Blogs from Churches in San Francisco, CA

Fire Conference at Glad Tidings!

Fire Conference 11/19-22 Tommy Bates Jackson Senyonga Isaiah Saldivar Check us out on facebook! more

By Glad Tidings Church November 06, 2015

October 2013 Astrology Forecast

It's October. One of my favorite months. In-between fall and winter, it has a beauty of both seasons about it. It's been a month of celebration for centuries, the time of the harvest and bounty of the summer crops, or readying for winter but still enjoying the fall. We start out this month with a great Libra New Moon on Oct 4th. Each month the new moon is in the sign of the sun, which is in Libra now. Libra is the scales, wanting balance in all things, and usually out of balance in the process of finding it. New moons are always times to begin new things&to; find balance and harmony in all things. Followed closely after this new moon the planet of love, Venus, moves into Sagittarius, Oct 7th to Nov 5th.The adventurer Sagittarius loves romance, learning new things and traveling. Time to get out and shake thing up in these areas. You will feel freed from the seriousness of Scorpio which Venus will be leaving. Have some fun, learn new things, take that trip. Sagittarians will be especially happy now, as will the other fire signs Leo and Aries. Mars moves into Virgo on October 15th to December 7th. This is a cranky place for Mars. It won't be as strong while Venus is in Sag, but on November 8th Mars will feel more caged by Virgo's constantly looking at the details and holding back until they are sorted out. So from Nov 8-Dec 7 deal with details, know that things won't move as fast as you'd like them to and cope as best you can. October 18th is a Full Moon in Aries. The full moon in a given month is always the opposite sign of the sun. And it's also an Eclipse, or an energy burst. Aries rules mars and this will release a LOT of energy, depending on what house Aries is in your chart. Expect that part to expand and be energized in a good way. And then there is Mercury, going retrograde for the last time in 2013 from Oct 21st to November 10th. Mercury retrograde is always a bummer of confusion, lost mail, misunderstood communications, etc. but it's in Scorpio where Saturn is hanging out these days, so expect our minds to go a little deep and dark too. If sadness or even depression overtakes you for a day or two, take advantage of Venus in Sag energy to play, learn, have fun. It will pass, but it can be harsh when it happens. Its all part of digging up the crud and looking at it and blessing it, and letting it go to a higher place for purification. I remind you all to meditate, it will keep you grounded and sane and give you a kind of energy only meditation can supply. All in all, October is a pretty light month energy wise. Rest up for the storm from Uranus and Pluto in November and December. PS I am going through a "green" phase. I am totally attracted to green now (new beginnings) and just wanted green in the color scheme., so note the new logo, the green lotus, and the color scheme.  When I came up with helpful astrology it was trying to explain helping people, but I changed the name to Astrological Healing which seems to really fit.  Check out the new website features and look. Please leave your comments regarding the blog or site or new services by clicking comments below. more

