Blogs from Business Services in Clearwater, FL

Methods Of Visa and Mastercard To Manage Chargeback

Manage Excessive Chargeback Levels The Visa and MasterCard take action depending on the number of chargebacks in a month for the merchant. This is called the chargeback ratio or chargeback rate. If the merchant reaches the maximum chargeback limit, the card companies have the right to implement a penalty. These are sensitive issues that can affect your business in terms of profit and reputation.   ChargebackRatio and Chargeback Rate – Calculate Chargeback Threshold with Visa And Master Card The Visa and the MasterCard, both have different norms to manage Excessive Chargeback levels but before moving to the excessive chargeback, you must know about the Chargeback Rate and Chargeback Ratio. Visa’smethod to calculate Chargeback Ratio: • To calculate the chargeback ratio, the Visa divides the number of chargebacks in a month to the number of transactions of that month. This becomes the chargeback ratio. Furthermore, to calculate the chargeback rate, multiply this ratio with 100. Here is the formula that Visa uses to calculate the Chargeback Rate: • Chargeback Rate = (Number of Chargebacks in a month / Number of Transactions in a month) *100 Master Card’s Method To Calculate Chargeback Ratio: • The Master Card uses a slightly different method to calculate the Chargeback rate. The formula is similar but the only difference is, they take the ratio of the current month’s chargeback and divide it by the previous month’s transactions. The Mastercard chargeback rate formula is: • Chargeback Rate = (Number of Chargebacks of current month / Number of Transactions of the previous month) *100 If you are a merchant, then you can also calculate the chargeback ratio of your enterprise using this simple formula. What are Excessive Chargeback Levels? As complicated as it sounds, the chargebacks can be tricky to deal with not only for the merchant but also for banks. Every year, many cases of chargeback frauds are reported. Furthermore, the banks and card networks are trying to establish the best method to avoid any frauds. Chargeback Expertz ChargebackExpertz does the best research for you and gives you the best maintenance for the chargebacks. Have any questions in your head call us at +1 855-465-4723 or mail us at more

By Chargeback Expertz August 30, 2019

Perfect Guide For Merchant's To Fight Chargebacks

The first rule to run a successful and balanced business is to catch the chargeback before it goals our business profit. Navigating the chargeback process is painful and time-consuming for any merchant. All chargeback disputes begin when a cardholder files a dispute on a transaction with their issuing bank. Visa gives issuing banks up to good 30 days to review. If valid, they would then forward it to the merchant’s acquiring bank or payment processor, who notifies the merchant. Chargeback, if you may not know is a return of funds into the buyer’s bank account, a line of credit or credit card. Know The Process Know the parties involved in this. 1. The Customer 2.Issuing Bank 3.Card Network 4.Acquiring Bank 5.Merchant Account Processor 6.Merchant’s Commercial Bank Account 7.The Merchant 8. Merchant Loses to Chargebacks 9.Preventing Chargebacks These 9 heads are involved in this and have a look at this individually. 1. The Customer The customer is a cardholder who purchases product/services from the merchant. 2. Issuing Bank The issuer provides payment cards to the cardholder. The issuer is the underwriter of the account. That means it is responsible to disburse funds to the merchant from the customers. 3. Card Network This provides a transfer facility between issuers and acquirers. 4. Acquiring Bank The acquirer is the party responsible for acquiring authorization through the card network. The acquirer settles the funds collected from the processing fees, network fees, and interchange fees. 5. Merchant Account Processor The merchant account processor is a service provider that partners with an acquirer. They provide services as process payments on the merchant’s behalf. 6. Merchant’s Commercial Bank Account The merchant commercial bank account is the destination of funds transferred from a cardholder. 7. The Merchant   Company or a business who provides goods or services in exchange for money. 8. Merchant Loses to Chargebacks Losing to chargeback dispute is worse than chargeback itself here he losses product and the amount disputed to him. 9. Preventing Chargebacks This is providing quality to the customers, in order to prevent chargebacks merchants should consider the following points: a. Accurate results of the product or services. b. Proper return policy c. Excellent customer support d. Have a conversation with the customers including documents. Chargeback Expertz Chargeback Expertz gives proper prevention against the chargebacks. Check us on or call us at +1 855-465-4723 we are available round the clock. more

