Blogs from Designers in San Francisco, CA

How to determine a client’s requirements and deliver success

Every business is different. They have different audiences, different business models and different visions. Despite this, our clients come to us looking for one specific outcome… success. Whether this success is seen through launching a brand, by building a buzz on social media, by launching a new website or by designing a product that sells, we still have to develop a plan of action to achieve this success. That’s what we do.And the first stage is discovery. more

By Waqa Studios May 02, 2019


Web-Martis a place with a cluster of innovative individuals who have ability in site structuring uniquely 3d planning. We give everything that a buisness needs appropriate from getting an area name,web facilitating,site improvement,site planning,SSL endorsementand24×7 client bolster. on the off chance that you don't have a site yet, we can help you by making another site for your buisness in the event that you as of now have a site and that is desingned in 2d, we will plan it in 3d and you will see the distinction. You will get another look of your site that is all the more genuine and intuitive. Web-shopis tied in with being innovative and making sites intuitive with regards to planning. There are part of organizations in the market who are into site structuring however what makes us not quite the same as them is our innovativeness and our group of web planning specialists. We give quality administrations that too at an entirely sensible costs. We charge low when contrasted with other specialist organizations. Our administrations begin from$350as it were. Sometime in the past buiness would run ofline just however with the presentation of web, the method for doing buiness changed completly. These days numerous buinesses run comprehensively and so as to make your buiness worldwide, you require a stage and there is no preferred stage over web to carry out this responsibility. In any case, so as to utilize this element you need a site so you can tell individuals what item or administration you move, you value, you can publicize your items too and there are a great deal of thing which you can do with the assistance of your site. A site can be called as the essence of your buisness too in light of the fact that a site is the main thing a client sees. People are enamored with magnificence and our eyes love excellent thing. This applies to sites also, if there are two site one wonderfully planned and created and the other one is ineffectively structured utilizing obsolete advances, odds are that the client will decide on a site that is very much structured and kept up. There are part of buisnesses that have sites however they are desined utilizing 2d innovation. when we watch a 2d film it would appear that an ordinary video, yet when we watch a 3d motion picture, we feel as the thing are occurring in the theater as opposed to on a projector. On the off chance that gives us a genuine sentiment of a scenes. Likewise in the event that you see a 2d site despite the fact that that might be very much planned , you won't have that sort of an inclination when contrasted with a 3d site, that is progressively intelligent, graphical and that gives you a sentiment of intuitive substance. 3d sitestructuring began couple of years back. With the presentation of CSS3 and HTML5, the interest for 3d structuring got high. 3d structuring gives another look to your sites and that contributes alot to your buisness. Web-Martis tied in with giving a rich look to your site. Our group utilizes 3d innovation to make your site lovely and easy to use. We help with site advancement just as structuring. We likewise have a client bolster group that works 247 to help our cutomers in the event that they confront any trouble. more

