Top articles for Social Services

List of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Jobs

List of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Jobs

Child and adolescent mental health occupations are for people who want to help young adults and children with their issues. These jobs range from being a psychologist who will listen and be aware of a child's problems or a caretaker who will support and care for a child with a mental disability. more

What are the Types of Social Service Jobs?

What are the Types of Social Service Jobs?

There are a wide variety of jobs in social service. From healthcare to government positions, social service jobs provide vital resources to people in need. Some work with children while others may work with the elderly. Many people in our communities rely on the services these trained professionals provide. more

How to Get Infant Mental Health Jobs

How to Get Infant Mental Health Jobs

In this time of economic turmoil, jobs in health care are among the most stable and satisfying careers to be in. Healthcare provider is synonymous to recession proof. Health is everyone’s concern even in the midst of financial crisis, thus one of the most demanding jobs available is infant mental health jobs. more

How to Report an Address Change to the Health and Human Services

How to Report an Address Change to the Health and Human Services

The Department of Health and Human Services provides benefits to millions of low income families in the form of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), food stamps and Medicaid benefits. It is necessary to keep all information on file with the Department of Health and Human Services up-to-date at all times including a current address. more

Types of Good Community Service Projects

Types of Good Community Service Projects

Community service does not have to be a sentence from doing something wrong. In fact, you can do community service for the sake of helping others or beautifying the environment. A day a week can be enough to make a difference in the world around you, but you first must know where there are places to volunteer at. more

How to Get Free Government Assistance to Repair Your Home

How to Get Free Government Assistance to Repair Your Home

If your home is in desperate need of serious repair but you just don't have the money, you may be eligible to receive assistance from the government to cover the costs. There are certain requirements and an application process to complete but if you qualify, you can have your home fixed up without having to pay any out-of-pocket expenses. more

How to Report Welfare Fraud

How to Report Welfare Fraud

If you have witnessed welfare fraud you should report it right away.  To report fraud write down all of the details of the fraud you have witnessed and file a report with the welfare office in your county.  Make sure to be thorough about your claim and check back with the welfare office occasionally to see if they have looked into the matter. more

How to Find Free Community Services

How to Find Free Community Services

You may need to find free community services if you or your family have fallen on hard times.  To find these services contact the Social Services office for your county or look for churches that offer assistance to community members.  Also, you can call 2-1-1 to get information about the types of services that are offered in your area for free. more

How to Increase Your Child Support

How to Increase Your Child Support

If a couple with children choose to separate or divorce, the custodial parent possesses the right to be supported with the expenses associated with raising the child or children. Child support orders are ascertained by taking into consideration the income of both parents. Circumstances can change, and a increase in salary for the other parent can result in the need for increased child support. more

How to Garnish Wages for Child Support

How to Garnish Wages for Child Support

Wage garnishment is performed by your state agency of child support enforcement or the Attorney General's office. The goal of wage garnishment is to guarantee that children receive the financial support that is needed.  The child support is removed immediately from the payroll check a parent and mailed to the custodial parent. The earlier the application is processed, the sooner support can be received. more

Recent Reviews View all

City of Pasadena


By Reviewer101ForReal at Citysearch

Pregnant prenatal checkups are horrible/sucks here. You are only seen by nurse practitioners at this hospital. I was not diagnosed/checked properly by their prenatal staff and lost my 19 1/2 weeks fetus because of an undetected weak uterus. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS PLACE FOR PRENATAL CHECKUPS. See a real doctor only. I asked these nurses that I would like to see the Ob/Gyn (Dr.) and they said I wasn't considered high-risk since all my tests were fine and I had a healthy record. baby girl was the sacrifice. I will never go to this place EVER again. more

Shepherd'd Door Domestic Violence Resource Center


By Blue Moose Vending

This group helps those of us in terrible situations. They save lives. Support them and help in anyway you can contribute. Blue Moose Vending Management 714-409-0392 more

Shepherd'd Door Domestic Violence Resource Center



It's great to know there are people to help out there. Check out our web site it might help! Thank You very much for joining our network, we look forward to hearing more from you! Matthew Wagner 541-997-6100 more

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Shepherd's Door Educate, Empower, and Encourage

Hello to All, Shepherd's Door shares a little of what we have been doing in the community. It has been an incredibly busy beginning of the year. We have done 12 Youth Violence Prevention Education Workshops on Healthy Relationship vs. Unhealthy Relationship serving over 300 middle and high school students. It has been a journey not to mention the participation of the students has been great, and the evaluations are unbelievable what they learn. Shepherd's Door continues to raise awareness in the community. While we are proud to say we are celebrating 17 years of service to victims of domestic violence and survivors it has been a financial challenge to meet the needs of the many victims that come and call us for help. March is Women History Month on Saturday, March 25, 2017, we had our 8th Annual Women, Wealth, Warriors Entrepreneurs Luncheon where we had eight beautiful dynamic women on a panel sharing their challenge and success of being a woman business owner. Assemblymember Chris Holden graced us with his presence and gave Certificates of Recognition for all they do to help others and the success of their business. As we are rapidly moving into 2017, we look forward to helping many. We need your financial support to continue to provide many services to victims of domestic violence. The need is Big! The problem is Big. We are a non-profit organization and can only sustain if you support us. Please donate atwww.shepherddoor.orgYour donation is tax deductible, Please see some photos of activities and events. Thank you for your support. more

By Shepherd'd Door Domestic Violence Resource Center March 29, 2017

Shepherd's Door Domestic Violence Resource Center

Greetings to All, It has been a while since we did an update on Shepherd's Door Domestic Violence Program. However, we have been extremely busy making a difference in the lives of victims of domestic violence and survivors of abuse. We are proud to say we are now at our location for 18 months and growing. We are expanding and growing daily. We have a Youth Violence Prevention Education Program Healthy Relationships vs. Unhealthy Relationship. We had the opportunity this school year to do 12 workshops with over 804 middle and high school students. It was magnificent! The students engaged and asked a lot of questions as well as shared experiences with themselves, family members and friends. We are breaking the cycle of domestic violence by educating our youth with knowledge that can take them throughout their adult lives while choosing a mate. We must teach our children it is not ok to be in an unhealthy relationship. Our goal this school year is to reach 1,200-1,500 students. We now have two full-time volunteers, and that is exciting. We need them they are GREAT! The Healing Art Workshops are for victims of trauma another way individuals are healing themselves through art and colors fantastic workshop. Shepherd's Door is a non-profit organization, and we service over 300 individuals a year, men, women, and youth. We can only continue to do the work if you will continue to support us. Please make a donation of any amount. Everything counts when you are working with individuals who often have to leave everything they own. You can donate on our website with Paypal a secure site: or mail a check to Shepherd's Door P.O. Box 40441 Pasadena, CA 91104. You can support Shepherd's Door while shopping Amazon. Please click on the link below. When you #StartWithaSmile on #PrimeDay, Amazon donates to Shepherds Door. Shop for great deals at;=91-2077919 Thank you for your support you are making a difference in the lives of victims domestic. more

By Shepherd'd Door Domestic Violence Resource Center June 30, 2016

Youth Violence Prevention Education Workshop

Shepherd's Door Healthy Relationship vs Unhealthy Relationship Workshop at Pasadena High School, the Law and Policy Academy. September 2015. Wonderful students they asked a lot of questions. The interest was astonishing and the evaluation was unbelievable what these students learned! more

By Shepherd'd Door Domestic Violence Resource Center December 29, 2015

Where do you need Social Services ?