By Chargeback Expertz August 29, 2019

Best Back up For Fighting Chargebacks

ChargebackResponse A merchant has a specific time limit when it comes to responding to the chargeback. If not done, the issuing bank can press charges on the merchant. But at the same time, a merchant needs to be very careful when responding to a chargeback. If a merchant makes any mistake while presenting the response, he can be subjected to a heavy fine. Here are some tips for the Merchants to design their Chargeback Response- 1.Short And Simple Make it easily readable, once the chargeback is filled merchant should take off this thing that he should only highlight the major areas that he wants to tell the bank. Banks have a lot of work to do and a lot of chargebacks which bounces daily on their head. So, make it simple and sweet. 2.Norms At The Time Of selling Goods The best way to fight the chargebacks is keeping the terms and condition ready when they do it. •Make sure to also present the documents signed by the customer. •When a chargeback is logged, the merchant can use the terms and conditions in his response file. 3.Making Things Crystal Clear You need to put in your Chargeback response is the payment details. •Proof that the customer made the payment, not any other person, if possible. •The document stating the mode of the payment. •If the customer bought the product from the store then you can show the video recording of the payment. All these details of the transaction can help you show that the transaction is initiated and completed by the customer only and is legitimate. 4.Provide Documents for Successful Delivery Many customers have a delivery related dispute. It is the duty of the merchant to securely deliver the product and in time. •The merchant can also take the help of live tracking of products and keep the record of tracking. •The merchant needs to show a strong proof of the delivery in the chargeback response. •The merchant can show the signed document by the customer upon successful delivery. Chargeback Expertz ChargebackExpertz has a bag full of chargeback management, chargeback prevention, chargeback representment, chargeback alerts and many more. Call Us at +1 855-465-4723 or mail us at more

By Chargeback Expertz August 28, 2019

Know The Value Of Chargeback Reports

What Is A Chargeback Report? A chargeback involves various parties- Cardholder, Merchant, Issuers Bank, Acquirer Bank, and Card Network. A chargeback goes through the system of each of the entities mentioned above. A chargeback the report contains the flow of money and mentions the stage where the things went wrong leading to a chargeback. A merchant can create his own database logging the details of each chargeback that occurred in the business. Importance Of Chargeback Report When it comes to business, the data and services are needed to be organized. This is because one needs to keep a record of everything from revenue to product to the number of chargebacks. If you have a business that accepts credit card payments then there sure will be some chargebacks. If you are connected to a chargeback management company and think that all your chargeback issues are taken care of, then you may be wrong. You need to keep an eye on each of your chargeback reports, monthly. Ingredients of chargeback report •Transactions Details (Amount, Mode of Payment, Customer’s Information) •Chargebacks (Chargeback Amount, Reason of Chargeback, Time Frame to resolve the Chargeback) •Representments •Pre-Arbitration •Finally, Chargeback Reason Code Short Summary  A well-composed chargeback report can actually help evaluate the pattern of the chargeback occurrence. Furthermore, you can study the pattern to finally assess risks. •Prepare Chargeback Alerts •List Win-Chargeback Report •Calculate the Number of Representments resulted in merchants favor •Report the number of days of a month rich in chargeback •Identify merchant errors •Review the risk causing factors •Identify areas offering most profit and loss •Identify the most common chargeback reason codes in the business.  A well-organized chargeback report can actually, help: •In predicting chargeback in upcoming months •In creating a more effective chargeback prevention strategy •Designing methods to recover the revenue lost due to excessive chargeback •Finally, decreasing the frauds caused in the name of chargeback ChargebackExpertz To get an information about chargeback reports you need to get in touch with us. Chargeback expertz will give you a proper diagnosis about the business and suggestions which is more fruitful and productive for your firm. Call us at +1 855-465-4723 or mail us at more