By WebMart January 30, 2019

6 Ways to Fund Your Mobile App Idea

With more than 2 billion smartphone users around the world, phone applications are all the rage these days. In these times,building a smartphone (Android/ iOS) appis a great idea. Lots of companies and individuals are coming up with new app ideas that they wish to bring to the audience. Yet most are unaware of the steps to be taken in order to turn their app idea to a reality. And even more are clueless about getting the funds needed to start building their app. Here are some ideas to help you raise funds in order to start building your app before you land an investor as landing one is not an easy task and may take you quite a long time to acquire: 1. Bootstrap:Bootstrapping essentially means that you raise money for your app through alternate businesses, savings, existing jobs and investments. If there is any way that you can bootstrap your app, do it. Work out a spending schedule that will help you keep an eye on the expenses and help you plan for the future better. 2. Angel or seed funding: Ever since the boom in the smartphone market, angel investors are continuously on the lookout for great app ideas that have the potential to become successful. They are ready to invest in ideas that are on paper and have not materialised yet. And if you have a rough, primary prototype that you can offer as an example to give the investors something to visualise, it is evident that you are serious enough about your idea, pushing them to put their money at stake with your idea. 3. App Development contest:There are numerous contests that offer a platform to showcase your app ideas. Numerous tech startups and angel investors hold these contests to scout for the best talents and discover the best ideas for an app. These contests are generally highly competitive, wherein you are required to make a pitch to a panel of judges, mostly comprising of investors. Strong presentation skills, along with a great idea are two two things that are prerequisites here. 4. Crowdfunding:Crowdfunding platforms are fast gaining popularity among startup founders, business owners and pretty much everyone else. These are making it more and more easier to tap the huge reservoir of investors in order to gain startup capital. Platforms such as Kickstarter, Crowdfunder, Fundable etc. offer ample opportunities to raise startup capital in a big way. Sites like Fundable were established by startup founders themselves, and these walk you through the process of raising money for turning your idea into a reality. Sites like Crowdfunder help connect entrepreneurs with more than 12,000 Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors. And the best part is that such websites have a learner’s guide to take you through the whole process, greatly simplifying your path towards obtaining startup capital for your idea. 5. Business accelerators and incubators: Business incubators offer help and support during their initial startup phase, mostly helping startups in crucial cost-cutting solutions such as offering inexpensive work spaces, helping startups acquire financing, helping founders and owners polish and hone their skills as well as by offering consulting services and mentorship. Business incubators are helpful for startups in any field, whereas, Accelerators, on the other hand, are generally focussed on startups in the tech industry. While incubators are not for profit organizations, accelerators are usually profit-oriented. Startup business owners are required to move to the location where the Accelerator is established, where they are taken through a 2 month boot camp or training module where they are trained in a training environment. In exchange for an equity stake, accelerators invest money in a startup, which is a fair deal if you think about it. 6. Government Grants With the new push for “Make In India”, Skill India and the like, it is now easier than ever to obtain startup capital. With the government pushing for tech advancements and reforms in a big way, entrepreneurs basing their business ideas on an app have it easy. The government has launched several grants and programs in order to foster innovation in the technology space. Look a little deeper, talk to some people and you are bound to find one that suits your needs the best. more

By July 12, 2018

Does Your App Need to Have a Chat Feature?

Having strong expertise in chat app development, we know how businesses benefit from implementing a messaging feature in their apps. more

By Erminesoft April 18, 2017

Marketing that works

We specialize in all phases of online marketing an recruiting for National companies. In addition we develop websites, ad words and telemarketing campaigns for the mortgage and insurance business. more

By Egea Enterprises Inc (Formerly MyOwnNetBusiness) March 28, 2017

Secure Your Business WordPress Website By Following These Tips

Security is one of the crucial aspects that determines the usability and accessibility of your site. A safe and secure site run smoothly and leaves a great impression on the visitors. However, most of the site owners (especially WordPress site owners) overlook this aspect as they think WordPress is the most secure CMS. Of course, it is. It rolls out new versions on a regular basis to offer you some new and robust features and bug solutions. Plus, it provides various security plugins to protect your site from hackers. But its popularity and user-friendly nature make it easy for hackers to target WP sites. They can easily gain access to WordPress sites either through the brute force attacks or by finding any loophole within the installed theme and plugins. If you are also a WordPress user and wants to protect your site from hackers, then consider these following tips: 1. Never use the default username “admin” The default “admin” username is created when you install your WordPress for the very first time. Hackers know that and therefore, they target your site by using this default username. If you are also using the default username, then I would recommend you to change it with a new and powerful one. In fact, you should delete it after creating a new one along with admin privileges. 2. Create Complex Passwords If you are using simple and common words for your passwords, it will eventually allow hackers to attack your site. Instead of using simple passwords, you can create complex ones to give tough competition to hackers. It is better to use a lengthy password that should be around 8 to 10 characters. Using combinations of letters, numbers and special characters (such as 4k$@9) could also strengthen the security of your login account. 3. Remove unused themes and plugins If your site has too many unused themes and plugins, you should delete them. This will reduce the risk of being hacked. Keeping too many unused tools could leave your site in a troubling situation. If you are not using them, you won’t update them, and this will invite hackers to hack your site via outdated theme or plugin. Therefore, it is better to remove all these kinds of stuff from your site. 4. Prevent Brute Force Attacks One of the biggest disadvantages of WordPress security is its vulnerable login process.  WordPress allows a user to try as many times as they want until they find a right combination of username and password. When a hacks attempts wrong login details over and over again to find out the right match is called brute force attacks. And to avoid this, you need to use a powerful plugin such as iThemes Security plugin that empowers site owners to block such users or suspicious elements who attempted a number of wrong login details. 5. Keep your WordPress, installed themes and plugins updated This is one of the most important steps that can strengthen the security of your site. WordPress releases its latest versions on a regular basis, along with new features and bug fixes. You should run an update on your site, installed themes and plugins if you want to prevent your site against hackers and other security threats. Conclusion Although WordPress is the safest Content Management System on the web, you need to follow some tips to maintain the security of your site. If you are new in this sector and want to set up a WordPress site, then you can also appointWordPress customization serviceswho can offer you beautifully coded and visually appealing themes and web design at an economical price. more

