Top Finance And Investment Companies in West Palm Beach, FL 33413

Thank you for connecting on MC! I wish Card Solutions International the best of success! Best wishes, www.classyscents.comRead More…
Great financial & management consulting services. Thanks, Lee www.heckervideo.comRead More…
The HOTTEST New trend of today in a Home Based Business..Shop to Earn and save $$$ with over 350 retail stores FREE Shipping, Earn Money while doing it from the comfort of home! Shop To Earth and S...Read More…
NSM Securities , Inc. is a West Palm Beach, Florida-based investment business specializing in corporate bonds, stocks, mutual funds, 401(k) and IRA funds, investment strategies, margin accounts, es...Read More…

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Card Solutions International


By Classy Scents

Thank you for connecting on MC! I wish Card Solutions International the best of success! Best wishes, more

MacKenzy Credit Group

Great financial & management consulting services. Thanks, Lee more

Lloyds Asset Management



Good company, bad investment vehicle!! In 1981, you could buy 250 ounces of Gold at $400 per ounce with $100,000. Today, that same Gold would be worth $340,500 (250 ounces @ $1362 per ounce). That same $100,000 through its paces with a good growth stock mutual fund that has a 10% 10 year average - that means that over a ten year period it averages 10% per year in growth. Today, that same $100,000 would be worth about $1,749,000. more

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4% Surcharge to Consumers....Worth it or Not?

By now you've seen the news about the new law that will allow merchants to tack on an additional 4% to the bill of every credit card purchase. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THESE MERCHANTS WHO DO THIS!!! Let me tell you why...... 1. The credit card processing fee is just a part of a business's overhead expense. All businesses have already factored this cost in to the price of their goods and services.... You're already paying for it. And you should; just as a consumer pays for the electric bill, employee costs, gas costs, shipping costs etc. that a business incurrs in order to exist. 2. You ALREADY pay for their processing costs. Ever pay a "handling fee" or "courtesy fee" online? That's what that is; the costs involved with accepting your credit card. As stated above, for face to face purchasing you are already paying for these costs as they are bundled into the the cost you are already paying. 3. With today's processing fees, most merchants are paying on an "Interchange Plus" fee structure. With this fee structure, the cost to accept your card is well under 2%. A high fee averages 2.5-2.75%. Very few hit 3% anymore. It depends on the type of the card and how the merchant accepts it. Your retail giants such as WalMart, Target, Penney's, Macy's, are paying much much less than the fees I quoted above. 4. Because of what I stated in #3, this additional 4% is nothing but pure profit to the merchants and has nothing to do with paying for their banking fees. is illegal in 10 states to even pass on any surcharge.  We know they are doing it anyway...Buyer Beware.  If a merchant finds the need to charge these outrageous fees...send them to Card Solutions Int'l for fair customized credit card processing! Card Solutions Int'l 800-530-2440 more

By Card Solutions International May 21, 2013

Your small business’ weakness is not your weakness

Smart small business owners know when to get external help. Small Business Consulting Business Plans writings   Financial and management consulting   Start-ups development more

By MacKenzy Credit Group June 16, 2011

LGT Raises Palladium, Platinum, Silver Forecasts for This Year

Bloomberg:    By Nicholas Larkin – Jan 7, 2011 10:00 AM ET Palladium will average $888 an ounce this year, higher than previously forecast, on greater investor demand and usage in car pollution-control devices, LGT Capital Management said. It also raised platinum and silver estimates. Palladium may climb as high as $1,111 an ounce, LGT analyst Bayram Dincer said in a report today as he lifted his forecast for average prices by 35 percent. Dincer increased his 2011 average estimates for platinum by 3.5 percent to $1,888 an ounce and for silver by 14 percent to $33.33 an ounce, while his gold forecast was little changed at $1,499 an ounce. "Strong global fundamental demand, especially from the automotive sector, aligned with higher investment demand" will drive palladium, Pfaeffikon, Switzerland-based LGT said. "Supply-constraint issues from major producing countries combined with ongoing speculation about the low Russian state stock levels could induce an overreaction." Palladium and platinum are mainly used in jewelry and autocatalysts in vehicles. Researcher Johnson Matthey Plc estimates that government stockpiles of palladium inRussiaare the third-biggest source of supply. Those inventories may be near exhaustion, according to OAO GMK Norilsk Nickel, the largest Russian mining company. Palladium for immediate delivery traded at $752.25 an ounce at 2:23 p.m. inLondontoday after reaching a nine-year high of $807.75 on Jan. 3. Platinum was at $1,734.25 an ounce, silver was at $28.935 an ounce and gold was at $1,367.88 an ounce. To contact the reporter on this story: Nicholas Larkin in London To contact the editors responsible for this story: Claudia Carpenter Contact Lloyds Asset Management today for your FREE investor kit 877-571-0859 more

By Lloyds Asset Management January 12, 2011

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