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Best Anti Aging Serum for 40’s with Carrot Root Extract –

Just like any other organ of the human body, skin grows older year after year. The more you use a tool, the quicker it will get damaged over time. One of your skin’s purposes is to protect your body from external agents, so the more you expose it to bad weather and sun, the earlier it will show the first signs of aging in the form of wrinkles and age spots. The sun, in particular, is one of your best friends and enemies at the same time. Its rays make you look good in the short term, providing you with a nice warm tan and even complexion, and helping you with the production of the much-needed Vitamin D. But in the long term, constant exposure to UV rays will slowly break some key chemical substances and cause permanent damage to your skin. That’swhy you should protect it with the ingredients found in SimySkin 45+ Antiaging serum such as carrot oil. How does sun exposure cause your skin to age quickly? According to the World Health Organization,“up to 90% of the visible changes commonly attributed to aging may be caused by sun exposure.” Sun exposure does, in fact, damage the deeper layers of your skin, weakening it and reducing its elasticity. The effects of photo aging are quite visible, and range from premature wrinkling, sags, and bags, and dark spots. But how does that happen, exactly? First, sun-exposed skin will gradually lose its water content, as moisture will quickly evaporate together with several essential oils. Dry skin will look flaky and choppy, and wrinkles will start appearing prematurely. Small blood vessels will become dilated – a phenomenon known astelangiectasias, causing a chronic reddened appearance and mottled pigmentation of the skin. As blood vessels become more fragile, ruptures will inevitably become more frequent, even after the slightest bump. UV rays will reduce the effectiveness of your immune system, leading to more frequent irritations. Last, but not least, UV radiation damages some of the structural proteins that keep the inner layers of the skin together.In particular, it will cause the destruction of elastin and collagen (elastosis), causing all tissues to lose their natural elasticity. The skin will become saggy, cracked, and dull. This effect normally occurs over time, as skin aging processes are commonly associated with a progressive reduction of these critical structural proteins. Sun exposure will speed up this process, causing premature aging and a perceived age difference of up to 11 years. In other words, you will look a 60-year-old woman even if you’re just 50. The amazing properties of carotene-rich carrot oil in skin care Protecting the skin from sun exposure is extremely important, and that’s why we added a key ingredient to ourSimySkin 45+ Antiaging serum: carrot oil. Carrots are edible root vegetables that have been used as food by humans for millennia. Some people find them delicious, and they’re popularly seen as a “healthy” food that is highly beneficial to us. The idea that carrots are good for the eyes is nothing but a World War II myth, but these vegetable are goldmine of antioxidants and other highly active substances such as the carotenoids and Vitamin A. Beta-carotene, in particular, is found in such great quantities that its name comes from carrots – you probably noticed that “carotene” and “carrots” sound so alike already. What many people do not know, however, is how beneficial beta-carotene is for our skin. Its cell-regenerative, protective, and skin-soothing properties are so widely appreciated by doctors and pharmacologists that beta-carotene is often used to treat even some of the most serious (and unpronounceable) skin diseases such aserythropoetic protoporphyriaandlupus erythematosus. The same happens for Vitamin A, which is also a key ingredient in many formulations used against acne and other skin conditions. And guess what? B-carotene is the most important precursor of Vitamin A, which is synthetized inside your liver.Vitamin A (also known as retinol) has important antioxidant properties on its own, further helping beta-carotene during its radical scavenging efforts. The thin, orange-colored carrot oil is a natural antioxidant that can help preserve your skin from most forms of damage caused by external agents. Beta-carotene is an amazingly effective quencher of radicals – it scavenges and deactivates all the toxic substances produced by overexposure to UV rays almost immediately.A wide variety of vitamins and other plant extracts have been used in the skin care industry because of their potent antioxidant and nutritive properties. Not many of them, however, have been studied as much as beta-carotene for its unique ability to prolong youthful skin appearance. Just a few drops of this highly-nourishing substance can do much more than just prevent sun damage, however. Carrot oil is a naturally enriching nutrient that soothes scaly and chapped skin, and stimulates the production of sebum and other protective substances to fight dryness and irritation. It can do wonders to prevent and fight against stretch marks and wrinkles. Feed your skin with SimySkin 45+ Antiaging serum The power of beta-carotene is a must-have in any antiaging formula for weathered skin. It’s no surprise that we included it in our SimySkin 45+ Antiaging serum to enrich its already amazing nutritional properties. Together with Vitamin B-12, carrots will literallyfeedyour skin cells and provide them with all the necessary elements to rejuvenate them. Protect yourself from the damaging effects of the sun with the concentrated power of beta-carotene, and feel the enriching warmth of this orange-tinted nectar on your skin. It’s never too late to be young again. Best anti aging serum for 40’s, SimySkin offersanti aging serumfor intensive skincare. Get younger looking skin with SimySkin USA. Vitamin B12 powered scientifically proven serum. We offer eye serum, neck serum andface serum in 40’s age groups. more

