Blogs from Senior Services in Jacksonville, FL

Care Management, Jacksonville, FL - Elder Care Jax

With over 18 years of care management experience, we'll help you care for your elderly loved ones. It can be stressful trying to plan for the care of your loved ones, but elder care is our specialty. Let us help you devise a care plan that will work for you and your family. It's never easy to leave your home, or to make the decision to move a loved one to an elder care community, but we can help you make the transition. Navigating the complex world of medical terminology, procedures, and paperwork can be confusing, but our experts are here to help put it all in plain English for you. Let us provide you with the resources and information you need to make informed choices for your elderly loved ones. We're here to make your life a little easier. Get the level of assistance that is just right for the seniors in your family. Whether it's a little homemaking or a move to get all the care they need, we can connect you with the right people, places and providers. Make sure that your parents or grandparents have the best quality of life through their senior years by calling Elder Care Jax today. Let Elder Care Jax help connect you to the services you need. With referrals to local health and elder care professionals and hands-on assistance navigating the dangerous waters of the elder care system, we'll make sure your loved one is cared for. Don't risk the health and wellbeing of your loved one. Find the best providers of the services you need with help from Elder Care Jax. We all need help from time to time; let the caring guides at Elder Care Jax help you find what you need. When you devise a care plan with Elder Care Jax we'll work with you and your loved one to make sure that we are all on the same page in regards to the treatment plan, techniques and goals. Make sure that your voice and the voice of your loved one are heard and not swallowed by the medical system. Guarantee that your loved one's wishes are respected when you work with Elder Care Jax. more

By Elder Care Jax December 02, 2014

Before Selecting a Headstone

There are many options when it comes to selecting a grave marker. Before selecting your perfect memorial you should speak to the cemetery where you purchased your plot. The cemetery may have restrictions on what type of stone or monument is allowed on your particular plot or gravesite. Affordable Headstones&More will contact the cemetery for you, to verify which type of headstone is permitted. Once this step is out of the way, we can select the headstone, the color, and work on the design. more


Don't just believe what the Cemetery says

We have found that the local Cemeteries are spreading misinformation to the individuals buying grave sites, so we want to show you the facts. Below you will see the State statutes: 497.280Illegal tying arrangements.—  (1)No person authorized to sell grave space may tie the purchase of any grave space to the purchase of a monument from or through the seller of any other designated person or corporation.  (2)(a)Non-cemetery licensed persons and firms shall have the right to sell monuments and to perform or provide on cemetery property foundation, preparation, and installation services for monuments. However, a cemetery company or any other entity owning and operating a cemetery may establish reasonable rules regarding the style and size of a monument or its foundation, provided such rules are applicable to all monuments from whatever source obtained and are enforced uniformly as to all monuments. Such rules shall be conspicuously posted and readily accessible to inspection and copy by interested persons. (b)No person who is authorized to sell grave space and no cemetery company or other entity owning and operating a cemetery may:  1.Require the payment of a setting or service charge, by whatever name known, from third party installers for the placement of a monument;  2.Refuse to provide care or maintenance for any portion of a gravesite on which a monument has been placed; or  3.Require waiver of liability with respect to damage caused by cemetery employees or agents to a monument after installation, where the monument or installation service is not purchased from the person authorized to sell grave space or the cemetery company providing grave space or from or through any other person or corporation designated by the person authorized to sell grave space or the cemetery company providing grave space. No cemetery company may be held liable for the improper installation of a monument where the monument is not installed by the cemetery company or its agents. In short, you can order your memorial, monument or grave marker from whomever you choose. You are not restricted to buying from the Cemetery. There is no difference in the responsibility of the Cemetery and the perpetual care the cemetery provides when you buy outside the Cemetery. ALSO, the Cemetery cannot charge you an installation fee because you purchased the monument from a company outside the cemetery. more


