Top Diet Centers in Vacaville, CA 95688

This last Nov. 2011 I had an incident with a good friend where I insulted her with a childish remark. "You need to get some help with your childhood issues" she said. I had been in a 12 p...Read More…
You will always find great service and friendly people at Dennis Atkinson Hypnosis.Read More…

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Center for Mindfulness and Positive Change


By KevinTwitchell

This last Nov. 2011 I had an incident with a good friend where I insulted her with a childish remark. "You need to get some help with your childhood issues" she said. I had been in a 12 program for 10 years and thought I had quelled my demons. Not so.. Soon I was at a therapist "getting help".. Consciously I just could not open up. Soon I came across an add on Groupon for discounted hypnosis sessions with Dennis Atkinson. The next day I found the answer to my problems with my first appointment.. Dennis explained how he approaches each clients concerns and formulates a plan.. I was impressed and curious. Through the guided meditations (hypnosis) I found I was able to open up as I never had in my life. In total I have had 12 sessions with Dennis. 9 sessions got my through the majority of my childhood problems of being a child of alcoholics The other 3 sessions have me on the road to eating healthier, permanent weight loss and brighter outlook on life in general !!! more

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Hello Dennis Atkins hypnotherapy, Every Monday I do "Merchant Circle Monday". on my Facebook Fan Page. Today Jan. 2, 2012 I picked your business! Congrats! more

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Great people and service! more

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Success with Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy

