Top Abuse Treatment Services in Honolulu, HI 96815

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Brain Fitness Hawaii


By Fix Any Debt Financial Services

Hi, Thank you for looing out for my best interest. I really appreciate it. more

Brain Fitness Hawaii


By PTSD anonymous

I could not believe how relaxed and calm I am feeling right now. Thank you, Aloha Biofeedback for the quality work you have rendered - Anonymous more

Safe Day Events


By Safe & Secure

Safe Day Events is all about the safety of you and your loved ones. Drink Detective is one of the hottest items on the market, If your in the dating world this is one item you never want to be without. Easy to carry, Date Rape protection, Collage students should carry one at all times. Thanks to Safe Day Events you can go to the night clubs and feel Safe. Thanks Donna more

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Holiday Blue is Not Here to Stay

From Dr. Sung Lee, Nov 20, 2010 "As a physician I have always been interested to help facilitate human health and well-being in the most efficacious, self-empowering and intelligent ways possible.  In the course of my career, I have provided and researched a range of health technologies and practices, ranging from conventional medical treatments, to mind-body exercises and Eastern healing traditions.  I have looked closely at the effects of these interventions from both qualitative and quantitative points of view.When I encountered the Brainwave Optimization technology, I had a "eureka" moment.  Here was a method that focuses on developing the innate potential of the human brain, to help a person to change their life – quickly, simply, effectively.  And because the brain is the master regulator, the changes also come in ways that are not expected.  Small changes at the source can lead to major and far-reaching changes downstream.   Through the Brainwave Optimization™ process I myself have experienced improved equilibrium and greater creative flow.  My family has also greatly benefited, including my second daughter in particular.  She tended to be withdrawn and not at ease from early on, despite phenomenal mothering.  I provided Brainwave Optimization to her at 18 months of age, and the results were gratifying.  She became markedly more pro-social and at ease with herself and beginning about one month later, demonstrated a massive uptick in her verbal skills.  At 22 months she now rushes forward to greet new people, speaks five-word sentences and sings a number of whole songs, with abandon. I believe that Brainwave Optimization is  disseminating the premier technology for facilitating global human betterment." more

By Brain Fitness Hawaii December 10, 2010

Social Anxiety, Insomna, Post Divorce emotional healing

I.A., 46  -"I have had an issue of depression, anxiety, emotional overreactions to unfairness and being stuck in the past with regrets and sadness having overwhelming presence in my daily life. most of the time, I could not leave the house before it would be clear I would be on the late side. I have had training for 15 sessions, which provided my transformation into being a calm, lighter person. I no longer carry too much anger in me. If I get upset about something it does not stay with me to ruin the rest of the day anymore. I can clearly detect my ability to recognize my emotions in different situations and most of the time be able to control myself. My son told me that I do not get angry as I used to be, which was very nice to hear. I am so happy to be able to get rid of that helpless feeling, I have a strong feeling my children and husband benefit from this new state of being and so am I." more

By Brain Fitness Hawaii October 13, 2010

How to fight against Depression

1) "Where do I start? Brain State Conditioning has changed my life in so many positive ways, I can't begin to list them all. Each session has yielded powerful insights and helped me harness my inner strength and guidance. Depression and mood swings have lost their hold on me, and I now feel confident that my life is on track. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to go to the next level." 2) D.M., 44, Corrections Officer "Before starting sessions I was depressed and had been for nearly two years. I could not sleep, was unproductive, unmotivated and could not snap out of it after going through a very difficult divorce. Since doing sessions, I am no longer depressed, what used to take me three days to get done, I now get done in three hours. My sleep has more than doubled. I feel hopeful, I feel happy. "Things" don't bother me, they just roll off. I don't feel stressed by things anymore. Working with Brain State Conditioningâ„¢ has completely changed my daily quality of life. I'm so much more productive, alive, focused, hopeful and motivated."3) "My motivation to do brain training was to get rid of my nicotine addiction, and that is no longer an issue. Using this technology I discovered how to switch off my thoughts and experience bliss. That allowed me to tap into my creativity at a whole new level. Its been an extraordinary journey." more

By Brain Fitness Hawaii October 13, 2010

Where do you need Abuse Treatment Services ?