Blogs from Office Supplies Stores in Denver, CO

Heating Ventilation and Air conditioning Repair in Colorado Denver

We Will Take Your Comfort to the Rocky Mountain High . Choice of Joy Services was established to assist property owners with their HVAC services , maintenance , repairs and light commercial heating and cooling comfort equipment .It is our goal to provide the best in heating and air conditioning service , maintenance and repair for our Denver metro area neighbors .Ventilation is an essential part of our modern life . Poor indoor air quality can lead to early symptoms like fatigue , skin rush , low energy , lock of sleep , depression , headaches , dizziness , severe allergies , mold growth and variety of other long - more

By May 31, 2015

Give you the comfort level you may never head .

Heating , Ventilation and Air Conditioning is an essential part of our modern life , You may have noticed a so  called Hot and Cold spots in your house where your family feel not comfortable , poor air quality and lairs of  dust coming from nowhere as you fearlessly try to keep your house clean comfortable and healthy . As many  professionals may know the duct system in your home is limited by the structure of the house "what's build is  build" . When your house was build , the engineers who design and made calculations of your house , did all by  the rules , codes and regulations . Other whys they will not be able to pass City and County Inspections . Most of the cold and hot spots is occur of a poor insulation , leaky and dirty duct system , worn out , old  windows and doors ...   Then better your house is sealed then more higher comfort level your family will have . The control thermostat  in your home have an function to relieve such matter . Go to your comfort equipment and check your filter , if it is time - replace filter and make sure it is installed correctly and stays in place at all times of climate control  system operation . Then go to your thermostat set up desired temperature and turn the Fan option from Auto  to ON position . In the few hours you will experience the air temperature in your home will blend and stabilize ,  you will enjoy more stable comfort level and better air quality through out all of your house from the basement  to the top floor . Mark your calendar a month or a month and a half out to change filters in your climate  control system .   Result : The fan will run continually to blend temperatures through out your home , it will take the air through filtration  system to improve air quality in your house . You have to move the air to clean the air . The cooling or heating portion of your climate control system will come on only on demand . When comfort system is runs in Auto mode the main motor is come on up to three , four times per hour on  average in some houses . On the start the motor may demand up to seventy percent more energy to get to  operational speed and only then it starts to use correct kilowatts designed energy on the name plate of the motor . By turning your main blower motor ON it have to get to the speed and get in to balance just ones .  Now We are argue and challenge you to go and do all of that , and see for your self ! P.S. Note : By the way the most important for us is to keep your climate control system performance at it is high  efficiency providing safety and more dependable longer lasting service to your family .  Make an appointment for our Planed Preventive Maintenanceto extend the life of your equipment efficiency and safe equipment operation . more

By May 31, 2015


I opened my business in 2007. It had been a long-term goal to open my own business and after many years of planning I was able to find the right timing. The timing is great for my business because it allows me to homeschool my children and more quality time with them. The best part about my business is working with customers. more

By Amirah B. Proofing July 27, 2007

Promotional Products in YOUR mix of Advertising Media

Promotional Products custom imprinted with a company logo or message, is a necessary INVESTMENT in any company's Branding and Growth plan.  It is not an unnecessary Expense as many people believe it to be and it's time for people to realize that most of them are not utilizing these products to their advantage, using them the right way in order to realize a ROI, the way they were originally meant to be used in the first place. Marketing Managers need to know their companies business goals as well as get to know the clients themselves, those who they are aiming to capture and retain.  They need to Track their marketing efforts to see what strategies work and what do not work in obtaining and retaining these clients, and they need to do this in a variety of ways. A consumer may see an ad placed in a Newspaper or Magazine about a company, but how long does this information stay in the consumer's mind after they move onto the next article or ad?  How long after the consumer sees a TV commercial, retains the information that was thrown at them for a mere 30 seconds?  How many times does a consumer need to be reminded of a company and what they stand for, before they will finally remember without all thsoe expensive reminders and automatically know who to call when they finally need this specific service or product?  How much money does it cost upfront before a ROI will be realized? Working in this business for almost 20 years, I am disgusted by how many people call themselves "Marketing Managers" and don't have the first clue about what REAL Marketing entails.  Although much of it is really Trial and Error as no one really knows how a promotion will turn out from idea to inception, even though they know how they WANT it to turn out, they won't know if it was successful or not, unless they TRACK the results of each and every promotion they spend money on.  If promotions are tracked, one eventually sees what gave them the best responses over others, and they can take the monies out of the ones that didn't work, and double up on the ones that did to get even BETTER results the next time, and the next....It's really that simple but unfortunately not practiced by those who call themselves the "Pro's." Marketing Manager's place ads and "hope" people will respond, they buy TV and Radio ads "hoping" people will make the phones ring off the hook like magic, they print their logo onto the cheapest pens they can get their hands on so they can get as many as they can for a certain price-because pens are thought of an expense and not an investment you know-so if there are 1,000 people expected to attend a trade show, they want to give ALL 1,000 attendees one of those pens because they think the MORE people who get this pen, the MORE exposure their company will get and bring in MORE business.  Well, this is true only to a point.  Sure, the more people are exposed to a Brand, the more they will recognize that Brand later on...but use that Brand the wrong way to the wrong people, it ends up harming instead of helping and therefore DOES end up as expense and not an investment in the company.  Give 1,000 people a Cheap pen that feels, looks, and operates CHEAP, you will get Branded as CHEAP!  People will get frustrated with such a "cheap" product that they will look at the logo to see who would hand such a "cheap" product, and they relate your logo to "cheap" now every time they see it!  Consumers don't want to give their business to companies who they think are "cheap" as they relate "cheap" to your product or service as well.  If companies don't CARE enough about their current or potential clients and come off as "cheap," they won't get loyal followings. You can take a good pen that may cost 3 times more than the cheap one, but it will be perceived as "Quality" and therefore the message the end user is getting, is that this company is a "Quality" Company who CARES about their clients and people want to do business with these type of companies who show they care with Quality products.  That more expensive pen will now be one of the end user's favorite, they guard it and try not to let it out of their site because they like it so much.  Unfortunately for the end user, pens seem to disappear no matter how well they kept their eye on it, but the upside for the business who gave it to them is that now that single pen may have another 200 owners in it's life time!  Those 200 owners all loved this pen and all know what logo was on it, because it made them FEEL good and they remembered who it was that gave them the pleasure, and now that pen that may have cost $.80 instead of $.25, got them 10 new clients worth thousands!  How's THAT for a SMART return on your investment!  So this message is, use promotional products that are quality and cost a little more to get the QUALITY message out and in the RIGHT HANDS of the RIGHT potential customer's.  It's a smaller investment than other advertising media and it Nets a larger return on your initial investment! more

By Colorado Advertising Specialties June 29, 2007

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Colorado Advertising Specialties


By Iralonder

thieves! Brought Dave beatty the "owner" over $15,000 in sales.he cheated me out of my commison and kept the money for himself.he is pig of the worst kind.they are liars cheats and thieves! more

Pepperdine's Marking Products


By Anonymous

The products are well done, however that's only because of the employees fear of losing their jobs at any given moment. Management refuses to give raises and threatens employees with their jobs with every mistake made. Often times they are angry with everyone for no reason. Management yelling, esp. by the owner, is common. Running joke that the owner "Has to fire at least one person a year", for the fact that she has never made it 12 months without doing just that. Company was founded by the current owners parents and was built to the successful business it is today. Was then given to the current owner, who promptly fired her own parents. I don't recommend this company, simply because of the treatment of it's employees. more

The Mailing Center


By John Wells

Outstanding service, friendly professional personnel. more

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