90.6% Success Rate for Smoking Cessation Using Hypnosis Of 43 consecutive patients undergoing this treatment protocol, 39 reported remaining abstinent from tobacco use at follow-up (6 months to 3 years post-treatment). This represents a 90.6% success rate using hypnosis. University of Washington School of Medicine, Depts. of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2001 Jul;49(3):257-66. Barber J. 87% Reported Abstinence From Tobacco Use With Hypnosis A field study of 93 male and 93 female CMHC outpatients examined the facilitation of smoking cessation by using hypnosis. At 3-month follow-up, 86% of the men and 87% of the women reported continued abstinence from the use of tobacco using hypnosis. Performance by gender in a stop-smoking program combining hypnosis and aversion. Johnson DL, Karkut RT. Adkar Associates, Inc., Bloomington, Indiana. Psychol Rep. 1994 Oct;75(2):851-7. PMID: 7862796 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 81% Reported They Had Stopped Smoking After Hypnosis Thirty smokers enrolled in an HMO were referred by their primary physician for treatment. Twenty-one patients returned after an initial consultation and received hypnosis for smoking cessation. At the end of treatment, 81% of those patients reported that they had stopped smoking, and 48% reported abstinence at 12 months post-treatment. Texas A&M; University, System Health Science Center, College of Medicine, CollegeStation, TX USA. Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2004 Jan;52(1):73-81. Clinical hypnosisfor smoking cessation: preliminary results of a three-session intervention. Elkins GR, Rajab MH. Hypnosis Patients Twice As Likely To Remain Smoke-Free After Two Years Study of 71 smokers showed that after a two-year follow up, patients that quit with hypnosis were twice as likely to remain smoke-free than those who quit on their own. Guided health imagery for smoking cessation and long-term abstinence. Wynd, CA.Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2005; 37:3, pages 245-250. Hypnosis More Effective Than Drug Interventions for Smoking Cessation Group hypnosis sessions, evaluated at a less effective success rate (22% success) than individualized hypnosis sessions. However, group hypnosis sessions were still demonstrated here as being more effective than drug interventions. Ohio State University, College of Nursing, Columbus, OH 43210, USA Descriptiveoutcomes of the American Lung Association of Ohio hypnotherapy smokingcessation program. Ahijevych K, Yerardi R, Nedilsky N. Hypnosis Most Effective Says Largest Study Ever: 3 Times as Effective as Patch and 15 Times as Effective as Willpower. Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. A meta-analysis, statistically combining results of more than 600 studies of 72,000 people from America and Europe to compare various methods of quitting. On average, hypnosis was over three times as effective as nicotine replacement methods and 15 times as effective as trying to quit alone. University of Iowa, Journal of Applied Psychology, How One in Five Give Up Smoking.October 1992. Hypnosis Over 30 Times as Effective for Weight Loss Investigated the effects of hypnosis in weight loss for 60 females, at least 20% overweight. Treatment included group hypnosis with metaphors for ego-strengthening, decision making and motivation, ideomotor exploration in individual hypnosis, and group hypnosis with maintenance suggestions. Hypnosis was more effective than a control group: an average of 17 lbs lost by the hypnosis group vs. an average of 0.5 lbs lost by the control group, on follow-up. Cochrane, Gordon; Friesen, J. (1986). Hypnotherapy in weight loss treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 489-492. Two Years Later: Hypnosis Subjects Continued To Lose Significant Weight 109 people completed a behavioral treatment for weight management either with or without the addition of hypnosis. At the end of the 9-week program, both interventions resulted in significant weight reduction. At 8-month and 2-year follow-ups, the hypnosis subjects were found to have continued to lose significant weight, while those in thebehavioral-treatment-only group showed little further change. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (1985) Hypnosis Subjects Lost More Weight Than 90% of Others and Kept it Off Researchers analyzed 18 studies comparing a cognitive behavioral therapy such as relaxation training, guided imagery, self-monitoring, or goal setting with the same therapy supplemented by hypnosis. Those who received the hypnosis lost more weight than 90percent of those not receiving hypnosis and maintained the weight loss twoyears after treatment ended. University of Connecticut, Storrs Allison DB, Faith MS. Hypnosis as an adjunct tocognitive-behavioral psychotherapy for obesity: a meta-analytic reappraisal. JConsult Clin Psychol. 1996;64(3):513-516. Hypnosis More Than Doubled Average Weight Loss Study of the effect of adding hypnosis to cognitive-behavioral treatments for weight reduction, additional data were obtained from authors of two studies. Analyses indicated that the benefits of hypnosis increased substantially over time. Kirsch, Irving (1996). Hypnotic enhancement of cognitive-behavioral weight losstreatments--Another meta-reanalysis. Journal of Consulting and ClinicalPsychology, 64 (3), 517-519. Hypnosis Showed Significantly Lower Post-Treatment Weights Two studies compared overweight smoking and non-smoking adult women in a hypnosis-based, weight-loss program. Both achieved significant weight losses and decreases in Body Mass Index. Follow-up study replicated significant weight losses and declines in Body Mass Index. The overt aversion and hypnosis program yielded significantly lower post-treatment weights and a greater average number of pounds lost. Weight loss for women: studies of smokers and nonsmokersusing hypnosis and multi-component treatments with and without overt aversion. Johnson DL, Psychology Reprints. 