5 Things to Look For in Long-term Care

February is American Heart Month in Jacksonville, FL

Heart health is an area of grave concern among healthcare professionals, policy makers and the government. Heart disease has killed more Americans than any other diseases or chronic illnesses. It is the leading cause of death among patience of all race, gender and age. About 785,000 patients in the nation suffer their first heart attack every year and 470,000 of them have recurring heart attacks in a year. It has been estimated that heart attack affects one patient in every 34 seconds in America, costing a whopping healthcare bill of $316.4 billion a year. The risks of heart disease also dramatically increases with age affecting one in every five women above the age of 65 as compared to one in every 10 women between ages 45 and 65. For 37 years, the American Heart Association tirelessly organized and campaigned for the fight against heart disease. February is the ‘American Heart Month' where efforts are spent to increase awareness and raise funds for research and education on heart disease. Heart disease is a lifestyle-related condition. Risk factors that can lead to heart disease or stroke are physical inactivity, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes and alcohol. As more elderly patients tend to have high cholesterol, high blood sugar or high blood pressure conditions coupled by weaker immunity systems, healthy living to promote elderly health is one of the primary concerns during American Heart Month. Good heart health can be attained by adopting change in lifestyle, diet and regular monitoring of one's blood sugar level, cholesterol level and blood pressure. The following are five healthy living tips to good senior health that not only help keep heart disease at arm's length but also increase one's quality of life. Regular Exercise or Physical ActivityModerate exercise on a regular basis is the best remedy for elderly health and wellbeing. Walking, jogging, yoga, swimming, golf, dancing and others help to build strong healthy hearts and help to improve blood circulation. In fact, statistics show that a sedentary lifestyle is a leading threat to heart health; those who are physically inactive and seldom participate in regular exercise program are 39.5 percent more likely to suffer from heart disease or stroke. Balanced DietHealthy living starts with balanced diets rich in fiber and low in trans fat, sugar and sodium. Elderly patients should also consume high nutrient foods that are good for the heart and body as a whole. Greasy food and food high in trans fat found in cooking oil and meat should be avoided to prevent gradual formation of blockage in the arteries especially among elderly patients' whose body metabolism decreases with age. Control blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levelSenior health checks should never exclude regular monitoring of seniors' blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar level as these are among the top risk factors to cardiovascular disease. Senior patients can perform regular monitoring of their conditions at home and take precautionary measures such as diet and prescribed medication if levels are higher than normal. Maintain Healthy Body WeightBeing overweight can also lead to heart disease or stroke; it is as unhealthy to one's heart as it is to one's bones and joints. Excessive fats in the body can strain the heart and cause additional stress on the bones and joints. Maintaining a healthy body weight is crucial to good senior health as it helps to prevent adverse conditions such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol that can potentially lead of heart disease. Stop Smoking and excessive Alcohol intakeSmoking and excessive intake of alcohol are harmful habits that are especially damaging to elderly patients. Smoking increases the chances of blood clot and accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries, hence increasing the risks of coronary heart disease. It can also increase the chances of a relapse or recurring heart attack. Smoking is also linked to many elderly health conditions such as cancer, dementia, Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline. Alzheimer's home care counselors at Comfort Keepers are available to talk with you about your in-home careneeds including how to reduce caregiverstress while providing better, affordable elder careagency providing home care in Jacksonville. more

By Home Care Jacksonville Florida - Comfort Keepers February 22, 2011

Good Home Care Agency in Jacksonville, FL

As people age, they may find they are unable to do everything for themselves as they normally would. Adult children or other family members may try to take on daily tasks in order to help. Caregivers may start giving small amounts of assistance, but this can grow almost daily until it becomes overwhelming, at which point, they begin to realize something more needs to be done. One solution is to seek professional help from an in-home health care agency. If this is something the caregiver has never encountered before, he or she may not know what to expect from a good home care agency.The decision to hire a home care agency may be met with some resistance, since no-one wants to give up their independence, or feel they are losing control of their daily lives. Many older people will allow a family member to help, but really do not want a stranger to come into their home and "take over." Professionals understand this, and are normally willing to meet with the caregiver and the older person first, to explain their services and reassure the individual that his or her wishes will be accommodated as much as possible.Home care agencies provide a variety of services for senior care, and most will work with the person in need of help and the family to create a care plan that will meet the needs of the individual, and be within the person's budget. The elder care plan should provide the proper support while preserving the dignity of the senior, as well as allow as much independence as possible. Even though it may be difficult at first, once the senior care plan is in place and the senior gets to know some of the workers who will come to the home daily or weekly, a transition will happen, and the person will start to look forward to seeing their new caregivers on a regular basis.Sometimes it is just necessary to have a little help with meal preparation or light housekeeping, long before any personal care is actually needed. That is really the best time to engage a home care agency, when the family members see that their loved one needs more help than they will be able to provide, and before a crisis arises. The home care agency will be willing to start slowly with certain services, and then their help can be increased as it becomes necessary.In order to be properly informed and to know what to expect from a good in-home care agency, the person or persons who will be in charge of hiring the agency needs to research online, if possible, and be ready to ask the right questions of the agency in consideration. Ask first of all if the agency screens all workers and does criminal and other background checks on their employees. Ask about the credentials of the employees and what type of training they have had. Ask if the agency will replace a worker if she is not a good fit for the senior.Interview a representative from more than one local homecare agency in order to find the one that you believe will be the best one to work with. Remember that your local Area Agency on Aging is a great referral service and that agency is willing to help you in your search for the best elder care for your loved one.Alzheimer's home care counselors at Comfort Keepers are available to talk with you about your in-home careneeds including how to reduce caregiverstress while providing better, affordable elder careagency providing home care in Jacksonville.  more

