Even as late as 2005/2006 I did not believe that my website could be ranked on the #1 page of Google. After all, If there are over a 500,000 (half a million) self proclaimed web designers / web developers that have websites, how in the world do you rank / compete for the top 10 positions of the number one page of Google for your business? It seemed impossible and common sense even told me that I'd better find a better way to generate new business.
So we for years used the phone... the good ole telephone and we did fairly well but one day late in 2005 I had done a telephone sales call to a guy named Mike.  Mike was an SEO expert and although he wasn't interested in my services for his website, he was interested in me doing work for him for his clients taking a big weight off of his shoulders.As the months went by I was still stubborn and in denial that there was no way I could have my website listed on the #1 page of Google.  Well we had after several projects developed not just a good working relationship but a friendship as well.Mike by then also figured out how stubborn I was. So instead of trying to sell me something that I was dead set on not wanting.  He offered me a "free service with a catch".He would rank my website on the #1 page of Google and if I could type in a "popular search term phrase", not some obscure phrase that had nothing to do with my industry, and if I found myself on the #1 page of Google then I would pay him a pre determined fee. I said with a bit of skepticism, go for it thinking "NO WAY"...Just 6 weeks later he had me ranked on the #7 position on Google for "Cheap Professional Web Site Design".I WAS SHOCKED... We were already getting calls and emails from people I never even solicited on the phone.Well needless to say, I coughed up the money/fee and he said with a very boisterous smile I could hear from his voice on the other end of the phone, SEE I TOLD YOU SO! and he laughed and even 3 years later he still laughs at me about that.Here's the result of all of this...Today, I too am an experienced SEO expert. Our website is not on the #7 position but the #1 position and has been for almost 2 years now.  The difference in the leads and calls from the #7 postion to the #1 position was astounding.Just recently we did a large project for new client... We created 14 websites and within 6 weeks all of them rank on the #1 page for appropriate and popular search terms...  Go to Google and type in "ACT Tutors" and you will more than likely find "ACTtutors.com" in the #1 or #2 position everytime... we did that for him for 14 websites. The client was exhilerated and we've started another project for him already.We've helped people all over the world, An attorney in Hawaii, A Forex guy in Mambuai, A translation company in Japan and even a Telecomunications Company in the Philippines plus hundreds of businesses in the USA...Go ahead type in "Cheap Professional Web Site Design" and see who's number 1 on Google... DiscoveryTowers.com that's who.. It's not bragging it's reality and we can do it for you as well. Give us a call at 866-643-6310 and lets talk..  Ask for me... Rich