By HireWPGeeks Ltd. - Wordpress Development Company March 22, 2016

software company in san francisco

AVL Software Solution is a Software company in USA offering services in Los Angeles, Texas and San Francisco. We offer customized packages for website designing services, SEO and software solutions. With attractive rates, you can get a better website of your choice and attract visitors more

By Avlsoftwaresolution February 09, 2016

Creating a focal point in your space

When you walk into a room, what is the first thing you see?  Is it the color, the rug, or a bookcase?  What you first notice about a room is the focal point.  A focal point, in its simplest definition, is a point where lines converge together.  Creating a focal point in a space is key to creating visual interest and attracting attention.   I usually recommend one focal point.  Having multiple focal points in a room can be confusing and distracting.  It can throw the space off balance and make it appear disorganized with too many focal points.  Choosing one item to emphasize and spotlight sets the tone, mood, and ambiance for the room.  It could be a dramatic artwork, fireplace, an oversized light fixture, a bold wall color, or an architectural feature.  Putting the highlight on one of these elements will help create a visually interesting, well rounded, and balanced interior.  Visit my website at to view some examples of designs that create a focal point that doesn’t dominate or compete with other objects in a space. more

By Miss Alice Designs September 25, 2015

Tips for choosing paint color!

One of the most common questions I am asked quite often is what color should I paint my walls?  Selecting paint color can be overwhelming for most people especially since we are all afraid to make the wrong choice.  A few people know the color they want, whereas others typically try a few paint colors before deciding on the final selection.  Painting a room is like creating your own work of art that pleases you and you are the artist!  It is a process whether it's selecting the color, the sheen, or actually brushing the paint on the wall.  Don't be afraid to experiment with color as you can then adjust and tweak accordingly.  You can get color guidance from interior designers, architects, color consultants, and even online apps.  At the end of the day, people want validation that the color they chose is the right one.  You just have to trust your gut instinct and all will be well.Below are some tips to help you select paint color for your home, office, or business!1.  Go through design images from magazines, blogs, Houzz, Pinterest, or interior designer websites to give you color inspiration. 2.  Look at the existing items in your room such as artwork, rugs, flooring, furniture, accent pillows, or upholstery.  These will suggest a direction for selecting color.  For example, if you have a piece of artwork that you love that has a specific color you are drawn to, that would be a good starting point.   Try to pull these elements together.3.  Take paint samples home.  I usually recommend brushing out the paint samples on your wall right next to your furniture for a better perspective as color is affected by its surroundings and lighting conditions.  Or, for better results, you can purchase painted brushout sample cards from paint stores and placing it next to furniture or accessories in your space. 4. Consider colors in your other rooms and how it flows from one room to the other.  If you have a large open space, use one color throughout the main space.  For smaller spaces that are enclosed, consider different colors in each room that flow well together or even accent walls.5.  Keep trims (window moldings, picture moldings, crown moldings) and ceilings white if you are going to paint your walls.  There are different shades of white that work well with cooler shades or warmer colors.  If you want to do something different, paint your moldings a soft color and leave your walls neutral in white, beige, or gray. Check out some images from my website at for color ideas. more

By Miss Alice Designs September 25, 2015

Tips for choosing paint color!

