Top Law Firms in Miami, FL 33155

I got in a car with a friend of mine and we went to eat. Out of no where he was pulled over by police and they charged both of us but I was charged with drug trafficking armed and possession of fir...Read More…
If you went to the website listed: (www.prepaidlegal/hub/ and received a message that it does not exist, and STILL NEED TO REACH PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES (now known as LegalShield), you...Read More…
Thank you for connecting with Chair Caning & Wicker Repair 704-235-8171, it is a pleasure having you in our network. We wish your business to have continued growth and ...Read More…
5 stars Great service and staff! We wish you much success.Read More…
I was looking for good representation after my son got injured. He was goalkeeping for his high school team. There was a hook near the goal post that nobody realized was there. He saved the ball, y...Read More…
YaDa Chef has reviewed and endorsed this merchant due to their exemplary placement in the community and overall excellent business practices. YaDa Chef, is a private catering company and personal c...Read More…
Thank You very much for joining our network, we look forward to hearing more from you! Matthew Wagner 541-997-6100Read More…
I have referred Brian to several clients. he has done nothing but help them save their home. he gives great service at low prices. When you are behind on your mortgage and need a great attorney cal...Read More…
Welcome to ... Your Calling Is Calling. It's time to aim higher, reach farther and dream bigger. To approach tomorrow with confidence and daring. And Miami Recruiters extensive ...Read More…
I was shopping at the mall when I slipped on a wet surface near the food court and fell, really hurting my low back. The area was not marked with signs saying caution. I herniated 2 disks in my low...Read More…
When you or a loved one becomes seriously injured by another person’s negligent actions, you may want someone on your side—someone who knows Florida laws, understands your rights, and can help you ...Read More…
YOU ARE PHENOMENAL! We have heard great things about you. You have an excellent reputation in the business community.. Keep up the great work! We wish you many years of prosperity and success. PART...Read More…
Admiralty or maritime law is the law of the sea; this highly specialized area of law is a set of substantive and procedural laws governing ships, shipping, and business activities at sea. The right...Read More…

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Attorneys At Law Antonio Pagan Pl


By MrsStokes

I had a greatest experience ever. I would recommend this firm to anyone I know. They were so helpful, I was informed step by step. They contacted me on a continual basis. He's definitely worth 10 stars. more

Attorneys At Law Antonio Pagan Pl


By Roly

Very oriented overall in every aspect. Communicates every step of your process to help you ease the situation. Honest and values your money. Excellent A+ quality service well recommended!!! more

Attorneys At Law Antonio Pagan Pl


By Roly

Very oriented overall in every aspect. Communicates every step of your process to help you ease the situation. Honest and values your money. Excellent A+ quality service well recommended!!! more

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Five Easy Tips for Safe Driving

We can control whether or not we drink and drive, but we can’t control when other people drive intoxicated. When you get behind the wheel, especially at night and on the weekends, staying alert is vital to staying safe. At Steinger, Greene & Feiner, ourMiami car accident attorneyssee far too many cases involving drunk driving, and not every victim lives to seek compensation for their damages. It is our deepest desire to keep the roads of Miami safe and free of drunk driving accidents. Here are five things that you can do to keep yourself and other drivers safe as you travel. 1. Slow Down There is an old ad campaign that says “Speed Kills.” It’s a simple statement, but a true one. For each mile over the speed limit that you choose to travel, you increase your chances of getting into an accident by approximately five percent. The risk increases the faster you are going. One of the easiest things to do on the road is to follow the posted speed limit. 2. Stay Focused Your vehicle is not a rolling dressing room, dinner or phone booth. When you are behind the wheel, keep your full attention on the road ahead of you. Avoid distractions at all costs. Distracted driving is as dangerous, if not moreso, than driving under the influence of alcohol. 3. Stay Awake Drowsy driving contributed to795 fatalities in 2017--more than 25% of all distracted driving fatalities. If you feel like you need a nap, don’t get behind the wheel! If you are traveling long distances, pull over when you get tired. Find a hotel or a rest stop and catch a few Zs before you head back out on the road. 4. Buckle Up Buckling your seat belt is something that you should do as soon as you get settled in the driver’s seat. It’s a shocking number, but more than50% of people killed in car accidents in 2016were not wearing their seat belts. These handy inventions really do save lives. Buckle up when you get behind the wheel. 5. Keep Your Distance One of the safest things that you can do is to keep your distance. There should be about three seconds of distance between your two cars. Wait until the car in front passes a stationary object and then count the seconds that pass before you move by the same object. If you don’t make it to three, you’re too close. If you are injured in a distracted driving wreck, call our car accident attorneys in Miami at(800) 916-8108. We will review the details of your accident for free and advise you how to proceed. more

By Steinger, Greene & Feiner April 18, 2019

What are Your Obligations During a Medicare Fraud Investigation?