By Home Care Jacksonville Florida - Comfort Keepers February 22, 2011

goNavis for all your Commercial Equipment & Machinery Shipping Needs

Do you have a need for commercial equipment and machinery shipping?  Do you often have the need to relocate equipment or machinery from one location to another?  Navis Pack&Ship of Jacksonville does more than provide commercial equipment and machinery shipping, we provide custom-packaging services as well! Navis Pack & Ship of Jacksonville specializes in custom packaging, art and trade show crating, packing and transport of antiques, furniture, fine art, electronics, computers, heavy equipment, medical equipment and  machinery shipping services while providing expert, reliable and affordable service.  Navis Pack & Ship of Jacksonville knows the importance of having your time-sensitive computer equipment or precision medical equipment seamlessly running the next day.  We can provide you with commercial equipment and machinery custom-packaging solutions and nationwide or worldwide shipping solutions that you need to relocate even the most critical business equipment.  As the original providers of specialized packaging for items that are fragile, large, awkward and valuable, we know how to engineer custom-packaging solutions for delicate medical equipment or rugged industrial equipment and we take extra precautions and care to ensure your equipment arrives in the same condition as when it left.  To view samples of our work, please visit our Facebook page our website Whether it is a heavy piece of industrial machinery, a copy machine, a commercial printer, or company service, Navis Pack & Ship of Jacksonville will provide you with a turnkey solution for your business or machinery shipping that includes pickup, custom-packaging, shipping, insurance and delivery.Commercial Equipment and Machinery Shipping Services Navis Pack & Ship of Jacksonville Provides: • We will pickup your commercial equipment or machinery at your home or office so there is no heavy lifting for you.• We will provide expert commercial equipment and machinery custom-packaging, including double wall corrugated material, anti-static bubble wrap, foam-in-place packaging for protection between the piece and the container, commercial equipment and machinery crating and even palletizing.• We will ship or move your commercial equipment and machinery via air, ground or ocean: o Domestic and International commercial equipment and machinery shipping; and o Commercial equipment and machinery freight shipping by air, road, rail or ocean.• We will insure your commercial equipment and machinery for full replacement value.• We will deliver your commercial equipment and machinery shipments to your curb, to a terminal or warehouse, or inside your business or office.  You choose the delivery method that best meets your time constraints and budget. Typical Commercial Equipment and Machinery We Pack and Ship:    • Medical Equipment: Dermatology Lasers, Chemistry Analyzers (these analyze samples like urine/blood for content), Dental Equipment, Portable X-rays, Examination Tables, and Chiropractic Tables• Office Equipment: Copiers, Printers, Computers, Servers, UPS Units, Server Racks, Switches, Routers, Telecom Switching Equipment• Industrial Equipment: CNC Machines, Grinders, Woodworking Machines, Vacuum Forming Machines and Machine Tools• Laboratory Equipment: Oscilloscopes, Microscopes, Signal Generators, Centrifuges, Reactors, Incubators, Vibration Isolation Tables• Farm Equipment: Tractor Attachments, Milking Machines• Food Processing Equipment: Meat Grinders, Slicers, Scales• Restaurant Equipment: Commercial Mixers, Refrigerators, Ice Makers and Slicers/Mixers/Grinders• Sporting Equipment: Treadmills, Elliptical Machines and Training Equipment In that international shipping can be a bit complex, we make sure that we keep up-to-date on specialized packaging and shipping requirements to satisfy Customs import requirements.  We know what countries require ISPM-15 approved crates and the most cost effective means to ship full container loads (FCL) or less than-container loads (LCL).  Navis Pack & Ship of Jacksonville is here to simplify your equipment shipping and machinery shipping needs and ensure your international equipment moves go smoothly. Many hospitals, businesses, manufacturers, and industrial companies have come to rely on Navis Pack & Ship of Jacksonville to be their "preferred packager and shipper" wherein we package and ship high-value shipments of commercial equipment and machinery that no one else has the experience or track record to handle.  We meet their equipment relocation needs because we ensure their time-sensitive or oversized equipment arrives safely, on time and within budget! We would like to develop a long-term relationship with your company.  We respectfully request that you contact us at (904) 880-7676 to schedule a mutually convenient time for us to come in to describe our services in more detail, outline the benefits of utilizing our services and work together to custom design the safest, most cost-effective packaging and shipping solutions for your business. We are looking forward to serving you. more