1997 Jun;80(3 Pt 1):931-3. Hypnotherapy group with stress reduction achieved significantly more weight loss than the other two treatments. Randomized, controlled, parallel study of two forms of hypnotherapy (directed at stress reduction or energy intake reduction), vs. dietary advice alone in 60 obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea on nasal continuous positive airway pressure treatment. J Stradling, D Roberts, A Wilson and F Lovelock, Chest Unit, Churchill Hospital,Oxford, OX3 7LJ, UK Hypnosis can more than double the effects of traditional weight loss approaches An analysis of five weight loss studies reported in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology in 1996 showed that the "… weight loss reported in the five studies indicates that hypnosis can more than double the effects" of traditional weight loss approaches. University of Connecticut, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology in 1996 (Vol. 64, No. 3, pgs 517-519). Weight loss is greater where hypnosis is utilized Research into cognitive-behavioral weight loss treatments established that weight loss is greater where hypnosis is utilized. It was also established that the benefits of hypnosis increase over time. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (1996) Showed Hypnosis As "An Effective Way To Lose Weight" A study of 60 females who were at least 20% overweight and not involved in other treatment showed hypnosis is an effective way to lose weight. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (1986) Hypnosis Reduces Frequency and Intensity of Migraines Compared the treatment of migraine by hypnosis and autohypnosis with the treatment of migraine by the drug prochlorperazine (Stemetil). Results show that the number of attacks and the number of people who suffered blinding attacks were significantly lower for the group receiving hypnotherapy than for the group receiving prochlorperazine. For the group on hypnotherapy, these two measures were significantly lower when on hypnotherapy than when on the previous treatment. It is concluded that further trials of hypnotherapy are justified against some other treatment not solely associated with the ingestion of tablets. Anderson JA, Basker MA, Dalton R, Migraine and hypnotherapy, International Journal of Clinical&Experimental Hypnosis 1975; 23(1): 48-58. Hypnosis Reduces Pain and Speeds up Recovery from Surgery Since 1992, we have used hypnosis routinely in more than 1400 patients undergoing surgery. We found that hypnosis used with patients as an adjunct to conscious sedation and local anesthesia was associated with improved intraoperative patient comfort, and with reduced anxiety, pain, intraoperative requirements for anxiolytic and analgesic drugs, optimal surgical conditions and a faster recovery of the patient. We reported our clinicalexperience and our fundamental research. [Hypnosis and its application in surgery] Faymonville ME, Defechereux T, Joris J, AdantJP, Hamoir E, Meurisse M, Service d'Anesthesie-Reanimation, Universite de Liege, Rev Med Liege. 1998 Jul;53(7):414-8. Hypnosis Reduces Pain Intensity Analysis of the simple-simple main effects, holding both group and condition constant, revealed that application of hypnotic analgesia reduced report of pain intensity significantly more than report of pain unpleasantness. Dahlgren LA, Kurtz RM, Strube MJ, Malone MD, Differential effects of hypnotic suggestion on multiple dimensions of pain.Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. 1995; 10(6): 464-70. Hypnosis Reduces Pain of Headaches and Anxiety The improvement was confirmed by the subjective evaluation data gathered with the use of a questionnaire and by a significant reduction in anxiety scores. Melis PM, Rooimans W, Spierings EL, Hoogduin CA, Treatment of chronic tension-typeheadache with hypnotherapy: a single-blind time controlled study. Headache1991; 31(10): 686-9. Hypnosis Lowered Post-treatment Pain in Burn Injuries Patients in the hypnosis group reported less post treatment pain than did patients in the control group. The findings are used to replicate earlier studies of burn pain hypnoanalgesia, explain discrepancies in the literature, and highlight the potential importance of motivation with this population. Patterson DR, Ptacek JT, Baseline pain as a moderator of hypnotic analgesia for burninjury treatment. