Top articles for Nutrition & Supplements

About Glucosamine Chondroitin for Elbow Pain

About Glucosamine Chondroitin for Elbow Pain

Elbow pain from joint problems can strike at any age. It is important to understand that there can be numerous causes of elbow pain, from simple strains to osteoarthritis. Glucosamine Chondroitin has become a popular supplemental treatment for relieving joint stiffness and pain in the elbow. more

Natural Multivitamins for Men

Natural Multivitamins for Men

There are many different vitamins available on the market. They cost different prices and are available through a variety of manufacturers. Men only have a small range of those vitamins to choose from. They do not need them all but five of them are the most important. more

Sports Nutrition Therapy in Chiropractic Care

Sports Nutrition Therapy in Chiropractic Care

Sports nutrition therapy improves physical activity and athletic performance during exercise or participation in sports. Chiropractors may include sports nutrition therapy as part of their services. Chiropractor treatments combined with nutrition therapy offer double benefits for athletics. Each individual is evaluated and given a personal nutrition plan. more

How to Treat High Creatine Levels

How to Treat High Creatine Levels

High levels of creatinine usually are an indicator that your kidneys are not removing the waste product from your body. These levels are generally found in patients who have kidney failure and/or a dysfunction of the kidneys. Patients with diabetes and/or were already diagnosed with kidney failure most often possess these high creatinine levels. more

Organic Vitamins for Children

Organic Vitamins for Children

Organic vitamins for children are made with pure ingredients and contain no chemicals. Organic vitamins are also very beneficial for a child's health especially their immune system. Although organic vitamins are made from pure ingredients and are beneficial, they also have precautions. more

How to Become a Nutritionist

How to Become a Nutritionist

A nutritionist can work in many different settings. There are several routes to take to become a nutritionist. Many states and employers require a nutritionist to also have certification proof. To obtain this, a person has to have undergone a specific type of training. There are two and four year degree programs that offer nutrition. There are a few master programs out there. Choose the right program, which will give you the most job flexibility. more

How to Sell Workout Supplements

How to Sell Workout Supplements

Workout supplements are extremely popular in the fitness world. There are a variety of different types of supplements such as whey protein supplements and soy protein supplements, just to name a few. If you want to sell workout supplements you should have no trouble at all. more

How to Balance Vitamins and Minerals on the Atkins Diet

How to Balance Vitamins and Minerals on the Atkins Diet

The Atkins Diet, created by Dr. Robert C. Atkins in 1963, approaches weight loss and control different from any other diet. The science behind the Atkins Diet suggests that following a restricted carbohydrate diet helps the body maximize fat burn. The plan eliminates fruits and carbohydrates and restricts certain vegetables, reducing the intake of certain vitamins and minerals. It is crucial to balance critical vitamins and minerals with supplements while following the Atkins Diet plan. more

Glucosamine Chondroitin and Dogs

Glucosamine Chondroitin and Dogs

Glucosamine chondroitin has long been used to alleviate pain and discomfort in osteoarthritis sufferers, but many people may be unaware of its uses in dogs. The supplement benefits dogs in many ways and can help them gain back the mobility that often accompanies aging. Learning more about glucosamine chondroitin and dogs can assist you in determining if the supplement is right for your pet. more

Non-Stimulant Weight Loss Products for Women

Non-Stimulant Weight Loss Products for Women

Weight loss is one of the greatest concerns of women all over the nation. Many choose to use stimulants to aid their efforts, but these products have been known to cause and intensify several different health issues. It is for this reason that many women choose to use non-stimulant products instead. more

Organic Weight Loss Supplements

Organic Weight Loss Supplements

Many people who want to lose weight go in search of a "miracle" pill that will help them to lose weight quickly. You should understand that there is no weight loss supplement that is going to work without eating a healthy diet and maintaining a daily exercise plan. Choose an organic weight loss supplement to help you lose weight naturally. more

Information on Weight Loss Supplements

Information on Weight Loss Supplements

Weight loss supplements are designed to assist you with your weight loss goals. You should use a weight loss supplement in combination with a healthy low-calorie diet and daily exercise program to achieve maximum results. Choosing the right weight loss supplement is easy once you know the facts. more

How to Choose Weight Loss Supplements

How to Choose Weight Loss Supplements

If you want to lose weight, there are a variety of different weight loss supplements on the market to choose from. With so many different choices it may be hard to decide which one is the right one for you. You should choose a weight loss supplement carefully to ensure that it is good for you. more

