Top articles for Safety

About Electricity Safety Tips

About Electricity Safety Tips

Electricity safety is a key factor for electricians and even if you are working on a simple, do-it-yourself project. With the dangers of electricity, you can never be too cautious when working with your home's wiring or other electrical components. more

About the Invention of Safety Glass

About the Invention of Safety Glass

If you have ever been an automobile accident, you have experienced the benefits that safety glass offers. While glass has been used for centuries in various cultures around the world, safety glass is just over 100 years old. With its many uses and superb safety benefits, safety glass has made much of the safety technology we take for granted possible. It is also responsible for saving countless lives on the battlefields of the world. more

How to Avoid OSHA Violations

How to Avoid OSHA Violations

Occupational Safety and Health Administration enforces health and safety regulations for the US.  Violation of OSHA standards carry heavy fines and can close a business.  Avoiding OSHA violations not only keep employees safe, but will save your company money and legal entanglements. more

Types of Safety Cameras

Types of Safety Cameras

Safety cameras are digital cameras used to provide safety in many areas. They are used for many different reason from traffic safety, home safety and even mobile safety. They are used to record and play back the captured image or video. more

What Are the Benefits of Safety Posters?

What Are the Benefits of Safety Posters?

In almost every workplace safety posters loaded with information about staying safe are posted for employees to view. From preventing falls to cleaning up hazardous materials, these posters are necessary and beneficial. By reminding employees of the dangers around them, accidents and injuries can be prevented. Safety posters are beneficial for both the company and its employees. more

When to Wear Safety Shoes

When to Wear Safety Shoes

Safety shoes can protect your feet from crush injuries, extremes in temperatures and from some chemicals. Not only are safety shoes recommended in some workplaces, they are mandatory in some. To find out when you should wear safety shoes read a few suggestions for more information. more

How to Observe Safety Training in a Warehouse

How to Observe Safety Training in a Warehouse

There are some easy ways to observe safety training in a warehouse. A company must follow guidelines and regulations at the state and national level. There are specific safety criteria that need to be met. Employees should be a major part of the safety policing of each other. When employees feel involved they are more likely to observe safe policies and help others do so. Safety meetings, drills and teaching should be an ongoing process. more

Online Safety Training

Online Safety Training

There are many online safety-training courses that can be taken on the internet. This is a convenient and effective way to cover the basic knowledge in work place safety. There are special classes online that can be taken that covers work place safety including how to handle flammable and combustible liquids, electrical safety, as well as material handling and slips or falls. more

Gun Safety Questions

Gun Safety Questions

Gun safety is an issue that raises many important concerns for people who feel very strongly about the issue. Some people feel that it is our constitutional right to bear arms in the name of protection. Other people feel that guns are dangerous to keep in your home and should only be owned by qualified professionals. more

Safety Tips for Toddlers

Safety Tips for Toddlers

When a toddler starts moving around and being more active, the house becomes a danger zone with so many new and interesting things for a child to play with. Because of these dangers, child proofing the home is a good idea to keep your toddler safe. more

How to Improve Safety in the Workplace

How to Improve Safety in the Workplace

In 2009, the number of workers who died on the job was 4,551. The total number of non-fatal cases reported was 1,238,490, which is 117 cases per 10,000 full-time workers).  Working together, employers and employees can identify and control the company's safety hazards to save lives. more

How to Start an Electrical Safety Team

How to Start an Electrical Safety Team

Every employer should implement an electrical safety team. There are certain regulations mandated by OSHA and other regulatory agencies. Follow their guidelines. It is a good idea to have professional electricians and a firefighter on your team. These specialists can be from within the company or enlisted independently. An electrical safety team can help educate peers about electrical safety. more

How to Keep a Safety Program Focused

How to Keep a Safety Program Focused

Safety is a serious subject that every employer needs to address. There are some ways to keep a safety program focused. Safety committees are great ideas that can improve on safety issues and employee compliance. Safety meetings should be interesting, light, informative and organized. Distractions should be kept down, and different ideas to keep on topic should be utilized. more

Patient Safety & Health Care

Patient Safety & Health Care

Patient safety in any healthcare setting needs to take priority. The patient safety rates can affect a business on many different levels. A healthcare company needs to continually assess their patient safety rates. Employee input can foster employee satisfaction, and provide solutions and compliance with patient safety plans. Develop plans and evaluate them regularly. more

Yard Work Safety

Yard Work Safety

Lawn work safety is more important than many people realize. There are a number of serious injuries that a person can incur while they are working in their yard. By following the proper safety precautions and not taking any unnecessary risks, people should be just fine working in their yards. more

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Drowning tragedies could have been avoided with pool barrier.

Recent news shows a situation where a toddler drowned in California earlier this week. We can not emphasize enough how important a Pool Safety Fence is. On the Treasure Coast and the Space Coast of Florida, there is a pool in nearly every backyard. Other news shows a situation where two 6 year olds fell in a pool at an abandoned home and drowned.,0,6205776.story We at Pool Guard of the Treasure and Space Coast do not ever intend to play on the emotions of our potential customers. We simply want to partner with each and every person who needs a safe pool and bring you the quality product and service you truly deserve. You absolutely can not put a price tag on the life of another human being!! We encourage all of those within reach of this post to call us if you do not have your pool surrounded by a pool fence or covered by a pool net. Best Regards and Blessings!! --POOL GUARD of the Treasure and Space Coast more

By Pool Guard Pro -- A Division of KidSafe Pools May 14, 2010