Top Family Assistance Services in San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

Had a successful adoption with this firm in 2003. Started a 2nd adoption with this firm in 2005 and paid a fee of $4,800. Firm did not provide a potential child for adoption as per written agreemen...Read More…
We are a small company that provides non medical home care for the elderly What does this mean? we can come in a few hours to full days at a time and help out around the house doing light cooking, ...Read More…

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An Angel Above Adoptions


By atomrant

Had a successful adoption with this firm in 2003. Started a 2nd adoption with this firm in 2005 and paid a fee of $4,800. Firm did not provide a potential child for adoption as per written agreement with owner (N. Williams) within 2 year period. Requested refund of fee. Sent a certified letter requesting a refund along with numerous followup phone calls. Also offered to owner an installment plan as she told us in those instances where she did answer the phone, that she did not have any funds with which to give us a refund. Subsequently, the owner refused to return phone calls, sign for a second certified letter, or provide a written response. We asked for a written receipt evidencing payment of the $4,800 due a recent matter with the IRS. IRS would not accept copy of written agreement as proof of payment. This would have been acceptable to us in lieu of the requested refund. She refused to provide written receipt. This firm should be avoided at all costs! Per review of another consumer assistance organization, we are not alone in making this recommendation! An Angel Above Adoptions is a very poorly run organization based upon our experience! more

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Home Care Services for Seniors

Respite care basics Seeking support and maintaining one's own health are key to managing the caregiving years. Using respite care before you become exhausted, isolated, or overwhelmed is ideal, but just anticipating regular relief can become a lifesaver. Respite can take many forms, but boils down to two basic ideas: sharing the responsibility for caregiving and getting support for yourself. Finding the right balance requires persistence, patience, and preparation. Planning your relief Planning starts with analyzing needs…both yours and your loved one's. As a caregiver, is support what you need most? Some free time? Help with transportation? Keep track of your daily activities then make a list of the areas and times when you most need help. Identifying your loved one's requirements, abilities, and preferences will also help you find the right match. Are social activities primary? Assistance with walking, eating or medications? Mental stimulation? Exercise? Answering these questions will help you determine which respite options to pursue. Types of respite care services Respite Services In-home respite Informal family support and relief Online caregiver communities and video workshops Volunteer or paid companionship Personal care or skilled health assistance Out-of-home respite Adult day programs Residential respite care Caregiver support groups Engaging family members in respite care Family members and friends may be able to help out while you run an errand, take a break or even go on vacation. However, just as the burden of caregiving is often more than one person can handle – it can also be a tough process for families to share. Even the healthiest families can be severely stressed by ongoing care, and the division of labor is frequently lopsided. You can encourage support and participation by: Talking openly and regularly. Keep everyone up to date on your loved one's needs and condition. Family members who don't share the day-to-day caretaking experience may not fully appreciate the situation. Encouraging family members to evaluate what they can reasonably and honestly do. Changing roles and varying resource levels can impact family involvement. Welcome different viewpoints, accept limitations, and be willing to try alternate strategies. Share your list of needs and take advantage of all offers to help. Recognizing your own feelings and discussing disproportionate tasks. Harboring resentment when you need more help can lead to your burnout and impaired health. Ask directly for concrete support and specific time commitments. Consider establishing an online calendar to organize relief and reconfirm schedules. Using technology to bridge distances. Try free video conferencing services to hold family meetings at times that work for everyone. Create a web-based community to share updates and explore options. Exploring a family respite cooperative. Consider trading respite services with other caregivers and their families. Pooling resources can encourage involvement, reduce costs, and increase flexibility. Participating in support groups. Learning how other families cope can suggest new options and provide reassurance. When siblings are unable or unwilling to share the load, peer support can be invaluable. In-home respite care In-home services can be provided by volunteer or paid help, occasionally or on a regular basis. Services may last from a few hours to overnight, and may be arranged directly or through an agency. This popular respite choice enables individuals to remain in their own environments, and can be invaluable for caregivers. Consider which of these options might meet your needs: Stimulation, recreation, and companionship can be provided by family members, friends, or neighbors while you take a break. Faith-based, community, and other non-profit organizations recruit volunteers, while home-care businesses provide trained staff to cover short in-home intervals. Personal care providers assist with daily living skills such as bathing, dressing, feeding, or toileting. Homemaker services support meal preparation, shopping, and housekeeping. Skilled health care, which requires more specialized training and experience, addresses medical needs. The key to successful home respite is matching needs to services, selecting qualified providers, providing meaningful information, and evaluating results. Out-of-home respite care programs As our aging population grows, this range of private and non-profit respite programs continues to expand: Adult day centers are designed for older adults who can no longer manage independently, or who are isolated and lonely. Planned activities promote well-being though social and health services. Adult day care centers operate during daytime hours, Monday through Friday, in a safe, supportive, and cheerful environment. Nutritious meals and afternoon snacks that accommodate special diets are typically included. Residential programs offer temporary care for varying lengths of time. Group homes, hospitals, nursing homes, and other specialized facilities provide emergency and planned overnight services, allowing caretakers 24-hour relief. Although medical insurance generally does not cover overnight respite, long term care policies and veterans programs may subsidize care. Caregiver retreats and respite camps are available in some areas, combining respite with education and peer support. Availability varies from state to state and may be disability specific. When you devote so much love and energy to caregiving, it may be difficult to entrust your family member to strangers. Whether you engage a provider directly or work through an agency, you can allay your fears by conducting some basic research. Using independent providers Although you are anxious for relief, taking time to find the right person is essential for your peace of mind and your loved one's safety. Make sure you: Conduct an in-depth interview with each candidate. Screening applicants on the phone should always be followed with a personal interview. Be specific about all of the tasks, skills, and schedules involved. Discuss compensation and payment schedules. Do not pay for services in advance. Request several work and personal references, then check them carefully. Verify t he information provided, and ask all references about reliability, trustworthiness, punctuality and the care provider's ability to handle stress. If possible, consider a background check. Professional services cost between $100-$150 and can alert you to potentially serious problems. Check with your local police department, legal aid service or attorney for referrals to reputable investigators or search for "background checks" on the Internet. Always include the potential care recipient in the screening process if he or she is able to participate, to ensure that both parties are comfortable and that your loved one's needs are respected. Working with agencies Although independent providers are generally the least expensive, home care agencies and referral services are often easier to use. Use your planning lists to help these professionals better serve you. An agency finds and places providers, handles payroll, and usually provides substitutes for sick or absent personnel. If problems occur, you also have specific avenues of recourse (complaints, mediation, or arbitration) that are not available when working with individuals. Referral services work to match your needs with local program options. Use online registries, check newspaper ads or the yellow pages to find specialists who know local programs and can help you navigate their systems. Choosing off site programs for respite care When you have identified potential out-of-home programs, plan to visit at least three. Observe the care participants and their interactions with the staff. Try to picture your loved one there, and check your instincts to see if you're on the right track. Be sure to ask the following questions: How are care providers screened? What is the training and level of experience of the care providers? Will care providers need additional training to meet specific family needs? How, and by whom, are the care providers supervised? What procedures does the program have for emergencies? Are families limited to a certain number of hours of services? Does the program provide transportation and meals? What is the cost of services? How is payment arranged? Paying for respite care In today's challenging economy, you may think respite services are unattainable. However, thinking creatively can uncover valuable resources: Ask local retirement groups for volunteers to sit with your loved one while you take a walk, watch a movie, or complete an internet workshop. Trade services with other caregivers. When a loved one is able to change locations for an afternoon, alternate weeks caring for both recipients at once. Contact area high school counselors. College-bound students often need community service experience and are available afternoons and evenings. Traditional funding sources for respite care Insurance: Although medical insurance generally does not include respite coverage unless licensed medical professionals are involved, long term care policies usually fund services up to specific time or dollar limits. SSI: Patients with disability coverage may be eligible for home health care benefits. Check your local Social Security office or call the toll free number to verify eligibility. Medicaid: Medicaid does not fund respite directly, but some states use waivers to apply federal funds to offset respite costs for residents with specific conditions and disabilities. Consult your state's Administration on Aging website. Veterans' Benefits: The VA provides inpatient respite coverage for up to 30 days per year for qualified veterans. In addition, when war-time vets care for their spouses, funding for in-home services are available on a state-by-state basis. Foundation Grants: Private foundations, such as The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Brookdale Foundation make grants to organizations that provide direct respite. These funds are usually awarded annually and posted on foundation websites. Nonprofit and Disability Organizations: The United Way, the Alzheimer's Association, and other disability-specific organizations may offer respite money in your area. Agency care specialists can assist you in researching these funds. State Agencies: Over half of all states allow family members to receive payment for providing respite care. Eligibility, delivery modes and funding vary from state to state. Strategies for successful respite care Finding and implementing respite care sounds like a lot of work! Relief and revitalization is not just important for you, it benefits all involved in the caregiving process. Remembering the benefits and following these six tips can ease the process: Plan and schedule frequent breaks. Respite is not just a service-it is an outcome that requires regular relief. Use checklists to teach providers about your care recipient's schedules, likes and dislikes. Offer suggestions for handling behaviors. Make back-up plans. Always keep a list of alternate providers and resources. Unplanned emergencies should not prevent you from taking care of yourself. Evaluate often. Observe your care recipient before and after respite sessions. Ask for brief updates and more detailed reports regularly. Expect changes. Respite care is a process that often requires fine-tuning, Anticipating and accepting changes in personnel or programs can keep you from becoming discouraged. Attend your support group regularly. Structured and informal groups allow you to meet others in situations much like yours. You can talk, vent, laugh, and exchange tips with people who understand. If you can't easily leave home, online communities, message boards and forums can provide much-needed support. more

