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Are you tired of feeling sorry about your credit and credit score?

(Copyrighted Material) When having problems and seeking help, it becomes very easy to get fooled by incorrect ideologies.  A person is most vulnerable during time of stress or loss of a loved one. At the tough times, you should not make important decisions.  However, when it comes to your credit and your report, delay has more negative impact than acting immediately.  Most financial problems don’t go way by themselves. When a bill is sent and you don't reply, that bill or the company (sender) won’t go away.  If you ignore it for a while and a year later want to resolve the issue, the company may not be as cooperative as when you initially received the bill… Remember:  "Knowledge is wealth," "more is lost by indecision than by bad decision" and “Your Credit  (IS) Your Life.” Body (Copyrighted Material) Are you tired of throwing most of your income towards interest rate and fees on credit cards, auto or mortgage loans? Do you have interest rate of over 11% for auto loans or credit cards? Is your mortgage interest rate several points over the federal lending rate (interest rates over 8%)? Do you have a judgment on your credit report? Are you hanging on the ballet, counting days to file bankruptcy? Is the IRS or your state department of revenue repeatedly sending you letters, demanding money for back taxes, interest and penalties owed? Is your auto on its last leg and you don't have the money or credit to fix your transportation? Are you unable to get a loan because of your credit report - credit score? Are you being repeatedly denied loans for auto, home or business? Are you pulling your hair, not knowing what to do - paying so much to the so-called credit repair companies -waiting months at a time hopping they will fix your credit one day? Then, you need to take a step forward, admit (to yourself) you have a major problem, stop being depressed, STOP BEING EMBARRESSED, take the initiative to fix your credit and learn how to keep your credit in a good shape for the rest of your life.  If you think it is embarrassing for someone to know you have bad credit then, think about the embarrassment you’ll face when you lose your car through repossession or home in a foreclosure.  When you do your own credit repair or ask an expert, how will you get embarrassed?  You are taking a step to improve your life.  If you think someone may look down at you, then guess what, that person jealous of you. No one around you (family or friends) knows what you are doing and who cares if a stranger knows.  You will never see or hear from the stranger you bought a book from.  Plus, a lot of people buy all sorts of book to learn more or to add on to their library.  Just because you pick up a book, the whole world doesn’t think, OH! You must have credit problems.  I know quite a few people who have credit score over 800 and hundreds of thousands of dollars in their accounts yet, got a copy of my book.  In fact, an attorney out of N.J. purchased my book and placed a review on couple of sites (where my video was viewed and the site my book was purchased). There are four (4) groups of people in this world.  Let's see what group are you in.   The first group of people is the blamers.  These are ones who love to cry on other people’s shoulder blaming everybody else for their down falls.  Let me give you some examples of what this group does.  They claim it was their spouses, roommates, girl-boy friends, family members or the neighbors that caused their problems.  As a result, they won’t do anything to fix their problems, expecting the person who created the problem should step forward and fix it. The second group is the procrastinators. This group, will never take any initiative and they wait and wait, counting days saying to themselves, "I am going to start after" my birthday, wedding anniversary, the holidays, the child's birthday, and a long list of excuses. However, that day comes and passes by and this group never starts. The third group believes on "uncertainty."  This group wants to do something but not sure how to do something and the suspense of what the result is going to be eats them alive.  Therefore, they will never start; because, they are waiting for someone to hand feed them, take their hands through every step of their lives.  They think because there was always someone who was doing the work for them, there is no need for them to do it themselves.  They say, "I want to do it, I never done anything myself.  Even if I did something, someone had to show me.  I can NOT do it by myself..." This group will also not succeed because they have the negative thoughts built-into their behaviors/minds also. The fourth group is the block builders.  This group can solve any problem at anytime without instructions and are ready to take on any and all tasks with a little or no push.  These are the go-getters in our society.  We can throw any problem in their path and they will find a way to overcome the problem.  Most of these people don't even need instruction manuals to assemble or disassemble anything.  They will figure out on their own and possibly even find a shortcut that would work better than the manual that accompanies the item.  These people don't understand the word "NO."  They don't know the word “impossible.”  They can't stand discouragement or discouraging people.  Everybody else calls them "very smart," "brilliant," "responsive," "determined," "persistence," "relentless" or a long list of other names. Okay.  How are YOU called?  What group are you in? At the same time that you want comfort in your life, you must understand what makes it happen.  