By Chargeback Expertz August 27, 2019

Identification Of Fraudulent Charges

Frauds are so common in E-Commerce business so; a merchant has to pay a lot more attention towards the working of the business. Any criminal deception intended to result in financial gain is a fraud. Fraudsters do many things to gain profit into their pockets. Stealing the credit card owner’s information is the first thing they attack. They basically, ask the banks to issue the card again against the information they get it from their side and ask the bank to issue the new card. Though there are technologies build as per the days are growing faster merchant gets easily effected by the infections of fraud. CreditFrauds And Their Types: Having a look at what are types of frauds which happen in credit cards. Double Offering Of The Receipt: The moment when the cardholder gets double receipt against the single purchase. In-house trust breakers: When a merchant’s employee works with the fraudster to defraud banks. Assets Takeover: When a credit cardholder innocently and unwittingly gives personal information (such as a home address, mother’s maiden name, etc.) to a potential fraudster, who contacts the cardholder’s bank, reports a lost card on behalf of the cardholder and obtains a new card in the victim’s name. CNP (Card Not Present) Fraud: If someone knows the expiry date and account number of your card, they can commit CNP fraud against you. This can be done through a phone, email or the Internet. It essentially means that somebody uses your card without having physical possession of it. Chargeback Expertz Chargeback Expertz a hub where you can find an expert’s team sitting just to educate you and give you a proper guidance about the frauds which a merchant goes through. Jump in the pool of profit.  Call us at PHONE: +1 855-465-4723   EMAIL: more

By Chargeback Expertz July 29, 2019

Rescuing Your Business From Chargebacks!!!

What are Chargebacks? The chargebacks are disputed transactions, which take place between a merchant and a customer. A chargeback is security, provided to consumers to protect them from unauthorized transactions. A chargeback happens when a cardholder calls his card issuer to dispute a charge on his account. If your customer files a dispute, you’ll get a notice from your acquiring bank that a chargeback is pending. You can either accept it or request it. When a chargeback is received, you will get a chargeback reason code from the issuing the bank that gives a reason for the dispute. How ToManage Chargebacks Some of the preventive measures to manage chargebacks are: •Case Understanding: There should be a proper method to understand the case and strategize to eliminate it in the future. •Merchant Error And Elimination: The merchant error is the biggest culprit in this situation because, if a chargeback has occurred due to the merchant’s error, then there is no way he is on a winning side of the case. Avoid silly mistakes and charging the same customer more than once for a single trade. •Create An Authorization Request: Cancel any of the transaction that ends up stating ‘denied’ message. Always go by the rules that are set by the banks, it would be more than helpful to manage your chargebacks. •Get You Team Ready For Worst: The best training should be given to the chargeback management team, to handle the queries and disputes aggressively. There are lots of questions of a potential chargeback prone customer as they’re irate. Handling their queries responsibly may help you in chargeback prevention. ChargebackExpertz Chargeback Expertz gives you wings to fight individually and gives proper chargeback management tools and kit. Call us now PHONE: +1855-465-4723 EMAIL: more