By Angel Helpers Senior Care LLC August 03, 2010

The Healing Power of Laughter

A growing body of research supports the theory that laughter has a therapeutic value. A good laugh not only helps the spirit, it gets the blood pumping. Laugh on a regular basis, and you can even boost your immune system, according to some research. It improves your breathing, helps with blood pressure, burns calories and reduces pain. Laughter is an important stress-management tool. When you laugh the brain stops thinking. It is a proven way to keep your mental balance. Laughter is contagious, so if you bring more laughter into your life, you can most likely help others around you to laugh more. By elevating the mood of those around you, you can diminish their stress levels, and possibly improve the quality of social interaction you experience with them, reducing your stress level even more. What's even better is that the more you smile, the more others will too. A good sense of humour is one of the most important tools in your self-care kit. In fact, studies show that laughter affects both your body and your mind. Laughter is also readily available, free, has no side effects, and you do not have to worry about overdosing. Only we ourselves can take control of our own lives and do something about it. No one can make you happy if you don't want to be happy. Modern science and medicine have now discovered that the more you laugh the better your health is and that is no joke. Now that you know about the benefits of laughter you need to do it more often , isn't it time that you introduce lots of it into your life? You will be surprised at the results you get. Life is short. Have fun and keep laughing towards good health and a wonderful life. more

By Angel Helpers Senior Care LLC May 17, 2010

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