How to Know What Vitamin Brands Work

How to Know What Vitamin Brands Work

Reading vitamin packaging may seem overwhelming, especially since the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate such supplements. Attention from the FDA has arisen, wherein they that many of the vitamins available on the shelves today do not contain what they claim to. more

How to Become Licensed Nutritionist

How to Become Licensed Nutritionist

Licensed nutritionists are also known as dietitians, and the work they do is highly specialized. Because of this, most states require a licensure before you can perform work under this job title. The occupation is a popular one, and you can expect to earn anywhere from $30,000 to $60,000 once you become a licensed nutritionist. more

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Advanced Health Concepts * Dr. Stephanie King at


By Grace K

Dr King is amazing she is so knowledgable and genuine she truly cares about her patients and getting them better. I've been treating with Dr King for years for chiropractic and have felt great and when my hormones became unbalanced I trusted Dr King's knowledge to help she put me right on track and keeps me at my same size 4 body. Without her I'd be a mess. And no drugs all natural thank you so much. I'm glad I don't get sick but know I always have the best if I do. more

Advanced Health Concepts * Dr. Stephanie King at


By Rae G

I saw the Zerona Laser on the Rachel Ray Show & found Dr. King. I picked Dr. King even though I had to drive about an hour from work each time to treat with her because she really cares about her patients. She includes an amazing nutrition & lifestyle program with her Zerona Laser Sessions that not only finds out why you are having weight issues but helps you keep the weight off once you reach your goal. Her goal is to get you healthy and help you keep the weight off, not just look good. I was a size 16 and thought this really was just for the thinner people looking to sculpt, well I lost 11 inches and went down 3 sizes thanks to the Zerona and Dr. King's products and meal plans in just 1 month. And I'm proud to say 3 months later I'm keeping it off and still losing. Thank you Dr. King for caring so much about me with your weekly emails, constant encouragement and great program. I never expected such a change in my health, but not only do I look great but I feel amazing! Rae more

Swe Beauty MD


By katz_in_town at Citysearch

Dr Swe is perhaps the most wonderful doctor you could ever hope to have. When my partner was diagnosed with cancer, Dr Swe has been the behind the scenese support taking care of every possible need we had, taking care of the little things that the specialists are not involved in. When my partner was hospitalized for three weeks, Dr Swe was there every single day to check in on both of us. She is so terrific, that I have even referred all my friends. more

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Adrenal Fatigue and Bioidentical Hormone Balancing in Pasadena, CA

Do you feel tired and run down? Do you find it hard to stay focused on the task at hand? Are you always reaching for the coffee pot, an energy drink, or candy to get you through the day? Well, stop! These quick-fix energy boosters are actually energy robbers in the long run. They reduce blood flow to the brain, and when the immediate effects wear off, they make you feel even more tired and mentally foggy. The next time you need an energy boost, consider some of these natural supplements that support brain health, energy, and focus. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, meaning it enables the body to better handle stress, anxiety, and fatigue. It helps to rejuvenate and energize the nervous system in addition to increasing physical endurance and restoring sexual health. It also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging effects. Caution should be used if you are taking thyroid medications, as ashwagandha may stimulate thyroid function. It may also lower blood pressure or blood sugar, so caution should be used when combining it with hypertensive or diabetic medications. Recommended dosage is 125 mg, twice a day. Vitamin B3 (niacin) is important in energy production. It helps convert fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into energy. It also helps to eliminate toxic chemicals from the body, and has been shown to increase the level of HDL (good) cholesterol. Niacin also helps to increase blood flow near the skin. Higher doses may cause skin flushing, characterized by a red and itchy face and neck, which lasts a few minutes. One form of niacin, called niacinamide, causes less flushing. Food sources include meat and dairy products, leafy vegetables, broccoli, tomatoes, avocados, nuts, and whole grains. Dosage is 100 percent of the recommended daily allowance for B vitamins. Green tea leaf extract is another potential energy booster. Included in the extract is L-theanine, an amino acid derivative that has been shown to induce relaxation and reduce feelings of anxiety while increasing concentration and energy. There is scientific evidence that green tea boosts exercise ability, helps muscles recover faster from workouts, and improves attention span. The typical recommended dosage is 200 mg to 300 mg of green tea leaf extract capsules daily. Up to three cups a day of green tea can be consumed for health benefits, but pregnant women should use with caution, as green tea does contain caffeine. Panax ginseng is most widely known as a stimulant that promotes energy, improves circulation, and speeds recovery after illness. Research supports its energy-boosting properties, and has shown that it improves physical performance during exercise. Panax ginseng is also considered an adaptogen. Panax ginseng is well tolerated by most, but caution should be used when taking blood thinners, as its effects can be additive. Ginseng may cause hypoglycemic activity, so caution also should be used when taking it with insulin or medications for hypoglycemia. The recommended dosage is 200 mg of the extract, containing 4 to 7 percent of ginsenosides. Rhodiola is an herb that has been used to fight fatigue, improve memory, and increase attention span. Research shows that it does indeed help prevent fatigue. In addition, scientific evidence points to an ability to fuel sexual energy, boost immunity, and ease depression. The recommended dosage is 200 to 600 mg daily for the treatment of fatigue and depression. Rhodiola is best taken on an empty stomach, early in the day, as it may interfere with sleep. It should not be used by individuals with bipolar disorder or those taking hypertensive or hypoglycemic medications. We use an amazing support formula that contains these essential nutrients for energy and Adrenal Support called Adrenal Essence by Xymogen for more information or to order you can contact the office at 626-799-0557. If you are suffering from constant depleted energy you may need additional support beyond what's listed you can always speak with Dr. King or do a 2 hour session to find out what's going on in your system and get on the right support for your body.  Check out for more information. All the best for amazing health, Dr. Stephanie King (Statements made are general information only and are not meant to diagnosis or treat any specific condition, if you are in need of specific treatment please contact your health care professional.) more

