Top Travel and Lodging Agencies in Lake Worth, FL 33467

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Pak Mail Center


By SuOakes Graphic Design

No matter how unorganized or harried I am, Junior always knows what to do to get me on my way pronto, by giving me the best price on shipping, packagaing my shipments, etc. Old time merchant service is rare in today's marketplace and he delivers it with a smile! more

K & E Travel


By L

Rude and terrible to deal with more

Pak Mail Center


By Susan Oakes, SuOakes Graphic Design

Junior always provides top notch service to me no matter what I bring in to have sent, how late I am with deadlines, or how many other things he's juggling. He is amazing, always positive and so helpful getting my shipments on their way! more

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Holiday House Motel - Rooms Available!

The newly opened Holiday House Motel happily welcomes your company. Whether you're looking to stay long-term or short term, we have the right rooms and the right rates for you. Holiday House is newly renovated and remodeled, and it's just minutes from the beach and downtown Lake Worth. We offer efficiency, suites, and one-bedrooms, including free Wi-Fi. Nightly rates starting at $50, weekly at $260. No smoking, no pets. more

By Holiday House Motel August 15, 2014

Vacation Your Way to Success!

All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy they say. It also makes you unsuccessful. The fact is that a well placed vacation can do wonders for every area of your life. I am thinking about this because I just got back from sitting on the beach a few weeks ago!So in this busy world, where we are driven to be producing all the time, it is good to be reminded that a break is sometimes the best thing to move us forward in the long run. I know many people who can't seem to get themselves to break away from the office, thinking that they are getting a lot of work done. The truth is that they need a break and when they get back they will be working much more effectively. With that in mind, here are some thoughts on why you can vacation your way to success. Vacationing help you appreciate your work. After a while even work you normally love can become a drudgery. Taking a vacation gets you away and after awhile you begin to miss it and chomp at the bit to get back to it. You simply appreciate it more. Vacationing helps you reset your mind. Even though the mind is a mystery, we do know that it can get tired. Mental fatigue Getting away on a regular basis helps reset the mind to its peak condition. Every brain needs a good rest. Vacationing makes your body stronger, with more energy for the battle by giving it a rest. The world's top bodybuilders, the ones with the huge muscles know something that the typical businessperson doesn't - the body needs a rest. Every week they take one day off. And then they take whole seasons off and allow their bodies to rest. Our bodies are the same. We need to let them relax, sleep more etc. Vacationing gives you time to encourage your support team - your family. While we are putting in long hours and working hard, our families support us with encouragement and the like. Vacationing let's them know that you value them and want to make sure that you take good, significant time for them. Then, when you get back to work, you know that your "team" is firmly in your corner. Vacationing puts you in a creative mindset. Sometimes being in the same situation gets your imagination stuck in a rut. Watching the sun set, listening to the waves crash, or enjoying the fresh air of the mountains will set your creative imagination soaring. You may find that you come up with all sorts of solutions to work issues while laying on the beach. I don't know how this works... but it does. Vacationing renews your spirit. We all need an emotional boost. We need a break from the roller coaster of emotions that drain our spirits while at work. Quite frankly, if you do your vacation right, the dominant emotion should be peace. And that is just what you need to get rejuvenated for work. Vacationing proves to you that your work or office can exist without you. Sometimes we overestimate our value to the organization and this puts so much stress on us. The fact is that if you go away for a week, your job will still be there. The company won't be bankrupt, and life will still be going on. We need to know that work goes on, so that we don't worry so much. Get away and don't call the office! So what is my advice? Take a vacation. You need one. You deserve one. Life is passing you by my friend, and in the end, you will know you should have taken a vacation. Your office won't fall apart. The earth will continue to turn on its axis. Your family will be happy. So BOOK your vacation today.... your success depends upon it!Mark LeedsVacation Benefit more

By Lake Worth Travel July 20, 2009

Employee Vacations Yield Significant ROI for Employers

"Smart companies understand the value of vacations and encourage workers to take them… They actually help workers plan for vacations because they understand their value."    – Carroll Lachnit, editor of Workforce magazine, Irvine, CA. Increase Employee Retention&Morale• Employees who are overworked (i.e., those who do NOT take vacations) are more likely to make mistakes, be angry at their employers and colleagues who don't work as hard, have higher stress levels, feel symptoms of clinical depression, neglect themselves and report poor health.    –Families and Work Institute • 55% of workers who didn't take all their vacation time experienced high levels of feeling overworked versus 27 % who did. –Families and Work Institute, 2001 • "Workplace stress can take its toll. In order to maintain a strong state of mental health, the human body needs a release and a source of replenishment. An ideal vacation should eliminate stress, encourage relaxation and provide opportunities for rejuvenation, making the benefits of the experience immeasurable."     –Dorothy Cantor, President of the American Psychological Foundation. Improve Work/Life Balance & Productivity • Employers are learning to recognize that for every dollar of vacations benefits they provide their employees, they receive a $3 return on the benefit investment in the form of improved employee productivity and morale.  – Austin Business Journal • European countries, for example, mandate a minimum of four weeks vacation per year compared to two weeks in North America. Yet Europe surpassed the U.S. in growing its productivity year over year for 14 of the 19 years between 1981 and 2000, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve. • "If you work seven 50-hour weeks in a row you don't get more done than in seven 40-hour weeks. Overtime is not productive and fatigue seeps into the regular work time." –Why the Brain Needs a Break, Hara Estroff/Marano, Psychology Today, December 22, 2006 Reduce Healthcare Costs • U.S. workers gave back $21 billion to their employers by not taking vacation last year. Still, that brought no joy to many in the executive suite, who noted that companies lost $150 billion in 2002 in healthcare costs related to worker burnout.    – • Middle-aged women who took vacations very infrequently (defined as once every six years or less often) had eight times the risk of either having a heart attack or dying of heart disease.   –Researcher Elaine Eaker • New research suggests that working for years without taking vacations could put people at risk for early death, particularly from heart disease. The difference in death rates was most significant between the 13% of participants who never took vacation and the 26% who reported taking five vacations a year. The five vacation group had on third lower risk of dying during the 9-year study period compared to the no vacation group. Even more significant, the five-vacation group had a 40% lower risk of dying compared to the no-vacation group. Vacations may not only be enjoyable but also health promoting.     –Vacations Delay Death, Psychosomatic Medicine September-October, 2000; 62:608-612.For more specific information please contact Mark Leeds at (561) 628-4450 to find out how our Vacation Benefit Program can help you, your company and your employees. more

By Lake Worth Travel July 06, 2009

Where do you need Travel And Lodging Agencies ?