By Chargeback Expertz July 27, 2019

Balancing And Managing The Chargebacks

Yes, we are chargeback maintainers, we maintain chargebacks to every extent. Chargebacks are disputed transactions, which take place between a merchant and a customer. Chargeback management is a must to enhance the security and validation of a transaction else the merchant’s business would be at risk, if the chargeback rate is too high. Chargeback Managers 1.Not Every Day Is A Good Day: The best training should be given to the chargeback management team, to handle the queries and disputes aggressively. Handling their queries responsibly may help you in chargeback prevention. 2.Proper Knowledge About The Mishap  There should be a proper method to understand the case and strategics to eliminate it in the future. 3.Provide Informative Billing Information:  The informative billing description is the weapon you can use against an unauthorized chargeback. It is advised to use a contact number, company name, email address and the trade details in it. 4.Track And Use The Delivery To The Best Of Your Trade: Delivery of the goods is the most important deciding factor for a sale because neither the merchant nor the customer is physically present when the process occurs. Tracing the item is the responsibility of the merchant and charging the card too. If the customer didn’t receive the goods yet then process a refund. This is a generous way of showing to the customer that you care in the long run and not just for the money. Chargeback Expertz Charge backs Expertz floats in the ocean profit we provide proper chargeback management services and gives the best out of best. Call us at every possible time which suits them best to you +1 855-465-4723 or mail us at more

By Chargeback Expertz July 26, 2019

Chargeback Management -A Happy Stroke

Sit back and relax merchants now chargebacks won’t bother you much. Chargebacks need to be managed very patiently, hence they need proper maintenance and that’s surly possible with chargeback expertz. Chargeback expertz not only give a repair to the chargebacks but also gives the maintenance to the mishaps occurred. What are chargebacks? A chargeback happens when a cardholder calls his card issuer to dispute a charge on his account. If your customer files a dispute, you’ll get a notice from your acquiring bank that a chargeback is pending. You can either accept it or request it. How To Figure Out Chargebacks!! Step 1: Identify the Source. When a cardholder files a chargeback, the issuer attaches a reason code to the transaction. Step 2: Engage in Tactical Representment. Step 3: Prevent Future Chargebacks. Step 4: Get Long-Term Assistance From Professional Service Provider. Why do we need to manage chargebacks? When a dispute is made, the merchant reverses the transaction and the customer receives his money back. Regardless of the cause of chargebacks, the merchant should take measures to reduce them. Chargebacks are meant to protect consumers from unauthorized transactions. Balance Maintainers ChargebackExpertz gives proper chargeback management services and gives stability in your abrupt business. Make a call and get proper full assistance 24*7 by us   EMAIL PHONE: +1 855-465-4723 more

By Chargeback Expertz July 25, 2019

Really Are You Managing Chargebacks Timely?

Chargebacks are unwanted guests nobody wants them. Same as with chargebacks they can be treated timely and cured well with proper guidance and precautions.  A chargeback can only be destroyed by proper file work. It requires proper attention initially and then proper paperwork will make a strong base in the future. Merchants are vulnerable if they do not have clear documentation available to resolve the chargebacks and submit the responses. We have made it to a few points that could help you in getting a successful chargeback response: Make Proper Evidence For It Every chargeback will demand different evidence and data that is tied to the reason code with the dispute. •Display the cardholder’s satisfaction with the product or service •The product was being used, despite the dispute claiming it never arrived from shipping. Keep the Details: You should support your case with phone logs, email correspondences, and any additional information that validates the cardholder’s identity and shows that he was aware of the transaction.  Keeping minute details comes in very useful when making a sale. It may be irrelevant at the time of trade but when the chargeback comes the small detail is probably the best asset you could have. Chargeback Expertz ChargebackExpertz has a well expert wing line for encountering the chargebacks upcomers. Come and be a part of our team and manage chargeback wisely with our team PHONE +1 855-465-4723 or mail us at more

