheirtripsproperly. Thetipsprovidedherefrom Honor Flags canhelpyouproperlyplana vacationwhichwill certainlyberemarkableandtrouble-free. Get additionalpointersfromHonor Flagsin order to make your nexttripthe bestone possible. more

By Honor Flags World Travel February 27, 2015

Boise Taxi Services

By IDAHO CAB CO. April 07, 2011

Taxis and the City of Boise

    This is the first time I have attempted to do a blog, but I think it's important that the public knows what is happening in our industry right now so here goes something!     Lately in the news you may have read or maybe even seen on TV stories about taxis in Boise. One about a man that got assaulted on the way home from the bar, another about taxis wanting more oversight by the City (here is a link to that story, and more. Taxis in Boise are big news right now, but do you know what is going on behind the scenes.    Are there problems with taxis in Boise? Yes there are. What are they and how can they be fixed? Let's talk about the one that concerns most people that use taxis. What can be done to stop putting drivers in taxis that will be apt to attack someone? The City says they do a 5 year FBI background check on every taxi driver before they can obtain a taxi drivers license (yah right), obviously that isn't the answer. So what else can be done? The City says they have "ghost riders" go out and take rides in the taxis. First they send out warnings in the mail saying that they are going to be doing this before it happens. Second they use the same people from the taxi licensing dept. that all the taxi drivers know. What happens when they catch a taxi driver doing something wrong? When they finally catch one of the taxi drivers doing something against the regulations they can fine them up $1000.00 and 6 months in jail, but that's not what has happened in the past. The City has sent letters to the taxi owner telling them what had happened with no consequence of any kind.     Did you know there are taxi and taxi like services that are operating without a license at all? What does the City do about them? I personally have called the City in regards to several of these companies and given them the contact information for these non licensed vehicles. The people at City Hall told me "We can't do anything about it unless we catch them doing something" or "our hands are tied we don't have the man power to enforce the regulations that we have in place". For public safety the City of Boise doesn't have the man power to make some phone calls and find out whether these people are picking people up without the proper insurance or licensing.     The other things that you may have heard about are the long lines of taxis at the Airport and Downtown Boise. Why are the lines so long? The answer to that is simple; there aren't any other taxi stands in Boise. If you go to just about any other City you will find taxi stands out in front of about every hotel and bar, not here. From 5am to 8pm the only taxi stand that can be used is the Airport which only has space for 25 taxis, after 8pm then the taxis can start using the stands in Downtown. Maybe if there were more taxi stands in Boise more people would use them more, also taxis aren't allowed in City parks.     I have also heard people say there are too many taxis in Boise, I disagree. I don't think there aren't enough good taxis in Boise, and when you are downtown trying to get a taxi at 2am along with 200 plus other people you will see why I say this.     My advice to anyone that rides in taxis here in Boise is finding a taxi company that has good people and great service and calls them every time.     Thank you for reading my first blog ever, please let me know what your thoughts are on the taxis in Boise and how the taxi companies and the City should be handling things. Let me know do you think the year of the taxi will fix any of the problems? What can we do to insure that the drivers are safe to ride with? Does restricting where the taxis can pick up and drop off really solve anything at all? Would you be more apt to take a taxi if they were more accessible i.e. more taxi stands?     Here to serve you IDAHO CAB CO. more

By IDAHO CAB CO. March 29, 2011

Where do you need Airports ?