By SimySkin Inc April 26, 2019

Best Anti Ageing Serum for 50’s With Edelweiss Extract

Aging takes its toll on many organs, and the skin is among the most affected ones. If years of constant exposure to all kind of external agents weren’t enough, the natural regeneration mechanisms that kept our dermis intact become slower and less efficient over time. Eventually, the signs of aging will start showing,and our skin becomes saggy, dull, and wrinkles and fine line start appearing. As its shielding mechanisms become less effective, your skin becomes more sensitive and even just a few minutes of sun exposure may cause it to become dry and reddened. However, it’s never too late to take care of it properly – the SimySkin65+ Antiaging serum is engineered to protect your skin and replenish it, and some of its ingredients like edelweiss can extract the full power of nature to keep aging (and time) at bay for as long as possible. How does your skin suffer the effects of time? Understanding how does your skin age may help you delay this ultimately unavoidable process – sometimes for a number of years if the right products are used. Intrinsic aging occurs mostly as the number of fibroblasts, the principal constituent cells of the dermis, start declining over time. These fundamental cells help regenerate the outer layers of the skin (the epidermis) and keep the whole structure intact by producing two key substances that support the connective tissue underneath its surface: collagen and elastin. Together with a general reduction of the ability of oil glands to produce sebum, the skin is left unprotected, drier, and eventually loses its firmness and lush. Ingredients that help supplement the skin with collagen and elastin, or help its cells produce these substances anew are critical to slow the most evident signs of aging such as wrinkles. But, unfortunately, that’s not all. Extrinsic factors such as pollution, exposure to weather agents, and the use of harsh cosmetics will all take their toll on the skin.Sun exposure, in particular, significantly speeds up the aging of the skin, causing it to lose resilience as exposure to UV rays leads to the production of harmful free radicals. These highly-damaging substances exert a broad range of negative effects on your skin and the whole organism as well. They accelerate the appearance of brown spots, destroy your precious reserves of elastin and collagen, and may even increase the risk for precancerous changes and skin cancer. Once again, finding the right ingredients such as edelweiss extract that can screen your skin from the sun and other damaging agents is critical to take care of your skin. What is Edelweiss (Leontopodiumnivale)? Edelweiss (Leontopodiumnivale) is a beautiful Alpine flower that grows on the highest European peaks – it can live at up to 3,000 meters(9,800 ft) altitude. You probably heard about it in the popular musical “The Sound of Music,” and as you can see, this perennial plant even helped that movie age pretty well no matter how old it is! This flower takes its name from a German word that means “noble whiteness” because of its sturdiness and resistance. Throughout millennia, its peculiar wooly petals have adapted to protect it from the harshest cold and untamed sun of the Swiss mountains. In these regions, the Edelweiss has a long tradition as a medicinal plant, thanks to its potent beneficial effects on human health. In particular, this flower extract is packed with potent phytochemicals such asflavonoids, coumarins,bisabolene,fatty acids, luteolin,chlorogenic acid,leontopodic acids A and B, andbeta-sitosterol. These compoundshave been found to possess a broad spectrum of pharmacological activities that can prove to be highly beneficial for your health, especially when applied topically on your skin. How does Edelweiss protect your skin against aging? In order to protect itself from the harsh conditions in which it lives, this plant has developed these substances which are known for theirantioxidant,anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and chemo-protective characteristics. By fighting inflammation and reducing irritation, edelweiss extract helps staunch the unavoidable reduction of living skill cells over time.The soothing effects of this Swiss plant are particularly helpful for sensitive and reddened skin. It also has antimicrobial properties that will help purify your skin from harmful bacteria which may infect and clog your pores. But this flower acts on many levels – both intrinsic and extrinsic. Its extract works as a sunscreen, preventing the damage caused by sun exposure by limiting the amount of UVA and UVB rays that reach your inner layers of the dermis and effectively preventing skin photoaging. Edelweiss is used in manysuncare formulations as well as in the most potent antiaging products such as our SimySkin65+ Antiaging serum. Edelweiss extract has high concentrations of strong antioxidants and has demonstrated high performance antioxidant free radical scavenging properties. It can halt these dangerous substances before they can harm your skin, by stopping them from destroying cellular membranes and killing fibroblasts. It can reduce slow down aging by protecting the structural compounds of your dermis. By blocking the effects of the enzymes that degrade collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, edelweiss extract can replenish your skin’s suppleness and firmness for a long time. Fight against aging with edelweiss and all the other ingredients of SimySkin65+ Antiaging serum Edelweiss is rarely used in many cosmetic formulations since it’s a very expensive ingredient. However, we know that its wonderful action knows no substitute, and chose to include it in our SimySkin 65+ Antiaging serum to synergize with the effects of all the most powerful natural ingredients we could find. Incorporate edelweiss into your skincare routine and enjoy its nourishing and rejuvenating effects on your skin. Feel young once again with the “noble whiteness” of this Alpine flower! Best anti aging serum for 60s. Best anti wrinkle serum for face, neck and eyes. Ourskin care serumsare Vitamin B12 based. We have clinically tested our serums for restoring skin elasticity, improving skin tone and increasing skin density. FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING over $90 anti aging serum,anti aging serum for 50s. more