By Chargeback Expertz July 23, 2019

Catching Chargebacks And Chasing Them Till They Die

Chargebacks are the horrible nightmares!!! Merchants need to figure out how to manage them with proper plans and strategies. Take a deep breath calm down Chargeback Expertz has a full flashed team to support you in your hard times. Frauds And Their Masks!! Chargebacks have a problem with their personality. They have a double face with them, you never know which chargebacks are genuine. An e-commerce credit card fraud occurs when the information is held loose from the side of a cardholder or someone steals the data of the card. Thieves think they are clever; they always try to give less information about themselves. He attempts to give false information about him. Though there maybe security, but they're always is an opportunity for fraud. Fraudsters find one or the other way to rip you off your money. Credit Cards Related Issues E-commerce always invite frauds along with it by default. Credit Cards are one of them. Credit cards deal with many types of fraudsters in today's world. 1.Account Hackers: The moment when the cardholder gives his information to the potential fraudster, which in the return goes to the victim’s banks and files a complaint about losing the card so to get a new card against it. 2.Multiple Imprints: When a single transaction is recorded multiple times on credit card imprint machines. 3. CNP (Card Not Present) Fraud: If someone knows the expiry date and account number of your card, they can commit CNP fraud against you. This can be done through a phone, email or the Internet. It essentially means that somebody uses your card without having physical possession of it. 4.Collusive Merchants: When a merchant’s employee works with the fraudster to defraud banks. Chargeback Expertz Chargeback Expertz  a team which works on the behalf of the cardholder just to give online security and card prevention services so that no fraudster can knock the door. Call us:  PHONE: +1 855-465-4723 EMAIL: more

By Chargeback Expertz July 22, 2019

Valuing time for chargebacks

Play with your head!! Truly said every businessman should work smartly. Once chargeback knocks their door, it’s very necessary to deal with them calmly and patiently. Chargeback should be treated soon and valuing the time we need to solve the problem soon. How To Deal With It Merchant should have strong and clear documentation so that he is able to solve the chargebacks sooner. Transactions Proofs: Chargebacks are the devil they can come bouncing from everywhere may be which can come from the 2-3-month-old transaction. So, merchant should have a proper weapon to fight. You should focus on aggregating three main data sources e-commerce platform, payment processor and payment gateway. But you can aggregate other sources that are before, after and during the transaction cycle. Preparation for the Templates and Case Responses: Every case has a different treatment, chargeback will demand different evidence and data that is tied to the reason code with the dispute. •Display the cardholder’s satisfaction with the product or service •The product was being used, despite the dispute claiming it never arrived from shipping. Make Tiny Things Ready For Fight Keeping minute details come in very useful when making a sale.  It may be irrelevant at the time of trade but when the chargeback comes the small detail is probably the best asset you could have. You should support your case with phone logs, email correspondences, and any additional information that validates the cardholder’s identity and shows that he was aware of the transaction.  Make it Easy: The manual review handling of an individual of the response is going to decide easily whether the evidence is enough to refute the cardholder’s claims or not. You can make their job easier by highlighting points and including tables and keep it short, if possible. Successful Transmission: Once the response is complete, you will have to get this information to the processor or the acquiring bank through various verticals. Many acquirers need the responses to be sent via email, but most banks receive responses through fax or the internet. Ensure that the text, fonts, and images are clear enough or the transmission would be considered incomplete. Chargeback Expertz ChargebacksExpertz will help you to sail on a successful ship. Be a part of Chargeback Expertz call us on PHONE: +1 855-465-4723 EMAIL: more