One of the most common questions I am asked quite often is what color should I paint my walls?  Selecting paint color can be overwhelming for most people especially since we are all afraid to make the wrong choice.  A few people know the color they want, whereas others typically try a few paint colors before deciding on the final selection.  Painting a room is like creating your own work of art that pleases you and you are the artist!  It is a process whether it's selecting the color, the sheen, or actually brushing the paint on the wall.  Don't be afraid to experiment with color as you can then adjust and tweak accordingly.  You can get color guidance from interior designers, architects, color consultants, and even online apps.  At the end of the day, people want validation that the color they chose is the right one.  You just have to trust your gut instinct and all will be well.Below are some tips to help you select paint color for your home, office, or business!1.  Go through design images from magazines, blogs, Houzz, Pinterest, or interior designer websites to give you color inspiration. 2.  Look at the existing items in your room such as artwork, rugs, flooring, furniture, accent pillows, or upholstery.  These will suggest a direction for selecting color.  For example, if you have a piece of artwork that you love that has a specific color you are drawn to, that would be a good starting point.   Try to pull these elements together.3.  Take paint samples home.  I usually recommend brushing out the paint samples on your wall right next to your furniture for a better perspective as color is affected by its surroundings and lighting conditions.  Or, for better results, you can purchase painted brushout sample cards from paint stores and placing it next to furniture or accessories in your space. 4. Consider colors in your other rooms and how it flows from one room to the other.  If you have a large open space, use one color throughout the main space.  For smaller spaces that are enclosed, consider different colors in each room that flow well together or even accent walls.5.  Keep trims (window moldings, picture moldings, crown moldings) and ceilings white if you are going to paint your walls.  There are different shades of white that work well with cooler shades or warmer colors.  If you want to do something different, paint your moldings a soft color and leave your walls neutral in white, beige, or gray. Check out some images on my website at  for color ideas. more

By Miss Alice Designs August 04, 2015

The 17th Street Victorian

The 17th Street Victorian is a classic, residential building prototypical of San Francisco architectural vernacular. more

By City Structural, Inc. July 09, 2015

Sports website design and solutions

When it comes toSports Website Designand Development, Vinfotech is a rank player. Our Sports portfolio ranges from Fantasy League website and mobile apps design and development to Sports event management. more

By Vinfotech February 17, 2015

Faultline Floral Design

Contact us in San Francisco, CA, at (888) 388-3601 to request floral design services for your next event or celebration. Faultline Floral Design 362 Waller Street San Francisco, CA 94117 Phone: (415) 533-5472 Contact Person: Maria Elena Finestone Contact Email: Website: Main Keywords: floral design, design services, san francisco, ca, florists more

By Faultline Floral Design January 22, 2014

9 Ways to Rock Twitter!

9 Ways to Rock Twitter! bytreefrogmediadesigntaggedsocial networking,social-media,tweets|Permalink 9 Ways to Rock Twitter! You can be an awesome tweeter! It won’t happen overnight but, with a little time and patience, anyone can grow an audience and build rewarding relationships with mentors, peers and followers. I learned a lot by trial and error but you don’t have to do it the hard way. Here are nine of the most useful lessons I learned from my stumbles and from tweeps that rock twitter. 1. Learn the Lingo and Use Proper Twitter Etiquette If you want to build a following, don’t tweet like a newbie! Take the time to read about Twitter basics and etiquette before you dive in. Here are 3 excellent resources to help you to get started. 2. Define Your Audience Your tweets will be lost in a vast ocean of tweets if you try to be all things to all people. If you are trying to drive traffic to your blog, you should target those who will be interested in your blog’s subject matter. If you are selling products and services from a website, you need to focus on those that need them. Choose an audience and focus on their needs and soon they will begin to see you as one of them! 3. Follow People and Companies Interesting to Your Audience Imagine yourself as one of your followers and try to find information you would find useful and interesting. Follow experts in those subjects. Follow their blogs as well as their tweets. If you want to keep followers, you have to stay interesting and relevant to them. 4. Stay Focused on Your Subject Staying on subject is critical. It is tempting to chase new audiences and subjects. But, if you want a loyal following, you will need to devote all of the time you can to learning and sharing information that is relevant to them. If you are always wandering around aimlessly, your followers will drop you like third period French! 