Blogs from Home and Garden Services in Guilford, CT

Streamlining Your Life!

Streamlining Your Life!  Clutter affects all aspects of your life   By Donna Sommers     "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."    Albert Einstein     Clutter is simply the accumulation of "stuff."  It encompasses memorabilia, "to do" projects that seem never to be 'done', and family members' additional contributions to the disorder.  This can result in feeling overwhelmed and frustrated which leads to unhealthy stress.  This stress may be a blessing in disguise as these overwhelming feelings may be the final push you need to make you take action for change.   For some, this first step may mean seeking guidance and support.  Making this commitment to yourself to simplify your life and get organized is a significant investment in yourself to achieve personal inner peace and outer success.  Change on any level can be a challenge because it affects everyone in the home - not only you!   Professional Organizers not only help to coach clients through this tough process, they suggest simple systems and keep them accountable to their goals.  "Developing good organizational skills can greatly reduce stress in people's lives," says professional organizer Kristin Mastromarino. "However, some people struggle with mastering these skills on their own, this is where I am most valuable!"     Organization is only the beginning. It is one thing to organize and yet another to allow for the life changing healing that will follow.  Organizing is not only about putting "stuff" in its place; it is about putting something in order deep within you so you can feel free and unencumbered for the successful, stress-free life you wish to achieve!   Disorder often becomes a reflection of what exists inside our emotional self. Clutter can mean there is disarray, discomfort, or unhappiness in your life and this cluttter doesn't happen overnight.  Change becomes non-negotiable if we plan to move on to a more satisfying and simplified lifestyle. We cannot keep doing the same things over and over and expect different outcomes.    De-cluttering involves what, where, and how the "stuff" will go.  By discarding and/or moving "stuff" from your home, you create a void and enter into a process of letting go, of some of these "things" that served you in some way. This is a time to be gentle on yourself and seek as much support as you can to achieve even the smallest goal.  The smallest step is the largest accomplishment.  Short-term counseling is often utilized to help remove existing emotional obstacles to reinforce the organizational process.   Remember, it is a process! Just like renovating a room in your home, it will get messier before it gets tidy.  Patience and trust, along with the assistance and support you receive from family, friends, and this workshop will be required for the process to work.   This process of change requires commitment, patience, inner strength, and support.  As mentioned, all involved in this process become affected and, therefore, all will feel different emotions throughout this activity. This means the endeavor may involve agreements with family. Gathering at family meetings to prioritize plans can help successfully set your goals in motion.  These meetings may open up communication between family members that may have been absent for a long time. You may need to develop new communication skills and be willing and open to learn how to relate to each other. Too often what arises from this issue is a breakdown in communication; a misunderstanding that becomes only about the mess instead of the change as a whole.    While there are many situations that are resolvable by simple persistence and communication, there are other more serious considerations of which to be aware. It is vital to maintain a sense of purpose and non-judgment while keeping focus on your goal.   Just as eating, alcohol, and drugs can be problematic when done to an extreme, so too is clutter.  We address this as Chronic Disorganization (CD).  This on-going pattern is a result of grief, overwhelm by life situations, and feeling hopeless and out of control.  It begins as situational disorganization and evolves into Chronic Disorganization.  There are indications of being Chronically Disorganized and out of control.   We all share some aspects of these Chronic Disorganization tendencies. When our life feels seriously out of control it is necessary to consider this CD can be a side effect of our emotional state.  It is important to acknowledge that CD is resolvable with determination and emotional support.   Some professionally recognized indications of the existence of CD are:    - Disorganization, clutter and poor time management that regularly disrupt your marriage, parenting, relationships, work and health;  - Great difficulty letting go of things even when you no longer need them;  - Clutter is preventing you from using areas of your home as you would like;  - You have tried to organize many times but nothing seems to stick;  - You have purchased organizing books and organizing containers but not been able to apply them to your situation;  - You feel there a sense of hopelessness when you can't maintain organizing systems.   Do not give up. You are worth it! In a short time these patterns will be in the past and replaced with consistent healthy organization on many levels.   This on-going column is to help dispel and dismantle old thought patterns and help create concrete solutions for new healthy patterns for success in your relationships at home, at work, and most importantly, in your self!   Donna Sommers, RN, Counselor, Life Coach, Energy Medicine Practitioner, has a private practice in Branford, CT.  For over 25 years she has offered her expertise and guidance and compassion for healthy change and ultimate healing.   Join the forming four week support group, "De-clutter and Live Free" Support Group, facilitated by Counselor, Donna Sommers and sponsored by Professional Organizer, Kristin Mastromarino of The Organized Lifestyle Store in Guilford.  This is not a therapy group but a support group with weekly themes and assignments to facilitate the changes about which you have requested. Each group will be tailored specifically for the members.   2010 is a great time for change as we begin a new decade.   New Decade — New Patterns — A New You!       A free one-hour introductory session is being offered on January 26 at 12:30 and again at 6:30 p.m. at The Hearth at Tunxis Pond, 100 Bradley Rd.  Bring your friends and/or family members to the introduction to assess if this is indeed for you.  See you there so we can begin effective work together for your success! more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing January 19, 2010