By Navis Pack & Ship February 08, 2011

Setting Up a Plan for Home Care in Jacksonville, FL

By Maria M. Meyer, Paula Derr, and Jon Caswell, Contributing Writers A plan of care is a daily record of the care and treatment a person needs on a daily basis. The plan helps you and anyone who assists you with caregiving tasks. A plan of care helps caregivers manage the day-today activities of the person in their care--medications, appointments, exercise, etc. This type of written record is also very helpful when respite (relief) care is used. The plan of care includes the following information: * diagnosis * medications * physical limitations of the care receiver * a list of equipment needed * diet * detailed care instructions and comments * services the home health care agency will provide, if using such on agency. This information is presented in a certain order so that the process of care is repeated over and over again until it becomes routine. When the plan is kept up to date, it provides a clear record of events that is helpful in solving problems and avoiding them. Source: Continue reading… Alzheimer's home care counselors at Comfort Keepers are available to talk with you about yourin-home careneeds including how to reducecaregiverstress while providing better, affordableelder careagency providinghome care in Jacksonville. more

By Home Care Jacksonville Florida - Comfort Keepers February 07, 2011

Setting Up a Plan for Home Care in Jacksonville, FL

By Maria M. Meyer, Paula Derr, and Jon Caswell, Contributing Writers A plan of care is a daily record of the care and treatment a person needs on a daily basis. The plan helps you and anyone who assists you with caregiving tasks. A plan of care helps caregivers manage the day-today activities of the person in their care--medications, appointments, exercise, etc. This type of written record is also very helpful when respite (relief) care is used. The plan of care includes the following information: * diagnosis * medications * physical limitations of the care receiver * a list of equipment needed * diet * detailed care instructions and comments * services the home health care agency will provide, if using such on agency. This information is presented in a certain order so that the process of care is repeated over and over again until it becomes routine. When the plan is kept up to date, it provides a clear record of events that is helpful in solving problems and avoiding them. Source: Continue reading… Alzheimer's home care counselors at Comfort Keepers are available to talk with you about yourin-home careneeds including how to reducecaregiverstress while providing better, affordableelder careagency providinghome care in Jacksonville. more

By Home Care Jacksonville Florida - Comfort Keepers February 07, 2011

Home Health Care in Jacksonville, FL

Options, caregivers and paying for care. From Marian Anne Eure, former Guide Most seniors when questioned, state they would prefer to remain in their homes as long as is possible. Seniors who go to nursing home or other assisted type facilities are unusually not in need of complex medical care but rather are having difficulty taking care of their personal needs. Unfortunately many seniors become depressed and discouraged when they move to nursing homes. Many see nursing homes as just a place where they are going to wait for death. Loss of independence is for many their greatest fear. Staying in their own home as long as is possible can mean a great deal to many older people. Familiar surroundings can be therapeutic. Fortunately many seniors can stay in their own homes. Home care can be a good option for many seniors. They are able to stay in the familiar surroundings of their own home, but have greater piece of mind. They will have more control over the decisions in life that can mean so much. Deciding what time to get up and what to eat can become very important, if there is a threat that those choices may be taken away from you. Nursing home care can also be very expensive, many times home care is a more cost-effective alternative. Continue reading… Alzheimer's home care counselors at Comfort Keepers are available to talk with you about yourin-home careneeds including how to reducecaregiverstress while providing better, affordableelder careagency providinghome care in Jacksonville. more