By Astrological Healing October 20, 2013

October 2013 Astrology Forecast

It's October. One of my favorite months. In-between fall and winter, it has a beauty of both seasons about it. It's been a month of celebration for centuries, the time of the harvest and bounty of the summer crops, or readying for winter but still enjoying the fall. We start out this month with a great Libra New Moon on Oct 4th. Each month the new moon is in the sign of the sun, which is in Libra now. Libra is the scales, wanting balance in all things, and usually out of balance in the process of finding it. New moons are always times to begin new things&to; find balance and harmony in all things. Followed closely after this new moon the planet of love, Venus, moves into Sagittarius, Oct 7th to Nov 5th.The adventurer Sagittarius loves romance, learning new things and traveling. Time to get out and shake thing up in these areas. You will feel freed from the seriousness of Scorpio which Venus will be leaving. Have some fun, learn new things, take that trip. Sagittarians will be especially happy now, as will the other fire signs Leo and Aries. Mars moves into Virgo on October 15th to December 7th. This is a cranky place for Mars. It won't be as strong while Venus is in Sag, but on November 8th Mars will feel more caged by Virgo's constantly looking at the details and holding back until they are sorted out. So from Nov 8-Dec 7 deal with details, know that things won't move as fast as you'd like them to and cope as best you can. October 18th is a Full Moon in Aries. The full moon in a given month is always the opposite sign of the sun. And it's also an Eclipse, or an energy burst. Aries rules mars and this will release a LOT of energy, depending on what house Aries is in your chart. Expect that part to expand and be energized in a good way. And then there is Mercury, going retrograde for the last time in 2013 from Oct 21st to November 10th. Mercury retrograde is always a bummer of confusion, lost mail, misunderstood communications, etc. but it's in Scorpio where Saturn is hanging out these days, so expect our minds to go a little deep and dark too. If sadness or even depression overtakes you for a day or two, take advantage of Venus in Sag energy to play, learn, have fun. It will pass, but it can be harsh when it happens. Its all part of digging up the crud and looking at it and blessing it, and letting it go to a higher place for purification. I remind you all to meditate, it will keep you grounded and sane and give you a kind of energy only meditation can supply. All in all, October is a pretty light month energy wise. Rest up for the storm from Uranus and Pluto in November and December. PS I am going through a "green" phase. I am totally attracted to green now (new beginnings) and just wanted green in the color scheme., so note the new logo, the green lotus, and the color scheme.  When I came up with helpful astrology it was trying to explain helping people, but I changed the name to Astrological Healing which seems to really fit.  Check out the new website features and look. Please leave your comments regarding the blog or site or new services by clicking comments below. more

By Astrological Healing October 20, 2013

Getting Tough Odors Out

I just used the Homeology Rosemary Mint All Purpose Cleaner in my kitchen area. It is amazing! It is all natural, plant based and very effective. It has a very clean and refreshing scent, rosemary mint, and it deodorizes surprisingly well. Old food smells in the microwave, gone.  Even cigarette smoke smell is gone! Not many products can say that. There is also a glass cleaner and a floor cleaner, both all-natural, safe and effective. My floor is carpet but I will definitely be getting the glass cleaner too! more

By Rainhawk Ministries September 14, 2010

New Business

I am actually running my own business! Thanks to Gold Canyon, I have the opportunity to do something I only dreamed of. The products are even better than I could have ever hoped and that makes talking about them so easy! I am finally living my dream!! Ask me how you can too!! Become a member of the Gold Canyon Family today!! more

By Rainhawk Ministries September 08, 2010

LuvScopes ~ March 12 to 14, 2010

The weekend starts off a little quiet with the Aquarius-Moon making no connections with other celestial bodies on Friday. We may still be feeling the lingering but weakening disagreement between Venus and Pluto from the previous day. In Aries, Venus (love) is flirty and impulsive. She is challenged by Pluto (intensity) who is determined and serious in Capricorn. Watch out for power struggles and emotional manipulation. This energy is ideal for getting everything out in the open and working past differences/challenges/disagreements, in order to strengthen relationships or find one's empowerment to end unhealthy ties, if necessary. With the link between the Sun and Mercury present all weekend, we're able to find harmony between our conscious will and communicating what we must. READ MORE >>> more

By astrology March 12, 2010

WeeklyScopes for the week of March 8 to 14, 2010

The long-awaited event of Mars moving direct finally occurs mid-week, sandwiched between Venus making challenging alignments with Saturn then Pluto. Relationships and/or finances (Venus) continue to be in focus from the weekend. But now reality sinks in (Saturn), we're even more determined and eager to get our gears in motion (Mars) as we accept that which we uncover (Pluto) during the week. Mars' forward motion ensures more action and follow through with our plans, as well as that which are due us, i.e. delayed payment for work already completed, decisions/actions from others we may have been waiting upon, or if we've let existing matters go unresolved, it's time to face the music. The week closes with the Sun and Mercury blending energies. Both are in Pisces, where insight and understanding may be attained by seeking within. Conversations and interactions may also be more meaningful and agreeable. Logic and reason may be harder to come by. This energy is great for creative projects and/or any type of spiritual pursuits. READ MORE >>> more

