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My View: Our Advertising Agency is Not Evil

Someone asked me why should they use my marketing agency. I had a number of reasons, but pointed out that we're accessible, efficient, and less expensive than you think.   The next thing was a question as to what are we. Is Carson Dunn Media an advertising agency filled with cigarette smoking men in suits, hats oggling at pretty girls in tight dresses? Sure, I said. It's called happy hour and another group of folk. It ain't us. No none smokes in my office. I pointed out that rather than focus on the external, it was better to understand that our staff is a team that hones in three things: 1) researching marketing needs; 2) procurring appropriate media to expose our clients products; and, 3) waging a focused campaign to get those products into the minds a consumer group.   I guess what he had in mind was a monster movie he saw on the SyFy Channel. You've seen the plot. An ugly, monster man shows up in town, makes a set of weird, impossible promises to a nice, innocent school marm type and her husband, casper milquetoast. See, they own a store and have been content to market on sandwich boards. Business could be better. Casper says: "We don't need you, thanks." The ugly monster grins evilly and lays a series of traps to get casper's committment. He's relentless. Calling all hours of the night, jumping out of dark corners, causing school marm lady to drop her groceries. Finally, since the calls won't stop, and the guy won't go home, the couple sits down and, with shaky hands and quivering spine, they hire mr. ugly.  He tells them, there are  many places for thier company to be seen: from a billboard, to the wall of Dodger Stadium - sandwich boards.The trick is deciding what makes the most sense for thier budget. The couple says they want to hire skydivers to hang thier message in a wave of falling humans.No, mr. ugly says. He tells them that tried and true forms of advertising will get the biggest results. So, twoor three months past go by. Casper is delighted to tell his wife that they can now afford that trip to Canoga Park. The markerter, that ugly monster guy has done his job. If they stick with him, they can actually do the town in Oxnard.Anyway, why dont you call us let us scare you into prosperity.Until next time, Excelsior,Bernard A. McNealy, PresidentCarson Dunn Media818 626-8507 more

By CDM Digital Advertising & Integrated Marketing June 06, 2010

My View

Greetings: The interesting thing about doing a blog relates to whether or not my words are of interest to anyone other than me.  I don't mean subject matter, because stuff we can talk about is all around as.  One can wax eloquently or ineloquently about everything that they see. My purpose is to give clarity to my ideas,  bring a laugh, or convey seriousness when necessary. Memorial Day is coming up. That's more than a three day weekend because the time off was pricely. I am an American.  You know what that really means?  I do - I get it and am starting a get it more.  'American' is more than a personal title. It represents values -an understanding of who I am - and a decided worldview.  Here is where I am going with this. Last night, I have the honor of the helping my teenage daughter with a school assignment.  The subject was American government , and specifically the Bill of Rights.  Let me preface this comment. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the great, brave Russian thinker and former prisoner of the state said that we (Americans) don't appreciate freedom, and you know something? He is right.  As my daughter and I discussed the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights I began to realize the profound nature of the documents. The Constitution  is the greatest document, outside of the Bible (I am a Christian and make no apology for it), that sets forth inalienable rights and privileges for us individually and collectively.  It instills responsibilities on all of us, regardless of political affiliation, religion, and ethnicity. The Bill of Rights should be cause the lungs to swell  with pride and dignity. We are gifted and blessed.Alexander Solzhenitsyn said as much. Problem is that we're not listening.  What the hell are we apologizing for? I don't purport to know the minds of the Founding Fathers when they wrote the Constitution.  But, from the words, I know  thier hearts. They should be honored, and not pillored by political bottom feeders who wanted misconstrue their words. They said what they mean, they meant what they said.  Freedom was not free - it came in a price. I am an American and I'm unique.  Some of my ancestors were slaves from Africa, some were Native Americans, and some were Europeans that came to america seeking the things guaranteed by. They did it according to the rule of law. When the slaves were freed, it was by that means -- the rule of law.  Some hold onto the vestiges of the racial supremacy, racial loathing.  Under the bill of rights, it's thier choice. I'm tired of people assuming screaming that they are guaranteed the same rights even though they didn't adhere to the rule of law. Listen. Freedom came at a price. We are a place of ideals, of principles, of one language, one flag, thus a shared heritage. We are Americans. I'm not talking about the immigration issue. Legal immigration is the rule of law and I applaud those who patiently seek citizenship. I have a problem with those who don't.  Freedom's criteria does not include sneaking here under cover of night.  I understand feeding your family, but  the rule of law is essential. An American understands this.  Let me bring Alexander Solzhenitsyn back into this. We are a nation of laws, different ancestral heritages, and yet commonality. Memorial Day is a few days away.  Friends and family  will gather and eat barbecue, drink beer, gossip and whatnot. Let's not forget those brave and courageous men and women that paid their lives for our privileges. Let's honor our country and its war dead and remember. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn hinted, we are too complacent and forget the value of freedom. Let's celebrate an honor what we've been given. To those whom we celebrate this Memorial Day, and those currently in the military and their families, thank you for your service. May God bless you. Bernard Alexander McNealy, President Carson Dunn Media Marketing 8444 Reseda Blvd., Suite D Northridge, California 91324 more

By CDM Digital Advertising & Integrated Marketing May 27, 2010

Marketing for Small Business Owners

My ViewThis may hit the small business owner right smack dab in the nose. It may hurt, but only because it's true.I own a small marketing and public relations agency. Time and time again, I run into people that have either no clue on how to market, or really know marketing's value. When we send out an account representative, they throw out defiantly, "I got it covered, man. I can do it myself." They try.A business usually places an ad in a newspaper and expects a miracle to happen -- the first time the ad appears in print. The telephone is supposed to ring off the hook. It seldom does. In frustration, the business owner buys more useless advertising.I must ask you -- why the hell are you messing up your revenue stream? Advertising must be targeted -- directed to a particular group of consumers that are likely to buy what you're selling -- or it is doomed to fail. There's where the professional comes in. First, let's dispel the belief that a marketing agency is beyond the average budget. It is not, especially if one considers it as an investment, and a process. A good marketer works within a budget, while striving to open up a market to the client. Most people don't understand that the cost of every communication device, such as telephones, fax machines, internet advertising, paper for flyers, are part  and parcel of a marketing budget. Your budget, then, is more than you think.As a marketing agency, my company crafts  campaigns wherein a company is systematically exposed to new buyers. We also use social media (Facebook, MySpace, Linked'n and others) to get a message out. Sprinkle in a little public relations, and a company gains traction towards growth.Caution. Social media can be gimmicky and a waste of time, as well. The medium can promote a business, but not among a business owner's friends. They know you already and want to buy on discount. I recommend against using things like smart phones to market because not very many people own them (17% nationwide). More often than not, it is an ineffective expenditure of dollars. Targeted internet advertising can turn the tide of ad money drain.  What we don't do is blast the consumer with B.S. claims. No. As marketers and PR guys we are obligated to put on the best showing for you. No matter the means of advertising, if it's done right, you've got a loyal consumer right at your fingertips.Thanks for letting me vent.Until next time, Excelsior!     Bernard A. McNealy, CEOCarson Dunn Media, Marketing and Public Relations   818-626-8507Northridge, CA    91325 more

By CDM Digital Advertising & Integrated Marketing May 20, 2010

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