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Avoiding Foreclosure Isn’t As Difficult You Think

A home that’s about to go into foreclosure can be an extremely stressful situation. There are several scenarios that can result from a foreclosure. A homeowner can pay the mortgage and keep their house, which is the best possible outcome in avoiding foreclosure. The house can also be sold to pay the mortgage, the bank can auction the property or take on the mortgage themselves, or the homeowner can choose to file for bankruptcy. If you’ve had trouble making mortgage payments and your house is now on the brink of foreclosure, you’re not alone. Thousands of people have been in situations like yours and have found ways of avoiding foreclosure. The most important thing is not to ignore your mortgage payments. The further you fall behind, the harder it will be to catch up and the less likely your lender will be to work with you. Your lender most likely doesn’t want to go through the hassle of the foreclosure process, as it’s both expensive and time consuming. You’d probably be surprised to see just how much they’re willing to work with you if you’re in regular communication with them and working to find a solution to your foreclosure problem. When in a tight financial situation, one of the best things you can do is take a look at your spending. Create a monthly budget and find out where you are spending unnecessary money. Cut back on the things you don’t need in order to free up funds for the things you do. Continue to pay your other bills, on time, even if it’s just the minimum payment or slightly over. If you just need to sell a house fast, we have the resources and know how to purchase your home fast and for a fair price. Even if you have little or no equity, we can still buy your house. We can tell you about your options and see which one fits your individual needs in avoiding foreclosure. RCD Home Solutions is your ultimate resource to stop foreclosure now and help you to get on with your life! There’s no good reason you should have to sacrifice your credit, financial security and peace of mind just because you are experiencing personal or financial difficulties. Contact us today by filling out our online form and one of our investors will get in touch with you to further discuss your options for avoiding foreclosure and to sell your house fast in Jacksonville today. Finally, don’t panic and don’t go through this alone! RCD Home Solutions are experts in dealing with foreclosure in the Jacksonville area. We can work with you to find the best option, whether you want to keep your house or sell it. Download the free Stop Foreclosure Guide and contact them today to get your mortgage back on track. To learn more, visit more

By RCD Home Solutions Sell House Fast Jacksonville FL June 19, 2014

Things that Go Wrong with Real Estate Transactions

Things that Go Wrong with Real Estate Transactions Things that go wrong Many people might think that buying or selling a real estate property is just easy. But there can be many things that go wrong with real estate transactions. Sometimes, there are things that will not go as smoothly as expected. Before getting into a real estate contract, whether you are selling or buying, you must be aware of the things that can go wrong during the transaction; many of which are out of anyone’s control. Here are some possibilities that may arise from the buyer, seller, third party or the property. Buyer Problems One important piece in the real estate transaction is the buyer. There are several things that are out of everyone’s control because of the buyer. Sometimes, the seller and buyer may have a verbal agreement on all the terms and conditions, including the transaction costs. After talking with the buyer, the seller may feel that everything is satisfactory. However, the seller must not forget that unless the deal is closed and the fees are paid, the transaction is not complete. There are several reasons the deal may not occur. The buyer may be unable to produce all the needed paper work or may suddenly realize that they can’t afford the transaction costs. A lot of unexpected things seem to happen to buyers. For example, job loss or illness. It is also possible that the buyer found a better property that they want to buy instead. These items seem to occur daily. Seller Problems Another possible source of the problem that may interrupt the transaction is the seller. The seller may not comply with the demands of the repair list and/or intentionally fail to disclose the specific information about the house, such as the defects. The transaction may be setback once the seller breaches the terms and conditions that were agreed upon. It can also be a problem if the seller has taken some of the appliances or fixtures that supposedly were included in the sale. Lastly the deal would not close if the seller didn’t show up during the signing of the agreements and other necessary documents. This is all too common. Property Problems The real estate sale transaction can go wrong if there are problems with the property. The property can have incurable defects which will definitely cause cancellation of the deal. The property may have issues like pests, structural problems, or it can be improperly zoned. The property should never be purchased if it does not pass any inspection or qualify for homeowners insurance. Third Party Problems If a reliable realtor was not chosen, the real estate transaction can encounter problems. The realtor can be uncooperative and unhelpful for any of the transaction. It is also possible that the realtor is having illegal, unethical, and unprofessional practices that can halt the transaction. These are all small and easy items that should always be addressed. RCD Home Solutions is a real estate SOLUTIONS company based out of Jacksonville/St. Augustine. We’re a family owned business and we focus on helping homeowners find SOLUTIONS for problems whether going through a foreclosure, unable to sell the property, or just need to sell the house fast for all kinds of reasons. We would love to hear from you and would be happy to find a SOLUTION for you today. 904-337-9395 more

By RCD Home Solutions Sell House Fast Jacksonville FL June 12, 2014

Tired of being a Landlord in Jacksonville?

Tired of being a Landlord In Jacksonville? Tired Landlord Dealing with Jacksonville tenants or any tenants can be one of the worst nightmares. Being a landlord in Jacksonville has many challenges, whether a seasoned professional or an “accidental” landlord. Individuals inherit property everyday unexpectedly and there are many problems that are never addressed or thought of. These can include lawsuits, vacant properties with no income, vandalism, repairs with expensive maintenance costs, and irresponsible tenants residing in the investment property, and so on. This can be a headache for any Jacksonville investor or newbie. Another tough challenge Jacksonville landlords can face is high tenant turnover with a seemingly endless effort to attract and screen new suitable renters. Landlords can also have steady, good paying tenants who complain constantly and/or who damage the property. Even with good paying tenants, landlords get frustrated and tired of the role and responsibility of acting as a property manager. Whether the Jacksonville home is vacant by choice or cannot find suitable tenants, each day that the house remains empty is a day of foregone income for the landlord at best. The landlord will be responsible for a painful mortgage, maintenance, tax, and any other unforeseen payments as well. In addition the stress of constantly ‘keeping an eye’ on your vacant property and wondering about its security can be a real energy drain. RCD Home Solutions is familiar with each and every one of these situations, and can help in each case. We can buy your house quickly and save you both the direct and indirect costs of having a vacant home, or dealing with tenants. The continued pain of being a landlord can end today. We can take the property as-is and the problem off your hands, whether it is vacant, occupied, needs repairs or not. If you are tired of being a landlord, contact us today to see how we can help! 904-337-9395 more

By RCD Home Solutions Sell House Fast Jacksonville FL June 05, 2014