Photos from Women's Health Companies in San Luis Obispo, CA

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Powersource Chiropractic


By Andrea

The staff at Powersource chiropractic is always friendly and helpful and since being a patient my body has never felt better! more

Powersource Chiropractic


By Lauren Reeves

Hi everyone! I am 17 years old and have been dancing for ten years now. I have now been working with Dr. Dubrul for three months and have noticed huge improvements in my posture, comfort level, and my abilities in dance. Since working with Dr. Dubrul, I have become far more flexible not just in my back but in my legs and hips as well. My range of motion in dance when doing things like arabesques, battements, attitudes, and more had increased vastly. Both of my dance teachers have commented on the change. I used to be very tight and inflexible in my lower back, though now I have much longer extensions and am able to perform a wider range of exercises. more

Powersource Chiropractic


By Eric

Dr. Scott is one of the most knowledgable, experienced, healer I have ever met. I have had lower back pain for years, and he is really helping me a lot with it. Nothing else has ever worked! He is also quite an inspiration, being very into wellness, and staying very healthy. The man runs 100 mile races for goodness sake! I would reccomend Dr. Drubrul to anyone who has any kind of spinal issues, or even headaches. Just give them a shot... I think they have free consultations! Dr. Scott is the man... more

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Backpacks--Can They Really Harm your Child?

We all want our children to do well in school. We make sure they bring home their books and do their homework at night. We make sure they have their books packed away in their backpacks and ready to be taken to classes the next day. However, what we may be overlooking is a threat to our children's spine more sinister than any fall off the swing set or sports injury. Recently scientists have begun to examine the effects of carrying heavy backpacks full of books. What they have discovered is that carrying heavy backpacks may pose a serious threat to your child's spinal development. A team of researchers at has studied 421 students and found that backpacks carried with one strap promoted lateral spinal bending and shoulder elevation. Additionally, they noted carrying a backpack with both straps promoted significant forward lean of head and trunk. You may have seen this postural condition, commonly known as the “Hunch Back”, in your child already. The scientists stated that the average backpack represented 17% of the child's body weight. If we apply this standard to adults, it would be the equivalent of the average 150 pound adult carrying a 26-pound backpack!! The researchers went on to conclude that the daily physical stresses associated with carrying a backpack on one shoulder significantly alters the posture and gait of the youth. The authors of the study also stated that the effects of weight bearing induced stress is a serious issue when considering children and youths who are experiencing physical growth and motor development. I know that none of us want our children to be subject to such issues, especially going to or from school. If your child does use a backpack to carry booksthere are things that they cando to reduce the physical stress associated with carrying backpacks: 1.Make surethat the weight of the book-bag does not exceed more than 15% of the child's total body weight. This is especially important for children in grades 1-4. A simple weight scale can help you determine this percentage.2.Avoidusing backpacks or athletic bags that have only one strap.3.Ensurethat children wear both straps on their shoulders to distribute weight evenly. This will significantly reduce book-bag carrying stresses. 4.Usethe waist belt at all times.     5.Useof a roller bag is preferred, as long as there are not a lot of stairs in the school. Finally, it is important to have your child’s spine evaluated to make sure it is in good working alignment. Setting a weight-bearing backpack on an already misaligned spine can cause risk of injury. Simply call your local chiropractor and set up a spinal evaluation that includes your child’s percentage of backpack to body weight measurements.   ### Scott Dubrul, DC has been in private practice in the area for more than 18 years. Dr. Dubrul’s chiropractic clinic is dedicated to guiding a patient from pain relief to optimal function. Since 1993, he’s been encouraging patients to examine their internal motivations to achieve overall wellness. Through an objective examination, he educates patients and provides tools to make improvements. For more information about how Dr. Dubrul can help you achieve better overall health and wellness, please visitwww.powersourcechiropractic.comor contact . more

By Powersource Chiropractic August 15, 2011

Cal Poly Kinesiology Student Spends Summer of Learning at Powersource

Fight San Luis Obispo Allergies Naturally

As residents ofxml version='1.0' encoding='%SOUP-ENCODING%'San Luis Obispo, many of us are forced to alter our summer activities because of so many allergens in the circulating air.  For some of us allergies mean not being able to enjoy a certain outdoor-part of our lives.  Many of my chiropractic patients have reported that yard work, playing golf or taking a walk have been compromised because for allergy sufferers these activities can mean misery.xml version='1.0' encoding='%SOUP-ENCODING%' While anti-histamines (both prescription and non-prescription) have helped to reduce the severity of some allergy symptoms, these are not without side-effects. An allergy is a heightened sensitivity to a foreign substance (called an allergen) that causes the body's defense system (the immune system) to overreact when defending itself. Normally, the immune system would only react if a harmful substance, such as bacteria, attacks the body. For people with allergies, their immune system is working too hard, and it reacts even when relatively harmless substances, such as pollen, are present. The severity of an allergic reaction can vary from mild discomfort to life threatening situations. For this reason, natural alternatives to anti-histamine medication should be pursued.  Because allergies are caused by an improper immune response, reducing allergies requires improving the health of the immune system.  There are several ways to help accomplish this: 1. Nutrition is vitally important for a properly functioning immune system.  Without the essential nutrients, the body cannot produce the cells need for immune function, and allergies are a good example of a sputtering immune system.  Eat more fruits and vegetables.  Drink more water.  Get more complex carbohydrates and essential fatty acids into your diet by eating whole grains and fresh fish.  It is important to note that even food can be a source of allergies.  If you find this to be the case, consider supplementing your improved diet with vitamins and minerals. 2. Exercise is also helpful is boosting immune function.  The activity of aerobic exercise helps to stimulate proper immune cells (Igg), and suppress histamine-producing immune cells (Ige). 3. One of the best ways to improve immune system function is to improve nervous system function through Chiropractic Care.  Because the nervous system regulates the immune system, a properly functioning nervous system is better able to coordinated immune cell activity. Chiropractic adjustmentshave helped many allergy sufferers by improving the health of the nervous system. By improving your overall health through diet, exercise, and chiropractic adjustments a healthier you may mean an allergy-free you! more

By Powersource Chiropractic May 02, 2011

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