For health care providers, making informed decisions during a Medicarefraud investigationis critical to avoiding unnecessary consequences. While this means complying with the government’s requests for records and informationto the extent required, it also means knowing when you are within your rights to refuse to comply with federal authorities’ demands. During Medicare fraud investigations, health care providers must be careful to avoid other costly mistakes as well. For doctors, pharmacists, hospice owners and other health care providers targeted by the Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and other federal agencies, here are some important considerations to keep in mind: Understanding Health Care Providers’ Obligations Regarding . . .Interview Requests In the early stages of Medicare fraud investigations, federal agents will often seek to interview licensed practitioners, billing administrators and other staff members informally. In most cases, providers can – and generally should – decline these requests unless advised otherwise by their attorneys. Civil Investigative Demands A civil investigative demand is a formal request which, in the context of Medicare fraud investigations, typically comes from the DOJ. Health care providers have an obligation to respond to these demands; however, responding does not necessarily mean providing the documents or information requested. OIG Subpoenas The OIG has special authority to issue subpoenas to health care providers during Medicare fraud investigations. Similar to civil investigative demands from the DOJ, subpoenas from the OIG require a timely response. However, here too, health care providers must determine whether it is in their best interests to fully comply or to challenge the subpoena, either in whole or in part. Grand Jury Subpoenas Being served with a grand jury subpoena is an extremely serious matter that requires immediate attention. If you are being called before a grand jury as the subject of a Medicare fraud investigation, this means that federal prosecutors are seeking an indictment for criminal charges. Search Warrants If federal agents show up at your practice or facility with a search warrant, you have the right to request to see the warrant, and the agents executing the warrant must limit the scope of their search to what is authorized in the warrant. You also have the right to legal counsel, and you should contact your attorney promptly. Record Retention While under investigation, health care providers must take care to ensure the retention of all potentially-relevant documents and computer files. Deleting records intentionally, and even allowing records to be destroyed in the normal course of business, has the potential to lead to charges for obstruction. Truthfulness Making false statements during a Medicare fraud investigation can potentially lead to criminal charges as well. Health care providers who are under investigation are entitled to the privilege against self-incrimination; however, this does not authorize providers to overtly mislead federal authorities. Speak With a Miami, FL Medicare Fraud Defense Lawyer in Confidence Ultimately, if your business or practice is under investigation, the best thing you can do to protect yourself is to promptly engage experienced legal representation. To speak with a Medicare fraud defense lawyer at our Miami, FL law offices in confidence, call 305-371-9686 orrequest a consultation onlinenow. more

By O’Quinn Stumphauzer, P.L. February 26, 2019

Social Media - Law Enforcement Uses It

It іѕ nоt оnlу individuals, groups аnd businesses thаt аrе using social media. Thе law enforcement agencies аrе tоо. And іt mау nоt bе overt аѕ thеrе іѕ evidence thаt thеу аrе going undercover wіth false profiles.    Thіѕ іѕ аll vеrу wеll іf іt іѕ tо catch thе scum sex pests аnd major criminals. But іt ѕееmѕ thаt thеу аrе оut tо catch uѕ tоо - оr аt lеаѕt tо uѕе uѕ tо bе able tо complete thеіr investigations. Information obtained undеr Thе Freedom оf Information Act hаѕ shown wіthоut doubt thаt officers аrе gathering private data, images, videos аnd оthеr information frоm anybody thаt mау bе оf help. Hоw аbоut checking whеrе уоu wеrе аt аnу particular tіmе bу looking аt уоur postings аnd timelines? Images саn reveal whаt possessions wе hаvе аnd whеrе wе mіght bе аt аnу given tіmе.    Gone аrе thе days thаt wе communicated wіth text аlоnе. Whilst text іѕ ѕtіll used extensively thеrе іѕ a growing demand fоr images, videos аnd audio whісh proves tо bе a valuable asset іf уоu аrе looking fоr clues аnd evidence.  But thеrе іѕ аn argument fоr saying thаt bеіng undercover іn social media іѕ nоt different (and thеrеfоrе ѕhоuld bе allowed) tо thе offline world. It helps tо make a better place.    I аm аll іn favor tо bе honest. Thе mоrе criminals thаt аrе outed thе better. Whаt I аm nоt ѕо comfortable wіth, hоwеvеr, іѕ thе fact thаt false profiles аnd accounts аrе mаdе bу thеѕе law enforcement bodies whісh mау try аnd gather information оr еvеn ensnare upright social media users. Thаt feels wrong аlthоugh I understand thе value оf іt іn catching thоѕе committing crime.    Thе problem іѕ thаt sooner оr later (or еvеn now?) оur mоѕt private details mау bе shared wіth оthеrѕ thаt wе don't know. Whеrе wіll іt end. Wе аlrеаdу know thаt еасh аnd еvеrу оnе оf uѕ hаѕ huge amounts оf data аlrеаdу available tо thе public eye.  For More Information Visit:- The Social Media Law Firm 1657 N Miami Ave #1014,Miami,FL,33136 Phone No :(305)-400-9443 Email more

By The Social Media Law Firm November 29, 2018

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