By astrology March 07, 2010

Weekend LuvScopes ~ February 26 to 28, 2010

Thank the heavens that this weekend our thoughts and their expression are in sync with the intended meaning we hope to convey. Mercury blends energies with Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius (intellect), while the Sun and Uranus are also united in Pisces (spirituality). The meeting between Mercury (communication), Neptune (enlightenment) and Chiron (understanding) occurs in Aquarius, so expect open and objective discussions. The Sun (potential) and Uranus (awakening) joining forces in Pisces allow for greater depth in our understanding. As the weekend closes, the Full Moon offers release and/or resolution to whatever may be happening with each of our individual situations. With Uranus and Aquarius in play, there is an element of surprise to the weekend...just to keep things even more interesting. READ MORE >>> more

By astrology February 25, 2010

WeeklyScopes for the week February 22 to 28, 2010

A snippet as written for It's a relatively quiet week, as we remain under Neptune and Chiron's umbrella of hopefulness and healing. Building upon their influence are the Pisces-Sun and Pluto who are harmoniously linked to one another as the week begins. As I mentioned last week, Neptune and Chiron coming together is a rare event and powerfully offers us the opportunity to break away from that which holds us back, even if it is our own selves. This week, the Sun and Pluto give us a chance to continue digging deep, while also being compassionate with ourselves. We'll need that compassion, as we continue to uncover and bring forth to the surface what's been hiding behind the shadows (our shadow). READ MORE >>> ~ Click here to read the MonthlyScopes for February 2010 ~ more

By astrology February 21, 2010

Weekend LuvScopes ~ February 19 to 21, 2010

For much of the weekend, it might be the Taurus-Moon that gives us grounding. How ironic. The dreamy Pisces-Sun (conscious will) busily antagonizes Mars (aggression) and Saturn (reality), while also happily befriending Pluto (renewal). Unfortunately, this makes the weekend susceptible to disagreements or annoying passive aggression. The Moon's changeable moods are more stable in Taurus which may provide the need for reason and determination in an otherwise purely intuitively-driven weekend. Luckily, Neptune (insight) and Chiron (healing) remain close enough to still blend energies and help with finding resolutions to situations. Adjustment is key to the weekend. Adjust attitudes and point of view to reflect what is truly at the root of any situation, instead of what may be perceived as reality or truth. READ MORE >>> more

By astrology February 19, 2010

WeeklyScopes for the week of February 15 to 21, 2010

Here's a snippet of the Week's Horoscope as I've written for The week starts off with much of the weekend's energies still focused on relationships. Venus and Pluto hook up, and our significant ties gets a deeper look. All the while, Mars and Saturn also link up, and whatever actions or decisions we make have longterm or permanent affects. It's all very optimistic though because Neptune and Chiron finally perfect their union, offering up some hope and much needed healing or release. This is a rare astrological event that's been two years in the making. It is a powerful energy of gaining insight and breaking through. Do not let it pass without making use of it. Give in to the process. Elsewhere in the sky, Venus is also locked in an embrace with the planet of possibilities and happiness, Jupiter, giving support to Neptune and Chiron's efforts. READ MORE >>> Click here to read the MonthlyScopes for February 2010 more

By astrology February 15, 2010

Weekend LuvScopes ~ February 12 to 14, 2010

A snippet of original post: Click here to read more How fitting that the weekend's celestial happenings give a focus to love, relationships and that they entail on this Valentine's Day weekend. Everyone in the sky above gets in on the action and ready in hand with their message – love's romanticized definition (Venus in Pisces); the commitment and work required within a relationship (Saturn in Libra); the give and take, forgiveness, faith and trust involved (Chiron and Neptune); the emotional/physical connection that goes along with it (Mars); the ability to grow personally as individuals and how that extends to the continual growth of the union (Pluto); and maybe even, the true meaning of unconditional love (Venus in Pisces).  READ MORE >>> more