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology 1997; 65(1): 60-7. Hypnosis Lowered Phantom Limb Pain Hypnotic procedures appear to be a useful adjunct to established strategies for the treatment of phantom limb pain and would repay further, more systematic, investigation. Suggestions are provided as to the factors which should be considered for a more systematic research program. Treatment of phantom limb pain using hypnotic imagery. Oakley DA, Whitman LG, Halligan PW, Department of Psychology, University College, London, UK. Hypnosis Has a Reliable and Significant Impact on Acute and Chronic Pain Hypnosis has been demonstrated to reduce analogue pain, and studies on the mechanisms of laboratory pain reduction have provided useful applications to clinical populations.Studies showing central nervous system activity during hypnotic procedures offer preliminary information concerning possible physiological mechanisms of hypnotic analgesia. Randomized controlled studies with clinical populations indicate that hypnosis has a reliable and significant impact on acute procedural pain and chronic pain conditions. Methodological issues of this body of research are discussed, as are methods to better integrate hypnosis into comprehensive pain treatment. Hypnosis and clinical pain. Patterson DR, Jensen MP, Department of RehabilitationMedicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA USA 98104Psychol Bull. 2003 Jul;129(4):495-521. Hypnosis is a Powerful Tool in Pain Therapy and is Biological in Addiction toPsychological Attempting to elucidate cerebral mechanisms behind hypnotic analgesia, we measured regional cerebral blood flow with positron emission tomography in patients with fibromyalgia, during hypnotically-induced analgesia and resting wakefulness. The patients experienced less pain during hypnosis than at rest. The cerebral blood-flow was bilaterally increased in the orbitofrontal and subcallosial cingulate cortices, the right thalamus, and the left inferior parietal cortex, and was decreased bilaterally in the cingulate cortex. The observed blood-flow pattern supports notions of a multifactorial nature of hypnotic analgesia, with interplay between cortical and subcortical brain dynamics. Copyright 1999 European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for theStudy of Pain. Functional anatomy of hypnotic analgesia: a PET study of patients with fibromyalgia. Wik G, Fischer H, Bragee B, Finer B, Fredrikson M, Department of ClinicalNeurosciences, Karolinska Institute and Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden Eur J Pain.1999 Mar;3(1):7-12. Hypnosis Useful in Hospital Emergency Rooms Hypnosis can be a useful adjunct in the emergency department setting. Its efficacy in various clinical applications has been replicated in controlled studies. Application to burns, pain, pediatric procedures, surgery, psychiatric presentations (e.g., coma,somatoform disorder, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress), and obstetric situations (e.g., hyperemesis, labor, and delivery) are described. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2000 May;18(2):327-38, x. The use of hypnosis in emergencymedicine. Peebles-Kleiger MJ, Menninger School of Psychiatry and Mental HealthSciences, Menninger Clinic, Topeka, KS, USA. Significantly More Methadone Addicts Quit with Hypnosis. 94% Remained Narcotic Free Significant differences were found on all measures. The experimental group had significantly less discomfort and illicit drug use, and a significantly greater amount of cessation. At six month follow up, 94% of the subjects in the experimental group who had achieved cessation remained narcotic free. A comparative study of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy in the treatment ofmethadone addicts. Manganiello AJ, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 1984;26(4): 273-9. Hypnosis Shows 77 Percent Success Rate for Drug Addiction Treatment has been used with 18 clients over the last 7 years and has shown a 77 percent success rate for at least a 1-year follow-up. 15 were being seen for alcoholism or alcohol abuse, 2 clients were being seen for cocaine addiction, and 1 client had a marijuanaaddiction Intensive Therapy: Utilizing Hypnosis in the Treatment of Substance Abuse Disorders.Potter, Greg, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Jul 2004. Raised Self-esteem & Serenity. Lowered Impulsivity and Anger In a research study on self-hypnosis for relapse prevention training with chronic drug/alcohol users. Participants were 261 veterans admitted to Substance Abuse Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Programs (SARRTPs). Individuals who used repeated self-hypnosis "at least 3 to 5 times a week," at 7-week follow-up, reported the highest levels of self-esteem and serenity, and the least anger/impulsivity, in comparison to the minimal-practice and control groups. American Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy (a publication of the American Psychological Association) 2004 Apr;46(4):281-97) Hypnosis for Cocaine Addiction Documented Case Study Hypnosis was successfully used to overcome a $500 (five grams) per day cocaine addiction. The subject was a female in her twenties. After approximately 8 months of addiction, she decided to use hypnosis in an attempt to overcome the addiction itself. Overthe next 4 months, she used hypnosis three times a day and at the end of this period, her addiction was broken, and she has been drug free for the past 9 years. Hypnosis was the only intervention, and no support network of any kind was available. The use of hypnosis in cocaine addiction. Page RA, Handley GW, Ohio StateUniversity, Lima, OH USA 45804. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 1993Oct;36(2):120-3. Healed 41% faster from fracture;Healed significantly faster from surgery Two studies from Harvard Medical School show hypnosis significantly reduces the time it takes to heal. Study One: Six weeks after an ankle fracture, those in the hypnosis group showed the equivalent of eight and a half weeks of healing. Study Two: Three groups of people studied after breast reduction surgery. Hypnosis group healed "significantly faster" than supportive attention group and control group. Harvard Medical School, Carol Ginandes and Union Institute in Cincinnati, Patricia Brooks, Harvard University Gazette Onlineat more