5. Engage Your Followers The power of social networking is in the “social.” Retweet your followers’ tweets. Mention them. Thank them for retweeting. Engage them in conversations. You won’t be able to develop deep relationships with all of your followers but, I guarantee that your most loyal followers will be the ones you engage.6. Tweet Original Content If you have a blog, keep your content fresh. Tweet about your new posts. Don’t just retweet. Read blogs that would be interesting to your audience. You may not be the author of the blog post but, you can be the original author of a tweet that links to the post. Be yourself, have fun, and add something new to the conversation. You will develop your own unique twitter personality. 7. Use Hashtags Once you develop your subject you will want to grow your audience. The best way to get your tweets noticed by those who don’t follow you is to use hashtags. Hashtags are keywords that are preceded with the # symbol. Twitter users often use hashtags to search for tweets about topics they are interested in. By using Twitter’s search feature to search for hashtags, you can find popular subjects that are getting a lot of attention. If you tweet something about one of the subjects, you can add those hashtags and your tweet will be noticed by a much wider audience than just your followers. For example: “Great article on WordPress security! – #WordPress #security” You can also create your own hashtags. Create hashtags to describe special events. If you host webinars you can “brand” them with a hashtag, i.e.: “#TPCwebinar.” If you consistently use that hashtag in tweets about upcoming webinars, your followers will soon associate it with you and will be alerted to your upcoming webinar. Use hashtags to generate buzz about a topic, service, event or product. Once you understand a little about them, you will begin seeing how they are used in tweets. Just remember: hashtags cannot contain spaces, and they count toward your 140 character tweet limit.8. Use Lists to Organize A Twitter list is basically a group of people and their twitter streams. You can organize your twitter users into lists based on anything you want such as topic, city, coworkers, family, etc. Lists can be public or private. If you make a list public, other users can follow your list. You can also follow other users’ public lists. When you follow a list you don’t have to actually be following everyone on the list. A single list can have users you are following, users who follow you, and users you don’t follow. A list is a separate twitter stream of the list member’s tweets. Its stream is not part of the stream you follow. This is one way to keep from being overwhelmed by too large a stream. Lists can be used in many ways to organize tweets, users and streams. You can provide a curated list of interesting tweets for your followers. For example: I created a public list you can follow at It is a recommended list of tweeps, tweeting about trends and current topics for the technical Internet, software and computer community, plus one for those interested in travel.9. Use Tools to Automate Tasks Tweetdeckis an app from Twitter that allows you to arrange multiple feeds in customizable columns. A feed can be a filtered search, a list, or a normal twitter stream. It will allow you to monitor and manage unlimited accounts. Two of its most powerful features are notification alerts for new tweets and tweet scheduling. I usually schedule tweets from two different accounts spread out over a couple of days at a time. Tweetdeck saves a tremendous amount of time. It will even schedule Facebook posts! Be sure and check out the Chrome extensions for Tweetdeck and Tweetdeck launcher too. Buffermakes your life easier with a smarter way to schedule the great content you find. Fill up your Buffer at one time in the day and Buffer automagically posts them for you through the day. Simply keep that Buffer topped up to have a consistent social media presence all day round, all week long. Tweepiis an essential part of managing my Twitter account now. The free version allows you to easily flush your “unfollowers,” follow your followers, and identify inactive followers. The premium version has many more tools and features that will help you automate Twitter tasks. Managing Twitter can seem overwhelming when you are following a lot of tweeps. Using tools to automate tasks and methods to organize users and feeds are essential components to your success as a Twitter pro! Written by Brent C. Johns ofTree Frog Media Design more

