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Discovery Towers Multimedia

Discovery Towers Multimedia

Reviews 0
38.5502 -121.4589
HOURS: Open 6 days a week... Closed on Sundays
PAYMENT: American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Paypal, Personal Checks, Visa

About Discovery Towers Multimedia

Cheap Professional Web Site Design starting at $189 & includes hosting!

We've been in the web design and development business since 1997 and officially as Discovery Towers Multimedia since 2001... If you want to view our credentials you may start by simply going to Google...

Type in one of the most popular search terms in the industry... "Cheap Professional Web Site Design" and then click "Go"

We will always pop up on the #1 position of Google, We are a small business and we have two full time designer / developers and two full time CSS, PHP, HTML code guys...

I am also an expert in SEO / Search Engine Rankings and I have already proved that by showing you how to find us on the #1 page of Google using a search term phrase.

We can do the same for you and yes at BELOW SEO INDUSTRY RATES AS WELL...

1st Year Free Hosting All Packages
1st Year Free Updates All Packages
1st Month Free SEO All Packages
Email Accounts
Hosting Cpanel, Web Editor, AWStats and much more all Packages

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Discovery Towers Multimedia Blog

LINK SWAPPING! Sounds Good, But More Likely Will Hurt You...

If you ever reach the #1 postion on Google for a popular search term phrase, be prepared to get all sorts of silly requests for "Link Swapping" Here's the number ONE question you should ask whether you are the recipient or the generator of a link swap request... Why would someone put another link to another website that is in direct competition on their website. It's like having a "Exit Door" with a sign above it that says... "Leave Our Website Now and go Buy from our Competitor". Does this m... READ MORE Posted March 05, 2009 at 06:56 PM

Search Engine Rankings, What Really Counts!

Well we've all heard about SEO, optimization, rankings, pr ratings, back-links, keyword density.. blah blah blah... Here's the truth in it all no matter what anyone says as far as I'm concerned. If you did everything to your website that you are supposed to do according to all of the articles you have read on the Internet. Having a proper domain name, Title tags, meta tag descriptions, keyword density, code to text ratio, lots of content and pages and on and on, .... then why is your site sti... READ MORE Posted March 05, 2009 at 06:27 PM

A Real Search Engine Ranking Story That Applies To Everybody

Even as late as 2005/2006 I did not believe that my website could be ranked on the #1 page of Google. After all, If there are over a 500,000 (half a million) self proclaimed web designers / web developers that have websites, how in the world do you rank / compete for the top 10 positions of the number one page of Google for your business? It seemed impossible and common sense even told me that I'd better find a better way to generate new business. So we for years used the phone... the good ol... READ MORE Posted March 05, 2009 at 06:12 PM
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Messages for Discovery Towers Multimedia

For networking to work, you need a plan. Here's a plan for free publicity. Send me a press release about your business. See "the buzz machine" at www.budurl.com/Sparklers. Lamar Morgan

By Synergistic Business Marketing on February 18, 2011

Hi. I am totally a "local internet marketing" guy. I don't DO website design, I do internal SEO , audio, video. I need a web design co. to help (titles, tags, etc) and embed. Pls email more info

By Maryland Internet Marketing on July 12, 2009

Sorry for the late response, we are so busy with our regular website and services already. However, if you are still interested in us helping you with the "Web Work" and you do the SEO, that's Great! We have been working and doing the same thing for another SEO GURU from Minnesota for almost 4 years now so we have the experience you need. Feel free to skype me for instant connection at SKYPE ID: rich083 Thanks, Rich

October 05, 2009

Thank you for the connection. Please visit my website and let me show you how to promote your business for just pennies. Please feel free to contact us

By RBS/GIPAS Promotional Associates- Featuring Affordable Advertising Specialties For Under a $1 on November 22, 2008
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