By Advanced Health Concepts * Dr. Stephanie King at January 23, 2011

Leaky Gut, Gluten Intolerance work with Dr. King in Pasadena, CA

What do your intestines have to do with mojo? EVERYTHING!  Sure, you can be vital, even if you're ill. But if you have leaky gut syndrome, it might manifest in ways you would never expect, such as depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, food allergies, gas and bloating, or the inability to find relief from other diseases, even when adequately treated.What is leaky gut syndrome?While conventional medicine doesn't recognize the existence of "leaky gut" syndrome, many naturopathic and integrative medicine doctors believe that a "leaky gut" can impair the natural healing process of the body and impede both traditional and alternative treatments.In theory, leaky gut syndrome results from damage to the intestinal lining that leads to a state of intestinal hyperpermeability, allowing undigested proteins, fats, waste, bacteria, and other toxins to "leak" through the gut membrane, which should only allow healthy nutrients through. These particles can then wind up in the blood stream and lymphatic system, where the immune system tries to come to the rescue to eliminate these unwanted intruders, triggering an auto-immune response. While a natural immune response is usually a good thing, too much can lead to a state of inflammation, which wreaks havoc in ways you may never relate to gastrointestinal function. A normal intestinal lining brilliantly lets good stuff through, while screening bad stuff out, allowing it to be excreted as waste. But when this membrane is impaired, beware!What kinds of symptoms might result from leaky gut?Common early symptoms include gas, bloating, and fatigue, which should not be considered normal. These things may be your only clue that your intestines need to be healed. If time goes by, you may wind up with chronic fatigue, skin rashes like eczema, psoriasis, or even chronic vulvar itching, food allergies, gluten intolerance, memory problems, mood disorders, body aches and joint pains, and other vague, seemingly unrelated conditions.Why has my doctor never heard of this?Nobody teaches about leaky gut syndrome in medical school, and unless you're out there researching and self-educating yourself about complementary and alternative medicine treatments, you would never hear about it. Why is that? Western docs are research fanatics, and the truth of the matter is that most of the expensive research that fuels modern medicine is sponsored by drug companies hoping to prove that their product works. Once they've proved it in randomized controlled trials, it becomes mainstream. Because there is no "drug" to treat leaky gut syndrome and nobody has paid to perform big studies, we just don't have a lot of data out there in the mainstream medical literature, so it falls largely into the realm of what traditional docs call "anecdotal medicine" (and dismiss).How is leaky gut syndrome diagnosed?Unless your primary care doc is very forward thinking, you'll likely have to find a health care practitioner who specializes in treatment of leaky gut syndrome, such as an integrative medicine doctor or naturopathic doctor. The test most frequently used is an inexpensive lactulose-mannitol intestinal permeability test, which is based on an oral challenge with lactulose and mannitol, two non-metabolized sugar molecules. Normally, tiny water-soluble molecules such as mannitol are easily absorbed through cell membranes, whereas larger molecules like the lactulose are normally excluded by cell membranes but can be slightly absorbed between cells. The amount of lactulose and mannitol found in a urine test 6 hours after the oral challenge can determine whether large molecules like mannitol are seeping through the normally barely permeable membrane.How do you treat leaky gut syndrome?This is where things get tricky. Every alternative medicine doctor has their own recipe of elimination diets, supplements, yeast-fighting treatments, gut healing potions, and the like. Because there is no standardization about treatment, there is little proof that any one regimen works better than others, so the diagnosis can lead to treatments that risk falling into the category of snake oil.Personally, I use a leaky gut protocol created by a combination of pharmaceutical grade supplements in appropriate combination for the specific individual based on their body's own unique needs based on their current state of health, their current state of stress and what their body specifically needs to rebalance out nutritionally based on our bioenergentic testing, body scanning, and extensive questionnarries along with appropriate dietary changes.  Some digestive support may include digestive enzymes, factors to promote healthy permeability (L-glutamine, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, Gamma-oryzanol, phosphatidylcholine, and gamma-linolenic acid), quercetin to promote mast call function in the intestines, Ginkgo biloba to protect the intestinal mucosa, probiotics to support healthy bacteria in the gut, lactoferrin (an anti-oxidant involved in immune response), a fiber formula to promote healthy digestion, factors to support intestinal detoxification such as flax, slippery elm, and marshmallow, and detoxification items.Diet is also very key and very important more so then supplements and nutrients and we determine what's important based on your specific body and current stress levels.Does this sound like you? Can you think of ten people who might have this condition? Send them this article and then have them call and speak with Dr. King about what we can do for you to get you going in the right direction. (626) 799-0557  We offer a free consultation so you can talk about everything you've already done and we can explain exactly what we do and what we do that's so different from everyone else out there to put you on the most amazing path to great health.All the best for amazing health, more