Organized Activity Areas in Your Office

The efficient office at home or work should be zoned into activity areas. These areas will help you stay focused on the particular task you are working on. 1. The Work Center:This center includes a clear workspace, the computer and frequently-used office products. This is where you accomplish most of your day-to-day work. The clear workspace is for writing, placing paperwork to look at, putting things together, or whatever it is that suits your needs. Do NOT convince yourself that the place where your keyboard sits is a clear workspace. It will not allow you to feel free to move and work as you please if you need to first move an important object such as a keyboard first. The computer is always important to keep close by your immediate work area since it plays such a vital role in most of the work we do today. Important office supplies include a pen, a stapler, sticky notes or whatever else you need to carry out daily tasks. 2. The Reference Center:This is home to your binders, manuals, dictionary and professional books and materials. All the materials you use as to reference facts, figures, theories or important industry knowledge are important. However, they do not belong in your direct "work space" area unless you utilize the reference every single day. 3. The Supply Center:This center contains office and paper supplies. Things you definitely need to store close at hand but do not use more than once a week or when working on specific projects. This center is also best kept out of sight if possible. After these activity centers are clearly defined it will be easier to navigate your work space and stay focused to complete your different jobs more efficiently and effectively! more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing October 19, 2009

Take Back Control of your Large Files

The purpose of a file folder is to organize paperwork and important information so it may be quickly and easily accessed.  However, sometimes file folders can grow and grow until they are about to burst.  No matter how much we purge useless paperwork or outdated information from these files, sometimes they are simply destined to be large!  If this is the case it can be hard to make these particular folders conform to their original purpose.  The solution is simple: Sub-divide larger files with interior file folders or labelled dividers.  Categorize larger bulk areas of paperwork.  Place labelled dividers or even seperate file folders within the original folder.  It will help you to still easily access the information at a later date, but will allow you to keep the bulky papers that are necessary for the file's contents. more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing August 31, 2009

Be Prepared for All Occasions

Customer service and personal touches are more important than ever in the business world these days.  Being curteous and thoughtful can put you and your company in the forefront of the minds ofcustomers and professional networks.  Ever recieve a gift or lead from a professional friend and forget to send a thank you note? Or, forget a close professional friend's birthday?The best way to be prepared and remember these important gestures more easily is to keep an assortment of all-occasion cards and stamps in your desk. This way when something happens you can immediately take a minute to compose a card.  You will be surprised how this small gesture can make a BIG impact. more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing August 24, 2009

Get Older Files Out of Your Way

Files can become overwhelming in any space no matter how many filing cabinets you have.  Use storage boxes to store dated files.  That way you feel safe knowing you have those files just in case, however they are not in your immediate attention area. Quick Tip:Date each file as you use it from these storage boxes. If you haven't used the majority of these files in years its definitely time to purge them! more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing August 17, 2009

Clear Your Desk and Your Mind!

Straighten up your desk at the end of the day and especially at the end of the week so that you can start each morning with a clear desk.  Taking 5 minutes at the end of each day to start the next morning with a clear desk will help you focus and even do your work in a more creatively and effectively! Just 5 minutes can boost your efficiency at work? Why not try! more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing August 10, 2009

Organize Your Life by Choosing the Right Desk for Your Office!