There is nothing wrong with wanting a better vehicle (a good transportation), a place you can call home, good furnishing - whatever your heart desires.  However, these come at a cost.  The cost can either be the high interest rate and unreasonable fees you pay for the loans you receive, be denied repeatedly for the loan applications you submit, or simply take the appropriate measure and do credit repair so that your financial trouble could go away. If you haven’t learned yet, your credit "IS" your life, you MUST fix your credit now.  You must learn the true trick of how to repair credit, improve your credit score, manage credit and money and turn your mess of finances around.  Do the credit repair yourself and be proud of your own accomplishments. I understand that you may not know how to begin or how to overcome a situation when you are stuck. However, self-credit repair or credit management is the BEST solution you'll have to take control of your finances (even if you have good credit).  There are a lot of books you can buy in order to do that.  You don't need someone else to do the work for you; because, at the end you still would not know what happened or how you can protect yourself for any future and unforeseen problems.  Believe me when I say this.  For the past 12 years, I have been repairing and managing credit for so many consumers and have seen or heard of ALL situations.  I also wrote two (2) books in regards to credit and money management.  What I am sharing is a genuine and willing knowledge from the bottom of my heart. Nothing is as good as you do it yourself.  First, you will save so much money (not throwing your money into the hands of those who claim they can help you yet drag you for months and collect monthly payments from you for a very little work done).  Second, when you do the work yourself, you will know how to manage your credit so that you will not get into the sinking boat everybody else is or has been.   Third, Knowledge is wealth.  When you learn how to do it, the knowledge remains with you for the rest of your life.  Therefore, you will be able to provide for your family without worrying about your credit.  You will be able to overcome the problems before they even surface.   However, selecting the right book is important.  A good credit repair book, must discuss all issues from birth to death.  Since the "everlasting" life is not promised to anyone, we must know how to manage our finances through all steps of life for several reasons.  First, our children learn from us... Second, when or what to buy for your child/self and family and not act on emotions, ...  A good credit repair book should provide all issues of financing.  It should teach you how to get ride of bad things (accounts), and how to hold to the good accounts.  It should teach you how and who to contact to resolve issues and take you through proper steps by guiding you correctly. It should talk about issues of the past and present.   Meanwhile, you MUST UNDERSTAND, credit scoring and credit report strategies change.  The methods of credit repair or score calculations offered 3 or more years ago is not what credit bureaus and creditors use today.  To give you an idea, years ago, having more good mortgage account was score driven and increased your scores.  Credit cards on the other hand did not.  Then it became that credit cards could help, but still secured loans were important.  Now the short term secured loans or any credit account for that matter is not helpful, however, established credit cards with low to zero balance is the best.... So just because a book was rated good back in 1998, 99, through 2004, it does not mean it will serve the purpose for YOU NOW.  You do not have to believe a word I say.  You can ask a bank manager, a loan officer for their opinion and I promise they will agree with everything I say.  A good book should make you independent.  A bad book on the other hand will waste your money and TIME, which will result in your disappointment and cause you to lose interest in what you started.  Therefore, you'll lose your goal and objective... If you still need more help, we can also perform one-on one consultation for a nominal fee.  Reading the book, reviewing and asking questions, and getting personal consultation is the best, quickest and cheapest way for you to accomplish your credit repair and money-credit management.   Whatever you do, please don't sit and wait thinking that a "credit fairy" will drop on your lap and your credit repair is going to be automatic, without you taking any steps.  I will never happen. The groups "procrastinators", "blamers" and the "uncertain" will never accomplish a task or complete a task.  You can be like them and continue feeling sorry for yourself for the rest of your life.  However, after a while, cry-wolf will lose its affect and situations won't get any better (if they don't worsen). As part of the title of one of my books says, "Bad Things Happens to Good People."  However, those good people make their mind to change their life styles and won't allow the trouble of the past be a burden for their future. Therefore, my dear reader, we ask you to start now, take a step forward, ADMIT TO YOURSELF THAT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM and start immediately.  The more you delay, the worse your situation may get.  Initiate your credit repair now.  Go to the website, read he existing questions and answers, post questions, look at the books (pick up a copy of the books) and initiate your credit repair now. Good Luck God Bless. Mike Samadi more

By TCI Services Group, Inc. September 16, 2008

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