By California Web Design January 18, 2013

Facebook EdgeRank: Why Only 15% of Your Status Updates are Shown

Facebook EdgeRank: Why 15% or Less of Your Status Updates are Shown to Fans bytreefrogmediadesigntaggedEdgeRank,Facebook,Tree Frog Media Design|Permalink A major development on the Facebook platform is the introduction of EdgeRank, a ranking formula that determines which posts are displayed on the News Feed of fans and friends. This algorithm filters and prioritizes the posts your fans will see and the order in which they are shown on their News Feed.This article describes EdgeRank and how it affects your Facebook activities? Facebook had to introduce a ranking algorithm to reduce the amount of clutter displayed on people’s News Feeds.To overcome the effects of EdgeRank, you need to understand how to create and manage the updates you post on Facebook, how to time these updates and how to engage with fans and friends using Facebook features like Likes, Share and Comments. Unless you fully embrace the concept of engagement, your status updates will simply not show up on the News Feed of your fans.What Is EdgeRank?EdgeRank is a Facebook algorithm that controls which status updates are displayed in each user’s News Feed. EdgeRank not only filters what posts are displayed, it also sorts and prioritizes the order in which they are shown.To start, let’s clarify the term edge as the ranking formula itself is based on this rather esoteric term. We shall clarify its meaning in an easy-to-understand manner.As it applies to Facebook, every interaction a user performs that produces a piece of content is known as an edge.For example, the following user actions are in themselves known as edges:* Posting a status update. * Uploading a photo or video. * Listening to a song. * Changing the classification of a fan or friend. * Clicking, liking, tagging, sharing, commenting and befriending people.Every one of these actions generates an edge which, depending on its EdgeRank score, may be displayed in a user’s News Feed. Looking at the actions shown in the above list, you can already see that EdgeRank monitors your engagement and this, to a large extent, determines if your status updates will be shown on the News Feed of your fans and friends.Now, let’s examine a more scientific definition of EdgeRank.EdgeRank is measured by the aggregation of three separate factors which, on account of the terminology used, may seem a little difficult to grasp.Affinity (u).This essentially tracks your interaction with fans. Each action produces a different weight that measures the effort involved which, by itself, demonstrates the level of interest a user has in the content posted. Posting and commenting produces a higher score than clicking or liking. Using Facebook parlance, the affinity score is also based on how connected a user is with an action. The more you interact with a particular person, the more connected you become.Edge Weight (w).Each edge category has a different weight (score) which determines what type of content Facebook considers valuable for posting onto the News Feed of fans and friends. Highest on their ranking is videos, photos and links. The more comments, likes or shares a post update accumulates, the higher its edge weight.Recency (d).This factor relates to the “time decay” of status updates. As a post ages, it loses points. It is assumed that Facebook adjusts the recency score based on the time elapsed since the user last logged into Facebook and also how frequently the user is active on Facebook.Like the Google algorithm that determines page rank, the precise equations contained in the EdgeRank algorithm are not publicly known and you can assume that the algorithm will change and evolve over time. However, the above explanations should give you a reasonable insight into the factors that determine whether particular posts will show up in your News Feed as well as those of your fans.Finally, do not assume that you can check, measure or calculate EdgeRank because there is no general score. You can, however, measure the effects of EdgeRank by using the Facebook analytics tools to see how much engagement from other users your posts accumulate. A separate chapter in my book describes the Insights analytics feature.How to Improve Your EdgeRank ScoreIf you market your brand, product or service on Facebook, you need to consider how you can best improve your EdgeRank score. The reason is simple. Unless you pay attention to EdgeRank, the majority of your fans and friends may never see your status updates.According to the latest available research, only 6% of your fans will interact with your content (Napkin Labs)Facebook recently claimed that only 15% on your fans will see your status updates on their newsfeed.Acquiring Likes has, in itself, become a fairly meaningless activity although you need to reach 400 likes in order to see certain data in Insights. “The more the better” approach is not the target you want to chase. Fostering engagement with your fans should be your principal goal as this is the only way to improve your EdgeRank score.Here’s the mindset you need to adopt when you post updates, photos or videos in Facebook:* Don’t try to trick the EdgeRank formula to rank your content higher. Instead, create content that motivates your fans and friends to like, comment and share the content.* Aim to create a community of followers.* As is the case with the Calls-To-Action items you embed in sales letters and/or squeeze pages, you must TELL people what to do or they won’t do it. Clearly state what you want your fans to do. “Leave a comment below”, “Click Like if you agree”, “Click the Share button now”. Every action your fans take will improve the Affinity score of the EdgeRank algorithm and this will increase the number fans that see your post in their News Feed.Pages Feed (November, 2012 Update)Facebook has responded to mounting criticism from users who want to see all status updates posted by pages the have liked.Commencing mid-November, 2012, a new menu item was added to the left-hand column of the News Feed page.You can enable this function in order to see all status updates from pages you have liked. However, if you have a large number of Likes, you may well be overwhelmed by the amount of clutter on your News Feed.Written by Brent C. Johns ofTree Frog Media Design more

By California Web Design January 17, 2013

Recent Reviews View all

Design Ocean


By rebbecabrumsey

Design Ocean team did a fantastic job in designing my website. Designer quickly made changes as I asked and always responded right away! I was so skeptical until their team answered all of my questions and gave me no reason to not trust them. I'd recommend this company anyday! more

Spiral Scout


By Liudmilak

IM Action and Spiral Scout have been partners for over 8 months now. Together we provide clients from various industries with technical search engine optimization, PPC advertising and link-building services. I’d like to point out to one of the strengths of Spiral Scout - the communication process. Both John Griffin, the CEO, and Ksenia, the account manager who oversees our projects, are very accessible, always tactful and straightforward. Also, the agency has well-established workflows that run like clockwork, which means they set timelines expectations accurately. As for the results we reached so far, we can already note that the rankings of our clients’ websites improved, and the SEM campaigns started to bring many more courses conversions, and more importantly leads. more

2020systems : Internet Advertising Online Marketing Agency


By semaj semaj - Blazer Photo Branding Agency is an all-in-one service solution for your photography branding needs. Whether your company is looking to update corporate headshots for its executives and employees, requires event or conference photography for social media and PR purposes or is looking for advertising or product photography we can provide these services for you. more

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