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Why Reverse Layaway® is The Best Solution to Slumping Sales

The Reverse Layaway Revolution has just begun.  Everybody knows what Layaway is.  Reverse Layaway is just as simple: the customer agrees to a series of payments, and then they receive the merchandise or service--immediately.  With Reverse Layaway technology, the merchant never has to worry about getting paid: once their customer is approved, the funds are guaranteed to the merchant.  This is retail technology at it's finest.  If you are having trouble hitting your sales goals in today's economy, Reverse Layaway is what you need for your store(s) and salespeople as soon as possible, and here are the 10 Reasons Why: 1) Reverse Layaway is what your customers demand.  Americans are tired of debt.  Reverse Layaway is a throwback to the good ol' days when people saved up for things they wanted to buy.  Reverse Layaway eliminates the evil banks with outrageous interest rates from the equation and because there is no credit check, over 92% of your customers are approved.  Talk about a sales spike! 2) No Credit Check.  You know more people will call and come by just because of these three little words on your sign or in your ad.  This message is incredibly powerful, especially in today's environment when over half of the American population has no credit, bad credit, maxed out credit, or is so sick of credit that they don't want to incur one more penny of debt.  You, as a business, NEED to have an alternative payment option to cater to this majority--58% of Americans according to CNN--of people in our country.  If you don't you are missing out on a massive amount of sales. And people with good incomes and great credit are running into problems, too.  Credit lines are shrinking and getting much harder to qualify for.  Before you ever think "we don't want "that kind" of customer", remember that lesser details have put people out of business.  The "kind" of customers we are talking about here are customers whose payments to you are guaranteed.  No Business can do without a steady stream of paying customers, and that's exactly what Reverse Layaway gives you. 3) If you want more sales, Reverse Layaway could help you hit Much, Much Higher revenue goals.  Times are tight for some, and giving your customers the option and ability to buy from you today--regardless of how much money they have in the bank and what their past credit looks like--is a huge convenience for them.  With as little as 15% down, you can close the deal today, and once your customer is approved, the total amount of the sale is guaranteed to be deposited directly into your business' bank account.  That's what "Guaranteed Payments" means.  Even if a customer's payment date comes and the funds aren't in their account when our system's program attempts to ACH the funds into your business's account from theirs, the Reverse Layaway program will still deposit the amount due to you on the 5th or the 20th of the month, whichever is faster.  Your worries of being paid are eliminated with this program. 4) Customers demand cutting edge technology.  You have the latest cell phone, ipod, laptop, and car, but your payment processing technology has been around since the 80's and has never been upgraded.  It's old.  It doesn't offer 90-Day, No Credit Check In-House financing.  It's time for you to upgrade.  It's time for payment processing 2.0.  It's time for you to join the new millennium.  Ask about our Beta program for online merchants--yes, Reverse Layaway Online! 5) Turn your sales force into Closing Machines.  As sales people, we know the tough part in closing a deal is asking for the money and having the customer agree to fork it over.  With Reverse Layaway, you can now agree to perform your services or provide merchandise for a small fraction of the total amount you agree to, and the customer doesn't have to qualify for anything with their credit.  Do more deals now.  When you follow the program and they are approved, you just do your job and the money will be there--guaranteed. 6) This is fast.  Reverse Layaway only takes a few seconds to get an approval for your customer, and once you realize how much not having Reverse Layaway in your business is costing you, it only takes about 48 hours to be up and running.  Just call the creators of Reverse Layaway, 7) This program makes you look good.  Even though there are literally thousands of merchants using this program nationwide, it hasn't come anywhere near being saturated in the retail marketplace and that means one thing: you can take credit for our work (And we recommend that you do, too!).  Make your business look cutting edge.  Look like an innovator.  Make it look like you truly trust your customers (all the while knowing that your payments are guaranteed to you).  And the entire Reverse Layaway program us underwritten by our Billion-dollar nationwide payment processing partner that's been in this business for 25 years.  In the eyes of many, we are the number one processor in the country. 8) Increase your Marketing with Reverse Layaway.  When you get Reverse Layaway implemented in your store, it's not going to lead directly to more cash in the register--you are going to have to tell people about it.  And we'll help you by providing you: point-of-sale marketing materials, signs/stands, brochures, and many other ways for you to make it very apparent to your customers that they can choose to use Reverse Layaway today and get their product right now and make payments. 9) Make More Money Immediately.  Since your competition doesn't have Reverse Layaway in their stores yet, you can be the leader in your market in your customer's mind.  And guess what?  Since you offer your customers more payment flexibility than your competition, you are going to earn their business over your competitors.  And the customers whose business you earn are going to tell their friends and families.  And it grows from there.  And all it takes it you having some vision in your business to allow them to do business with you.  That's it.  And for the opportunity to do business with you under these flexible terms, you can charge them a premium on top of what you would normally charge them.  You make it easy on them to get the products and services you sell, so you make more money for providing that convenience to the marketplace.  It's that simple.  10) Dominate Your Marketplace.  Reverse Layaway adds $20,000 to $40,000 per year in additional sales to the typical retail/B2C location.  That's huge.  And the best part is that there's no big scary investment, either.  It's technology that's been around for a long time and is tested and trusted by major banks and retailers.  If you are a business that wants more sales now, Reverse Layaway is the single most cost-effective option in 2010.  It's paid for within the first 3 customers in most businesses. Visit the author Peter Johnson's Web site at for more information and to contact him directly to implement Reverse Layaway® in your business today..  Reverse Layaway® is the exclusive registered trademark of Revolution Marketing Group LLC.    This content is copyrighted and owned by Revolution Marketing Group LLC and reproduction is prohibited without written permission. more

By Revolution Marketing Group LLC March 08, 2010

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