The right desk provides just enough surface area to get all your jobs done (more would be a waste of room space).  Also, a layout that allows fingertip management of each task is essential for efficient office and work space.  Below are three desk formats and thier functionality assesment.  You may be surprised to find you're using the wrong desk! Finding the right one could save you time and reduce stress! 1) Standard Desk: This is your basic rectangle, a space efficient bet if you don't use a computer at your desk, don't need a computer for your job, or have a seperate computer workstation.  If you conduct meetings in your office, a standard desk also leaves more space for tables, chairs, and other furniture necessary for these face-to-face encounters. 2) L-Shaped: Add a perpendicular piece to a rectangular desk and you have an L-shape.  The second side is just right to hold a computer, spread out larger documents, or collate materials.  If you currently get up to use a separate worktable for any of your regular tasks, get an L-shaped desk and gain fingertip management! 3) U-Shaped: Adding a third side to the desk allows you to easily toggle between a regular desktop, a computer station, and a clear space for big projects! If you find you constantly need a variety of different workspaces and areas than a U-Shape may be right for you! more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing August 03, 2009

Future File Maintenance Made MUCH Easier!

Purging is the most important step to a powerful file system.  Papers don't go away on their own accord when they grow old and unimportant.  Going through and clearing out the deadweight is up to you.  Purging gets easier with practice.  However, here is a quick tip to make future file maintenance easier than ever! Each time that you use a filed paper put a little check mark in the upper right-hand corner.  Look for the check mark at purging time.  No mark? If the file is 6 months old or more, chances are that you don't need this item. Very little thought for a very high benefit in the long run! more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing July 27, 2009

Timesaving Tip for Mailing

Have batches of lables preprinted so that you do not have to spend time writing or typing them individually when the time comes to send out a mailing. Set up templates on a computer for lables and forms, or type out master forms that you can photocopy or reprint as needed.  This will cut down the time you spend on your hefty mailings significantly! more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing July 20, 2009

Separate Business from Personal

Separating the business from the personal in your life can keep your memory intact and your stress level down. In your office create a separate drawer for personal paperwork, to-do lists and personal items.  This way you can keep track of all aspects of your life in one room without forcing them to coincide. more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing July 13, 2009

Are your Files Trying to Tell you Something?

Having a filing system is great because it keeps documents organized and easy to find.  However, if you find that these file folders are bulging with documents and paperwork it may be time to toss some of that information! Finding the time to go through these folders may seem difficult, but take this project a little bit at a time.  Go through one or two overstuffed folders per day or even week depending on your time constraints.  Throw out documents that are years old or that are simply not relevant anymore.  In no time your files will have more room for important information and you won't have to sort through a large pile of documents to locate what you need! more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing July 06, 2009

Help Yourself Focus

When working on a large project, empty your workspace of everything but the project you're working on.  This will help you to cut down on distractions and focus on the task at hand.  You may even get your project done faster than usual! more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing June 29, 2009

Save Your Interests

Do you ever find a great magazine or newspaper article but end up losing it or throwing it away? Take time out to create a file for these articles or a folder on your computer to scan them into and to save this valuable information. This way you don't have to save the entire magazine but you can always access the article with ease! more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing June 22, 2009

Office Organization Tip of the Day

 Today take 5-10 minutes to clear off the top of your desk.  Find a place for those loose papers and documents and non-essential items.  Having a clear desk will make you feel better and think more clearly! more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing June 15, 2009

Get Your Kids To Help You Organize

Getting your family in the act of organizing can greatly cut down on stress levels. Here are some ways your kids can help you.HOUSEHOLD JOBS A 5-YEAR-OLD CAN DO1. Make her own bed every day. It may be a little sloppy at first, but it’ll improve with time!2. Put clothes back in the closet or proper dresser drawer!3.Put toys back in the toy chest!4.Water houseplants!5. Feed the dog, cat or goldfish (if she is reminded)!6. Set the table!7. Clear the table..ONE thing at a time!SOME HOUSEHOLD JOBS A TEENAGER CAN DO1.Empty wastebaskets.2.Carry out trash cans.3.Vacuum rugs and floors.4.Clean and sweep the kitchen floor.5.Iron his own clothes and the family napkins and tablecloths. (using real cloth takes a little more effort but is nicer than a paper napkin in this rushed world we live in today as well as an environmental saver!6. Polish silver, brass and copper!7.Carry in wood and lay fires!8.Vacuum the inside of the car!9.Wash the car.10.Check kitchen cabinets for household staples and list them (paper goods, sugar,flour etc) - good practice for life after Mom and Dad’s house! more

By Livable Solutions Professional Organizing March 30, 2009

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By DH, Chester, CT

Could not for ask better service, Very pleased. more

Phillips Professional Painting & Faux Finishes


By debbie V

I am very happy with my paint job and it was a very pleasant experience working with them. They were prompt, neat, did a great job and finished when they said they would, and i found their prices more than competitive and fair. I would certainly hire them again. more

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