By Home Care Jacksonville Florida - Comfort Keepers January 31, 2011

Navis Pack & Ship of Jax partners with Artist Peter O’Neill

Both professional and amateur golfers alike will appreciate the below open-edition piece titled "The Yips" by renowned artist Peter O'Neill of the Peter O'Neill Gallery. Navis Pack&Ship of Jacksonville recently had the honor of packaging and shipping artwork for the customer who commissioned this piece and also purchased additional works of art. Navis Pack & Ship of Jacksonville is proud to partner with the Peter O'Neill Galleryfor packaging and shipping art. The Gallery has recommended Navis to pack and ship many of their beautiful pieces, including original oils and commissioned works.Below is a recent testimonial from a satisfied customer: We recently commissioned a painting entitled "Christina" from the famous artist Peter O'Neill. The painting was featured on your Facebook site recently, with our consent. We considered driving from Ft. Lauderdale to St. Augustine to pick up this beautiful painting so that it would not get damaged, but the studio recommended Navis Pack & Ship as a trusted shipper for fragile fine art.  Comparing the price to have it shipped and that of driving, hotel, gasoline, and meals and the price was much the same.  So we took the easy method and shipped it. It arrived without a scratch, dent or flaw of any kind. When we opened it we found that the painting was first wrapped in a soft but sturdy padded paper, than wrapped in bubble wrap and finally placed in a solid cardboard box that matched the painting perfectly to avoid movement within the box. Great job Navis.  Oh by the way, the staff that we dealt with was super! ChristinaPlease visit our Facebook page our website atwww.JaxNavis.comto view more examples of our work."The Yips" more

By Navis Pack & Ship January 25, 2011

Navis Pack & Ship understands the Fine Art of Art Shipping

Navis Pack&Ship of Jacksonville continues to partner with the Peter O'Neill Galleryin St. Augustine, Florida to pack and ship artwork on behalf of their customers.  Navis Pack & Ship of Jacksonville understands the logistics behind shipping art and takes great care in packing, crating and shipping these valuable pieces of work. Below are two more pieces by Peter O'Neill that were shipped by Navis Pack & Ship of Jacksonville. The first is an original oil titled "Tuscan Spring" and the second is appropriately titled "In Step".Please visit our Facebook page our website atwww.JaxNavis.comto view more examples of our work.Original Oil "Tuscan Spring""In Step" more

By Navis Pack & Ship January 25, 2011

The Peter O’Neill Gallery trusts Navis Pack & Ship of Jacksonville

Navis Pack& Ship of Jacksonville continues their strong partnership with the Peter O'Neill Galleryin Saint Augustine, Florida. They recently packed and shipped four original oils on behalf of the gallery. "A Prayer for Our Troops" was shipped to Independence Bank Headquarters in Owensboro, Kentucky as an addition to their "Virtue" series that Navis Pack&Ship of Jacksonville previously packed and shipped to them. The piece was on display at Independence Bank's holiday party last month and was also featured on their holiday card as well. The other three original oils were shipped to one of Peter's many fans, including "Secret Inhibitions" below.  Please visit our Facebook page at or our website at to view more examples of our work. Contact Navis Pack&Ship of Jacksonville today for packing, crating and shipping art. "A Prayer for Our Troops" "Secret Inhibitions" more

By Navis Pack & Ship January 24, 2011

The Peter O’Neill Gallery partners with Navis Pack & Ship of Jax

Navis Pack & Ship of Jacksonville continues to partner with the Peter O'Neill Gallery for their art shipping and art crating needs. The renowned artist recently completed a series of 12 original oil paintings as part of a "Virtues" series that Navis packed and shipped to Independence Bank Headquarters in Owensboro, Kentucky for display. Below are a few examples from the series, titled "Prudence" and "Trust", along with a photograph of the artist himself with the "Honesty" piece. Navis Pack&Ship; of Jacksonville is proud to partner with the Peter O'Neill Gallery to offer art shipping and art crating services to their customers. "Prudence" "Trust" Peter O'Neill with "Honesty" more

By Navis Pack & Ship January 24, 2011

Jax Navis offers art shipping on behalf of Peter O’Neill

Navis Pack&Ship; of Jacksonville has been busy packing, crating and shipping art for customers of the acclaimed Peter O'Neill Gallery. Over the past few months, customers have entrusted Navis to package and ship over a dozen pieces of valuable art, including several original oils. Navis uses specialized packing and cratingtechniques to ensure the artwork arrives at the customer's home in the same condition that it left the gallery. Below are pictures of a few pieces that were shipped: Navis Pack&Ship of Jacksonville is proud to partner with the Peter O'Neill Gallery for their customers' art shippingneeds. For more information on art shipping, please explore our Facebook page our website at "Radio City" Original Oil "Palette Poppies" Original Oil "Sunday Morning Rain, Soho" "Summer Reflections" Original Oil "Street Jazz" more

By Navis Pack & Ship January 24, 2011

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People are great and facility is great more

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VerY GREAT PLACE , mom loves it Alice Mendez _Vigo #410 more

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Darlene in memory care very much impressed me today with her interactions with one of your residents. She was calm, caring, compassionate, and her approach should be emulated by all staff here. more

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