By Center for Mindfulness and Positive Change November 26, 2011

Hypnosis, Weight Loss, & Pilates in Vacaville, CA

Is it time to end the cycle of good and bad eating? Do you want to have an amazing level of desire to exercise? Dennis Atkinson Hypnosis&Life; Coachingis committed to helping you achieve your ideal body image. Using our proven techniques can and will allow you to release those old habits and patterns ... to get rid of those old beliefs and ideas ... those things that have caused you to overeat ... while at the same time, creating new habits and patterns, new beliefs and ideas that will leave your body healthy, energized, and full of life! You will eat and drink healthier. You will begin a process of thinking healthier You will be more energized and full of life You will be more motivated to get up and move! You will learn techniques to maintain this improvement! All of us were born with the ability to recognize the right amount of food needed to power our bodies and maintain a consistent level of energy, were we not? And as we grow from infant to adult, our mind creates associations with our food, associations that last long into adulthood, associations that are both healthy and unhealthy. Have you ever done one of the following? Eaten out of boredom? Eaten because of stress? Eaten to heal a broken or lonely heart? Eaten as a substitute for intimacy? Eaten to show off? Eaten when angry or upset? Looked at food like it was your friend? I would guess that we all have! When we are young and growing, our metabolism is able to better manage our intake ... basically we have a greater ability to burn off those calories; but as we mature, as we reach adulthood, we require less food than when we were in our teens and twenties. As we mature, it is imperative that we adjust our intake to support our current metabolism, so as to maintain our weight and health goals. Diets do come and go, do they not? But if we truly want to make changes that actually last, then we must release those old thought patterns … release those old beliefs and ideas associated with our eating … release those old thoughts, beliefs, and ideas that drive our eating habits. Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy&Guided Imagery are all fantastic tools with proven results. And when we combine these tools with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) you can achieve your goal faster and with much more positive and lasting results. Is it time for you to end this cycle? Do you want to feel healthier? Do you want to be healthier? Are you ready for some change in your life? We are presently looking for people seriously interested in improving their overall health ... dropping those unwanted pounds ... improving their overall quality of life. And we are teaming up with Practical Pilates in Vacaville to accomplish just that! There are a few big reasons people pursuing significant weight-loss should consider Pilates: Pilates exercises strengthen and prepare muscles and joints to be able to handle the effects of a heavy cardio regimen. Pilates will also improve core strength and balance, both being critical components of health and fitness. Pilates will help connect the mind and body as one, thereby encouraging a healthy mindset. Pilates strengthens muscle thereby burning body fat ... you lose the body fat and decrease clothing size, all without the focus on losing weight And did you know that weight loss programs may be tax deductible? If interested in our Hypnosis/Pilates program: Please contact our office 707 474-9230 Contact me directlymytrance@comcast.netVisit our website If you are interested in checking out Pilates, here is the link to the bootcamp page of Practical Pilates website: their website home page:www.PracticalPilates.orgOr you can call the Pratical Pilates studio @ 707 447-4072 Or simply email the owner more