By SimySkin Inc April 11, 2019

Plantago Lanceolata Leaf Extract

Time never stops, and aging is a process that we can just slow down for a while.As we grow older, we need to deal with some physiological phases such as menopause taking an additional toll on our skin. The first signs of aging may appear quickly on your face in the form of wrinkles and crow’s feet. The skin becomes much moredelicate and sensitive, dehydration becomes a main concern as the hormonal imbalances associated with this age often cause it to become thinner, less elastic, and less supple. The amount of collagen produced by your body is reduced, and the amount of fat under the external layers of the dermis become much thinner, causing it to lose elasticity, become dry and get reddened. On top of that, exposure to sun, cold weather or other environmental hazards, as well as bad lifestyle habits such as alcohol consumption, smoking or an unbalanced diet, may contribute to your skin aging.Don’t lose your hope, though. Thanks to the progress of medical technology, today there’s a lot you can do to fight the just fight against aging skin. Although you can’t stop time, there’s much you can do to slow down its effects on your skin by taking care of it.New amazing natural ingredients are discovered every day to keep your skin firm and taut and improve its smoothness.PlantagoLanceolata’s leaves are one of them, and they are one of the key components of ourSimySkin 45+ Antiaging serumsthat will help to keep your skin always hydrated and nourished. What is the PlantagoLanceolata leaves extract? The leaves of Plantago lanceolata havebeen used for millennia across the four corners of the world as an effective treatment for wounds and skin diseases. The Northern tribes of ancient Sweden and Norway appropriately named them “healing leaves” in their own language. Known for its regenerative properties, the P. lanceolata (commonly known as plantain or ribleaf) is a flowering plant that grows in Europe and northern and central Asia. It comes packed with manybiologically active compounds such as allantoin, terpenoids, flavonoids, caffeic acid, andpolysaccharides. Today, extracts of the Plantago lanceolataleaves are a key ingredient in many anti-aging cosmetic products such as the SimySkin 45+ Antiaging. Their biologic activities are too many to count, and range from fighting against inflammation to replacing lost moisture, protecting the skin from damaging agents, and stimulating its natural regeneration. What puts our modern products and serums one step beyond ancient medicine, however, is that now we know exactly how to tap the full power of this natural extract and boost it even further by mixing it with the right ingredients to enhance its activity.   SimySkin 45+ Antiaging serum – Stop your skin aging with the Plantain extract One of the big benefits of Plantain Extract is that it contains high quantities of allantoin, a powerful skin soothing agent that encourages cell growth.Found in many plants and herbs, Egyptians and Chinese women and men used this substance for cosmetic purposes since the dawn of civilization.By increasing the water content of the space between cells, allantoin is able to banish dry skin by improving the skin’s ability to retain moisture.In face washes, Allantoin is also used as a chemical exfoliant to remove layers of dead skin and promote the production of that extracellular matrix – the “scaffolding” that support all cutaneous tissue layers. The final effect is smooth and supple skin, but its antiaging effects maywell extend beyond just desquamation and hydration. Plantain extract is, in fact, highly specific for 45+ skin products such as the SimySkin 45+ Antiagingserum, for their skin protectant andanti-irritant properties. Its active substancesneutralize many sensitizing and irritant agents by forming complexes that are rapidly eliminated as waste by skin cells. It is so delicate that it has been used for calming baby care and soothing scalp treatment as well.This extract has wound healing properties which make it great as an acne treatment. It helps combat acne and promotes skin regeneration, which reduces the chance of scarring. Since this extract soothes skin and reduces pruritus and irritation, it’s a good treatment for sunburn.Plantain extract can be used to protect the skin against exposure to UV rays or pollution since it decreases free radical formation and inhibits their action. Counteracting the effects of the free radicals with a potent antioxidant is critical to prevent your skin from aging. These damaging substances attack cause a breakdown of the collagen and elastin fibersof the skin, causing it to lose firmness and lush, and increasing the progression of dynamic lines and wrinkles. Plantain extract is rich in flavonoids, a group of powerful natural antioxidants that act as radical scavengers. They also contribute to the overall germicidal and antibacterial properties of this ingredient, which is why it is also used in the prevention of acne and other dermatological conditions. Final Considerations Crow’s feet, dynamic lines, and wrinkles are all part of our natural aging process. Nonetheless, modern science already proved us beyond doubt that the right antiaging ingredients can make the difference to help you feel and look younger. SimySkin 45+ Antiaging serum does exactly this – it is the perfect marriage between highly active substances that share one single purpose: keeping your skin as young as you can imagine. If you still feel young, it’s because you are young.There’s no reason why you should not look young as well. Best anti aging serum for 40’s, SimySkin offersanti aging serumfor intensive skincare. Get younger looking skin with SimySkin USA. Vitamin B12 powered scientifically proven serum. We offer eye serum, neck serum and face serum in 40’s age groups. FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING above $90. anti aging serum. For more information visit: more

By SimySkin Inc March 25, 2019

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