By Advanced Health Concepts * Dr. Stephanie King at January 23, 2011

Looking for a Chiropractor check out Dr. Stephanie King in Pasadena CA

What is maintenance care? Some folks look at maintenance care as a preventive measure to keep that serious problem from coming back. And, you know what? It Is great for that. There's a bigger reason why chiropractic maintenance is a good idea. In fact, I think "chiropractic maintenance" is a better idea than crisis or corrective care. While some view "maintenance" as a preventive measure, that's only a small part of the benefit that "maintenance" affords you. The best comparison I can think of is your car. Just about everyone maintains their car at some level or another. We know to change the oil every 3-5000 miles, to rotate the tires on a regular basis, to have the front-end aligned, to check the radiator, the transmission fluid and so on. Obviously, doing these things will help prevent breakdowns and maybe even accidents. But what routine maintenance on your car REALLY does for you is to give you peace of mind. Not only do you have the comfort of knowing your car is safer to drive it's also less likely to have a breakdown. You know that now your car will now run better. And because it runs better and you worry less, you can enjoy driving and focus on those other things that make your life better. Ongoing chiropractic "maintenance" care does that same thing for your body and your life. As you and your chiropractor keep stress off your nerve system, your body functions better and helps prevent all sorts of problems in the future. It also helps you be better able to handle future stresses. In short, "chiropractic maintenance" will make every aspect of your life more effective and enjoyable. Oh, here's another great reason to choose ongoing "chiropractic maintenance" care. It's cheaper. Just like a regular oil change is cheaper than replacing a burnt out engine, regular wellness visits take only a few minutes while the benefits pile up. One of the best aspects of my practice that I really enjoy is that patient always leave smiling. So, regardless of your health situation, whether sick and hurting or a finely tuned athlete, I encourage you to seek out a chiropractor who specializes in "maintenance" or wellness care. Good luck in enjoying your new worry free body and lifestyle!  Don't wait until your body lets you down instead plan ahead and take care of your body so it will be there for you just like you take care of your car. All the best for amazing health, Check out all of our services at Dr. Stephanie King more

By Advanced Health Concepts * Dr. Stephanie King at January 23, 2011

Where do you need Nutritional Supplement Services ?