By astrology February 11, 2010

WeeklyScopes Posted! January 25 to 31, 2010

A snippet of the week's horoscope as I've written for WeeklyScopes ~ January 25 to 31, 2010 Mercury, now direct and still in Capricorn, starts off the week in a pickle with Mars who is still retrograde in Leo. Mid-week to Friday, Venus followed by the Sun, who are both in Aquarius, will also each connect with Mars. All this Martian energy in Leo against Capricorn and Aquarius are filled with willfulness and purpose but there is conflict in what approach and direction to take. As we relate (Venus) to our individual situations, our conscious will (the Sun) is determined to immediately break away and move forward (Aquarius). But our minds (Mercury) analyze the here, the now, the consequences; and we're urged to take the more conservative route (Capricorn). Be level-headed. To some degree, we can be thankful that Mars is retrograde and in a more introspective state. Lest our actions/decisions may work at cross-purposes. Yielding to Jupiter might also be beneficial; he has been in the peaceable, insightful sign of Pisces for about a week now. Those who are early born water signs or whose birth charts carries significant weight in water might be able to tap into Jupiter's energies more readily. READ MORE>>> more

By astrology January 24, 2010

Jupiter in Pisces ~ January 17 to June 6, 2010

On January 17 at 9:17 p.m. (EST), Jupiter, the "Great Benefic", leaves the electric, unpredictable sign of Aquarius for the familiar waters of inspired Pisces, a zodiac sign that he jointly rules with Neptune which he has not visited in over a decade. Jupiter remains in Pisces through June 6, 2010. Jupiter later retrogrades, however, and returns to Pisces once more from September 9, 2010 until January 23, 2011. Jupiter represents good luck, joy, expansion, opportunities, higher education, and personal growth through our interests, experience and spirituality. He also governs publishing, travel, foreigners and exposure to other cultures. At best, Jupiter brings a wealth of knowledge, understanding, growth, as well as financial gains. At worst, overindulgent, excessive, wasteful and unable to get past "dreaming" of the possibilities. Pisces is imaginative, creative, receptive and peace-loving. Pisces governs mysticism, spirituality, intuition, dreams, psychic abilities, compassion, sacrificial love, escapism, drug/substance abuse, phobias and mental problems. At best, Pisces is spiritually/psychically attune to the inner-workings within the "unseen" world and able to apply this awareness in the "seen" world. At worst, deluded, diffident and incapable of functioning in the physical realm. READ MORE>>> more

By astrology January 16, 2010

New Moon Eclipse in Capricorn ~ January 15, 2010

New Moons signify rebirth, beginnings, a clean slate, the start of a new cycle. This New Moon occurs on January 15 at 2:11 a.m. is preceded by a Solar Eclipse at 2:07 a.m., highlighting Capricorn qualities (ambitious, determined, disciplined, conservative) and 10th house themes (professional pursuits, long term goals, public reputation). Capricorn is natively ruled by Saturn, who is retrograde in Libra. In Capricorn, the Moon is goal-oriented, unemotional, practical, structured, and organized. Eclipses are powerfully charged full and new moons (Understanding Eclipses), extending the usual influence of approximately two weeks to a reach of up to six months! A downside to eclipses is the tension in the air as the energy builds up to the eclipse itself. The days approaching an eclipse bring unexpected events or issues that can be disruptive and have long-term effects. Dealing with these unexpected situations require a sensitive touch and wisdom must be applied, even in the midst of chaos and/or uncertainty. This Eclipsed Capricorn-New Moon (heart&soul;) conjunct the North Node (life path) and Venus (love&money) plus both the New Moon and Venus sextile Uranus (awakening & change), giving this already powerful new moon even greater depth. The Sun, Moon, North Node and Venus in Capricorn are open to restructure existing foundations, give established ways/methods a renewal and create a new norm. The link to Uranus allows for what needs rebirth/reformation to be unconventional, unique, and perhaps, even radical. READ MORE >>>> more

By astrology January 13, 2010

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Saints Peter and Paul School


By Jenny M 1

I highly recommend Saints Peter and Paul School to anyone in the San Francisco area. more

Saints Peter and Paul School


By Jenny M 1

I highly recommend Saints Peter and Paul School to anyone in the San Francisco area. more

Saints Peter and Paul School


By Petra987

My child has the opportunity to participate in multiple activities at Saints Peter & Paul Church. They have yearbook, choir, musicals, newspaper, student government, and so much more there. It's a great environment to have your child shine. more

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