By Center for Mindfulness and Positive Change August 12, 2011

For Bochy, kicking tobacco is mind over matter

Interesting article well worth passing on ... By Adam Berry / | 08/11/11 2:55 PM ET SAN FRANCISCO -- After making the short walk to AT&T; Park from his nearby residence, Giants manager Bruce Bochy used to reach instinctively for a dip. That's no surprise to Giants bench coach Ron Wotus. One of the first things his generation of players did upon breaking into the game, he said, was grab the chewing tobacco. "It was everywhere," Wotus said. "Baseball and tobacco went together." Giants manager Bruce Bochy tried hypnotherapy in April to stop using chewing tobacco, and he hasn't used tobacco since. (Getty) Everywhere, in this case, used to include the lower lips of Bochy, bullpen catcher Billy Hayes and longtime equipment manager Mike Murphy. But not anymore, thanks to highly effective hypnosis sessions in Arizona with medical hypnotherapist AlVera Paxson. Bochy kicked the habit -- a common one among baseball players, coaches and managers -- after meeting with Paxson on the Giants' early season road trip to Arizona. He hasn't dipped since April 14. Hayes hasn't used it Jan. 26, nor has Murphy in two years. The suggestion to visit Paxson and try hypnosis came first from Murphy's wife, Carole, who stopped smoking with help from Paxson. So the chain began, from Carole Murphy to Mike Murphy, from Murphy to Hayes and, finally, from Hayes to Bochy. "I've been trying to stop the dipping. I know it's a bad habit. It's not a good example, either," Bochy said. "Once you start, it's like smoking -- it's hard to get off it. "She did a great job, because I'm not doing it now. I'm thankful." Bochy's session with Paxson, first reported on by The Associated Press, was the most recent of several attempts to quit dipping. He had given it up before, only to feel the urges return shortly afterward. Bochy said he is surprised that he doesn't even crave the smokeless tobacco anymore, especially with some of his players using it in the dugout. "There's no triggers there anymore. I believe in it," Bochy said of the hypnosis. "I was skeptical when I went, but once I left, it was pretty neat to see how it all went." Hayes described his session with Paxson in great detail earlier this week, more than half a year after it happened. After reading and hearing about the harmful effects of what he was putting into his body, he reclined in a chair, almost lying flat. Paxson told him to relax and keep his eyes closed, which was a struggle for the first 10 minutes or so, Hayes said, but became easier as the three-hour session wore on. Hayes wasn't entirely sure if he was hypnotized -- "I wasn't out, and she wasn't making me walk like a chicken or say stuff. You're aware of where you were," he said -- but he vividly recalled several specifics of the session. At one point while Hayes was still awake, Paxson took a clear bottle filled with what Hayes thought looked like motor oil, which he assumed to represent tar and nicotine, and shook it at him. Later on, when Hayes said he was "almost asleep" but aware of what Paxson was saying, he remembers walking up to the back passenger-side window of a four-door car and seeing the window roll down, at which point he produced a similar clear bottle and began shaking it. "Just like she did to me," Hayes recalled. "That was kind of weird." Upon waking up, "Immediately I went, 'Oh man, I want a dip.' But then something went, 'Nope, don't do it,'" Hayes said, snapping his fingers. "When you're hooked on that as long as I had done it, you probably wouldn't go more than an hour when you're awake without one." But it worked for Hayes, even if he still occasionally indulges in imitation snuff. And it has worked for Bochy, although Wotus smiled as he thought back to the few weeks after Bochy's session. "He was a little bit on edge. He was a little bit more ornery than usual," Wotus said. "But you know what? Recently, if he still hasn't dipped, then I guess it's working. He seems like his normal self, so I think he's over that rough patch." Giants reliever Jeremy Affeldt said he noticed Bochy chewing a lot more gum than usual, another method of stress relief for those who don't dip. There has been an all-encompassing ban on tobacco products in the Minor Leagues since 1993, and Affeldt doesn't use it, but he admitted getting rid of it in the Majors would be a touchy situation because you're asking grown men to eliminate habits they might have had for dozens of years. But Affeldt was a little more certain regarding his stance on the hypnosis Bochy, Hayes and Murphy underwent. "You would have to make me a believer. It's worked for Bochy," Affeldt said. "I have no experience with it, but I'm a little bit more on the skeptical side of things like that. You'd have to prove it to me before I would be a believer." Hayes is certainly a believer. He has given Paxson's card to several other people since his session, saying, "It's just a blessing that it happened that way." Count Bochy among the believers in hypnosis as well, even if he doesn't know for sure if he'll stay away from his old habit as the stress piles up during the final months of the Giants' season. "I feel better about it, and hopefully I won't crank it up again. But all these tight games, you don't know," Bochy said. "There's so many triggers. But right now, I feel very good about it." Adam Berry is an associate reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. more

By Center for Mindfulness and Positive Change August 12, 2011

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