By Chargeback Expertz July 19, 2019

Remedies For High Risk Businessman

Merchant either has a low-risk business or a high-risk business. It's all ok with the low-risk dealers but what about the high-risk dealers, where they should. Well okay you may come here we have given our shoulder your can cry here.  High-risk iѕ defined by the nature of the buѕinеѕѕ, and are tурiсаllу denied or rеѕtriсtеd by mоѕt merchant ѕеrviсеѕ provider bаѕеd on that nature alone. Having a buѕinеѕѕ mеаnѕ thаt ассерting credit саrdѕ fоr payments or рurсhаѕеѕ iѕ a requirement. Nоt hаving the аbilitу tо ассерt сrеdit саrdѕ аt уоur buѕinеѕѕ, whеthеr уоu аrе a low riѕk merchant оr a high-risk mеrсhаnt means losing an lаrgе роrtiоn оf уоur сuѕtоmеrѕ, аnd аlѕо lоѕing out on potential rеvеnuе. WHAT IS HIGH RISK Credit is the lifeblood оf the соmраnу. If уоur buѕinеѕѕ is dесlinеd a merchant account bаѕеd оn thе fасt thаt уоu аrе dееmеd high risk, thаt does not mеаn уоu cannot be approved through a different mеrсhаnt ѕеrviсеѕ рrоvidеr.  These high-risk merchants, thоugh highlу рrоfitаblе might find it hаrd to trаnѕасt online and ассерt сrеdit саrd payments duе tо the unаvаilаbilitу оf a high-risk merchant ѕеrviсеѕ рrоvidеrѕ. High vоlumе оf ѕаlеѕ thаt rеԛuirе futurе deliveries. Futurе dеlivеriеѕ сrеаtе a high riѕk сlаѕѕifiсаtiоn аlmоѕt immеdiаtеlу as сuѕtоmеrѕ will bе рауing for thеir gооdѕ and nоt rесеiving thеm until an lаtеr date. SELECT A MERCHANT SERVICES PROVIDER Mоѕt оf thе mеrсhаnt service providers have diffеrеnt fees аnd charges fоr оnе buѕinеѕѕ tуре tо аnоthеr. Hеnсе, it would bе better to аѕсеrtаin thаt уоu аrе rightlу classified, аѕ you should bе. Tаkе thе timе to gо thrоugh аll the imроrtаnt facts of gеtting a high-risk merchant services ассоunt. It mау tаkе a bit mоrе timе thаn tурiсаl ассоunt, but remember, withоut bеing able to ассерt сrеdit саrdѕ аt уоur business оr online ѕtоrе, thе rеvеnuе that you аrе going tо bе missing оut оn will grеаtlу outweigh thе соѕtѕ of thе ассоunt. What We Do? Yes, ChargebackExpertz  give proper assistance and provide a proper road where a merchant should go and follow it for their better future. Dealing with the high-risk business without any proper guidance is such a wrong decision comes and get proper services and lead to a good direction. PHONE+1 855-465- 4723  EMAIL more

By Chargeback Expertz July 18, 2019

Remedies To Solve Chargebacks Fast

Chargebacks are shooting stars that fall all of a sudden in the bag of the businessman. Chargebacks need quick treatment so that they should conquer the place. Here let’s have some glimpse. Resolve Chargebacks Arbitration is the best method to resolve disputes faster. From the merchant’s point of view, Arbitration is the preferred method to resolve the chargeback. Because it is more effective and recognized method to fix dispute.  Pre-Arbitration? In the pre-arbitration, the dispute is resolved within the issuing bank and the acquiring bank. If a merchant feels that the evidence is strong enough to win the chargeback, the Arbitration method can be used to resolve chargebacks faster. The Pre-Arbitration does not involve the card network like Visa. The general the flow of the chargeback starts from the customer, where the customer initiates the chargeback then the merchant either provides the evidence to fight chargeback or simply gives a refund. What is Arbitration? Arbitration is like a court trial where both the parties that are merchant and customer present their cases to the card network (Visa). After examining the details of both the parties the final decision is given by the card network. Tips for Quick Chargeback Reversal. For a merchant, the chargeback can be really difficult to handle and everyone wants to resolve chargebacks faster. These tips can help: •   Present the evidence that is to-the-point, clear and short. •   A quick response can help you resolve chargeback quickly. Respond quickly. •   Avoid any difficult or time-consuming method to resolve disputes. •   Learn from your mistakes. •   Finally, if you are in doubt get a professional. ChargebackExpertz If you are thinking to get a professional for the chargeback reversal then you can try our Representment Service.  In order to reach an expert, you can try the toll-free number +1(855) 465-4723 or chat via Skype. Our services are 24*7 available, you can reach us anytime. Moreover, you can get the solution to your other chargeback issues by following our blogs at more

By Chargeback Expertz July 17, 2019

Calculations On Toes | Chargebacks Expertz

Yes!! It’s true to have a balanced business one needs to be calculative and surly on toes. The merchant never knows from he gets an attack, so to dodge that he needs a proper shelter and protection against that and need to have a proper strategy to fight against that. Chargebacks are a natural process which an enterprise faces but still on more than the limit. So, to maintain that every merchant has to go through the chargeback ratio management and its rate. What Is Chargeback Ratio and Chargeback Rate? Chargeback Ratio of a number of chargebacks to a number of transactions in a span of a month, which is calculated by the Ceo of the company. And then, we multiply this chargeback ratio with 100 and get the chargeback rate. In order to run a profitable business, the merchant should know about the Chargeback ratio and Chargeback rate, and try to reduce the number of chargebacks and the chargeback ratio as a whole. Higher the ratio higher the risk. The chargeback of each merchant is inspected on a monthly basis. How to calculate? Formula: Chargeback Ratio = No. of Chargebacks in a month/ No. of Transactions in a Month Chargeback Rate = (No. of Chargebacks in a month/ No. of Transactions in a Month) *100 Maintenance of the chargeback If you wish to avoid any penalty, you need to maintain a minimum ratio. For that, you can follow these steps. •  Calculate Dispute Ratio to avoid Chargebacks •  Maintain a healthy relationship with your customers •  Get as much knowledge about the chargeback as possible •  Keep your products and services genuine •  Deliver on time •  Get an expert to handle the chargebacks Chargeback expertz Chargebackexpertz well the name justifies it well. Chargeback expertz deals with many chargebacks dispute every day and it has a well-experienced hand. So not to worry at all. We give heal the wounds soon. Call us at PHONE:+1 855-465-4723 or mail us at EMAIL: more

By Chargeback Expertz July 16, 2019

Check Your Business Health| Chargeback Expertz

Frauds lists goes on and on. For a merchant, it’s very important to figure out the frauds at a very primitive stage. Every merchant should have an action plan to work with it. If the merchant doesn’t do anything to reduce fraud level Risk and The compliance department will close merchant traffic. To avoid penalties and disqualification, Merchant must review its business processes. Business should be healthy and well procured. Frauds and back to back charge backs affect a lot and Detroit the business's health a lot. Here are few tips where a merchant can work on and lead to progress: Request that cardholders provide the following information during the order taking process: 1.Home, business or another telephone number where the cardholder can be reached. 2.Cardholder Name, exactly how their name appears on their card. 3.Card Number. 4.Card Expiration Date, four-digit number MM/YY. 5.CVV (Card Verification Value) and/or CID (Card Identification Data) for some regions, the three-digit number located on the back of the card in the signature panel. 6.Card billing address along with the ship-to address (when necessary). Necessity for each transaction: •Verify the cardholder name, full billing address, email address and phone number with the issuer in real-time using. •If the sale is on a credit card, refund sales on the same card. •Clearly explain any return policies and offer documentation of this policy with each sale. •Duplicate charges, or installment plans, unless otherwise stated, require an authorization for each sale. •Get a signature for each delivery and keep all delivery records. Best practices for e-commerce: •Offer a customer service telephone number. •Clearly identify your company’s return policy and shipping time frames and offer documentation of these policies with each sale. •Clearly identify all features of a product or service. •Disclose the information security policies and processes your business has in place. •Include your common DBA and customer service number on the customer’s transaction receipt. Protection for the customers •Protecting Customer Information •Truncate all credit card information. •Do not store any CID data in your records or on any type of sales data. •Secure your site. Data MUST be stored in a secure environment that is protected by firewalls from your Website or access over the Internet. This data should be password protected with limited authorized use. •Do NOT store any customer or credit card information on your Web Server. •Please refer to your Merchant Operating Regulations for further Card Not Present (CNP) requirements with respect to the submission of sales. Chargeback Expertz ChargebackExpertz is the one who will hold your hand and will defiantly look after the business wellness. Call us atPHONE: +1 855-465-4723  EMAIL: more

By Chargeback Expertz July 15, 2019

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